diff --git a/docs/expression.md b/docs/expression.md
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--- /dev/null
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+title: "Expression system of Gravitino"
+slug: /expression
+date: 2024-02-02
+keyword: expression function field literal reference
+license: Copyright 2024 Datastrato Pvt Ltd. This software is licensed under the Apache License version 2.
+import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
+import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
+This page introduces the expression system of Gravitino. Expressions are vital component of metadata definition, through expressions, you can define default values for columns and function arguments for [function partitioning](./table-partitioning-bucketing-sort-order-indexes.md#table-partitioning), [bucketing](./table-partitioning-bucketing-sort-order-indexes.md#table-bucketing), and sort term of [sort ordering](./table-partitioning-bucketing-sort-order-indexes.md#sort-ordering) in tables.
+Gravitino expression system divides expressions into three basic parts: field reference, literal, and function. Function expressions can contain field references, literals, and other function expressions.
+## Field reference
+Field reference is a reference to a field in a table.
+The following is an example of creating a field reference expression, demonstrating how to create a reference for the `student` field.
+ {
+ "type": "field",
+ "fieldName": [
+ "student"
+ ]
+ }
+NamedReference field = NamedReference.field("student");
+## Literal
+Literal is a constant value.
+The following is an example of creating a literal expression, demonstrating how to create three different data types of literal expressions for the value `1024`.
+ {
+ "type": "literal",
+ "dataType": "integer",
+ "value": "1024"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "literal",
+ "dataType": "string",
+ "value": "1024"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "literal",
+ "dataType": "decimal(10,2)",
+ "value": "1024"
+ }
+Literal>[] literals =
+ new Literal[] {
+ Literals.integerLiteral(1024),
+ Literals.stringLiteral("1024"),
+ Literals.decimalLiteral(Decimal.of("1024", 10, 2))
+ };
+## Function expression
+Function expression represents a function call with/without arguments. The arguments can be field references, literals, or other function expressions.
+The following is an example of creating a function expression, demonstrating how to create function expressions for `rand()` and `date_trunc('year', birthday)`.
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "funcName": "rand",
+ "funcArgs": []
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "funcName": "date_trunc",
+ "funcArgs": [
+ {
+ "type": "literal",
+ "dataType": "string",
+ "value": "year"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "field",
+ "fieldName": [
+ "birthday"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+FunctionExpression[] functionExpressions =
+ new FunctionExpression[] {
+ FunctionExpression.of("rand"),
+ FunctionExpression.of("date_trunc", Literals.stringLiteral("year"), NamedReference.field("birthday"))
+ };
diff --git a/docs/table-partitioning-bucketing-sort-order-indexes.md b/docs/table-partitioning-bucketing-sort-order-indexes.md
index 2d76543e6a6..d7895ae9505 100644
--- a/docs/table-partitioning-bucketing-sort-order-indexes.md
+++ b/docs/table-partitioning-bucketing-sort-order-indexes.md
@@ -22,76 +22,41 @@ To create a partitioned table, you should provide the following two components t
The `score`, `createTime`, and `city` appearing in the table below refer to the field names in a table.
-| Partitioning strategy | Description | JSON example | Java example | Equivalent SQL semantics |
-| `identity` | Source value, unmodified. | `{"strategy":"identity","fieldName":["score"]}` | `Transforms.identity("score")` | `PARTITION BY score` |
-| `hour` | Extract a timestamp hour, as hours from '1970-01-01 00:00:00'. | `{"strategy":"hour","fieldName":["createTime"]}` | `Transforms.hour("createTime")` | `PARTITION BY hour(createTime)` |
-| `day` | Extract a date or timestamp day, as days from '1970-01-01'. | `{"strategy":"day","fieldName":["createTime"]}` | `Transforms.day("createTime")` | `PARTITION BY day(createTime)` |
-| `month` | Extract a date or timestamp month, as months from '1970-01-01' | `{"strategy":"month","fieldName":["createTime"]}` | `Transforms.month("createTime")` | `PARTITION BY month(createTime)` |
-| `year` | Extract a date or timestamp year, as years from 1970. | `{"strategy":"year","fieldName":["createTime"]}` | `Transforms.year("createTime")` | `PARTITION BY year(createTime)` |
-| `bucket[N]` | Hash of value, mod N. | `{"strategy":"bucket","numBuckets":10,"fieldNames":[["score"]]}` | `Transforms.bucket(10, "score")` | `PARTITION BY bucket(10, score)` |
-| `truncate[W]` | Value truncated to width W. | `{"strategy":"truncate","width":20,"fieldName":["score"]}` | `Transforms.truncate(20, "score")` | `PARTITION BY truncate(20, score)` |
-| `list` | Partition the table by a list value. | `{"strategy":"list","fieldNames":[["createTime"],["city"]]}` | `Transforms.list(new String[] {"createTime", "city"})` | `PARTITION BY list(createTime, city)` |
-| `range` | Partition the table by a range value. | `{"strategy":"range","fieldName":["createTime"]}` | `Transforms.range("createTime")` | `PARTITION BY range(createTime)` |
-As well as the strategies mentioned before, you can use other functions strategies to partition the table, for example, the strategy can be `{"strategy":"functionName","fieldName":["score"]}`. The `functionName` can be any function name that you can use in SQL, for example, `{"strategy":"toDate","fieldName":["createTime"]}` is equivalent to `PARTITION BY toDate(createTime)` in SQL.
-For complex functions, please refer to [FunctionPartitioningDTO](https://github.com/datastrato/gravitino/blob/main/common/src/main/java/com/datastrato/gravitino/dto/rel/partitions/FunctionPartitioningDTO.java).
+| Partitioning strategy | Description | JSON example | Java example | Equivalent SQL semantics |
+| `identity` | Source value, unmodified. | `{"strategy":"identity","fieldName":["score"]}` | `Transforms.identity("score")` | `PARTITION BY score` |
+| `hour` | Extract a timestamp hour, as hours from '1970-01-01 00:00:00'. | `{"strategy":"hour","fieldName":["createTime"]}` | `Transforms.hour("createTime")` | `PARTITION BY hour(createTime)` |
+| `day` | Extract a date or timestamp day, as days from '1970-01-01'. | `{"strategy":"day","fieldName":["createTime"]}` | `Transforms.day("createTime")` | `PARTITION BY day(createTime)` |
+| `month` | Extract a date or timestamp month, as months from '1970-01-01' | `{"strategy":"month","fieldName":["createTime"]}` | `Transforms.month("createTime")` | `PARTITION BY month(createTime)` |
+| `year` | Extract a date or timestamp year, as years from 1970. | `{"strategy":"year","fieldName":["createTime"]}` | `Transforms.year("createTime")` | `PARTITION BY year(createTime)` |
+| `bucket[N]` | Hash of value, mod N. | `{"strategy":"bucket","numBuckets":10,"fieldNames":[["score"]]}` | `Transforms.bucket(10, "score")` | `PARTITION BY bucket(10, score)` |
+| `truncate[W]` | Value truncated to width W. | `{"strategy":"truncate","width":20,"fieldName":["score"]}` | `Transforms.truncate(20, "score")` | `PARTITION BY truncate(20, score)` |
+| `list` | Partition the table by a list value. | `{"strategy":"list","fieldNames":[["createTime"],["city"]]}` | `Transforms.list(new String[] {"createTime", "city"})` | `PARTITION BY list(createTime, city)` |
+| `range` | Partition the table by a range value. | `{"strategy":"range","fieldName":["createTime"]}` | `Transforms.range("createTime")` | `PARTITION BY range(createTime)` |
+| `function` | Partition the table by function expression. | `{"strategy":"function","funcName":"toYYYYMM","funcArgs":[{"type":"field","fieldName":["VisitDate"]}]}` | `Transforms.apply("toYYYYMM", new Expression[]{NamedReference.field("VisitDate")})` | `PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(VisitDate)` |
+For function partitioning, you should provide the function name and the function arguments. The function arguments must be an [expression](./expression.md).
- Field names: It defines which fields Gravitino uses to partition the table.
- In some cases, you require other information. For example, if the partitioning strategy is `bucket`, you should provide the number of buckets; if the partitioning strategy is `truncate`, you should provide the width of the truncate.
-The following is an example of creating a partitioned table:
- {
- "strategy": "identity",
- "fieldName": [
- "score"
- ]
- }
-new Transform[] {
- // Partition by score
- Transforms.identity("score")
- }
## Table bucketing
To create a bucketed table, you should use the following three components to construct a valid bucketed table.
- Strategy. It defines how Gravitino distributes table data across partitions.
-| Bucket strategy | Description | JSON | Java |
-| hash | Bucket table using hash. Gravitino distributes table data into buckets based on the hash value of the key. | `hash` | `Strategy.HASH` |
-| range | Bucket table using range. Gravitino distributes table data into buckets based on a specified range or interval of values. | `range` | `Strategy.RANGE` |
-| even | Bucket table using even. Gravitino distributes table data, ensuring an equal distribution of data. | `even` | `Strategy.EVEN` |
-- Number. It defines how many buckets you use to bucket the table.
-- Function arguments. It defines the arguments of the strategy, Gravitino supports the following three kinds of arguments, for more, you can refer to Java class [FunctionArg](https://github.com/datastrato/gravitino/blob/main/common/src/main/java/com/datastrato/gravitino/dto/rel/expressions/FunctionArg.java) and [DistributionDTO](https://github.com/datastrato/gravitino/blob/main/common/src/main/java/com/datastrato/gravitino/dto/rel/DistributionDTO.java) to use more complex function arguments.
-| Expression type | JSON example | Java example | Equivalent SQL semantics | Description |
-| field | `{"type":"field","fieldName":["score"]}` | `FieldReferenceDTO.of("score")` | `score` | The field reference value `score` |
-| function | `{"type":"function","functionName":"hour","fieldName":["dt"]}` | `new FuncExpressionDTO.Builder().withFunctionName("hour").withFunctionArgs("dt").build()` | `hour(dt)` | The function value `hour(dt)` |
-| constant | `{"type":"literal","value":10, "dataType": "integer"}` | `new LiteralDTO.Builder().withValue("10").withDataType(Types.IntegerType.get()).build()` | `10` | The integer literal `10` |
+| Bucket strategy | Description | JSON | Java |
+| hash | Bucket table using hash. Gravitino distributes table data into buckets based on the hash value of the key. | `hash` | `Strategy.HASH` |
+| range | Bucket table using range. Gravitino distributes table data into buckets based on a specified range or interval of values. | `range` | `Strategy.RANGE` |
+| even | Bucket table using even. Gravitino distributes table data, ensuring an equal distribution of data. | `even` | `Strategy.EVEN` |
+- number. It defines how many buckets you use to bucket the table.
+- funcArgs. It defines the arguments of the strategy, the argument must be an [expression](./expression.md).
@@ -127,20 +92,20 @@ To define a sorted order table, you should use the following three components to
- Direction. It defines in which direction Gravitino sorts the table. The default value is `ascending`.
| Direction | Description | JSON | Java |
-|------------|---------------------------------------------| ------ | -------------------------- |
| ascending | Sorted by a field or a function ascending. | `asc` | `SortDirection.ASCENDING` |
| descending | Sorted by a field or a function descending. | `desc` | `SortDirection.DESCENDING` |
- Null ordering. It describes how to handle null values when ordering
| Null ordering Type | Description | JSON | Java |
-|--------------------|-----------------------------------------| ------------- | -------------------------- |
| null_first | Puts the null value in the first place. | `nulls_first` | `NullOrdering.NULLS_FIRST` |
| null_last | Puts the null value in the last place. | `nulls_last` | `NullOrdering.NULLS_LAST` |
Note: If the direction value is `ascending`, the default ordering value is `nulls_first` and if the direction value is `descending`, the default ordering value is `nulls_last`.
-- Sort term. It shows which field or function Gravitino uses to sort the table, please refer to the `Function arguments` in the table bucketing section.
+- sortTerm. It shows which field or function Gravitino uses to sort the table, must be an [expression](./expression.md).
@@ -168,7 +133,7 @@ SortOrders.of(FieldReferenceDTO.of("score"), SortDirection.ASCENDING, NullOrderi
-**Not all catalogs may support those features.**. Please refer to the related document for more details.
+**Not all catalogs may support those features**. Please refer to the related document for more details.
The following is an example of creating a partitioned, bucketed table, and sorted order table: