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[Release] Major improvements to generate contributors script
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This commit introduces several major improvements to the script
that generates the contributors list for release notes, notably:

(1) Use release tags instead of a range of commits. Across branches,
commits are not actually strictly two-dimensional, and so it is not
sufficient to specify a start hash and an end hash. Otherwise, we
end up counting commits that were already merged in an older branch.

(2) Match PR numbers in addition to commit hashes. This is related
to the first point in that if a PR is already merged in an older
minor release tag, it should be filtered out here. This requires us
to do some intelligent regex parsing on the commit description in
addition to just relying on the GitHub API.

(3) Relax author validity check. The old code fails on a name that
has many middle names, for instance. The test was just too strict.

(4) Use GitHub authentication. This allows us to make far more
requests through the GitHub API than before (5000 as opposed to 60
per hour).

(5) Translate from Github username, not commit author name. This is
important because the commit author name is not always configured
correctly by the user. For instance, the username "falaki" used to
resolve to just "Hossein", which was treated as a github username
and translated to something else that is completely arbitrary.

(6) Add an option to use the untranslated name. If there is not
a satisfactory candidate to replace the untranslated name with,
at least allow the user to not translate it.
  • Loading branch information
Andrew Or committed Dec 17, 2014
1 parent fa66ef6 commit 6f80b74
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Showing 3 changed files with 206 additions and 89 deletions.
156 changes: 92 additions & 64 deletions dev/create-release/
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# You must set the following before use!
JIRA_API_BASE = os.environ.get("JIRA_API_BASE", "")
START_COMMIT = os.environ.get("START_COMMIT", "37b100")
END_COMMIT = os.environ.get("END_COMMIT", "3693ae")

# If commit range is not specified, prompt the user to provide it
print "A commit range is required to proceed."
START_COMMIT = raw_input("Please specify starting commit hash (inclusive): ")
if not END_COMMIT:
END_COMMIT = raw_input("Please specify ending commit hash (non-inclusive): ")

# Verify provided arguments
start_commit_line = get_one_line(START_COMMIT)
end_commit_line = get_one_line(END_COMMIT)
num_commits = num_commits_in_range(START_COMMIT, END_COMMIT)
if not start_commit_line: sys.exit("Start commit %s not found!" % START_COMMIT)
if not end_commit_line: sys.exit("End commit %s not found!" % END_COMMIT)
if num_commits == 0:
sys.exit("There are no commits in the provided range [%s, %s)" % (START_COMMIT, END_COMMIT))
RELEASE_TAG = os.environ.get("START_COMMIT", "v1.2.0-rc2")
PREVIOUS_RELEASE_TAG = os.environ.get("END_COMMIT", "v1.1.0")

# If the release tags are not provided, prompt the user to provide them
while not tag_exists(RELEASE_TAG):
RELEASE_TAG = raw_input("Please provide a valid release tag: ")
while not tag_exists(PREVIOUS_RELEASE_TAG):
print "Please specify the previous release tag."
"For instance, if you are releasing v1.2.0, you should specify v1.1.0: ")

# Gather commits found in the new tag but not in the old tag.
# This filters commits based on both the git hash and the PR number.
# If either is present in the old tag, then we ignore the commit.
print "Gathering new commits between tags %s and %s" % (PREVIOUS_RELEASE_TAG, RELEASE_TAG)
release_commits = get_commits(RELEASE_TAG)
previous_release_commits = get_commits(PREVIOUS_RELEASE_TAG)
previous_release_hashes = set()
previous_release_prs = set()
for old_commit in previous_release_commits:
if old_commit.get_pr_number():
new_commits = []
for this_commit in release_commits:
this_hash = this_commit.get_hash()
this_pr_number = this_commit.get_pr_number()
if this_hash in previous_release_hashes:
if this_pr_number and this_pr_number in previous_release_prs:
if not new_commits:
sys.exit("There are no new commits between %s and %s!" % (PREVIOUS_RELEASE_TAG, RELEASE_TAG))

# Prompt the user for confirmation that the commit range is correct
print "\n=================================================================================="
print "JIRA server: %s" % JIRA_API_BASE
print "Start commit (inclusive): %s" % start_commit_line
print "End commit (non-inclusive): %s" % end_commit_line
print "Number of commits in this range: %s" % num_commits
print "Release tag: %s" % RELEASE_TAG
print "Previous release tag: %s" % PREVIOUS_RELEASE_TAG
print "Number of commits in this range: %s" % len(new_commits)
response = raw_input("Is this correct? [Y/n] ")
if response.lower() != "y" and response:
sys.exit("Ok, exiting")
def print_indented(_list):
for x in _list: print " %s" % x
if yesOrNoPrompt("Show all commits?"):
print "==================================================================================\n"

# Find all commits within this range
print "Gathering commits within range [%s..%s)" % (START_COMMIT, END_COMMIT)
commits = get_one_line_commits(START_COMMIT, END_COMMIT)
if not commits: sys.exit("Error: No commits found within this range!")
commits = commits.split("\n")
if not yesOrNoPrompt("Does this look correct?"):
sys.exit("Ok, exiting")

# Filter out special commits
releases = []
maintenance = []
reverts = []
nojiras = []
filtered_commits = []
def is_release(commit):
return re.findall("\[release\]", commit.lower()) or\
"maven-release-plugin" in commit or "CHANGES.txt" in commit
def has_no_jira(commit):
return not re.findall("SPARK-[0-9]+", commit.upper())
def is_revert(commit):
return "revert" in commit.lower()
def is_docs(commit):
return re.findall("docs*", commit.lower()) or "programming guide" in commit.lower()
for c in commits:
if not c: continue
elif is_release(c): releases.append(c)
elif is_revert(c): reverts.append(c)
elif is_docs(c): filtered_commits.append(c) # docs may not have JIRA numbers
elif has_no_jira(c): nojiras.append(c)
def is_release(commit_title):
return re.findall("\[release\]", commit_title.lower()) or\
"preparing spark release" in commit_title.lower() or\
"preparing development version" in commit_title.lower() or\
"CHANGES.txt" in commit_title
def is_maintenance(commit_title):
return "maintenance" in commit_title.lower() or\
"manually close" in commit_title.lower()
def has_no_jira(commit_title):
return not re.findall("SPARK-[0-9]+", commit_title.upper())
def is_revert(commit_title):
return "revert" in commit_title.lower()
def is_docs(commit_title):
return re.findall("docs*", commit_title.lower()) or\
"programming guide" in commit_title.lower()
for c in new_commits:
t = c.get_title()
if not t: continue
elif is_release(t): releases.append(c)
elif is_maintenance(t): maintenance.append(c)
elif is_revert(t): reverts.append(c)
elif is_docs(t): filtered_commits.append(c) # docs may not have JIRA numbers
elif has_no_jira(t): nojiras.append(c)
else: filtered_commits.append(c)

# Warn against ignored commits
def print_indented(_list):
for x in _list: print " %s" % x
if releases or reverts or nojiras:
if releases or maintenance or reverts or nojiras:
print "\n=================================================================================="
if releases: print "Releases (%d)" % len(releases); print_indented(releases)
if reverts: print "Reverts (%d)" % len(reverts); print_indented(reverts)
if nojiras: print "No JIRA (%d)" % len(nojiras); print_indented(nojiras)
if releases: print "Found %d release commits" % len(releases)
if maintenance: print "Found %d maintenance commits" % len(maintenance)
if reverts: print "Found %d revert commits" % len(reverts)
if nojiras: print "Found %d commits with no JIRA" % len(nojiras)
print "* Warning: these commits will be ignored.\n"
if yesOrNoPrompt("Show ignored commits?"):
if releases: print "Release (%d)" % len(releases); print_indented(releases)
if maintenance: print "Maintenance (%d)" % len(maintenance); print_indented(maintenance)
if reverts: print "Revert (%d)" % len(reverts); print_indented(reverts)
if nojiras: print "No JIRA (%d)" % len(nojiras); print_indented(nojiras)
print "==================== Warning: the above commits will be ignored ==================\n"
response = raw_input("%d commits left to process. Ok to proceed? [Y/n] " % len(filtered_commits))
if response.lower() != "y" and response:
prompt_msg = "%d commits left to process after filtering. Ok to proceed?" % len(filtered_commits)
if not yesOrNoPrompt(prompt_msg):
sys.exit("Ok, exiting.")

# Keep track of warnings to tell the user at the end
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,10 +151,11 @@ def print_indented(_list):
jira_client = JIRA(options = jira_options)
print "\n=========================== Compiling contributor list ==========================="
for commit in filtered_commits:
commit_hash = re.findall("^[a-z0-9]+", commit)[0]
issues = re.findall("SPARK-[0-9]+", commit.upper())
author = get_author(commit_hash)
author = unidecode.unidecode(unicode(author, "UTF-8")).strip() # guard against special characters
_hash = commit.get_hash()
title = commit.get_title()
issues = re.findall("SPARK-[0-9]+", title.upper())
author = commit.get_author()
date = get_date(_hash)
# If the author name is invalid, keep track of it along
# with all associated issues so we can translate it later
if is_valid_author(author):
Expand All @@ -136,9 +165,8 @@ def print_indented(_list):
invalid_authors[author] = set()
for issue in issues:
date = get_date(commit_hash)
# Parse components from the commit message, if any
commit_components = find_components(commit, commit_hash)
# Parse components from the commit title, if any
commit_components = find_components(title, _hash)
# Populate or merge an issue into author_info[author]
def populate(issue_type, components):
components = components or [CORE_COMPONENT] # assume core if no components provided
Expand All @@ -153,14 +181,14 @@ def populate(issue_type, components):
jira_issue = jira_client.issue(issue)
jira_type =
jira_type = translate_issue_type(jira_type, issue, warnings)
jira_components = [translate_component(, commit_hash, warnings)\
jira_components = [translate_component(, _hash, warnings)\
for c in jira_issue.fields.components]
all_components = set(jira_components + commit_components)
populate(jira_type, all_components)
# For docs without an associated JIRA, manually add it ourselves
if is_docs(commit) and not issues:
if is_docs(title) and not issues:
populate("documentation", commit_components)
print " Processed commit %s authored by %s on %s" % (commit_hash, author, date)
print " Processed commit %s authored by %s on %s" % (_hash, author, date)
print "==================================================================================\n"

# Write to contributors file ordered by author names
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94 changes: 81 additions & 13 deletions dev/create-release/
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# This file contains helper methods used in creating a release.

import re
import sys
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

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# Contributors list file name
contributors_file_name = "contributors.txt"

# Prompt the user to answer yes or no until they do so
def yesOrNoPrompt(msg):
response = raw_input("%s [y/n]: " % msg)
while response != "y" and response != "n":
return yesOrNoPrompt(msg)
return response == "y"

# Utility functions run git commands (written with Git 1.8.5)
def run_cmd(cmd): return Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
def get_author(commit_hash):
return run_cmd(["git", "show", "--quiet", "--pretty=format:%an", commit_hash])
def run_cmd_error(cmd): return Popen(cmd, stderr=PIPE).communicate()[1]
def get_date(commit_hash):
return run_cmd(["git", "show", "--quiet", "--pretty=format:%cd", commit_hash])
def get_one_line(commit_hash):
return run_cmd(["git", "show", "--quiet", "--pretty=format:\"%h %cd %s\"", commit_hash])
def get_one_line_commits(start_hash, end_hash):
return run_cmd(["git", "log", "--oneline", "%s..%s" % (start_hash, end_hash)])
def num_commits_in_range(start_hash, end_hash):
output = run_cmd(["git", "log", "--oneline", "%s..%s" % (start_hash, end_hash)])
lines = [line for line in output.split("\n") if line] # filter out empty lines
return len(lines)
def tag_exists(tag):
stderr = run_cmd_error(["git", "checkout", tag])
return "error" not in stderr

# A type-safe representation of a commit
class Commit:
def __init__(self, _hash, author, title, pr_number = None):
self._hash = _hash = author
self.title = title
self.pr_number = pr_number
def get_hash(self): return self._hash
def get_author(self): return
def get_title(self): return self.title
def get_pr_number(self): return self.pr_number
def __str__(self):
closes_pr = "(Closes #%s)" % self.pr_number if self.pr_number else ""
return "%s %s %s %s" % (self._hash,, self.title, closes_pr)

# Return all commits that belong to the specified tag.
# Under the hood, this runs a `git log` on that tag and parses the fields
# from the command output to construct a list of Commit objects. Note that
# because certain fields reside in the commit description and cannot be parsed
# through the Github API itself, we need to do some intelligent regex parsing
# to extract those fields.
# This is written using Git 1.8.5.
def get_commits(tag):
commit_start_marker = "|=== COMMIT START MARKER ===|"
commit_end_marker = "|=== COMMIT END MARKER ===|"
field_end_marker = "|=== COMMIT FIELD END MARKER ===|"
log_format =\
commit_start_marker + "%h" +\
field_end_marker + "%an" +\
field_end_marker + "%s" +\
commit_end_marker + "%b"
output = run_cmd(["git", "log", "--quiet", "--pretty=format:" + log_format, tag])
commits = []
raw_commits = [c for c in output.split(commit_start_marker) if c]
for commit in raw_commits:
if commit.count(commit_end_marker) != 1:
print "Commit end marker not found in commit: "
for line in commit.split("\n"): print line
# Separate commit digest from the body
# From the digest we extract the hash, author and the title
# From the body, we extract the PR number and the github username
[commit_digest, commit_body] = commit.split(commit_end_marker)
if commit_digest.count(field_end_marker) != 2:
sys.exit("Unexpected format in commit: %s" % commit_digest)
[_hash, author, title] = commit_digest.split(field_end_marker)
# The PR number and github username is in the commit message
# itself and cannot be accessed through any Github API
pr_number = None
match ="Closes #([0-9]+) from ([^/\\s]+)/", commit_body)
if match:
[pr_number, github_username] = match.groups()
# If the author name is not valid, use the github
# username so we can translate it properly later
if not is_valid_author(author):
author = github_username
# Guard against special characters
author = unidecode.unidecode(unicode(author, "UTF-8")).strip()
commit = Commit(_hash, author, title, pr_number)
return commits

# Maintain a mapping for translating issue types to contributions in the release notes
# This serves an additional function of warning the user against unknown issue types
Expand All @@ -70,10 +136,13 @@ def num_commits_in_range(start_hash, end_hash):
known_issue_types = {
"bug": "bug fixes",
"build": "build fixes",
"dependency upgrade": "build fixes",
"improvement": "improvements",
"new feature": "new features",
"documentation": "documentation",
"test": "test"
"test": "test",
"task": "improvement",
"sub-task": "improvement"

# Maintain a mapping for translating component names when creating the release notes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,8 +245,7 @@ def get_jira_name(author, jira_client):
# Return whether the given name is in the form <First Name><space><Last Name>
def is_valid_author(author):
if not author: return False
author_words = len(author.split(" "))
return author_words == 2 or author_words == 3
return " " in author and not re.findall("[0-9]", author)

# Capitalize the first letter of each word in the given author name
def capitalize_author(author):
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