- Proposal: SE-0327
- Authors: Kavon Farvardin, John McCall, Konrad Malawski
- Review Manager: Doug Gregor
- Status: Implemented (Swift 5.10)
- Decision Notes: Acceptance
- Previous Discussions:
- Implementation: Partially implemented in
Table of Contents
- On Actors and Initialization
Actors are a relatively new nominal type in Swift that provides data-race safety for its mutable state.
The protection is achieved by isolating the mutable state of each actor instance to at most one task at a time.
The proposal that introduced actors (SE-0306) is quite large and detailed, but misses some of the subtle aspects of creating and destroying an actor's isolated state.
This proposal aims to shore up the definition of an actor, to clarify when the isolation of the data begins and ends for an actor instance, along with what can be done inside the body of an actor's init
and deinit
While there is no existing specification for how actor initialization and deinitialization should work, that in itself is not the only motivation for this proposal. The de facto expected behavior, as induced by the existing implementation in Swift 5.5, is also problematic. In summary, the issues include:
- Non-async initializers are overly strict about what can be done with
. - Actor deinitializers can exhibit data races.
- Global-actor isolation for default values of stored properties cannot always be respected during initialization.
- Initializer delegation requires the use of the
keyword like classes, even though actors do not support inheritance.
It's important to keep in mind that these is not an exhaustive list. In particular, global-actor isolated types are effectively actors themselves, so many of the same protections should apply to them, too.
The following subsections will discuss these high-level problems in more detail.
An actor's executor serves as the arbiter for race-free access to the actor's stored properties, analogous to a lock. A task can access an actor's isolated state if it is running on the actor's executor. The process of gaining access to an executor can only be done asynchronously from a task, as blocking a thread to wait for access is against the ethos of Swift Concurrency. This is why invoking a non-async method of an actor instance, from outside of the actor's isolation domain, requires an await
to mark the possible suspension. The process of gaining access to an actor's executor will be referred to as "hopping" onto the executor throughout this proposal.
Non-async initializers and all deinitializers of an actor cannot hop to an actor's executor, which would protect its state from concurrent access by other tasks. Without performing a hop, a race between a new task and the code appearing in an init
can happen:
actor Clicker {
var count: Int
func click() { self.count += 1 }
init(bad: Void) {
self.count = 0
// no actor hop happens, because non-async init.
Task { await self.click() }
self.click() // 💥 this mutation races with the task!
print(self.count) // 💥 Can print 1 or 2!
To prevent the race above in init(bad:)
, Swift 5.5 imposed a restriction on what can be done with self
in a non-async initializer. In particular, having self
escape in a closure capture, or be passed (implicitly) in the method call to click
, triggers a warning that such uses of self
will be an error in Swift 6. But, these restrictions are overly broad, because they would also reject initializers that are race-free, such as init(ok:)
actor Clicker {
var count: Int
func click() { self.count += 1 }
nonisolated func announce() { print("performing a click!") }
init(ok: Void) {
self.count = 0
Task { await self.click() }
self.announce() // rejected in Swift 5.5, but is race-free.
Leveraging the actor isolation model, we know announce
cannot touch the stored property count
to observe that click
happened concurrently with the initializer. That's because announce
is not isolated to the actor instance. In fact, a race can only happen in the initializer if an access to count
appears after the creation of the task. This proposal aims to generalize that idea into something we refer to flow-sensitive isolation, which uses data-flow analysis to prove statically that non-async initializers of an actor are race-free.
While non-async initializers gained restrictions to prevent data races in Swift 5.5, deinitializers did not. Yet, deinit
s can still exhibit races and illegal lifetime extensions of self
, which means that self
outlives the deinit
's invocation. One possible kind of race in a deinit
is conceptually the same as the one described earlier for non-async initializers:
actor Clicker {
var count: Int = 0
func click(_ times: Int) {
for _ in 0..<times {
self.count += 1
deinit {
let old = count
let moreClicks = 10000
Task { await self.click(moreClicks) } // ❌ This might keep `self` alive after the `deinit`!
for _ in 0..<moreClicks {
self.count += 1 // 💥 these mutations race with the task
assert(count == old + moreClicks) // 💥 Might fail due to data-race!
There is another more subtle scenario for races in the deinit
of global-actor isolated types (GAITs). A GAIT is similar to an actor that shares its persistent executor with other instances. When an actor or GAIT's executor is not exclusively owned by the type's instance, then it is not safe to access a non-Sendable stored property from the deinit
class NonSendableAhmed {
var state: Int = 0
class Maria {
let friend: NonSendableAhmed
init() {
self.friend = NonSendableAhmed()
init(sharingFriendOf otherMaria: Maria) {
// While the friend is non-Sendable, this initializer and
// and the otherMaria are isolated to the MainActor. That is,
// they share the same executor. So, it's OK for the non-Sendable value
// to cross between otherMaria and self.
self.friend = otherMaria.friend
deinit {
friend.state += 1 // 💥 the deinit is not isolated to the MainActor,
// so this mutation can happen concurrently with other
// accesses to the same underlying instance of
// NonSendableAhmed.
func example() async {
let m1 = await Maria()
let m2 = await Maria(sharingFriendOf: m1)
doSomething(m1, m2)
In the example above, access to isolated and non-Sendable stored properties of Maria
from the deinit
are not safe. Because the executor for two instances of Maria
are shared, it's possible for those two instances to have a reference to the same mutable state, which in the example is the shared friend
. So, if the deinit
had access to the friend
without gaining access to the shared executor, then unsynchronized concurrent mutations of the friend
can happen. If the friend
were Sendable
, then executor access is not needed, because the two friend instances would not be mutable.
In Swift, when the reference count of an object reaches zero, its deinit
is invoked. It is undefined behavior for that self
instance to then escape the deinit
, because that would increase the reference count of the object back up to one, after the deinit has already been called. This is a problem for ordinary classes, too, leading to random crashes when the reference count reaches zero for a second time. Since lifetime extension issues in a reference type's deinit
is a general problem, we defer a solution to that for a future proposal.
The classes, structs, and enums are currently permitted to have global-actor isolation independently applied to each of their stored properties. When programmers specify a default value for a stored property, those default values are computed by each of the non-delegating initializers of the type. The problem is that the expressions for those default values are treated as though they are running on that global-actor's executor. So, it is possible to create impossible constraints on those initializers:
@MainActor func getStatus() -> Int { /* ... */ }
@PIDActor func genPID() -> ProcessID { /* ... */ }
class Process {
@MainActor var status: Int = getStatus()
@PIDActor var pid: ProcessID = genPID()
init() {} // Problem: what is the isolation of this init?
The example above is accepted in Swift 5.5, but is impossible to implement. Because status
and pid
are isolated to two different global-actors, there is no single actor-isolation that can be specified for the non-async init
. In fact, it's not possible to perform the appropriate actor hops within the non-async initializer. As a result, getStatus
and genPID
are being called without hopping to the appropriate executor.
All nominal types in Swift support initializer delegation, which is when one initializer calls another one to perform the rest of the initialization.
For classes, initializer delegation rules are complex due to the presence of inheritance.
So, classes have a required and explicit convenience
modifier to make a distinction between initializers that delegate.
In contrast, value types do not support inheritance, so the rules are much simpler: any init
can delegate, but if it does, then it must delegate or assign to self
in all cases:
struct S {
var x: Int
init(_ v: Int) { self.x = v }
init(b: Bool) {
if b {
} else {
self.x = 0 // error: 'self' used before 'self.init' call or assignment to 'self'
Unlike classes, actors do not support inheritance. But, the proposal for actors did not specify whether convenience
is required or not in order to have a delegating initializer. Yet, Swift 5.5 requires the use of a convenience
modifier to mark actor initializers that perform delegation.
The previous sections briefly described some problems with the current state of initialization and deinitialization in Swift. The remainder of this section aims to fix those problems while defining how actor and global-actor isolated type (GAIT) initializers and deinitializers differ from those belonging to an ordinary class. While doing so, this proposal will highlight how the problems above are resolved.
A non-delegating initializer of an actor or a global-actor isolated type (GAIT) is required to initialize all of the stored properties of that type.
The focus of this section is on non-delegating initializers for actor
types, not GAITs.
In Swift 5.5, an actor's initializer that obeys the escaping-use restriction means that the following are rejected throughout the entire initializer:
- Capturing
in a closure. - Calling a method or computed property on
. - Passing
as any kind of argument, whether by-value,autoclosure
, orinout
But, those rules are an over-approximation of the restrictions needed to prevent the races described earlier. This proposal removes the escaping-use restriction for initializers. Instead, we propose a simpler set of rules. First we define two categories of initializers, distinguished by their isolation:
- An initializer has a
nonisolated self
reference if it is:- non-async
- or global-actor isolated
- or
- Asynchronous actor initializers have an
isolated self
The remainder of this section discusses how these two classes of initializers work.
For an asynchronous initializer, a hop to the actor's executor will be performed immediately after self
becomes fully-initialized, in order to ascribe the isolation to self
. Choosing this location for performing the executor hop preserves the concept of self
being isolated throughout the entire async initializer. That is, before any escaping uses of self
can happen in an initializer, the executor hop has been performed.
It's important to recognize that an executor hop is a suspension point. There are many possible points in an initializer where these suspensions can happen, since there are multiple places where a store to self
cause it to become initialized. Consider this example of Bob
actor Bob {
var x: Int
var y: Int = 2
func f() {}
init(_ cond: Bool) async {
if cond {
self.x = 1 // initializing store
self.x = 2 // initializing store
f() // this is ok, since we're on the executor here.
The problem with trying to explicitly mark the suspension points in Bob.init
is that they are not easy for programmers to track, nor are they consistent enough to stay the same under simple refactorings. Adding or removing a default value for a stored property, or changing the number of stored properties, can greatly influence where the hops may occur. Consider this slightly modified example from before:
actor EvolvedBob {
var x: Int
var y: Int
func f() {}
init(_ cond: Bool) async {
if cond {
self.x = 1
self.x = 2
self.y = 2 // initializing store
f() // this is ok, since we're on the executor here.
Relative to Bob
, the only change made to EvolvedBob
is that its default value for y
was converted into an unconditional store in the body of the initializer. From an observational point of view, Bob.init
and EvolvedBob.init
are identical. But from an implementation perspective, the suspension points for performing an executor hop differ dramatically. If those points required some sort of annotation in Swift, such as with await
, then the reason why those suspension points moved is hard to explain to programmers.
In summary, we propose to implicitly perform suspensions to hop to the actors executor once self
is initialized, instead of having programmers mark those points explicitly, for the following reasons:
- The finding and continually updating the suspension points is annoying for programmers.
- The reason why some simple stores to a property can trigger a suspension is an implementation detail that is hard to explain to programmers.
- The benefits of marking these suspensions is very low. The reference to
is known to be unique by the time the suspension will happen, so it is impossible to create an actor reentrancy situation. - There is already precedent in the language for performing implicit suspensions, namely for
async let
, when the benefits outweigh the negatives.
The net effect of these implicit executor-hops is that, for programmers, an async
initializer does not appear to have any additional rules added to it! That is, programmers can simply view the initializer as being isolated throughout, like any ordinary async
method would be! The flow-sensitive points where the hop is inserted into the initializer can be safely ignored as an implementation detail for all but the most rare situations. For example:
actor OddActor {
var x: Int
init() async {
let name = Thread.current.name
self.x = 0 // initializing store
assert(name == Thread.current.name) // may fail
Note that the callers of OddActor.init
cannot assume that the callee hasn't performed a suspension, just as with any async
method, because an await
is required to enter the initializer. Thus, this ability to observe an unmarked suspension is extremely limited.
In-depth discussions
The remainder of this subsection covers some technical details that are not required to understand this proposal and may be safely skipped.
Compiler Implementation Notes: Identifying the assignment that fully-initializes self
does require a non-trivial data-flow analysis. Such an analysis is not feasible to do early in the compiler, during type checking. Does acceptance of this proposal mean that the actor-isolation checker, which is run as part of type-checking, will require additional analysis or significant changes? Nope! We can rely on existing restrictions on uses of self
, prior to initialization, to exclude all places where self
could be considered only nonisolated
func isolatedFunc(_ a: isolated Alice) {}
actor Alice {
var x: Int
var y: Task<Void, Never>
nonisolated func nonisolatedMethod() {}
func isolatedMethod() {}
init() async {
self.x = self.nonisolatedMethod() // error: illegal use of `self` before initialization.
self.y = Task { self.isolatedMethod() } // error: illegal capture of `self` before initialization
Task {
self.isolatedMethod() // no await needed, since `self` is isolated.
self.isolatedMethod() // OK
isolatedFunc(self) // OK
This means that the actor-isolation checker, run prior to converting the program to SIL, can uniformly view the parameter self
as having type isolated Self
for the async initializer above. Later in SIL, the defined-before-use verification (i.e., "definite initialization") will find and emit the errors above. As a bonus, that same analysis can be leveraged to find the initializing assignment and introduce the suspension to hop to the actor's executor.
Data-race Safety: In terms of correctness, the proposed isolated self
initializers are race-free because a hop to the actor's executor happens immediately after the initializing store to self
, but before the next statement begins executing. Gaining access to the executor at this exact point prevents races, because escaping self
to another task is only possible after that point. In the Alice
example above, we can see this in action, where the rejected assignment to self.y
is due to an illegal capture of self
Only one suspension is performed: It is possible to construct an initializer with control-flow that crosses an implicit suspension points multiple times, as seen in Bob
above and loops such as:
actor LoopyBob {
var x: Int
init(_ counter: Int) async {
var i = 0
repeat {
self.x = 0 // initializing store
i += 1
} while i < counter
Once gaining access to an executor by crossing the first suspension point, crossing another suspension point does not change the executor, nor will that actually perform a suspension. Avoiding these unnecessary executor hops is an optimization that is done throughout Swift (e.g., self-recursive async
and isolated
The category of actor initializers that have a nonisolated self
contain those which are non-async, or have an isolation that differs from being isolated to self
. Unlike its methods, an actor's non-async initializer does not require an await
to be invoked, because there is no actor-instance to synchronize with. In addition, an initializer with a nonisolated self
can access the instance's stored properties without synchronization, when it is safe to do so.
Accesses to the stored properties of self
is required to bootstrap an instance of an actor. Such accesses are considered to be a weaker form of isolation that relies on having exclusive access to the reference self
. If self
escapes the initializer, such uniqueness can no-longer be guaranteed without time-consuming analysis. Thus, the isolation of self
decays (or changes) to nonisolated
during any use of self
that is not a direct stored-property access. That change happens once on a given control-flow path and persists through the end of the initializer. Here are some example uses of self
within an initializer that cause it to decay to a nonisolated
- Passing
as an argument in any procedure call. This includes:- Invoking a method of
. - Accessing a computed property of
, including ones using a property wrapper. - Triggering an observed property (i.e., one with a
- Invoking a method of
- Capturing
in a closure (or autoclosure). - Storing
to memory.
Consider the following example that helps demonstrate how this isolation decay works:
class NotSendableString { /* ... */ }
class Address: Sendable { /* ... */ }
func greetCharlie(_ charlie: Charlie) {}
actor Charlie {
var score: Int
let fixedNonSendable: NotSendableString
let fixedSendable: Address
var me: Self? = nil
func incrementScore() { self.score += 1 }
nonisolated func nonisolatedMethod() {}
init(_ initialScore: Int) {
self.score = initialScore
self.fixedNonSendable = NotSendableString("Charlie")
self.fixedSendable = NotSendableString("123 Main St.")
if score > 50 {
nonisolatedMethod() // ✅ a nonisolated use of `self`
greetCharlie(self) // ✅ a nonisolated use of `self`
self.me = self // ✅ a nonisolated use of `self`
} else if score < 50 {
score = 50
assert(score >= 50) // ❌ error: cannot access mutable isolated storage after `nonisolated` use of `self`
_ = self.fixedNonSendable // ❌ error: cannot access non-Sendable property after `nonisolated` use of `self`
_ = self.fixedSendable
Task { await self.incrementScore() } // ✅ a nonisolated use of `self`
The central piece of this example is the if-else
statement chain, which introduces multiple control-flow paths in the initializer. In the body of one of the first conditional block, several different nonisolated
uses of self
appear. In the other conditional cases (the else-if
's block and the implicitly empty else
), it is still OK for reads and writes of score
to appear. But, once control-flow meets-up after the if-else
statement at the assert
, self
is considered nonisolated
because one of the blocks that can reach that point introduces non-isolation.
As a consequence, the only stored properties that are accessible after self
becomes nonisolated
are let-bound properties whose type is Sendable
The diagnostics emitted for illegal accesses to other stored properties will point to one of the earlier uses of self
that caused the isolation to change. The sense of "earlier" here is in terms of control-flow and not in terms of where the statements appear in the program. To see how this can happen in practice, consider this alternative definition of Charlie.init
that uses defer
init(hasADefer: Void) {
self.score = 0
defer {
print(self.score) // ❌ error: cannot access mutable isolated storage after `nonisolated` use of `self`
Task { await self.incrementScore() } // note: a nonisolated use of `self`
Here, we defer the printing of self.score
until the end of the initializer. But, because self
is captured in a closure before the defer
is executed, that read of self.score
is not always safe from data-races, so it is flagged as an error. Another scenario where an illegal property access can visually precede the decaying use is for loops:
init(hasALoop: Void) {
self.score = 0
for i in 0..<10 {
self.score += i // error: cannot access mutable isolated storage after `nonisolated` use of `self`
greetCharlie(self) // note: a nonisolated use of `self`
In this for-loop example, we must still flag the mutation of self.score
in a loop as an error, because it is only safe on the first loop iteration. On subsequent loop iterations, it will not be safe because self
may be concurrently accessed after being escaped in a procedure call.
Other Examples
Other than non-async inits, a global-actor isolated initializer or one that is marked with nonisolated
will have a nonisolated self
. Consider this example of such an initializer:
func printStatus(_ s: Status) { /* ... */}
actor Status {
var valid: Bool
// an isolated method
func exchange(with new: Bool) {
let old = valid
valid = new
return old
// an isolated method
func isValid() { return self.valid }
// A `nonisolated self` initializer that calls isolated methods with `await`.
@MainActor init(_ val: Bool) async {
self.valid = val
let old = await self.exchange(with: false) // note: a non-isolated use
assert(old == val)
_ = self.valid // ❌ error: cannot access mutable isolated storage after non-isolated use of `self`
let isValid = await self.isValid() // ✅ OK
assert(isValid == false)
Notice that calling an isolated method from an initializer with a nonisolated self
is permitted, provided that you can await
the call. That call is considered a nonisolated use, i.e., it's the first use of self
other than to access a stored property. Afterwards, access to most stored properties within the init
is lost, just like for the non-async case. Because this initializer is async
, it could technically await
to read the Sendable
value of self.valid
. But, we have chosen to forbid awaited access to stored properties in this situation. See the discussion in the Alternatives Considerred section for more details.
In-depth discussions
The remainder of this subsection covers some technical details that are not required to understand this proposal and may be safely skipped.
Limitations of Static Analysis Not all loops iterate more than once, or even at all. The Swift compiler will be free to reject programs that may never exhibit a race dynamically, based on the static assumption that loops can iterate more than once and conditional blocks can be executed. To make this more concrete, consider these two silly loops:
init(hasASillyLoop1: Void) {
self.score = 0
while false {
self.score += i // error: cannot access isolated storage after `nonisolated` use of `self`
greetCharlie(self) // note: a nonisolated use of `self`
init(hasASillyLoop2: Void) {
self.score = 0
repeat {
self.score += i // error: cannot access isolated storage after `nonisolated` use of `self`
greetCharlie(self) // note: a nonisolated use of `self`
} while false
In both loops above, it is clear to the programmer that no race will happen, because control-flow will not dynamically reach the statement incrementing score
after passing self
in a procedure call. For these trivial examples, the compiler may be able to prove that these loops do not execute more than once, but that is not guaranteed due to the limitations of static analysis.
Data-race Safety
In effect, the concept of isolation decay prevents data-races by disallowing access to stored properties once the compiler can no-longer prove that the reference to self
will not be concurrently accessed. For efficiency reasons, the compiler might not perform interprocedural analysis to prove that passing self
to another function is safe from concurrent access by another task. Interprocedural analysis is inherently limited due to the nature of modules in Swift (i.e., separate compilation). Immediately after self
has escaped the initializer, the treatment of self
in the initializer changes to match the unacquired status of the actor's executor.
A non-isolated initializer of a global-actor isolated type (GAIT) is in the same situation as a non-async actor initializer, in that it must bootstrap the instance without the executor's protection. Thus, we can construct a data-race just like before:
class RequiresFlowIsolation<T>
where T: Sendable, T: Equatable {
var item: T
func mutateItem() { /* ... */ }
nonisolated init(with t: T) {
self.item = t
Task { await self.mutateItem() }
self.item = t // 💥 races with the task!
To solve this race, we propose to apply flow-sensitive actor isolation to the initializers of GAITs that are marked as non-isolated.
For isolated initializers, GAITs have the ability to gain actor-isolation prior to calling the initializer itself. That's because its executor is a static instance, existing prior to even allocating uninitialized memory for a GAIT instance. Thus, all isolated initializers of a GAIT require callers to await
, which will gain access to the right executor before starting initialization. That executor is held until the initializer returns. Thus for isolated initializers of GAITs, there is no danger of race among the isolated stored properties:
class ProtectedByExecutor<T: Equatable> {
var item: T
func mutateItem() { /* ... */ }
init(with t: T) {
self.item = t
Task { self.mutateItem() } // ✅ we're on the executor when creating this task.
assert(self.item == t) // ✅ always true, since we hold the executor here.
GAITs that have nonisolated
stored properties rely on Swift's existing Sendable
restrictions to help prevent data races.
This section defines the syntactic form and rules about delegating initializers for actor
types and global-actor isolated types (GAITs).
While actor
s are a reference type, their delegating initializers will follow the same basic rules that exist for value types, namely:
- If an initializer body contains a call to some
, then it's a delegating initializer. Noconvenience
keyword is required. - For delegating initializers,
must always be called on all paths, beforeself
can be used.
The reason for this difference between actor
and class
types is that actor
s do not support inheritance, so they can shed the complexity of class
initializer delegation. GAITs use the same syntactic form as ordinary classes to define delegating initializers.
Much like their non-delegating counterparts, an actor's delegating initializer either has an isolated self
or a nonisolated self
reference. The decision procedure for categorizing these initializers are exactly the same: non-async delegating initializers have a nonisolated self
, etc.
But, the delegating initializers of an actor have simpler rules about what can appear in their body, because they are not required to initialize the instance's stored properties. Thus, instead of using flow-sensitive actor isolation, delegating initializers have a uniform isolation for self
, much like an ordinary function.
When passing values to any of an actor
's initializers, from outside of that actor, those values must be Sendable
Thus, during the initialization of a new instance, the actor's "boundary" in terms of Sendability begins at the initial call-site to one of its initializers.
This rule forces programmers to correctly deal with Sendable
values when creating a new actor instance. Fundamentally, programmers will have only two options for initializing a non-Sendable
stored property of an actor:
class NotSendableType { /* ... */ }
struct Piece: Sendable { /* ... */ }
actor Greg {
var ns: NotSendableType
// Option 1: an initializer that can be called from anywhere,
// because its arguments are Sendable.
init(fromPieces ps: (Piece, Piece)) {
self.ns = NotSendableType(ps)
// Option 2: an initializer that can only be delegated to,
// because its arguments are not Sendable.
init(with ns: NotSendableType) {
self.init(fromPieces: ns.getPieces())
As shown in the example above, you can construct an actor that has a non-Sendable
stored property. But, you should create a new instance of that type from Sendable
pieces of data in order to store it in the actor instance. Once inside an actor's initializer, non-Sendable values can be freely passed when delegating to another initializer, or calling its methods, etc. The following example illustrates this rule:
class NotSendableType { /* ... */ }
struct Piece: Sendable { /* ... */ }
actor Gene {
var ns: NotSendableType
init(_ ns: NotSendableType) {
self.ns = ns
init(with ns: NotSendableType) async {
self.init(ns) // ✅ non-Sendable is OK during initializer delegation...
someMethod(ns) // ✅ and when calling a method from an initializer, etc.
init(fromPieces ps: (Piece, Piece)) async {
let ns = NotSendableType(ps)
await self.init(with: ns) // ✅ non-Sendable is OK during initializer delegation
func someMethod(_: NotSendableType) { /* ... */ }
func someFunc() async {
let ns = NotSendableType()
_ = Gene(ns) // ❌ error: cannot pass non-Sendable value across actor boundary
_ = await Gene(with: ns) // ❌ error: cannot pass non-Sendable value across actor boundary
_ = await Gene(fromPieces: ns.getPieces()) // ✅ OK because (Piece, Piece) is Sendable
_ = await SomeGAIT(isolated: ns) // ❌ error: cannot pass non-Sendable value across actor boundary
_ = await SomeGAIT(secondNonIso: ns) // ❌ error: cannot pass non-Sendable value across actor boundary
For a global-actor isolated type (GAIT), the same rule applies to its nonisolated
initializers. Thus, upon entering such an initializer from outside of the actor, the values must be Sendable
. The differences from an actor
are that:
- The caller of the first initializer may already be isolated to the global-actor, so there is no
barrier (as usual). - When delegating from a
initializer to one that is isolated to the global actor, the value must beSendable
The second difference only manifests when a nonisolated
and async
initializer delegates to an isolated initializer of the GAIT:
class SomeGAIT {
var ns: NotSendableType
init(isolated ns: NotSendableType) {
self.ns = ns
nonisolated init(firstNonIso ns: NotSendableType) async {
await self.init(isolated: ns) // ❌ error: cannot pass non-Sendable value across actor boundary
nonisolated init(secondNonIso ns: NotSendableType) async {
await self.init(firstNonIso: ns) // ✅
The barrier in the example above can be resolved by removing the nonisolated
attribute, so that the initializer has a matching isolation.
In Swift 5.5, two different kinds of data races with an actor or global-actor isolated type (GAIT) can be created within a deinit
, as shown in an earlier section. The first one involves a reference to self
being shared with another task, and the second one with actors having shared executors.
To solve the first kind of race, we propose having the same flow-sensitive actor isolation rules discussed earlier for a nonisolated self
apply to an actor's deinit
. A deinit
falls under the nonisolated self
category, because it is effectively a non-async, non-delegating initializer whose purpose is to clean-up or tear-down, instead of bootstrap. In particular, a deinit
starts with a unique reference to self
, so the rules for decaying to a nonisolated self
match up perfectly. This solution will apply to the deinit
of both actor types and GAITs.
To solve the second race, we propose that a deinit
can only access the stored properties of self
that are Sendable
. This means that, even when self
is a unique reference and has not decayed to being nonisolated
, only the Sendable
stored properties of an actor or GAIT can be accessed. This restriction is not needed for an init
, because the initializer has known call-sites that are checked for isolation and Sendable
arguments. The lack of knowledge about when and where a deinit
will be invoked is why deinit
s must carry this extra burden. In effect, non-Sendable
actor-isolated state can only be deinitialized by an actor by invoking that state's deinit
Here is an example to help illustrate the new rules for deinit
actor A {
let immutableSendable = SendableType()
var mutableSendable = SendableType()
let nonSendable = NonSendableType()
init() {
_ = self.immutableSendable // ✅ ok
_ = self.mutableSendable // ✅ ok
_ = self.nonSendable // ✅ ok
f(self) // trigger a decay to `nonisolated self`
_ = self.immutableSendable // ✅ ok
_ = self.mutableSendable // ❌ error: must be immutable
_ = self.nonSendable // ❌ error: must be sendable
deinit {
_ = self.immutableSendable // ✅ ok
_ = self.mutableSendable // ✅ ok
_ = self.nonSendable // ❌ error: must be sendable
f(self) // trigger a decay to `nonisolated self`
_ = self.immutableSendable // ✅ ok
_ = self.mutableSendable // ❌ error: must be immutable
_ = self.nonSendable // ❌ error: must be sendable
In the above, the only difference between the init
and the deinit
is that the deinit
can only access Sendable
properties, whereas the init
can access non-Sendable
properties prior to the isolation decay.
Note: The isolation rules in this section for stored property initial values was never implemented because it was too onerous in existing code patterns that make use of @MainActor
-isolated types. These rules have been subsumed by SE-0411: Isolated default values.
The main problem with global-actor isolation on the stored properties of a type is that, if the property is isolated to a global actor, then its default-value expression is also isolated to that actor. Since global-actor isolation can be applied independently to each stored property, an impossible isolation requirement can be constructed. The isolation needed for a type's non-delegating and non-async initializers would be the union of all isolation applied to its stored properties that have a default value. That's because a non-async initializer cannot hop to any executor, and a function cannot be isolated to two global actors. Currently, Swift 5.5 accepts programs with these impossible requirements.
To fix this problem, we propose to remove any isolation applied to the default-value expressions of stored properties that are a member of a nominal type. Instead, those expressions will be treated by the type system as being nonisolated
. If isolation is required to initialize those properties, then an init
can always be defined and given the appropriate isolation.
For global or static stored properties, the isolation of the default-value expression will continue to match the isolation applied to the property. This isolation is needed to support declarations such as:
var x = 20
var y = x + 2
Global-actor isolation on a stored property provides safe concurrent access to the storage occupied by that stored property in the type's instances.
For example, if pid
is an actor-isolated stored property (i.e., one without an observer or property wrapper), then the access p.pid.reset()
only protects the memory read of pid
from p
, and not the call to reset
afterwards. Thus, for value types (enums and structs), global-actor isolation on those stored properties fundamentally serves no use: mutations of the storage occupied by the stored property in a value type are concurrency-safe by default, because mutable variables cannot be shared between tasks. For example, it is error when trying to capture a mutable var in a Sendable closure:
struct StatTracker {
var count = 0
mutating func update() {
count += 1
var st = StatTracker()
Task { await st.update() } // error: mutation of captured var 'st' in concurrently-executing code
As a result, there is no way to concurrently mutate the memory of a struct, regardless of whether the stored properties of the struct are isolated to a global actor. Whether the instance can be shared only depends on whether it's var-bound or not, and the only kind of sharing permitted is via copying. Any mutations of reference types stored within the struct require the usual actor-isolation applied to that reference type itself. In other words, applying global-actor isolation to a stored property containing a class type does not protect the members of that class instance from concurrent access.
So, we propose to remove the requirement that access to those properties are protected by isolation. That is, accessing those stored properties do not require an await
The global actors proposal explicitly excludes actor types from having stored properties that are global-actor isolated. But in Swift 5.5, that is not enforced by the compiler. We feel that the rule should be enforced, i.e., the storage of an actor should uniformly be isolated to the actor instance. One benefit of this rule is that it reduces the possibility of false sharing among threads. Specifically, only one thread will have write access the memory occupied by an actor instance at any given time.
There are some changes in this proposal that are backwards compatible or easy to migrate:
- The set of
declarations accepted by the compiler in Swift 5.5 (without emitted warnings) is a strict subset of the ones that will be permitted if this proposal is accepted, i.e., flow-sensitive isolation broadens the set of permitted programs. - Appearances of
on an actor's initializer can be ignored and/or have a fix-it emitted. - Appearances of superfluous global-actor isolation annotations on ordinary stored properties (say, in value types) can be ignored and/or have a fix-it emitted.
But, there are others which will cause a non-trivial source break to patch holes in the concurrency model of Swift 5.5, for example:
- The set of
s accepted by the compiler for actors and GAITs will be narrowed. - GAITs will have data-race protections applied to their non-isolated
s, which slightly narrows the set of acceptableinit
declarations. - Global-actor isolation on stored-property members of an actor type are prohibited.
- Stored-property members that are still permitted to have actor isolation applied to them will have a
default-value expression.
Note that these changes to GAITs will only apply to classes defined in Swift. Classes imported from Objective-C with MainActor-isolation applied will be assumed to not have data races.
This section explains alternate approaches that were ultimately not chosen for this proposal.
It is tempting to say that, to avoid introducing another concept into the language, nonisolation
should begin at the point where self
becomes fully-initialized. But, because control-flow can cross from a scope where self
is fully-initialized, to another scope where self
might be fully-initialized, this rule is not enough to determine whether an initializer has a race. Here are two examples of initializers where this simplistic rule breaks down:
actor CounterExampleActor {
var x: Int
func mutate() { self.x += 1 }
nonisolated func f() {
Task { await self.mutate() }
init(ex1 cond: Bool) {
if cond {
self.x = 0
self.x = 1 // if cond is true, this might race!
init(ex2 max: Int) {
var i = 0
repeat {
self.x = i // after first loop iteration, this might race!
i += 1
} while i < max
In Swift, self
can be freely used, immediately after becoming fully-initialized. Thus, if we tie nonisolation
to whether self
is fully-initialized at each use, both initializers above should be accepted, even though they permit data races: f
can escape self
into a task that mutates the actor, yet the initializer will continue after returning from f
with unsynchronized access to its stored properties.
With the flow-sensitive isolation rules in this proposal, both property accesses above that can race are rejected because of a flow-isolation error. The source of nonisolation
would be identified as the calls to f()
, so that programmers can correct their code.
Now, consider what would happen if the calls to f
above were removed. With the proposed isolation rules, the programs would now be accepted because they are safe: there is no source of nonisolation
. If we had said that nonisolation
always starts immediately after self
is fully-initialized, and persists until the end of the initializer, then even without the calls to f
, the initializers above would be would be needlessly rejected.
In an nonisolated self
initializer, we reject stored property accesses after the first non-isolated use. For a non-async initializer, there is no alternative to rejecting the program, since one cannot hop to the actor's executor in that context. But an async
initializer that is not isolated to self
could perform that hop:
actor AwkwardActor {
var x: SomeClass
nonisolated func f() { /* ... */ }
nonisolated init() async {
self.x = SomeClass()
let a = self.x
let b = await self.x // SomeClass would need to be Sendable for this access.
print(a + b)
From an implementation perspective, it is feasible to support the program above, where property accesses can become async
expressions based on flow-sensitive isolation. But, this proposal takes the subjective position that such code should be rejected.
The expressiveness gained by supporting such a flow-sensitive async
property access is not worth the confusion they might create. For programmers who simply read this valid code in a project, the await
might look unnecessary and challenge their understanding of isolation applying to entire functions. But, this specific kind of nonisolated self
and async
initializer would be the only place where one could demonstrate to readers that isolation can change mid-function in valid Swift code.
The ability to observe an isolation-change mid-function in valid Swift code is the reason for rejecting the program above. This proposal says that, for a non-async and nonisolated self
initializer, some property accesses are rejected for violations of the same conceptual isolation-change. The valid formulation of those kinds of initializers have no observable isolation change, so casual readers notice nothing unusual. Only when modifying that code does the isolation-decay concept become relevant. But, isolation "decay" is just a tool used to explain the concept in this porposal. Programmers only need to keep in mind that accesses to stored properties are lost after you escape self
in the initializer.
One idea for working around the inability to synchronize from a deinit
with the actor or GAIT's executor prior to destruction is to wrap the body of the deinit
in a task. This would effectively allow the non-async deinit
to act as though it were async
in its body. There is no other way to define an asynchronous deinit
, since the callers of a deinit are never guaranteed to be in an asynchronous context.
The primary danger here is that it is currently undefined behavior in Swift for a reference to self
to escape a deinit
and persist after the deinit
has completed, which must be possible if the deinit
were asynchronous. The only other option would be to have deinit
be blocking, but Swift concurrency is designed to avoid blocking.
Delegating initializers are conceptually a good place to construct a fresh
instance of a non-Sendable value to pass-along to the actor during initialization.
This could only work by saying that only nonisolated self
delegating initializers
can accept a non-Sendable value from any context. But also, an initializer's
delegation status must now be published in the interface of a type, i.e.,
some annotation like convenience
is required. Eliminating the need for
was chosen over non-Sendable values for a specific kind of delegating
initializer for a few reasons:
- The rules for Sendable values and initializers would become complex, being dependent on three factors: delegation status, isolation of
, and the caller's context. The usual Sendable rules only depend on two. - Requiring
for just one narrow use-case is not worth it. - Static functions, using a factory pattern, can replace the need for initializers with non-Sendable arguments callable from anywhere.
This proposal does not affect ABI stability.
This proposal does not affect API resilience.
Thank you to the members of the Swift Forums for their time spent reading this proposal and its prior versions and providing comments.