diff --git a/superset-frontend/src/components/Select/AsyncSelect.test.tsx b/superset-frontend/src/components/Select/AsyncSelect.test.tsx
index 8e8e151b6641f..b8626026384ac 100644
--- a/superset-frontend/src/components/Select/AsyncSelect.test.tsx
+++ b/superset-frontend/src/components/Select/AsyncSelect.test.tsx
@@ -384,12 +384,14 @@ test('removes duplicated values', async () => {
fireEvent(input, paste);
- const values = await findAllSelectValues();
- expect(values.length).toBe(4);
- expect(values[0]).toHaveTextContent('a');
- expect(values[1]).toHaveTextContent('b');
- expect(values[2]).toHaveTextContent('c');
- expect(values[3]).toHaveTextContent('d');
+ await waitFor(async () => {
+ const values = await findAllSelectValues();
+ expect(values.length).toBe(4);
+ expect(values[0]).toHaveTextContent('a');
+ expect(values[1]).toHaveTextContent('b');
+ expect(values[2]).toHaveTextContent('c');
+ expect(values[3]).toHaveTextContent('d');
+ });
test('renders a custom label', async () => {
@@ -879,7 +881,7 @@ test('fires onChange when pasting a selection', async () => {
fireEvent(input, paste);
- expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ await waitFor(() => expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1));
test('does not duplicate options when using numeric values', async () => {
@@ -935,8 +937,30 @@ test('pasting an existing option does not duplicate it in multiple mode', async
fireEvent(input, paste);
- // Only Peter should be added
- expect(await findAllSelectOptions()).toHaveLength(4);
+ await waitFor(async () =>
+ // Only Peter should be added
+ expect(await findAllSelectOptions()).toHaveLength(4),
+ );
+test('onChange is called with the value property when pasting an option that was not loaded yet', async () => {
+ const onChange = jest.fn();
+ render();
+ await open();
+ const input = getElementByClassName('.ant-select-selection-search-input');
+ const lastOption = OPTIONS[OPTIONS.length - 1];
+ const paste = createEvent.paste(input, {
+ clipboardData: {
+ getData: () => lastOption.label,
+ },
+ });
+ fireEvent(input, paste);
+ await waitFor(() =>
+ expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ expect.objectContaining({ value: lastOption.value }),
+ expect.anything(),
+ ),
+ );
test('does not fire onChange if the same value is selected in single mode', async () => {
diff --git a/superset-frontend/src/components/Select/AsyncSelect.tsx b/superset-frontend/src/components/Select/AsyncSelect.tsx
index 3fb8bceaf432f..16cd1b26b817e 100644
--- a/superset-frontend/src/components/Select/AsyncSelect.tsx
+++ b/superset-frontend/src/components/Select/AsyncSelect.tsx
@@ -534,8 +534,15 @@ const AsyncSelect = forwardRef(
const getPastedTextValue = useCallback(
- (text: string) => {
- const option = getOption(text, fullSelectOptions, true);
+ async (text: string) => {
+ let option = getOption(text, fullSelectOptions, true);
+ if (!option && !allValuesLoaded) {
+ const fetchOptions = options as SelectOptionsPagePromise;
+ option = await fetchOptions(text, 0, pageSize).then(
+ ({ data }: SelectOptionsTypePage) =>
+ data.find(item => item.label === text),
+ );
+ }
const value: AntdLabeledValue = {
label: text,
value: text,
@@ -546,20 +553,22 @@ const AsyncSelect = forwardRef(
return value;
- [fullSelectOptions],
+ [allValuesLoaded, fullSelectOptions, options, pageSize],
- const onPaste = (e: ClipboardEvent) => {
+ const onPaste = async (e: ClipboardEvent) => {
const pastedText = e.clipboardData.getData('text');
if (isSingleMode) {
- setSelectValue(getPastedTextValue(pastedText));
+ setSelectValue(await getPastedTextValue(pastedText));
} else {
const token = tokenSeparators.find(token => pastedText.includes(token));
const array = token ? uniq(pastedText.split(token)) : [pastedText];
- const values = array.map(item => getPastedTextValue(item));
+ const values = await Promise.all(
+ array.map(item => getPastedTextValue(item)),
+ );
setSelectValue(previous => [
...((previous || []) as AntdLabeledValue[]),
- ...values,
+ ...values.filter(value => !hasOption(value.value, previous)),