We need to be able to share code in different applications and version the shared code. Distributing these them as NPM packages is the approach we agreed on.
A package is just a directory with one or more files in it, that also has a file called "package.json" with some metadata about this package. A typical application, such as a website, will depend on dozens or hundreds of packages. These packages are often small. The general idea is that you create a small building block which solves one problem and solves it well. This makes it possible for you to compose larger, custom solutions out of these small, shared building blocks.
- Create the directory with package.json and run
npm shrinkwrap
after installing packages - If you are transpiling code, transpile into a lib folder.
- add .gitignore to ignore the lib folder
- add empty .npmignore so that lib can be part of the package distribution.
- commit and push to github
- publish the package with following commands:
npm version (major | minor | patch)
git push && git push --tags
npm publish
|-- src/
|-- lib/
|-- .eslintrc
|-- .gitignore
|-- .npmignore
|-- .babelrc
|-- package.json
|-- npm-shrinkwrap.json
|-- README.md