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A Juno network validator may qualify for official delegations to be assigned by the core development reserve.
New delegation rounds happen every 6 months and are assigned/ re-assigned based on the criteria listed below.
A validator does not need to request delegations. Instead the core-1 team will screen the entire set 2 weeks prior to a new delegation round.
Criteria are ranked either High, Medium or Low which indicates how each category is weighted. A validator may fulfill several of the criteria and therefore get a higher official delegation.
Once a 6 month delegation round ends, the delegations are removed and reassigned based on the core criteria.
The highest weight is allocated to dapp/contract development, core network development contributions & on-chain governance participation.
The vision is for Juno validators to be active participants especially on the smart contract front as that is the core specialization of the Juno Hub.
- Dapp / Contract / Tooling Development (High Priority)
- Continuous active participation in the Juno ecosystem chats (Medium Priority)
- A validator node must be live on main-net for at least 1 month to qualify.
- Validators inside the top 10 do not qualify for official delegations.
- A validators commission should not exceed 10%
- Active participation in on-chain governance (High Priority)
- A validator may curate/manage a regional community chat with at least 100 members (Medium Priority)
- Relayer operations for the full duration of a delegation round. (Medium Priority)
- A validator that gets soft-slashed more than 1 time during a delegation round loses his/her official delegation.
- A validator that gets hard-slashed 1 time during a delegation round loses his/her official delegation.
- Core development work on the main code base (High Priority)
- Validator min gas price must be set equal to or greater than 0.0025ujuno
- A validator that is white-labelled, operates a revenue split, or is not run wholly by the team applying for the delegation is ineligible for a delegation
Note: A new 6 month delegation round is announced in the official channels on Discord & Telegram many weeks prior to kickoff.
The next delegation round will be assigned on July 1st 2022. The evaluation period starts 2 weeks prior.