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Apache Gravitino configuration
This software is licensed under the Apache License version 2.


Apache Gravitino supports several configurations:

  1. Gravitino server configuration: Used to start up the Gravitino server.
  2. Gravitino catalog properties configuration: Used to make default values for different catalogs.
  3. Some other configurations: Includes HDFS and other configurations.

Apache Gravitino server configurations

You can customize the Gravitino server by editing the configuration file gravitino.conf in the conf directory. The default values are sufficient for most use cases. We strongly recommend that you read the following sections to understand the configuration file, so you can change the default values to suit your specific situation and usage scenario.

The gravitino.conf file lists the configuration items in the following table. It groups those items into the following categories:

Apache Gravitino HTTP Server configuration

Configuration item Description Default value Required Since version The host of the Gravitino server. No 0.1.0
gravitino.server.webserver.httpPort The port on which the Gravitino server listens for incoming connections. 8090 No 0.1.0
gravitino.server.webserver.minThreads The minimum number of threads in the thread pool used by the Jetty webserver. minThreads is 8 if the value is less than 8. Math.max(Math.min(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2, 100), 8) No 0.2.0
gravitino.server.webserver.maxThreads The maximum number of threads in the thread pool used by the Jetty webserver. maxThreads is 8 if the value is less than 8, and maxThreads must be great or equal to minThreads. Math.max(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 4, 400) No 0.1.0
gravitino.server.webserver.threadPoolWorkQueueSize The size of the queue in the thread pool used by the Jetty webserver. 100 No 0.1.0
gravitino.server.webserver.stopTimeout Time in milliseconds to gracefully shut down the Jetty webserver, for more, please see org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server#setStopTimeout. 30000 No 0.2.0
gravitino.server.webserver.idleTimeout The timeout in milliseconds of idle connections. 30000 No 0.2.0
gravitino.server.webserver.requestHeaderSize Maximum size of HTTP requests. 131072 No 0.1.0
gravitino.server.webserver.responseHeaderSize Maximum size of HTTP responses. 131072 No 0.1.0
gravitino.server.shutdown.timeout Time in milliseconds to gracefully shut down of the Gravitino webserver. 3000 No 0.2.0
gravitino.server.webserver.customFilters Comma-separated list of filter class names to apply to the API. (none) No 0.4.0 Comma-separated list of REST API packages to expand (none) No 0.6.0-incubating
gravitino.server.visibleConfigs List of configs that are visible in the config servlet (none) No 0.9.0-incubating

The filter in the customFilters should be a standard javax servlet filter. You can also specify filter parameters by setting configuration entries of the form gravitino.server.webserver.<class name of filter>.param.<param name>=<value>.

Storage configuration

Storage backend configuration

Currently, Gravitino only supports JDBC database backend, and the default implementation is H2 database as it's an embedded database, has no external dependencies and is very suitable for local development or tests. If you are going to use H2 in the production environment, Gravitino will not guarantee the data consistency and durability. It's highly recommended using MySQL as the backend database.

The following table lists the storage configuration items:

Configuration item Description Default value Required Since version Which entity storage implementation to use. Onlyrelational storage is currently supported. relational No 0.1.0 The maximum skew time of transactions in milliseconds. 2000 No 0.3.0 The maximum time in milliseconds that deleted and old-version data is kept. Set to at least 10 minutes and no longer than 30 days. 604800000(7 days) No 0.5.0 The Count of versions allowed to be retained, including the current version, used to delete old versions data. Set to at least 1 and no greater than 10. 1 No 0.5.0 Detailed implementation of Relational storage. H2, MySQL and PostgreSQL is currently supported, and the implementation is JDBCBackend. JDBCBackend No 0.5.0 The database url that the JDBCBackend needs to connect to. If you use MySQL or PostgreSQL, you should firstly initialize the database tables yourself by executing the ddl scripts in the ${GRAVITINO_HOME}/scripts/{DATABASE_TYPE}/ directory. jdbc:h2 No 0.5.0 The jdbc driver name that the JDBCBackend needs to use. You should place the driver Jar package in the ${GRAVITINO_HOME}/libs/ directory. org.h2.Driver Yes if the jdbc connection url is not jdbc:h2 0.5.0 The username that the JDBCBackend needs to use when connecting the database. It is required for MySQL. gravitino Yes if the jdbc connection url is not jdbc:h2 0.5.0 The password that the JDBCBackend needs to use when connecting the database. It is required for MySQL. gravitino Yes if the jdbc connection url is not jdbc:h2 0.5.0 The storage path for embedded JDBC storage implementation. It supports both absolute and relative path, if the value is a relative path, the final path is ${GRAVITINO_HOME}/${PATH_YOU_HAVA_SET}, default value is ${GRAVITINO_HOME}/data/jdbc ${GRAVITINO_HOME}/data/jdbc No 0.6.0-incubating

:::caution We strongly recommend that you change the default value of, as it's under the deployment directory and future version upgrades may remove it. :::

Create JDBC backend schema and table

For H2 database, All tables needed by Gravitino are created automatically when the Gravitino server starts up. For MySQL, you should firstly initialize the database tables yourself by executing the ddl scripts in the ${GRAVITINO_HOME}/scripts/mysql/ directory.

Tree lock configuration

Gravitino server uses tree lock to ensure the consistency of the data. The tree lock is a memory lock (Currently, Gravitino only supports in memory lock) that can be used to ensure the consistency of the data in Gravitino server. The configuration items are as follows:

Configuration item Description Default value Required Since Version
gravitino.lock.maxNodes The maximum number of tree lock nodes to keep in memory 100000 No 0.5.0
gravitino.lock.minNodes The minimum number of tree lock nodes to keep in memory 1000 No 0.5.0
gravitino.lock.cleanIntervalInSecs The interval in seconds to clean up the stale tree lock nodes 60 No 0.5.0

Catalog configuration

Configuration item Description Default value Required Since version
gravitino.catalog.cache.evictionIntervalMs The interval in milliseconds to evict the catalog cache; default 3600000ms(1h). 3600000 No 0.1.0
gravitino.catalog.classloader.isolated Whether to use an isolated classloader for catalog. If true, an isolated classloader loads all catalog-related libraries and configurations, not the AppClassLoader. The default value is true. true No 0.1.0

Auxiliary service configuration

Configuration item Description Default value Since Version
gravitino.auxService.names The auxiliary service name of the Gravitino Iceberg REST server. Use iceberg-rest for the Gravitino Iceberg REST server. (none) 0.2.0

Refer to Iceberg REST catalog service for configuration details.

Event listener configuration

Gravitino provides event listener mechanism to allow users to capture the events which are provided by Gravitino server to integrate some custom operations.

To leverage the event listener, you must implement the EventListenerPlugin interface and place the JAR file in the classpath of the Gravitino server. Then, add configurations to gravitino.conf to enable the event listener.

Property name Description Default value Required Since Version
gravitino.eventListener.names The name of the event listener, For multiple listeners, separate names with a comma, like "audit,sync" (none) Yes 0.5.0
gravitino.eventListener.{name}.class The class name of the event listener, replace {name} with the actual listener name. (none) Yes 0.5.0
gravitino.eventListener.{name}.{key} Custom properties that will be passed to the event listener plugin. (none) Yes 0.5.0


Gravitino triggers a pre-event before the operation, a post-event after the completion of the operation and a failure event after the operation failed.

Operation type Post-event Since Version
table operation CreateTableEvent, AlterTableEvent, DropTableEvent, LoadTableEvent, ListTableEvent, PurgeTableFailureEvent, CreateTableFailureEvent, AlterTableFailureEvent, DropTableFailureEvent, LoadTableFailureEvent, ListTableFailureEvent, PurgeTableFailureEvent 0.5.0
fileset operation CreateFileSetEvent, AlterFileSetEvent, DropFileSetEvent, LoadFileSetEvent, ListFileSetEvent, CreateFileSetFailureEvent, AlterFileSetFailureEvent, DropFileSetFailureEvent, LoadFileSetFailureEvent, ListFileSetFailureEvent 0.5.0
topic operation CreateTopicEvent, AlterTopicEvent, DropTopicEvent, LoadTopicEvent, ListTopicEvent, CreateTopicFailureEvent, AlterTopicFailureEvent, DropTopicFailureEvent, LoadTopicFailureEvent, ListTopicFailureEvent 0.5.0
schema operation CreateSchemaEvent, AlterSchemaEvent, DropSchemaEvent, LoadSchemaEvent, ListSchemaEvent, CreateSchemaFailureEvent, AlterSchemaFailureEvent, DropSchemaFailureEvent, LoadSchemaFailureEvent, ListSchemaFailureEvent 0.5.0
catalog operation CreateCatalogEvent, AlterCatalogEvent, DropCatalogEvent, LoadCatalogEvent, ListCatalogEvent, CreateCatalogFailureEvent, AlterCatalogFailureEvent, DropCatalogFailureEvent, LoadCatalogFailureEvent, ListCatalogFailureEvent 0.5.0
metalake operation CreateMetalakeEvent, AlterMetalakeEvent, DropMetalakeEvent, LoadMetalakeEvent, ListMetalakeEvent, CreateMetalakeFailureEvent, AlterMetalakeFailureEvent, DropMetalakeFailureEvent, LoadMetalakeFailureEvent, ListMetalakeFailureEvent 0.5.0
Iceberg REST server table operation IcebergCreateTableEvent, IcebergUpdateTableEvent, IcebergDropTableEvent, IcebergLoadTableEvent, IcebergListTableEvent, IcebergTableExistsEvent, IcebergRenameTableEvent, IcebergCreateTableFailureEvent, IcebergUpdateTableFailureEvent, IcebergDropTableFailureEvent, IcebergLoadTableFailureEvent, IcebergListTableFailureEvent, IcebergRenameTableFailureEvent, IcebergTableExistsFailureEvent 0.7.0-incubating
tag operation ListTagsEvent, ListTagsInfoEvent, CreateTagEvent, GetTagEvent, AlterTagEvent, DeleteTagEvent, ListMetadataObjectsForTagEvent, ListTagsForMetadataObjectEvent, ListTagsInfoForMetadataObjectEvent, AssociateTagsForMetadataObjectEvent, GetTagForMetadataObjectEvent, ListTagsFailureEvent, ListTagInfoFailureEvent, CreateTagFailureEvent, GetTagFailureEvent, AlterTagFailureEvent, DeleteTagFailureEvent, ListMetadataObjectsForTagFailureEvent, ListTagsForMetadataObjectFailureEvent, ListTagsInfoForMetadataObjectFailureEvent, AssociateTagsForMetadataObjectFailureEvent, GetTagForMetadataObjectFailureEvent 0.9.0-incubating
Operation type Pre-event Since Version
Iceberg REST server table operation IcebergCreateTablePreEvent, IcebergUpdateTablePreEvent, IcebergDropTablePreEvent, IcebergLoadTablePreEvent, IcebergListTablePreEvent, IcebergTableExistsPreEvent, IcebergRenameTablePreEvent 0.7.0-incubating
Gravitino server table operation CreateTablePreEvent, AlterTablePreEvent, DropTablePreEvent, PurgeTablePreEvent, LoadTablePreEvent, ListTablePreEvent 0.8.0-incubating
Gravitino server schema operation CreateSchemaPreEvent, AlterSchemaPreEvent, DropSchemaPreEvent, LoadSchemaPreEvent, ListSchemaPreEvent 0.8.0-incubating
Gravitino server catalog operation CreateCatalogPreEvent, AlterCatalogPreEvent, DropCatalogPreEvent, LoadCatalogPreEvent, ListCatalogPreEvent 0.8.0-incubating
Gravitino server metalake operation CreateMetalakePreEvent, AlterMetalakePreEvent,DropMetalakePreEvent,LoadMetalakePreEvent,ListMetalakePreEvent 0.8.0-incubating
Gravitino server partition operation AddPartitionPreEvent, DropPartitionPreEvent, GetPartitionPreEvent, PurgePartitionPreEvent,ListPartitionPreEvent,ListPartitionNamesPreEvent 0.8.0-incubating
Gravitino server fileset operation CreateFilesetPreEvent, AlterFilesetPreEvent, DropFilesetPreEvent, LoadFilesetPreEvent,ListFilesetPreEvent,GetFileLocationPreEvent 0.8.0-incubating
Gravitino server tag operation ListTagsPreEvent, ListTagsInfoPreEvent, CreateTagPreEvent, GetTagPreEvent, AlterTagPreEvent, DeleteTagPreEvent, ListMetadataObjectsForTagPreEvent, ListTagsForMetadataObjectPreEvent, ListTagsInfoForMetadataObjectPreEvent, AssociateTagsForMetadataObjectPreEvent, GetTagForMetadataObjectPreEvent 0.9.0-incubating

Event listener plugin

The EventListenerPlugin defines an interface for event listeners that manage the lifecycle and state of a plugin. This includes handling its initialization, startup, and shutdown processes, as well as handing events triggered by various operations.

The plugin provides several operational modes for how to process event, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous processing approaches.

  • SYNC: Events are processed synchronously, immediately following the associated operation. This mode ensures events are processed before the operation's result is returned to the client, but it may delay the main process if event processing takes too long.

  • ASYNC_SHARED: This mode employs a shared queue and dispatcher for asynchronous event processing. It prevents the main process from being blocked, though there's a risk events might be dropped if not promptly consumed. Sharing a dispatcher can lead to poor isolation in case of slow listeners.

  • ASYNC_ISOLATED: Events are processed asynchronously, with each listener having its own dedicated queue and dispatcher thread. This approach offers better isolation but at the expense of multiple queues and dispatchers.

When processing pre-event, you could throw a ForbiddenException to skip the following executions. For more details, please refer to the definition of the plugin.

Audit log configuration

The audit log framework defines how audit logs are formatted and written to various storages. The formatter defines an interface that transforms different Event types into a unified AuditLog. The writer defines an interface to writing AuditLog to different storages.

Gravitino provides a default implement to log basic audit information to a file, you could extend the audit system by implementation corresponding interfaces.

Property name Description Default value Required Since Version
gravitino.audit.enabled The audit log enable flag. false NO 0.7.0-incubating
gravitino.audit.writer.className The class name of audit log writer. org.apache.gravitino.audit.FileAuditWriter NO 0.7.0-incubating
gravitino.audit.formatter.className The class name of audit log formatter. org.apache.gravitino.audit.SimpleFormatter NO 0.7.0-incubating

Audit log formatter

The Formatter defines an interface that formats metadata audit logs into a unified format. SimpleFormatter is a default implement to format audit information, you don't need to do extra configurations.

Audit log writer

The AuditLogWriter defines an interface that enables the writing of metadata audit logs to different storage mediums such as files, databases, etc.

Writer configuration begins with gravitino.audit.writer.${name}, where ${name} is replaced with the actual writer name defined in method name(). FileAuditWriter is a default implement to log audit information, whose name is file.

Property name Description Default value Required Since Version
gravitino.audit.writer.file.fileName The audit log file name, the path is ${sys:gravitino.log.path}/${fileName}. gravitino_audit.log NO 0.7.0-incubating
gravitino.audit.writer.file.flushIntervalSecs The flush interval time of the audit file in seconds. 10 NO 0.7.0-incubating
gravitino.audit.writer.file.append Whether the log will be written to the end or the beginning of the file. true NO 0.7.0-incubating

Security configuration

Refer to security for HTTPS and authentication configurations.

Metrics configuration

Property name Description Default value Required Since Version
gravitino.metrics.timeSlidingWindowSecs The seconds of Gravitino metrics time sliding window 60 No 0.5.1

Apache Gravitino catalog properties configuration

There are three types of catalog properties:

  1. Gravitino defined properties: Gravitino defines these properties as the necessary configurations for the catalog to work properly.
  2. Properties with the gravitino.bypass. prefix: These properties are not managed by Gravitino and pass directly to the underlying system for advanced usage.
  3. Other properties: Gravitino doesn't leverage these properties, just store them. Users can use them for their own purposes.

Catalog properties are either defined in catalog configuration files as default values or specified as properties explicitly when creating a catalog.

:::info The catalog properties explicitly specified in the properties field take precedence over the default values in the catalog configuration file.

These rules only apply to the catalog properties and don't affect the schema or table properties. :::

Below is a list of catalog properties that will be used by all Gravitino catalogs:

Configuration item Description Default value Required Since version
package The path of the catalog package, Gravitino leverages this path to load the related catalog libs and configurations. The package should consist two folders, conf (for catalog related configurations) and libs (for catalog related dependencies/jars) (none) No 0.5.0 The property to specify the cloud that the catalog is running on. The valid values are aws, azure, gcp, on_premise and other. (none) No 0.6.0-incubating
cloud.region-code The property to specify the region code of the cloud that the catalog is running on. (none) No 0.6.0-incubating

The following table lists the catalog specific properties and their default paths:

catalog provider catalog properties catalog properties configuration file path
hive Hive catalog properties catalogs/hive/conf/hive.conf
lakehouse-iceberg Lakehouse Iceberg catalog properties catalogs/lakehouse-iceberg/conf/lakehouse-iceberg.conf
lakehouse-paimon Lakehouse Paimon catalog properties catalogs/lakehouse-paimon/conf/lakehouse-paimon.conf
lakehouse-hudi Lakehouse Hudi catalog properties catalogs/lakehouse-hudi/conf/lakehouse-hudi.conf
jdbc-mysql MySQL catalog properties catalogs/jdbc-mysql/conf/jdbc-mysql.conf
jdbc-postgresql PostgreSQL catalog properties catalogs/jdbc-postgresql/conf/jdbc-postgresql.conf
jdbc-doris Doris catalog properties catalogs/jdbc-doris/conf/jdbc-doris.conf
jdbc-oceanbase OceanBase catalog properties catalogs/jdbc-oceanbase/conf/jdbc-oceanbase.conf
kafka Kafka catalog properties catalogs/kafka/conf/kafka.conf
hadoop Hadoop catalog properties catalogs/hadoop/conf/hadoop.conf

:::info The Gravitino server automatically adds the catalog properties configuration directory to classpath. :::

Some other configurations

You could put HDFS configuration file to the catalog properties configuration dir, like catalogs/lakehouse-iceberg/conf/.

How to set up runtime environment variables

The Gravitino server lets you set up runtime environment variables by editing the file, located in the conf directory.

How to access Apache Hadoop

Currently, due to the absence of a comprehensive user permission system, Gravitino can only use a single username for Apache Hadoop access. Ensure that the user starting the Gravitino server has Hadoop (HDFS, YARN, etc.) access permissions; otherwise, you may encounter a Permission denied error. There are two ways to resolve this error:

  • Grant Gravitino startup user permissions in Hadoop
  • Specify the authorized Hadoop username in the environment variables HADOOP_USER_NAME before starting the Gravitino server.