function sample_data = adcpBinMappingPP(sample_data, qcLevel, ~) %ADCPBINMAPPINGPP bin-maps any RDI or Nortek adcp variable expressed in beams coordinates %and which is function of DIST_ALONG_BEAMS into a HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR dimension %if the velocity data found in this dataset is already a function of %HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR. % % For every beam, each bin has its vertical height above sensor inferred from % the tilt information. Data values are then interpolated at the nominal % vertical bin heights (when tilt is 0). % % Inputs: % sample_data - cell array of data sets, ideally with DIST_ALONG_BEAMS dimension. % qcLevel - string, 'raw' or 'qc'. Some pp not applied when 'raw'. % % Outputs: % sample_data - the same data sets, with relevant processed variable originally function % of DIST_ALONG_BEAMS now function of HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR. % % Author: Guillaume Galibert % % narginchk(2, 3); if ~iscell(sample_data), error('sample_data must be a cell array'); end if isempty(sample_data), return; end % no modification of data is performed on the raw FV00 dataset except % local time to UTC conversion if strcmpi(qcLevel, 'raw'), return; end for k = 1:length(sample_data) %TODO: rafactor this whole block as a funciton % do not process if not RDI nor Nortek isRDI = false; isNortek = false; if strcmpi(sample_data{k}.meta.instrument_make, 'Teledyne RDI'), isRDI = true; end if strcmpi(sample_data{k}.meta.instrument_make, 'Nortek'), isNortek = true; end if ~isRDI && ~isNortek, continue; end % do not process if Nortek with more than 3 beams absic4Idx = getVar(sample_data{k}.variables, 'ABSIC4'); if absic4Idx && isNortek, continue; end % do not process if dist_along_beams, pitch or roll are missing from dataset distAlongBeamsIdx = getVar(sample_data{k}.dimensions, 'DIST_ALONG_BEAMS'); pitchIdx = getVar(sample_data{k}.variables, 'PITCH'); rollIdx = getVar(sample_data{k}.variables, 'ROLL'); if ~distAlongBeamsIdx || ~pitchIdx || ~rollIdx, continue; end % do not process if ENU velocity data not vertically bin-mapped and there % is no beam velocity data (ENU velocity is not going to be bin-mapped later so useless) heightAboveSensorIdx = getVar(sample_data{k}.dimensions, 'HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR'); ucurIdx = getVar(sample_data{k}.variables, 'UCUR'); if ~ucurIdx, ucurIdx = getVar(sample_data{k}.variables, 'UCUR_MAG'); end vel1Idx = getVar(sample_data{k}.variables, 'VEL1'); if ucurIdx% in the case of datasets originally collected in beam coordinates there is no UCUR if ~any(sample_data{k}.variables{ucurIdx}.dimensions == heightAboveSensorIdx) && ~vel1Idx continue; end end % We apply tilt corrections to project DIST_ALONG_BEAMS onto the vertical % axis HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR. % % RDI 4 beams ADCPs: % It is assumed that the beams are in a convex configuration such as beam 1 % and 2 (respectively 3 and 4) are aligned on the pitch (respectively roll) % axis. When pitch is positive beam 3 is closer to the surface while beam 4 % gets further away. When roll is positive beam 2 is closer to the surface % while beam 1 gets further away. % % Nortek 3 beams ADCPs: % It is assumed that the beams are in a convex configuration such as beam 1 % and the centre of the ADCP are aligned on the roll axis. Beams 2 and 3 % are symetrical against the roll axis. Each beam is 120deg apart from % each other. When pitch is positive beam 1 is closer to the surface % while beams 2 and 3 get further away. When roll is positive beam 3 is % closer to the surface while beam 2 gets further away. isUpwardLooking = true; distAlongBeams = sample_data{k}.dimensions{distAlongBeamsIdx}.data'; if all(diff(distAlongBeams)<0) %invert distAlongBeams so we have increasing values % this is required for the interpolation function. distAlongBeams = distAlongBeams*-1; isUpwardLooking = false; end pitch = sample_data{k}.variables{pitchIdx}.data * pi / 180; roll = sample_data{k}.variables{rollIdx}.data * pi / 180; beamAngle = sample_data{k}.meta.beam_angle * pi / 180; %adjust pitch info = sample_data{k}.meta.adcp_info; pitch_bit = info.sensors_settings.Pitch; pitch = TeledyneADCP.gimbal_pitch(pitch,roll, pitch_bit); % Signs for upward and downfacing instruments if ~isUpwardLooking %for down facing adcps sg1 = 1; sg3 = 1; nmh = -1; CP = cos(-pitch); roll = roll-pi; CR = cos(roll); else %for up looking sg1 = 1; sg3 = -1; nmh = 1; CP = cos(pitch); CR = cos(roll); end %TODO: the adjusted distances should be exported % as variables to enable further diagnostic plots and debugging. %TODO: the adjusted distances should be a Nx4 array or Nx3 array. if isRDI% RDI 4 beams number_of_beams = 4; %TODO: block function. % H[TxB] = P[T] x (+-R[T] x B[B]) nonMappedHeightAboveSensorBeam1 = CP .* (cos(beamAngle + sg1*roll) / cos(beamAngle) .* distAlongBeams); nonMappedHeightAboveSensorBeam2 = CP .* (cos(beamAngle - sg1*roll) / cos(beamAngle) .* distAlongBeams); % H[TxB] = R[T] x (-+P[T] x B[B]) nonMappedHeightAboveSensorBeam3 = CR .* (cos(beamAngle + sg3*pitch) / cos(beamAngle) .* distAlongBeams); nonMappedHeightAboveSensorBeam4 = CR .* (cos(beamAngle - sg3*pitch) / cos(beamAngle) .* distAlongBeams); else number_of_beams = 3; nBins = length(distAlongBeams); %TODO: block function, include tests. % Nortek 3 beams nonMappedHeightAboveSensorBeam1 = (cos(beamAngle - pitch) / cos(beamAngle)) * distAlongBeams; nonMappedHeightAboveSensorBeam1 = repmat(cos(roll), 1, nBins) .* nonMappedHeightAboveSensorBeam1; beamAngleX = atan(tan(beamAngle) * cos(60 * pi / 180)); % beams 2 and 3 angle projected on the X axis beamAngleY = atan(tan(beamAngle) * cos(30 * pi / 180)); % beams 2 and 3 angle projected on the Y axis nonMappedHeightAboveSensorBeam2 = (cos(beamAngleX + pitch) / cos(beamAngleX)) * distAlongBeams; nonMappedHeightAboveSensorBeam2 = repmat(cos(beamAngleY + roll) / cos(beamAngleY), 1, nBins) .* nonMappedHeightAboveSensorBeam2; nonMappedHeightAboveSensorBeam3 = (cos(beamAngleX + pitch) / cos(beamAngleX)) * distAlongBeams; nonMappedHeightAboveSensorBeam3 = repmat(cos(beamAngleY - roll) / cos(beamAngleY), 1, nBins) .* nonMappedHeightAboveSensorBeam3; end nSamples = length(pitch); %TODO: deep refactor required for speed: The interpolation step can % be done to all variables at once per time step. %TODO: remove nested logics to outer loop, by pre-computing the vars/ % interpolation conditions. This would allow a progress bar here. for n = 1:number_of_beams beam_vars = IMOS.adcp.beam_vars(sample_data{k}, n); [all_beam_vars] = IMOS.concatenate_variables(sample_data{k}.variables, beam_vars); switch n case 1 dvar = nonMappedHeightAboveSensorBeam1 * nmh; case 2 dvar = nonMappedHeightAboveSensorBeam2 * nmh; case 3 dvar = nonMappedHeightAboveSensorBeam3 * nmh; case 4 dvar = nonMappedHeightAboveSensorBeam4 * nmh; otherwise errormsg('Beam number %s not supported', num2str(n)) end arrtype = class(all_beam_vars); % compat. castfun = str2func(arrtype); nvar = length(beam_vars); Ndim = castfun(1:nvar); new_pos = {castfun(distAlongBeams), Ndim}; interpFunction = griddedInterpolant([0 1], [0 0],'linear','none'); mapped_beam_data = NaN(size(all_beam_vars),arrtype); for i = 1:nSamples interpFunction.GridVectors = {dvar(i, :), Ndim}; interpFunction.Values = squeeze(all_beam_vars(i, :, :)); mapped_beam_data(i, :, :) = interpFunction(new_pos); end %compat: follow previous hack/"RDI hack", %where first bin value is restore to the original bin value. %TODO: I don't think this is really necessary as is, % only actually required if nan after interp. mapped_beam_data(:, 1, :) = all_beam_vars(:, 1, :); need_new_dimension = isempty(IMOS.find(sample_data{k}.dimensions, 'HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR')); if need_new_dimension %need a full struct, not basic one. dims = IMOS.as_named_struct(sample_data{k}.dimensions); hinfo = IMOS.varparams().HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR; % compat. TODO: long_name is not consistent with imos parameters % compat. TODO: the dimensions information should have a reference table too. hdim = struct('name', 'HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR', ... 'typeCastFunc', dims.DIST_ALONG_BEAMS.typeCastFunc, ... 'data',, ... 'long_name', 'height_above_sensor', ... 'standard_name', hinfo.standard_name, ... 'axis', 'Z', ... 'positive', hinfo.direction_positive, ... 'comment', ['Values correspond to the distance between the instrument''s transducers and the centre of each cells. ' ... 'Data has been vertically bin-mapped using tilt information so that the cells ' ... 'have consistant heights above sensor in time.']); sample_data{k}.dimensions{end+1} = hdim; end hdim_index = IMOS.find(sample_data{k}.dimensions, 'HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR'); binMappingComment = ['adcpBinMappingPP.m: data in beam coordinates originally referenced to DIST_ALONG_BEAMS ' ... 'has been vertically bin-mapped to HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR using tilt information.']; for j = 1:length(beam_vars) bvar_name = beam_vars{j}; bvar_ind = IMOS.find(sample_data{k}.variables,bvar_name); sample_data{k}.variables{bvar_ind}.dimensions(distAlongBeamsIdx) = hdim_index; sample_data{k}.variables{bvar_ind}.coordinates = 'TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR'; sample_data{k}.variables{bvar_ind}.data = mapped_beam_data(:, :, j); % j since concatenated in order of beam_vars. update_comment = isfield(sample_data{k}.variables{bvar_ind}, 'comment') && ~isempty(sample_data{k}.variables{bvar_ind}.comment); if update_comment sample_data{k}.variables{bvar_ind}.comment = [sample_data{k}.variables{bvar_ind}.comment ' ' binMappingComment]; else sample_data{k}.variables{bvar_ind}.comment = binMappingComment; end end end %remove DIST_ALONG_BEAMS dimension, if dangling. detect_dab = @(x)(isinside(x, distAlongBeamsIdx)); dab_vars = cellfun(detect_dab, IMOS.get(sample_data{k}.variables, 'dimensions')); remove_dab_dim = ~any(dab_vars); if remove_dab_dim old_hdim_index = IMOS.find(sample_data{k}.dimensions,'HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR'); sample_data{k}.dimensions(distAlongBeamsIdx) = []; %pop %now fix inconsistency created by the above removal. new_hdim_index = IMOS.find(sample_data{k}.dimensions, 'HEIGHT_ABOVE_SENSOR'); for v=1:length(sample_data{k}.variables) vdim = sample_data{k}.variables{v}.dimensions; ind_to_update = union(find(vdim == distAlongBeamsIdx),find(vdim == old_hdim_index)); if ind_to_update sample_data{k}.variables{v}.dimensions(ind_to_update) = new_hdim_index; end end binMappingComment = [binMappingComment ' DIST_ALONG_BEAMS is not used by any variable left and has been removed.']; end if isfield(sample_data{k}, 'history') && ~isempty(sample_data{k}.history) sample_data{k}.history = sprintf('%s\n%s - %s', sample_data{k}.history, datestr(now_utc, readProperty('exportNetCDF.dateFormat')), binMappingComment); else sample_data{k}.history = sprintf('%s - %s', datestr(now_utc, readProperty('exportNetCDF.dateFormat')), binMappingComment); end end end