diff --git a/src/Juvix/Compiler/Backend/Html/Translation/FromTyped.hs b/src/Juvix/Compiler/Backend/Html/Translation/FromTyped.hs
index c34c6c676d..4305f162e8 100644
--- a/src/Juvix/Compiler/Backend/Html/Translation/FromTyped.hs
+++ b/src/Juvix/Compiler/Backend/Html/Translation/FromTyped.hs
@@ -423,6 +423,7 @@ goStatement = \case
StatementInductive t -> goInductive t
StatementOpenModule t -> goOpen t
StatementFunctionDef t -> goFunctionDef t
+ StatementDeriving t -> goDeriving t
StatementSyntax syn -> goSyntax syn
StatementImport t -> goImport t
StatementModule m -> goLocalModule m
@@ -537,13 +538,15 @@ goAxiom axiom = do
axiomHeader :: Sem r Html
axiomHeader = ppCodeHtml defaultOptions (set axiomDoc Nothing axiom)
+goDeriving :: forall r. (Members '[Reader HtmlOptions] r) => Deriving 'Scoped -> Sem r Html
+goDeriving def = do
+ sig <- ppHelper (ppCode def)
+ defHeader (def ^. derivingFunLhs . funLhsName) sig Nothing
goFunctionDef :: forall r. (Members '[Reader HtmlOptions] r) => FunctionDef 'Scoped -> Sem r Html
goFunctionDef def = do
- sig' <- funSig
- defHeader (def ^. signName) sig' (def ^. signDoc)
- where
- funSig :: Sem r Html
- funSig = ppHelper (ppCode (functionDefLhs def))
+ sig <- ppHelper (ppCode (functionDefLhs def))
+ defHeader (def ^. signName) sig (def ^. signDoc)
goInductive :: forall r. (Members '[Reader HtmlOptions] r) => InductiveDef 'Scoped -> Sem r Html
goInductive def = do
diff --git a/src/Juvix/Compiler/Backend/Markdown/Translation/FromTyped/Source.hs b/src/Juvix/Compiler/Backend/Markdown/Translation/FromTyped/Source.hs
index f4c849fc3b..ac53b3c3b5 100644
--- a/src/Juvix/Compiler/Backend/Markdown/Translation/FromTyped/Source.hs
+++ b/src/Juvix/Compiler/Backend/Markdown/Translation/FromTyped/Source.hs
@@ -213,12 +213,13 @@ indModuleFilter :: forall s. [Concrete.Statement s] -> [Concrete.Statement s]
indModuleFilter =
( \case
- Concrete.StatementSyntax _ -> True
- Concrete.StatementFunctionDef _ -> True
- Concrete.StatementImport _ -> True
- Concrete.StatementInductive _ -> True
Concrete.StatementModule o -> o ^. Concrete.moduleOrigin == LocalModuleSource
- Concrete.StatementOpenModule _ -> True
- Concrete.StatementAxiom _ -> True
- Concrete.StatementProjectionDef _ -> True
+ Concrete.StatementSyntax {} -> True
+ Concrete.StatementFunctionDef {} -> True
+ Concrete.StatementDeriving {} -> True
+ Concrete.StatementImport {} -> True
+ Concrete.StatementInductive {} -> True
+ Concrete.StatementOpenModule {} -> True
+ Concrete.StatementAxiom {} -> True
+ Concrete.StatementProjectionDef {} -> True
diff --git a/src/Juvix/Compiler/Concrete/Data/Builtins.hs b/src/Juvix/Compiler/Concrete/Data/Builtins.hs
index 4537498e5f..64ab634fd3 100644
--- a/src/Juvix/Compiler/Concrete/Data/Builtins.hs
+++ b/src/Juvix/Compiler/Concrete/Data/Builtins.hs
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ data BuiltinFunction
| BuiltinIntLe
| BuiltinIntLt
| BuiltinFromNat
- | BuiltinIsEq
+ | BuiltinIsEqual
| BuiltinFromInt
| BuiltinSeq
| BuiltinMonadBind
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ instance Pretty BuiltinFunction where
BuiltinFromNat -> Str.fromNat
BuiltinFromInt -> Str.fromInt
BuiltinSeq -> Str.builtinSeq
- BuiltinIsEq -> Str.isEqual
+ BuiltinIsEqual -> Str.isEqual
BuiltinMonadBind -> Str.builtinMonadBind
data BuiltinAxiom
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ isNatBuiltin = \case
BuiltinNatLt -> True
BuiltinNatEq -> True
- BuiltinIsEq -> False
+ BuiltinIsEqual -> False
BuiltinAssert -> False
BuiltinBoolIf -> False
BuiltinBoolOr -> False
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ isIntBuiltin = \case
BuiltinFromNat -> False
BuiltinFromInt -> False
BuiltinSeq -> False
- BuiltinIsEq -> False
+ BuiltinIsEqual -> False
BuiltinMonadBind -> False
isCastBuiltin :: BuiltinFunction -> Bool
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ isCastBuiltin = \case
BuiltinFromNat -> True
BuiltinFromInt -> True
- BuiltinIsEq -> False
+ BuiltinIsEqual -> False
BuiltinAssert -> False
BuiltinIntEq -> False
BuiltinIntPlus -> False
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ isIgnoredBuiltin f
.&&. (not . isIntBuiltin)
.&&. (not . isCastBuiltin)
.&&. (/= BuiltinMonadBind)
- .&&. (/= BuiltinIsEq)
+ .&&. (/= BuiltinIsEqual)
$ f
explicit :: Bool
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ isIgnoredBuiltin f
BuiltinNatLt -> False
BuiltinNatEq -> False
-- Eq
- BuiltinIsEq -> False
+ BuiltinIsEqual -> False
-- Monad
BuiltinMonadBind -> False
-- Ignored
diff --git a/src/Juvix/Compiler/Concrete/Translation/FromParsed/Analysis/Scoping.hs b/src/Juvix/Compiler/Concrete/Translation/FromParsed/Analysis/Scoping.hs
index c790b5b1b6..3b5abbcc6e 100644
--- a/src/Juvix/Compiler/Concrete/Translation/FromParsed/Analysis/Scoping.hs
+++ b/src/Juvix/Compiler/Concrete/Translation/FromParsed/Analysis/Scoping.hs
@@ -1052,19 +1052,108 @@ resolveIteratorSyntaxDef s@IteratorSyntaxDef {..} = do
(@$>) :: (Functor m) => (a -> m ()) -> a -> m a
(@$>) f a = f a $> a
-withFunctionDefLhs ::
- FunctionLhs 'Parsed ->
- (FunctionLhs 'Scoped -> Sem r a)
- Sem r a
-withFunctionDefLhs FunctionLhs {..} checkBody = do
- body' <- withLocalScope $ do
- args' <- mapM checkArg _funLhsArgs
- ret' <- mapM checkParseExpressionAtoms _funLhsRetType
- let lhs' = FunctionLhs {
- _funLhsArgs = args',
- _funLhsRetType = ret'
- }
- checkBody lhs'
+checkDeriving ::
+ ( Members
+ '[ State Scope,
+ Error ScoperError,
+ State ScoperState,
+ Reader ScopeParameters,
+ Reader InfoTable,
+ Reader PackageId,
+ HighlightBuilder,
+ InfoTableBuilder,
+ NameIdGen,
+ State ScoperSyntax,
+ Reader BindingStrategy
+ ]
+ r
+ ) =>
+ Deriving 'Parsed ->
+ Sem r (Deriving 'Scoped)
+checkDeriving Deriving {..} = withLocalScope $ do
+ let lhs@FunctionLhs {..} = _derivingFunLhs
+ args' <- mapM checkSigArg _funLhsArgs
+ ret' <- mapM checkParseExpressionAtoms _funLhsRetType
+ name' <-
+ if
+ | P.isLhsFunctionLike lhs -> getReservedDefinitionSymbol _funLhsName
+ | otherwise -> reserveFunctionSymbol lhs
+ let lhs' =
+ FunctionLhs
+ { _funLhsArgs = args',
+ _funLhsRetType = ret',
+ _funLhsName = name',
+ ..
+ }
+ return
+ Deriving
+ { _derivingFunLhs = lhs',
+ ..
+ }
+checkSigArg ::
+ ( Members
+ '[ State Scope,
+ Error ScoperError,
+ State ScoperState,
+ Reader ScopeParameters,
+ Reader InfoTable,
+ Reader PackageId,
+ HighlightBuilder,
+ InfoTableBuilder,
+ NameIdGen,
+ State ScoperSyntax,
+ Reader BindingStrategy
+ ]
+ r
+ ) =>
+ SigArg 'Parsed ->
+ Sem r (SigArg 'Scoped)
+checkSigArg arg@SigArg {..} = do
+ names' <- checkSigArgNames _sigArgNames
+ ty' <- mapM checkParseExpressionAtoms _sigArgType
+ default' <- case _sigArgDefault of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just ArgDefault {..} ->
+ let err = throw (ErrWrongDefaultValue WrongDefaultValue {_wrongDefaultValue = arg})
+ in case _sigArgImplicit of
+ Explicit -> err
+ ImplicitInstance -> err
+ Implicit -> do
+ val' <- checkParseExpressionAtoms _argDefaultValue
+ return (Just ArgDefault {_argDefaultValue = val', ..})
+ return
+ SigArg
+ { _sigArgNames = names',
+ _sigArgType = ty',
+ _sigArgDefault = default',
+ ..
+ }
+checkSigArgNames ::
+ ( Members
+ '[ State Scope,
+ Error ScoperError,
+ State ScoperState,
+ Reader ScopeParameters,
+ Reader InfoTable,
+ Reader PackageId,
+ HighlightBuilder,
+ InfoTableBuilder,
+ NameIdGen,
+ State ScoperSyntax,
+ Reader BindingStrategy
+ ]
+ r
+ ) =>
+ SigArgNames 'Parsed ->
+ Sem r (SigArgNames 'Scoped)
+checkSigArgNames = \case
+ SigArgNamesInstance -> return SigArgNamesInstance
+ SigArgNames ns -> fmap SigArgNames . forM ns $ \case
+ ArgumentSymbol s -> ArgumentSymbol <$> bindVariableSymbol s
+ ArgumentWildcard w -> return (ArgumentWildcard w)
checkFunctionDef ::
forall r.
@@ -1074,7 +1163,7 @@ checkFunctionDef ::
checkFunctionDef fdef@FunctionDef {..} = do
sigDoc' <- mapM checkJudoc _signDoc
(args', sigType', sigBody') <- withLocalScope $ do
- a' <- mapM checkArg _signArgs
+ a' <- mapM checkSigArg _signArgs
t' <- mapM checkParseExpressionAtoms _signRetType
b' <- checkBody
return (a', t', b')
@@ -1094,34 +1183,6 @@ checkFunctionDef fdef@FunctionDef {..} = do
registerNameSignature (sigName' ^. S.nameId) def
registerFunctionDef @$> def
- checkSigArgNames :: SigArgNames 'Parsed -> Sem r (SigArgNames 'Scoped)
- checkSigArgNames = \case
- SigArgNamesInstance -> return SigArgNamesInstance
- SigArgNames ns -> fmap SigArgNames . forM ns $ \case
- ArgumentSymbol s -> ArgumentSymbol <$> bindVariableSymbol s
- ArgumentWildcard w -> return (ArgumentWildcard w)
- checkArg :: SigArg 'Parsed -> Sem r (SigArg 'Scoped)
- checkArg arg@SigArg {..} = do
- names' <- checkSigArgNames _sigArgNames
- ty' <- mapM checkParseExpressionAtoms _sigArgType
- default' <- case _sigArgDefault of
- Nothing -> return Nothing
- Just ArgDefault {..} ->
- let err = throw (ErrWrongDefaultValue WrongDefaultValue {_wrongDefaultValue = arg})
- in case _sigArgImplicit of
- Explicit -> err
- ImplicitInstance -> err
- Implicit -> do
- val' <- checkParseExpressionAtoms _argDefaultValue
- return (Just ArgDefault {_argDefaultValue = val', ..})
- return
- SigArg
- { _sigArgNames = names',
- _sigArgType = ty',
- _sigArgDefault = default',
- ..
- }
checkBody :: Sem r (FunctionDefBody 'Scoped)
checkBody = case _signBody of
SigBodyExpression e -> SigBodyExpression <$> checkParseExpressionAtoms e
@@ -2196,6 +2257,7 @@ checkLetStatements =
DefinitionFunctionDef d -> LetFunctionDef d
DefinitionSyntax syn -> fromSyn syn
DefinitionInductive {} -> impossible
+ DefinitionDeriving {} -> impossible
DefinitionProjectionDef {} -> impossible
DefinitionAxiom {} -> impossible
diff --git a/src/Juvix/Compiler/Concrete/Translation/FromSource.hs b/src/Juvix/Compiler/Concrete/Translation/FromSource.hs
index db5d3be01e..8130da10a5 100644
--- a/src/Juvix/Compiler/Concrete/Translation/FromSource.hs
+++ b/src/Juvix/Compiler/Concrete/Translation/FromSource.hs
@@ -1368,14 +1368,13 @@ functionDefinition opts _signBuiltin = P.label "" $ do
_signBody <- parseBody
( isJust (_funLhsColonKw ^. unIrrelevant)
- || (maybe True P.isBodyExpression _signBody && null _funLhsArgs)
+ || (P.isBodyExpression _signBody && null _funLhsArgs)
$ parseFailure off "expected result type"
{ _signName = _funLhsName,
_signArgs = _funLhsArgs,
- _signDeriving = _funLhsDeriving,
_signColonKw = _funLhsColonKw,
_signRetType = _funLhsRetType,
_signTerminating = _funLhsTerminating,
diff --git a/src/Juvix/Compiler/Core/Translation/Stripped/FromCore.hs b/src/Juvix/Compiler/Core/Translation/Stripped/FromCore.hs
index 59b75ff729..c90354ad68 100644
--- a/src/Juvix/Compiler/Core/Translation/Stripped/FromCore.hs
+++ b/src/Juvix/Compiler/Core/Translation/Stripped/FromCore.hs
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ fromCore fsize tab =
BuiltinIntLe -> False
BuiltinIntLt -> False
BuiltinSeq -> False
- BuiltinIsEq -> False
+ BuiltinIsEqual -> False
BuiltinMonadBind -> True -- TODO revise
BuiltinFromNat -> True
BuiltinFromInt -> True
diff --git a/src/Juvix/Compiler/Internal/Extra/Base.hs b/src/Juvix/Compiler/Internal/Extra/Base.hs
index cde2d3a091..8573a0916c 100644
--- a/src/Juvix/Compiler/Internal/Extra/Base.hs
+++ b/src/Juvix/Compiler/Internal/Extra/Base.hs
@@ -424,12 +424,15 @@ foldApplication f args = case nonEmpty args of
unfoldApplication' :: Application -> (Expression, NonEmpty ApplicationArg)
unfoldApplication' (Application l' r' i') = second (|: (ApplicationArg i' r')) (unfoldExpressionApp l')
--- TODO make it tail recursive
unfoldExpressionApp :: Expression -> (Expression, [ApplicationArg])
-unfoldExpressionApp = \case
- ExpressionApplication (Application l r i) ->
- second (`snoc` ApplicationArg i r) (unfoldExpressionApp l)
- e -> (e, [])
+unfoldExpressionApp = swap . run . runAccumListReverse . go
+ where
+ go :: Expression -> Sem '[Accum ApplicationArg] Expression
+ go = \case
+ ExpressionApplication (Application l r i) -> do
+ accum (ApplicationArg i r)
+ go l
+ e -> return e
unfoldApplication :: Application -> (Expression, NonEmpty Expression)
unfoldApplication = fmap (fmap (^. appArg)) . unfoldApplication'
diff --git a/src/Juvix/Compiler/Internal/Language.hs b/src/Juvix/Compiler/Internal/Language.hs
index 4f080319b8..8c822bb019 100644
--- a/src/Juvix/Compiler/Internal/Language.hs
+++ b/src/Juvix/Compiler/Internal/Language.hs
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import Juvix.Data.Universe hiding (smallUniverse)
import Juvix.Data.WithLoc
import Juvix.Extra.Serialize
import Juvix.Prelude
+import Juvix.Prelude.Pretty
type Module = Module' MutualBlock
@@ -31,6 +32,18 @@ type PreModuleBody = ModuleBody' PreStatement
newtype PreLetStatement
= PreLetFunctionDef FunctionDef
+-- | Traits that support builtin deriving
+data DerivingTrait = DerivingEq
+ deriving stock (Generic, Data, Bounded, Enum, Show)
+instance IsBuiltin DerivingTrait where
+ toBuiltinPrim :: DerivingTrait -> BuiltinPrim
+ toBuiltinPrim = \case
+ DerivingEq -> toBuiltinPrim BuiltinEq
+instance Pretty DerivingTrait where
+ pretty = pretty . toBuiltinPrim
data PreStatement
= PreFunctionDef FunctionDef
| PreInductiveDef InductiveDef
@@ -484,6 +497,7 @@ data NormalizedExpression = NormalizedExpression
makePrisms ''Expression
+makePrisms ''Iden
makePrisms ''MutualStatement
makeLenses ''SideIfBranch
@@ -584,7 +598,7 @@ instance HasAtomicity Pattern where
PatternWildcardConstructor {} -> Atom
instance HasLoc Module where
- getLoc m = getLoc (m ^. moduleName) <>? maybe Nothing (Just . getLocSpan) (nonEmpty (m ^. moduleBody . moduleStatements))
+ getLoc m = getLoc (m ^. moduleName) <>? fmap getLocSpan (nonEmpty (m ^. moduleBody . moduleStatements))
instance HasLoc MutualBlock where
getLoc = getLocSpan . (^. mutualStatements)
diff --git a/src/Juvix/Compiler/Internal/Translation/FromConcrete.hs b/src/Juvix/Compiler/Internal/Translation/FromConcrete.hs
index 924ecbaf27..acdcb500f2 100644
--- a/src/Juvix/Compiler/Internal/Translation/FromConcrete.hs
+++ b/src/Juvix/Compiler/Internal/Translation/FromConcrete.hs
@@ -275,9 +275,13 @@ goModuleBody ::
goModuleBody stmts = do
_moduleImports <- mapM goImport (scanImports stmts)
otherThanFunctions :: [Indexed Internal.PreStatement] <- concatMapM (traverseM' goAxiomInductive) ss
- functions <- map (fmap Internal.PreFunctionDef) <$> compiledFunctions
- projections <- map (fmap Internal.PreFunctionDef) <$> mkProjections
- let unsorted = otherThanFunctions <> functions <> projections
+ funs :: [Indexed Internal.PreStatement] <-
+ sequence
+ [ Indexed i . Internal.PreFunctionDef <$> d
+ | Indexed i s <- ss,
+ Just d <- [mkFunctionLike s]
+ ]
+ let unsorted = otherThanFunctions <> funs
_moduleStatements = map (^. indexedThing) (sortOn (^. indexedIx) unsorted)
return Internal.ModuleBody {..}
@@ -287,21 +291,17 @@ goModuleBody stmts = do
ss :: [Indexed (Statement 'Scoped)]
ss = zipWith Indexed [0 ..] ss'
- mkProjections :: Sem r [Indexed Internal.FunctionDef]
- mkProjections =
- sequence
- [ Indexed i <$> funDef
- | Indexed i (StatementProjectionDef f) <- ss,
- let funDef = goProjectionDef f
- ]
- compiledFunctions :: Sem r [Indexed Internal.FunctionDef]
- compiledFunctions =
- sequence
- [ Indexed i <$> funDef
- | Indexed i (StatementFunctionDef f) <- ss,
- let funDef = goFunctionDef f
- ]
+ mkFunctionLike :: Statement 'Scoped -> Maybe (Sem r (Internal.FunctionDef))
+ mkFunctionLike s = case s of
+ StatementFunctionDef d -> Just (goFunctionDef d)
+ StatementProjectionDef d -> Just (goProjectionDef d)
+ StatementDeriving d -> Just (goDeriving d)
+ StatementSyntax {} -> Nothing
+ StatementImport {} -> Nothing
+ StatementInductive {} -> Nothing
+ StatementModule {} -> Nothing
+ StatementOpenModule {} -> Nothing
+ StatementAxiom {} -> Nothing
scanImports :: [Statement 'Scoped] -> [Import 'Scoped]
scanImports = mconcatMap go
@@ -388,12 +388,70 @@ goNameSignature = mconcatMapM (fmap toList . goBlock) . (^. nameSignatureArgs)
_argInfoName = goSymbol <$> (i ^. nameItemSymbol)
+goDeriving ::
+ forall r.
+ (Members '[Reader DefaultArgsStack, Reader Pragmas, Error ScoperError, NameIdGen, Reader S.InfoTable] r) =>
+ Deriving 'Scoped ->
+ Sem r Internal.FunctionDef
+goDeriving Deriving {..} = do
+ let FunctionLhs {..} = _derivingFunLhs
+ name = goSymbol _funLhsName
+ (funArgs, ret) <- Internal.unfoldFunType <$> goDefType _derivingFunLhs
+ let (mtrait, traitArgs) = Internal.unfoldExpressionApp ret
+ der <- findDerivingTrait mtrait
+ deriveTrait der name funArgs traitArgs
+deriveTrait ::
+ (Members '[Reader S.InfoTable, NameIdGen] r) =>
+ Internal.DerivingTrait ->
+ Internal.Name ->
+ [Internal.FunctionParameter] ->
+ [Internal.ApplicationArg] ->
+ Sem r Internal.FunctionDef
+deriveTrait = \case
+ Internal.DerivingEq -> deriveEq
+findDerivingTrait ::
+ ( Members
+ '[ Error ScoperError,
+ Reader S.InfoTable
+ ]
+ r
+ ) =>
+ Internal.Expression ->
+ Sem r Internal.DerivingTrait
+findDerivingTrait e = do
+ i :: Internal.Name <- maybe (throw err) return (e ^? Internal._ExpressionIden . Internal._IdenInductive)
+ tbl :: BuiltinsTable <- asks (^. S.infoBuiltins)
+ let isTrait :: Internal.DerivingTrait -> Bool
+ isTrait t = Just i == (goSymbol <$> tbl ^. at (toBuiltinPrim t))
+ maybe (throw err) return (find isTrait allElements)
+ where
+ err :: ScoperError
+ err = error "TODO It is only possible to derive ...."
+deriveEq ::
+ (Members '[Reader S.InfoTable, NameIdGen] r) =>
+ Internal.Name ->
+ [Internal.FunctionParameter] ->
+ [Internal.ApplicationArg] ->
+ Sem r Internal.FunctionDef
+deriveEq name funParam args = do
+ return
+ Internal.FunctionDef
+ { _funDefTerminating = False,
+ _funDefIsInstanceCoercion = Just Internal.IsInstanceCoercionInstance,
+ _funDefPragmas = mempty,
+ _funDefDocComment = Nothing,
+ _funDefBuiltin = Nothing
+ }
goFunctionDef ::
forall r.
(Members '[Reader DefaultArgsStack, Reader Pragmas, Error ScoperError, NameIdGen, Reader S.InfoTable] r) =>
FunctionDef 'Scoped ->
Sem r Internal.FunctionDef
-goFunctionDef FunctionDef {..} = do
+goFunctionDef def@FunctionDef {..} = do
let _funDefName = goSymbol _signName
_funDefTerminating = isJust _signTerminating
@@ -402,7 +460,7 @@ goFunctionDef FunctionDef {..} = do
| otherwise = Nothing
_funDefCoercion = isJust _signCoercion
_funDefBuiltin = (^. withLocParam) <$> _signBuiltin
- _funDefType <- goDefType
+ _funDefType <- goDefType (functionDefLhs def)
_funDefPragmas <- goPragmas _signPragmas
_funDefBody <- goBody
msig <- asks (^. S.infoNameSigs . at (_funDefName ^. Internal.nameId))
@@ -436,63 +494,79 @@ goFunctionDef FunctionDef {..} = do
let _lambdaType :: Maybe Internal.Expression = Nothing
return (Internal.ExpressionLambda Internal.Lambda {..})
- goDefType :: Sem r Internal.Expression
- goDefType = do
- args <- concatMapM (fmap toList . argToParam) _signArgs
- ret <- maybe freshHole goExpression _signRetType
- return (Internal.foldFunType args ret)
- where
- freshHole :: Sem r Internal.Expression
- freshHole = do
- i <- freshNameId
- let loc = maybe (getLoc _signName) getLoc (lastMay _signArgs)
- h = mkHole loc i
- return $ Internal.ExpressionHole h
- argToParam :: SigArg 'Scoped -> Sem r (NonEmpty Internal.FunctionParameter)
- argToParam a@SigArg {..} = do
- let _paramImplicit = _sigArgImplicit
- _paramType <- case _sigArgType of
- Nothing -> return (Internal.smallUniverseE (getLoc a))
- Just ty -> goExpression ty
- let _paramImpligoExpressioncit = _sigArgImplicit
- noName = Internal.FunctionParameter {_paramName = Nothing, ..}
- mk :: Concrete.Argument 'Scoped -> Internal.FunctionParameter
- mk ma =
- let _paramName =
- case ma of
- Concrete.ArgumentSymbol s -> Just (goSymbol s)
- Concrete.ArgumentWildcard {} -> Nothing
- in Internal.FunctionParameter {..}
- arguments :: Maybe (NonEmpty (Argument 'Scoped))
- arguments = case _sigArgNames of
- SigArgNamesInstance -> Nothing
- SigArgNames ns -> Just ns
- return (maybe (pure noName) (fmap mk) arguments)
- argToPattern :: SigArg 'Scoped -> Sem r (NonEmpty Internal.PatternArg)
- argToPattern arg@SigArg {..} = do
- let _patternArgIsImplicit = _sigArgImplicit
- _patternArgName :: Maybe Internal.Name = Nothing
- noName = goWildcard (Wildcard (getLoc arg))
- goWildcard w = do
- _patternArgPattern <- Internal.PatternVariable <$> varFromWildcard w
- return Internal.PatternArg {..}
- mk :: Concrete.Argument 'Scoped -> Sem r Internal.PatternArg
- mk = \case
- Concrete.ArgumentSymbol s ->
- let _patternArgPattern = Internal.PatternVariable (goSymbol s)
- in return Internal.PatternArg {..}
- Concrete.ArgumentWildcard w -> goWildcard w
+argToPattern ::
+ forall r.
+ (Members '[NameIdGen] r) =>
+ SigArg 'Scoped ->
+ Sem r (NonEmpty Internal.PatternArg)
+argToPattern arg@SigArg {..} = do
+ let _patternArgIsImplicit = _sigArgImplicit
+ _patternArgName :: Maybe Internal.Name = Nothing
+ noName = goWildcard (Wildcard (getLoc arg))
+ goWildcard w = do
+ _patternArgPattern <- Internal.PatternVariable <$> varFromWildcard w
+ return Internal.PatternArg {..}
+ mk :: Concrete.Argument 'Scoped -> Sem r Internal.PatternArg
+ mk = \case
+ Concrete.ArgumentSymbol s ->
+ let _patternArgPattern = Internal.PatternVariable (goSymbol s)
+ in return Internal.PatternArg {..}
+ Concrete.ArgumentWildcard w -> goWildcard w
+ arguments :: Maybe (NonEmpty (Argument 'Scoped))
+ arguments = case _sigArgNames of
+ SigArgNamesInstance -> Nothing
+ SigArgNames ns -> Just ns
+ maybe (pure <$> noName) (mapM mk) arguments
+goDefType ::
+ forall r.
+ ( Members
+ '[ Reader DefaultArgsStack,
+ NameIdGen,
+ Error ScoperError,
+ Reader Pragmas,
+ Reader S.InfoTable
+ ]
+ r
+ ) =>
+ FunctionLhs 'Scoped ->
+ Sem r Internal.Expression
+goDefType FunctionLhs {..} = do
+ args <- concatMapM (fmap toList . argToParam) _funLhsArgs
+ ret <- maybe freshHole goExpression _funLhsRetType
+ return (Internal.foldFunType args ret)
+ where
+ freshHole :: Sem r Internal.Expression
+ freshHole = do
+ i <- freshNameId
+ let loc = maybe (getLoc _funLhsName) getLoc (lastMay _funLhsArgs)
+ h = mkHole loc i
+ return $ Internal.ExpressionHole h
+ argToParam :: SigArg 'Scoped -> Sem r (NonEmpty Internal.FunctionParameter)
+ argToParam a@SigArg {..} = do
+ let _paramImplicit = _sigArgImplicit
+ _paramType <- case _sigArgType of
+ Nothing -> return (Internal.smallUniverseE (getLoc a))
+ Just ty -> goExpression ty
+ let _paramImpligoExpressioncit = _sigArgImplicit
+ noName = Internal.FunctionParameter {_paramName = Nothing, ..}
+ mk :: Concrete.Argument 'Scoped -> Internal.FunctionParameter
+ mk ma =
+ let _paramName =
+ case ma of
+ Concrete.ArgumentSymbol s -> Just (goSymbol s)
+ Concrete.ArgumentWildcard {} -> Nothing
+ in Internal.FunctionParameter {..}
arguments :: Maybe (NonEmpty (Argument 'Scoped))
arguments = case _sigArgNames of
SigArgNamesInstance -> Nothing
SigArgNames ns -> Just ns
- maybe (pure <$> noName) (mapM mk) arguments
+ return (maybe (pure noName) (fmap mk) arguments)
goInductiveParameters ::
forall r.