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[SPARK-11932][STREAMING] Partition previous TrackStateRDD if partitio…
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The reason is that TrackStateRDDs generated by trackStateByKey expect the previous batch's TrackStateRDDs to have a partitioner. However, when recovery from DStream checkpoints, the RDDs recovered from RDD checkpoints do not have a partitioner attached to it. This is because RDD checkpoints do not preserve the partitioner (SPARK-12004).

While #9983 solves SPARK-12004 by preserving the partitioner through RDD checkpoints, there may be a non-zero chance that the saving and recovery fails. To be resilient, this PR repartitions the previous state RDD if the partitioner is not detected.

Author: Tathagata Das <[email protected]>

Closes #9988 from tdas/SPARK-11932.

(cherry picked from commit 5d80d8c)
Signed-off-by: Tathagata Das <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
tdas committed Dec 7, 2015
1 parent fed4538 commit 539914f
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Expand Up @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ class CheckpointWriter(
val bytes = Checkpoint.serialize(checkpoint, conf)
executor.execute(new CheckpointWriteHandler(
checkpoint.checkpointTime, bytes, clearCheckpointDataLater))
logDebug("Submitted checkpoint of time " + checkpoint.checkpointTime + " writer queue")
logInfo("Submitted checkpoint of time " + checkpoint.checkpointTime + " writer queue")
} catch {
case rej: RejectedExecutionException =>
logError("Could not submit checkpoint task to the thread pool executor", rej)
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Expand Up @@ -132,22 +132,37 @@ class InternalTrackStateDStream[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag, S: ClassTag, E: ClassT
/** Method that generates a RDD for the given time */
override def compute(validTime: Time): Option[RDD[TrackStateRDDRecord[K, S, E]]] = {
// Get the previous state or create a new empty state RDD
val prevStateRDD = getOrCompute(validTime - slideDuration).getOrElse {
TrackStateRDD.createFromPairRDD[K, V, S, E](
spec.getInitialStateRDD().getOrElse(new EmptyRDD[(K, S)](ssc.sparkContext)),
partitioner, validTime
val prevStateRDD = getOrCompute(validTime - slideDuration) match {
case Some(rdd) =>
if (rdd.partitioner != Some(partitioner)) {
// If the RDD is not partitioned the right way, let us repartition it using the
// partition index as the key. This is to ensure that state RDD is always partitioned
// before creating another state RDD using it
TrackStateRDD.createFromRDD[K, V, S, E](
rdd.flatMap { _.stateMap.getAll() }, partitioner, validTime)
} else {
case None =>
TrackStateRDD.createFromPairRDD[K, V, S, E](
spec.getInitialStateRDD().getOrElse(new EmptyRDD[(K, S)](ssc.sparkContext)),

// Compute the new state RDD with previous state RDD and partitioned data RDD
parent.getOrCompute(validTime).map { dataRDD =>
val partitionedDataRDD = dataRDD.partitionBy(partitioner)
val timeoutThresholdTime = spec.getTimeoutInterval().map { interval =>
(validTime - interval).milliseconds
new TrackStateRDD(
prevStateRDD, partitionedDataRDD, trackingFunction, validTime, timeoutThresholdTime)
// Even if there is no data RDD, use an empty one to create a new state RDD
val dataRDD = parent.getOrCompute(validTime).getOrElse {
context.sparkContext.emptyRDD[(K, V)]
val partitionedDataRDD = dataRDD.partitionBy(partitioner)
val timeoutThresholdTime = spec.getTimeoutInterval().map { interval =>
(validTime - interval).milliseconds
Some(new TrackStateRDD(
prevStateRDD, partitionedDataRDD, trackingFunction, validTime, timeoutThresholdTime))

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Expand Up @@ -179,22 +179,43 @@ private[streaming] class TrackStateRDD[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag, S: ClassTag, E:

private[streaming] object TrackStateRDD {

def createFromPairRDD[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag, S: ClassTag, T: ClassTag](
def createFromPairRDD[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag, S: ClassTag, E: ClassTag](
pairRDD: RDD[(K, S)],
partitioner: Partitioner,
updateTime: Time): TrackStateRDD[K, V, S, T] = {
updateTime: Time): TrackStateRDD[K, V, S, E] = {

val rddOfTrackStateRecords = pairRDD.partitionBy(partitioner).mapPartitions ({ iterator =>
val stateMap = StateMap.create[K, S](SparkEnv.get.conf)
iterator.foreach { case (key, state) => stateMap.put(key, state, updateTime.milliseconds) }
Iterator(TrackStateRDDRecord(stateMap, Seq.empty[T]))
Iterator(TrackStateRDDRecord(stateMap, Seq.empty[E]))
}, preservesPartitioning = true)

val emptyDataRDD = pairRDD.sparkContext.emptyRDD[(K, V)].partitionBy(partitioner)

val noOpFunc = (time: Time, key: K, value: Option[V], state: State[S]) => None

new TrackStateRDD[K, V, S, T](rddOfTrackStateRecords, emptyDataRDD, noOpFunc, updateTime, None)
new TrackStateRDD[K, V, S, E](rddOfTrackStateRecords, emptyDataRDD, noOpFunc, updateTime, None)

def createFromRDD[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag, S: ClassTag, E: ClassTag](
rdd: RDD[(K, S, Long)],
partitioner: Partitioner,
updateTime: Time): TrackStateRDD[K, V, S, E] = {

val pairRDD = { x => (x._1, (x._2, x._3)) }
val rddOfTrackStateRecords = pairRDD.partitionBy(partitioner).mapPartitions({ iterator =>
val stateMap = StateMap.create[K, S](SparkEnv.get.conf)
iterator.foreach { case (key, (state, updateTime)) =>
stateMap.put(key, state, updateTime)
Iterator(TrackStateRDDRecord(stateMap, Seq.empty[E]))
}, preservesPartitioning = true)

val emptyDataRDD = pairRDD.sparkContext.emptyRDD[(K, V)].partitionBy(partitioner)

val noOpFunc = (time: Time, key: K, value: Option[V], state: State[S]) => None

new TrackStateRDD[K, V, S, E](rddOfTrackStateRecords, emptyDataRDD, noOpFunc, updateTime, None)

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Expand Up @@ -33,17 +33,149 @@ import org.mockito.Mockito.mock
import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually._
import org.scalatest.time.SpanSugar._

import org.apache.spark.TestUtils
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext, SparkFunSuite, TestUtils}
import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.{DStream, FileInputDStream}
import org.apache.spark.streaming.scheduler._
import org.apache.spark.util.{MutableURLClassLoader, Clock, ManualClock, Utils}

* A trait of that can be mixed in to get methods for testing DStream operations under
* DStream checkpointing. Note that the implementations of this trait has to implement
* the `setupCheckpointOperation`
trait DStreamCheckpointTester { self: SparkFunSuite =>

* Tests a streaming operation under checkpointing, by restarting the operation
* from checkpoint file and verifying whether the final output is correct.
* The output is assumed to have come from a reliable queue which an replay
* data as required.
* NOTE: This takes into consideration that the last batch processed before
* master failure will be re-processed after restart/recovery.
protected def testCheckpointedOperation[U: ClassTag, V: ClassTag](
input: Seq[Seq[U]],
operation: DStream[U] => DStream[V],
expectedOutput: Seq[Seq[V]],
numBatchesBeforeRestart: Int,
batchDuration: Duration = Milliseconds(500),
stopSparkContextAfterTest: Boolean = true
) {
require(numBatchesBeforeRestart < expectedOutput.size,
"Number of batches before context restart less than number of expected output " +
"(i.e. number of total batches to run)")
"Cannot run test with already active streaming context")

// Current code assumes that number of batches to be run = number of inputs
val totalNumBatches = input.size
val batchDurationMillis = batchDuration.milliseconds

// Setup the stream computation
val checkpointDir = Utils.createTempDir(this.getClass.getSimpleName()).toString
logDebug(s"Using checkpoint directory $checkpointDir")
val ssc = createContextForCheckpointOperation(batchDuration)
require(ssc.conf.get("spark.streaming.clock") === classOf[ManualClock].getName,
"Cannot run test without manual clock in the conf")

val inputStream = new TestInputStream(ssc, input, numPartitions = 2)
val operatedStream = operation(inputStream)
val outputStream = new TestOutputStreamWithPartitions(operatedStream,
new ArrayBuffer[Seq[Seq[V]]] with SynchronizedBuffer[Seq[Seq[V]]])

// Do the computation for initial number of batches, create checkpoint file and quit
val beforeRestartOutput = generateOutput[V](ssc,
Time(batchDurationMillis * numBatchesBeforeRestart), checkpointDir, stopSparkContextAfterTest)
assertOutput(beforeRestartOutput, expectedOutput, beforeRestart = true)
// Restart and complete the computation from checkpoint file
"\n-------------------------------------------\n" +
" Restarting stream computation " +

val restartedSsc = new StreamingContext(checkpointDir)
val afterRestartOutput = generateOutput[V](restartedSsc,
Time(batchDurationMillis * totalNumBatches), checkpointDir, stopSparkContextAfterTest)
assertOutput(afterRestartOutput, expectedOutput, beforeRestart = false)

protected def createContextForCheckpointOperation(batchDuration: Duration): StreamingContext = {
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local").setAppName(this.getClass.getSimpleName)
conf.set("spark.streaming.clock", classOf[ManualClock].getName())
new StreamingContext(SparkContext.getOrCreate(conf), batchDuration)

private def generateOutput[V: ClassTag](
ssc: StreamingContext,
targetBatchTime: Time,
checkpointDir: String,
stopSparkContext: Boolean
): Seq[Seq[V]] = {
try {
val batchDuration = ssc.graph.batchDuration
val batchCounter = new BatchCounter(ssc)
val clock = ssc.scheduler.clock.asInstanceOf[ManualClock]
val currentTime = clock.getTimeMillis()

logInfo("Manual clock before advancing = " + clock.getTimeMillis())
logInfo("Manual clock after advancing = " + clock.getTimeMillis())

val outputStream = ssc.graph.getOutputStreams().filter { dstream =>

eventually(timeout(10 seconds)) {
assert(batchCounter.getLastCompletedBatchTime === targetBatchTime)

eventually(timeout(10 seconds)) {
val checkpointFilesOfLatestTime = Checkpoint.getCheckpointFiles(checkpointDir).filter {
// Checkpoint files are written twice for every batch interval. So assert that both
// are written to make sure that both of them have been written.
assert(checkpointFilesOfLatestTime.size === 2)

} finally {
ssc.stop(stopSparkContext = stopSparkContext)

private def assertOutput[V: ClassTag](
output: Seq[Seq[V]],
expectedOutput: Seq[Seq[V]],
beforeRestart: Boolean): Unit = {
val expectedPartialOutput = if (beforeRestart) {
} else {
val setComparison = {
case (o, e) => o.toSet === e.toSet
assert(setComparison, s"set comparison failed\n" +
s"Expected output items:\n${expectedPartialOutput.mkString("\n")}\n" +
s"Generated output items: ${output.mkString("\n")}"

* This test suites tests the checkpointing functionality of DStreams -
* the checkpointing of a DStream's RDDs as well as the checkpointing of
* the whole DStream graph.
class CheckpointSuite extends TestSuiteBase {
class CheckpointSuite extends TestSuiteBase with DStreamCheckpointTester {

var ssc: StreamingContext = null

Expand All @@ -56,7 +188,7 @@ class CheckpointSuite extends TestSuiteBase {

override def afterFunction() {
if (ssc != null) ssc.stop()
if (ssc != null) { ssc.stop() }
Utils.deleteRecursively(new File(checkpointDir))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,7 +383,9 @@ class CheckpointSuite extends TestSuiteBase {
Seq(("", 2)),
Seq(("a", 2), ("b", 1)),
Seq(("", 2)), Seq() ),
Seq(("", 2)),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -634,53 +768,6 @@ class CheckpointSuite extends TestSuiteBase {

* Tests a streaming operation under checkpointing, by restarting the operation
* from checkpoint file and verifying whether the final output is correct.
* The output is assumed to have come from a reliable queue which an replay
* data as required.
* NOTE: This takes into consideration that the last batch processed before
* master failure will be re-processed after restart/recovery.
def testCheckpointedOperation[U: ClassTag, V: ClassTag](
input: Seq[Seq[U]],
operation: DStream[U] => DStream[V],
expectedOutput: Seq[Seq[V]],
initialNumBatches: Int
) {

// Current code assumes that:
// number of inputs = number of outputs = number of batches to be run
val totalNumBatches = input.size
val nextNumBatches = totalNumBatches - initialNumBatches
val initialNumExpectedOutputs = initialNumBatches
val nextNumExpectedOutputs = expectedOutput.size - initialNumExpectedOutputs + 1
// because the last batch will be processed again

// Do the computation for initial number of batches, create checkpoint file and quit
ssc = setupStreams[U, V](input, operation)
val output = advanceTimeWithRealDelay[V](ssc, initialNumBatches)
verifyOutput[V](output, expectedOutput.take(initialNumBatches), true)

// Restart and complete the computation from checkpoint file
"\n-------------------------------------------\n" +
" Restarting stream computation " +
ssc = new StreamingContext(checkpointDir)
val outputNew = advanceTimeWithRealDelay[V](ssc, nextNumBatches)
// the first element will be re-processed data of the last batch before restart
verifyOutput[V](outputNew, expectedOutput.takeRight(nextNumExpectedOutputs), true)
ssc = null

* Advances the manual clock on the streaming scheduler by given number of batches.
* It also waits for the expected amount of time for each batch.
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Expand Up @@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ class BatchCounter(ssc: StreamingContext) {
// All access to this state should be guarded by `BatchCounter.this.synchronized`
private var numCompletedBatches = 0
private var numStartedBatches = 0
private var lastCompletedBatchTime: Time = null

private val listener = new StreamingListener {
override def onBatchStarted(batchStarted: StreamingListenerBatchStarted): Unit =
Expand All @@ -152,6 +153,7 @@ class BatchCounter(ssc: StreamingContext) {
override def onBatchCompleted(batchCompleted: StreamingListenerBatchCompleted): Unit =
BatchCounter.this.synchronized {
numCompletedBatches += 1
lastCompletedBatchTime = batchCompleted.batchInfo.batchTime
Expand All @@ -165,6 +167,10 @@ class BatchCounter(ssc: StreamingContext) {

def getLastCompletedBatchTime: Time = this.synchronized {

* Wait until `expectedNumCompletedBatches` batches are completed, or timeout. Return true if
* `expectedNumCompletedBatches` batches are completed. Otherwise, return false to indicate it's
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