This folder contains practicals from multiple sources. A large majority of these practicals are from within the Computer Science department at UCT. They are in no way mine. They were created by the following people:
There are two folders within this repository the Course folder and the Others folder. The Course 📁 refers to the practicals that were given to us during the course in 2018 and the Others 📁 refers to the other practicals that I worked through.
I added the tables below in order to easily visualize how all the practicals are going. If you have completed a practical in a different way(perhaps more efficient, or in a different language 😎) please add it to the repository!
Practical | Status | Mark |
Modulus | Completed | 100/100 |
Scoring | Completed | 100/100 |
Open Practical | Half-complete | NA |
Practical | Status | Mark |
Dividing | Incomplete | 0/100 |
Pricing | Complete | 100/100 |
Practical | Status | Mark |
Cycling | Completed | 100/100 |
Path | Incomplete | 0/100 |
Note some practicals do not have a mark, so simply say NA in the mark column