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[SPARK-2781][SQL] Check resolution of LogicalPlans in Analyzer.
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LogicalPlan contains a ‘resolved’ attribute indicating that all of its execution requirements have been resolved. This attribute is not checked before query execution. The analyzer contains a step to check that all Expressions are resolved, but this is not equivalent to checking all LogicalPlans. In particular, the Union plan’s implementation of ‘resolved’ verifies that the types of its children’s columns are compatible. Because the analyzer does not check that a Union plan is resolved, it is possible to execute a Union plan that outputs different types in the same column.  See SPARK-2781 for an example.

This patch adds two checks to the analyzer’s CheckResolution rule. First, each logical plan is checked to see if it is not resolved despite its children being resolved. This allows the ‘problem’ unresolved plan to be included in the TreeNodeException for reporting. Then as a backstop the root plan is checked to see if it is resolved, which recursively checks that the entire plan tree is resolved. Note that the resolved attribute is implemented recursively, and this patch also explicitly checks the resolved attribute on each logical plan in the tree. I assume the query plan trees will not be large enough for this redundant checking to meaningfully impact performance.

Because this patch starts validating that LogicalPlans are resolved before execution, I had to fix some cases where unresolved plans were passing through the analyzer as part of the implementation of the hive query system. In particular, HiveContext applies the CreateTables and PreInsertionCasts, and ExtractPythonUdfs rules manually after the analyzer runs. I moved these rules to the analyzer stage (for hive queries only), in the process completing a code TODO indicating the rules should be moved to the analyzer.

It’s worth noting that moving the CreateTables rule means introducing an analyzer rule with a significant side effect - in this case the side effect is creating a hive table. The rule will only attempt to create a table once even if its batch is executed multiple times, because it converts the InsertIntoCreatedTable plan it matches against into an InsertIntoTable. Additionally, these hive rules must be added to the Resolution batch rather than as a separate batch because hive rules rules may be needed to resolve non-root nodes, leaving the root to be resolved on a subsequent batch iteration. For example, the hive compatibility test auto_smb_mapjoin_14, and others, make use of a query plan where the root is a Union and its children are each a hive InsertIntoTable.

Mixing the custom hive rules with standard analyzer rules initially resulted in an additional failure because of policy differences between spark sql and hive when casting a boolean to a string. Hive casts booleans to strings as “true” / “false” while spark sql casts booleans to strings as “1” / “0” (causing the cast1.q test to fail). This behavior is a result of the BooleanCasts rule in HiveTypeCoercion.scala, and from looking at the implementation of BooleanCasts I think converting to to “1”/“0” is potentially a programming mistake. (If the BooleanCasts rule is disabled, casting produces “true”/“false” instead.) I believe “true” / “false” should be the behavior for spark sql - I changed the behavior so bools are converted to “true”/“false” to be consistent with hive, and none of the existing spark tests failed.

Finally, in some initial testing with hive it appears that an implicit type coercion of boolean to string results in a lowercase string, e.g. CONCAT( TRUE, “” ) -> “true” while an explicit cast produces an all caps string, e.g. CAST( TRUE AS STRING ) -> “TRUE”.  The change I’ve made just converts to lowercase strings in all cases.  I believe it is at least more correct than the existing spark sql implementation where all Cast expressions become “1” / “0”.

Author: Aaron Staple <[email protected]>

Closes #1706 from staple/SPARK-2781 and squashes the following commits:

32683c4 [Aaron Staple] Fix compilation failure due to merge.
7c77fda [Aaron Staple] Move ExtractPythonUdfs to Analyzer's extendedRules in HiveContext.
d49bfb3 [Aaron Staple] Address review comments.
915b690 [Aaron Staple] Fix merge issue causing compilation failure.
701dcd2 [Aaron Staple] [SPARK-2781][SQL] Check resolution of LogicalPlans in Analyzer.
  • Loading branch information
staple authored and marmbrus committed Sep 11, 2014
1 parent f92cde2 commit c27718f
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Showing 8 changed files with 107 additions and 20 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,12 @@ class Analyzer(catalog: Catalog, registry: FunctionRegistry, caseSensitive: Bool
// TODO: pass this in as a parameter.
val fixedPoint = FixedPoint(100)

val batches: Seq[Batch] = Seq(
* Override to provide additional rules for the "Resolution" batch.
val extendedRules: Seq[Rule[LogicalPlan]] = Nil

lazy val batches: Seq[Batch] = Seq(
Batch("MultiInstanceRelations", Once,
Batch("CaseInsensitiveAttributeReferences", Once,
Expand All @@ -54,23 +59,31 @@ class Analyzer(catalog: Catalog, registry: FunctionRegistry, caseSensitive: Bool
StarExpansion ::
ResolveFunctions ::
GlobalAggregates ::
UnresolvedHavingClauseAttributes ::
typeCoercionRules :_*),
UnresolvedHavingClauseAttributes ::
typeCoercionRules ++
extendedRules : _*),
Batch("Check Analysis", Once,
Batch("AnalysisOperators", fixedPoint,

* Makes sure all attributes have been resolved.
* Makes sure all attributes and logical plans have been resolved.
object CheckResolution extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = {
plan.transform {
case p if p.expressions.exists(!_.resolved) =>
throw new TreeNodeException(p,
s"Unresolved attributes: ${p.expressions.filterNot(_.resolved).mkString(",")}")
case p if !p.resolved && p.childrenResolved =>
throw new TreeNodeException(p, "Unresolved plan found")
} match {
// As a backstop, use the root node to check that the entire plan tree is resolved.
case p if !p.resolved =>
throw new TreeNodeException(p, "Unresolved plan in tree")
case p => p
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Expand Up @@ -286,6 +286,10 @@ trait HiveTypeCoercion {
// If the data type is not boolean and is being cast boolean, turn it into a comparison
// with the numeric value, i.e. x != 0. This will coerce the type into numeric type.
case Cast(e, BooleanType) if e.dataType != BooleanType => Not(EqualTo(e, Literal(0)))
// Stringify boolean if casting to StringType.
// TODO Ensure true/false string letter casing is consistent with Hive in all cases.
case Cast(e, StringType) if e.dataType == BooleanType =>
If(e, Literal("true"), Literal("false"))
// Turn true into 1, and false into 0 if casting boolean into other types.
case Cast(e, dataType) if e.dataType == BooleanType =>
Cast(If(e, Literal(1), Literal(0)), dataType)
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ abstract class LogicalPlan extends QueryPlan[LogicalPlan] {

* Returns true if this expression and all its children have been resolved to a specific schema
* and false if it is still contains any unresolved placeholders. Implementations of LogicalPlan
* and false if it still contains any unresolved placeholders. Implementations of LogicalPlan
* can override this (e.g.
* [[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.UnresolvedRelation UnresolvedRelation]]
* should return `false`).
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -93,6 +93,17 @@ class AnalysisSuite extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfter {
val e = intercept[TreeNodeException[_]] {
caseSensitiveAnalyze(Project(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("abcd")), testRelation))
assert(e.getMessage().toLowerCase.contains("unresolved attribute"))

test("throw errors for unresolved plans during analysis") {
case class UnresolvedTestPlan() extends LeafNode {
override lazy val resolved = false
override def output = Nil
val e = intercept[TreeNodeException[_]] {
assert(e.getMessage().toLowerCase.contains("unresolved plan"))
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis

import org.scalatest.FunSuite

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{LocalRelation, Project}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.types._

class HiveTypeCoercionSuite extends FunSuite {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,4 +86,17 @@ class HiveTypeCoercionSuite extends FunSuite {
widenTest(StringType, MapType(IntegerType, StringType, true), None)
widenTest(ArrayType(IntegerType), StructType(Seq()), None)

test("boolean casts") {
val booleanCasts = new HiveTypeCoercion { }.BooleanCasts
def ruleTest(initial: Expression, transformed: Expression) {
val testRelation = LocalRelation(AttributeReference("a", IntegerType)())
assert(booleanCasts(Project(Seq(Alias(initial, "a")()), testRelation)) ==
Project(Seq(Alias(transformed, "a")()), testRelation))
// Remove superflous boolean -> boolean casts.
ruleTest(Cast(Literal(true), BooleanType), Literal(true))
// Stringify boolean when casting to string.
ruleTest(Cast(Literal(false), StringType), If(Literal(false), Literal("true"), Literal("false")))
45 changes: 41 additions & 4 deletions sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SQLQuerySuite.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@

package org.apache.spark.sql

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors.TreeNodeException
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.test._
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -477,18 +478,48 @@ class SQLQuerySuite extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll {
(3, null)))

test("EXCEPT") {
test("UNION") {
sql("SELECT * FROM lowerCaseData UNION SELECT * FROM upperCaseData"),
(1, "A") :: (1, "a") :: (2, "B") :: (2, "b") :: (3, "C") :: (3, "c") ::
(4, "D") :: (4, "d") :: (5, "E") :: (6, "F") :: Nil)
sql("SELECT * FROM lowerCaseData UNION SELECT * FROM lowerCaseData"),
(1, "a") :: (2, "b") :: (3, "c") :: (4, "d") :: Nil)
sql("SELECT * FROM lowerCaseData UNION ALL SELECT * FROM lowerCaseData"),
(1, "a") :: (1, "a") :: (2, "b") :: (2, "b") :: (3, "c") :: (3, "c") ::
(4, "d") :: (4, "d") :: Nil)

test("UNION with column mismatches") {
// Column name mismatches are allowed.
sql("SELECT n,l FROM lowerCaseData UNION SELECT N as x1, L as x2 FROM upperCaseData"),
(1, "A") :: (1, "a") :: (2, "B") :: (2, "b") :: (3, "C") :: (3, "c") ::
(4, "D") :: (4, "d") :: (5, "E") :: (6, "F") :: Nil)
// Column type mismatches are not allowed, forcing a type coercion.
sql("SELECT * FROM lowerCaseData EXCEPT SELECT * FROM upperCaseData "),
sql("SELECT n FROM lowerCaseData UNION SELECT L FROM upperCaseData"),
("1" :: "2" :: "3" :: "4" :: "A" :: "B" :: "C" :: "D" :: "E" :: "F" :: Nil).map(Tuple1(_)))
// Column type mismatches where a coercion is not possible, in this case between integer
// and array types, trigger a TreeNodeException.
intercept[TreeNodeException[_]] {
sql("SELECT data FROM arrayData UNION SELECT 1 FROM arrayData").collect()

test("EXCEPT") {
sql("SELECT * FROM lowerCaseData EXCEPT SELECT * FROM upperCaseData"),
(1, "a") ::
(2, "b") ::
(3, "c") ::
(4, "d") :: Nil)
sql("SELECT * FROM lowerCaseData EXCEPT SELECT * FROM lowerCaseData "), Nil)
sql("SELECT * FROM lowerCaseData EXCEPT SELECT * FROM lowerCaseData"), Nil)
sql("SELECT * FROM upperCaseData EXCEPT SELECT * FROM upperCaseData "), Nil)
sql("SELECT * FROM upperCaseData EXCEPT SELECT * FROM upperCaseData"), Nil)

test("INTERSECT") {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -634,6 +665,12 @@ class SQLQuerySuite extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll {
sql("SELECT key, value FROM testData WHERE key BETWEEN 9 and 7"),

test("cast boolean to string") {
// TODO Ensure true/false string letter casing is consistent with Hive in all cases.
("true", "false") :: Nil)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -262,7 +262,13 @@ class HiveContext(sc: SparkContext) extends SQLContext(sc) {
/* An analyzer that uses the Hive metastore. */
override protected[sql] lazy val analyzer =
new Analyzer(catalog, functionRegistry, caseSensitive = false)
new Analyzer(catalog, functionRegistry, caseSensitive = false) {
override val extendedRules =
catalog.CreateTables ::
catalog.PreInsertionCasts ::
ExtractPythonUdfs ::

* Runs the specified SQL query using Hive.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -353,9 +359,6 @@ class HiveContext(sc: SparkContext) extends SQLContext(sc) {

/** Extends QueryExecution with hive specific features. */
protected[sql] abstract class QueryExecution extends super.QueryExecution {
// TODO: Create mixin for the analyzer instead of overriding things here.
override lazy val optimizedPlan =

override lazy val toRdd: RDD[Row] = executedPlan.execute().map(_.copy())

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Expand Up @@ -109,15 +109,17 @@ private[hive] class HiveMetastoreCatalog(hive: HiveContext) extends Catalog with
object CreateTables extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {
// Wait until children are resolved.
case p: LogicalPlan if !p.childrenResolved => p

case InsertIntoCreatedTable(db, tableName, child) =>
val (dbName, tblName) = processDatabaseAndTableName(db, tableName)
val databaseName = dbName.getOrElse(hive.sessionState.getCurrentDatabase)

createTable(databaseName, tblName, child.output)

lookupRelation(Some(databaseName), tblName, None)),
lookupRelation(Some(databaseName), tblName, None),
overwrite = false)
Expand All @@ -130,15 +132,17 @@ private[hive] class HiveMetastoreCatalog(hive: HiveContext) extends Catalog with
object PreInsertionCasts extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.transform {
// Wait until children are resolved
// Wait until children are resolved.
case p: LogicalPlan if !p.childrenResolved => p

case p @ InsertIntoTable(table: MetastoreRelation, _, child, _) =>
case p @ InsertIntoTable(
LowerCaseSchema(table: MetastoreRelation), _, child, _) =>
castChildOutput(p, table, child)

case p @ logical.InsertIntoTable(
InMemoryRelation(_, _, _,
HiveTableScan(_, table, _)), _, child, _) =>
InMemoryRelation(_, _, _,
HiveTableScan(_, table, _))), _, child, _) =>
castChildOutput(p, table, child)

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