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File metadata and controls

235 lines (211 loc) · 9 KB




  • Many of the Espresso tests will map to Appium
    • e.g.)
      Would map to something like
  • Make use of or something like it to know when resources idling
  • Recommend to turn off System Animations
  • Run an instance of WebDriver and run espresso queries
  • Do we have to choose between Espresso and UIAutomator? Maybe not.
  • Espresso waits for UI Events to complete before it moves to next part of test
  • How do we switch between apps and processes?
  • Need separate instance of Espresso for different processes.
  • We need to test if we can:
    • Run an HTTP server on an app
    • Write test suites that run Espresso tests on arbitrary apps

Sample Code

How to run an espresso testcase from the command line:

  • adb shell am instrument -w -r -e debug false

Most relevant bits of the Espresso API

  • UiController interface has methods like injectKeyEvent and injectMotionEvent which allow building arbitrary actions
  • EspressoKey.Builder for building key codes with meta states
  • GeneralClickAction for taking tapper, coordinates, and precision and getting a click action
  • GeneralSwipeAction
  • KeyEventAction for turning EspressoKey into an action
  • MotionEvents for sending events to a UiController. Events include up, down, move, and cancel
  • ReplaceTextAction for setting value of an EditText
  • ScrollToAction
  • TypeTextAction (includes option for tapping to focus)
  • Pre-baked ViewActions:
    • clearText
    • click
    • closeSoftKeyboard
    • doubleClick
    • longClick
    • pressBack
    • pressImeActionButton
    • pressKey
    • pressMenuKey
    • replaceText
    • scrollTo
    • swipeDown
    • swipeLeft
    • swipeRight
    • swipeUp
    • typeText
    • typeTextIntoFocusedView
  • ViewMatchers
    • hasContentDescription
    • hasDescendant
    • hasSibling (matches based on sibling)
    • isChecked
    • isClickable
    • isCompletelyDisplayed
    • isDescendantOfA
    • isDisplayed
    • isEnabled
    • isFocusable
    • isNotChecked
    • isRoot
    • isSelected
    • withChild
    • withClassName
    • withContentDescription
    • withHint
    • withId (need to use ResourceName instead since string)
    • withInputType
    • withParent
    • withResourceName
    • withSpinnerText
    • withTagKey
    • withTagValue
    • withText

Full(er) Espresso API

  • UiController ( an interface for base-level UI operations. Note that there is a restriction such that these injected events can only interact with the AUT, not other apps.
    • injectKeyEvent (could be useful for sending non-standard keys)
    • injectMotionEvent (for swipes, gestures, etc)
    • injectString (series of key events)
  • ViewAction ( an interface for performing interactions with view elements
    • perform
  • ViewAssertion ( an interface for making assertions on views
    • check
  • ViewFinder ( an interface for finding views
    • getView (finds a single view within the hierarchy; throws if multiple views or no views are found)
  • Espresso (
    • closeSoftKeyboard
    • onData (creates a DataInteraction)
    • onView (creates a ViewInteraction)
    • openActionBarOverflowOrOptionsMenu
    • openContextualActionModeOverflowMenu
    • pressBack
  • ViewInteraction ( primary interface for providing action or assert on a view
    • check
    • perform
    • inRoot (scope the ViewInteraction to the root selected by a given root matcher)
  • LayoutMatchers (
    • hasEllipsizedText (matches text views which have elided text)
    • hasMultilineText (matches multiline text views)
  • RootMatchers (
    • isDialog (matches roots which are dialogs)
    • isFocusable
    • isPlatformPopup
    • isTouchable
    • withDecorView
  • ViewMatchers (
    • hasContentDescription
    • hasDescendant
    • hasErrorText (matches EditText based on error string value)
    • hasFocus
    • hasImeAction
    • hasLinks
    • hasSibling (matches based on sibling)
    • isChecked
    • isClickable
    • isCompletelyDisplayed
    • isDescendantOfA
    • isDisplayed
    • isDisplayingAtLeast
    • isEnabled
    • isFocusable
    • isJavascriptEnabled (for webviews)
    • isNotChecked
    • isRoot
    • isSelected
    • supportsInputMethods
    • withChild
    • withClassName
    • withContentDescription
    • withEffectiveVisibility
    • withHint
    • withId (need to use ResourceName instead since string)
    • withInputType
    • withParent
    • withResourceName
    • withSpinnerText
    • withTagKey
    • withTagValue
    • withText
  • DrawerActions (
    • close
    • open
  • DrawerMatchers (
    • isClosed
    • isOpen
  • NavigationViewActions (
    • navigateTo (navigate to a menu item using a menu item resource id)
  • PickerActions (
    • setDate
    • setTime
  • RecyclerViewActions (
    • actionOnHolderItem
    • actionOnItem
    • actionOnItemAtPosition
    • scrollTo
    • scrollToHolder
    • scrollToPosition
  • ActiveRootLister (
    • listActiveRoots (could be nice for building XML?)
  • RootViewPicker (
    • get (gets the root view of the top-most window with which the user can interact)
  • EspressoKey.Builder for building key codes with meta states
  • GeneralClickAction for taking tapper, coordinates, and precision and getting a click action
  • GeneralSwipeAction
  • KeyEventAction for turning EspressoKey into an action
  • MotionEvents for sending events to a UiController. Events include up, down, move, and cancel
  • ReplaceTextAction for setting value of an EditText
  • ScrollToAction
  • TypeTextAction (includes option for tapping to focus)

Instrumenting an app that is not the one the tests are associated with

App under test (AUT)

  • Resign with the same certificate as the test runner will be signed
  • Install

Appium test runner

  • apktool d app-debug-androidTest.apk
  • edit AndroidManifest.xml to set the instrumentation android:targetPackage to the package for the AUT
  • apktool b app-debug-androidTest -o a.apk
  • zipalign the a.apk file (zipalign -v -p 4 a.apk a-aligned.apk)
  • sign the aligned file (apksigner sign --ks my-release-key.jks --out a-release.apk a-aligned.apk)
  • remove the old runner (adb uninstall io.appium.espresso.BasicSample.test)
  • install the new runner (adb push a-release.apk /data/local/tmp/io.appium.espresso.BasicSample.test && adb shell pm install -t -r "/data/local/tmp/io.appium.espresso.BasicSample.test")

Within the test the package/activity that is passed in can be launched:

import android.content.Intent;

// ...

final String CLASS_NAME = "";

Instrumentation mInstrumentation = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation();
ActivityMonitor mSessionMonitor = mInstrumentation.addMonitor(CLASS_NAME, null, false);
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
intent.setClassName(i.getTargetContext(), CLASS_NAME);

Activity mCurrentActivity = mInstrumentation.waitForMonitor(mSessionMonitor);

Running the test

adb shell am instrument -w -r -e debug false io.appium.espresso.BasicSample.test/