- Provide Grafana dashboard template for ShardingSphere-Operator metrics.
- Updating and renaming renaming apache-shardingsphere-operator-cluster-charts to apache-shardingsphere-operator-charts, which supports deploying operator and cluster at the same time.
- Support monitoring metrics for ShardingSphere-Operator.
- Support more parameters about health check, CloudWatch and alerts when deploying ShardingSphere clusters with Terraform and AWS CloudFormation.
- Support HuaweiCloud with Terraform.
- Support using Terraform to deploy a ShardingSphere Proxy Cluster in Multiple AZs
- Support using CloudFormation to deploy a ShardingSphere Proxy Cluster in Multiple AZs
- Add nameOverride parameter for helm charts, allowing users to override resource names
- Supports the use of proxy to configure and describe the ShardingSphere Proxy cluster
- Support native ShardingSphere Proxy server.yaml configuration
- Support automatic creation of HPA based on CPU metrics
- Support automatic download of MySQL driver
- Support deploy ShardingSphere Operator
- Support deploy ShardingSphere Proxy cluster
- Support deploy Zookeeper by Bitnami
- Support automatic configuration of the address of the governance center
- Include ShardingSphere-Proxy charts into the on-cloud repository
- Support deploying ShardingSphere-Proxy cluster on aws using cloudformation