A simple router for single page applications, written in Elm.
Elm nested router allows to separate application logic by specific routes.
For every Route
you can provide a list of messages that has to be performed on entering to Route
, and a render
function that renders Route
specific HTML parts.
To create a routeable application we have to keep Router
state (Current route and arguments) in application state.
In order to do this we create our application state by using a helper WithRouter
import Router
import Router.Types exposing (WithRouter)
-- We use `WithRouter` to define application state
type alias State = WithRouter Route
categories: List Category,
posts: List Post,
post: Maybe Post
-- construct initialState with initial values
initialState : State
initialState = {
router = Router.initialState
, categories = []
, posts = []
, post = Nothing
Next step will be the definition of application routes:
type Route = Home | NotFound | Static String | Category | Post
-- Route list that is required by router.
-- Note that routes which registered first have higher priority to be matched. So when you have concurrent routes, order of this list is important.
routes : List Route
routes = [
, Static "about"
, Static "contacts"
, Home
, Category
, Post
Another thing that we need to define is a mapping between routes and route configurations:
import Router.Types exposing (RouteConfig)
import URL.Segments as Segments exposing ((</>))
import URL.Route exposing ((//>))
routeConfig : Route -> RouteConfig Route State
routeConfig route = case route of
Home -> {
route = Nothing //> Segments.end,
, render = renderHome
, actions = [LoadCategories]
NotFound -> {
route = Nothing //> Segments.static "404",
, render = notFound
, actions = []
Static page -> {
route = Nothing //> Segments.static page
, render = renderStatic page
, actions = []
-- `category` and `subcategory` is dynamic route params
-- `category` param match only "animals", "flowers", "colors" because of its constraints
-- `subcategory` is optional and might be omitted
Category -> {
route = Just Home //> Segments.enum "category" ["animals", "flowers", "colors"] </> Segments.maybe (Segments.string "subcategory")
, render = renderCategory
, actions = [LoadPosts]
-- `postId` argument must be an integer
Post -> {
route = Just Route.Category //> Segments.static "post" </> Segments.int "postId"
, render = renderPost
, actions = [LoadPost]
Route Post
on the example above is rely on routes Category
and Home
- that means all actions binded to routes Home
, Category
and Post
will be executed to enter to Post
route. Full URL template that will match Post
route will also be combined with its parent routes.
Each handler provides named views: Dict String Html
- these HTML parts are finally combined and rendered in application layout:
layout : Router Route State -> State -> Dict String (Html (Action State)) -> Html (Action State)
layout router _ views =
defaultHeader = Html.header [] [Html.text "Default header"]
defaultFooter = Html.footer [] [Html.text "Default footer"]
defaultBody = Html.div [] []
in Html.div [] [
Maybe.withDefault defaultHeader <| Dict.get "header" views
, Maybe.withDefault defaultBody <| Dict.get "body" views
, Maybe.withDefault defaultFooter <| Dict.get "footer" views
Finally we could dispacth our application:
import App.Actions exposing (update)
main = Router.dispatch
(noFx initialState)
(RouterConfig {
html5 = False
, removeTrailingSlash = True
, update = update
, onTransition = []
, layout = layout
, routes = routes
, routeConfig = routeConfig
, subscriptions = always Sub.none
See Example (Live demo) and Tests for more details.
- HTML5 push state
- Route params
- Params constraints (String, Int, Enum, Regexp)
- Optional params
- Named views
- Query string parameters support