PAGAN2 is a general-purpose method for the alignment of DNA, codon and amino-acid sequences as graphs. It aligns sequences either with pileup or, when related by a tree, using phylogeny-aware progressive alignment algorithm. In both cases it uses graphs to describe the uncertainty in the presence of characters at certain sequence positions. PAGAN2 is largely compatible with PAGAN but implements new algorithms for alignment anchoring and memory handling. As a result, PAGAN2 can align sequences of several hundreds of kilobases in length.
If you use Linux and just want to use PAGAN2 (i.e. not see the source code and compile it from scratch), please download the latest bundle (pagan2.linux64.[latest].tgz
) from the bin folder. This package includes all helper applications needed e.g. for the guidetree inference.
See the original PAGAN documentation for the usage instructions.
PAGAN2 uses the NCBI TOOLKIT and Boost libraries. The NCBI TOOLKIT does not compile with GCC compiler newer than 4.8 and also requires a rather old version of libc. The code compiles well on Ubuntu 14.04 and instructions are provided for building it with that using Docker.
If that doesn't work on your system, you can try to use PAGAN2 inside the precompiled Docker container available at Docker hub. Please read the instructions for that below. If your system supports Singularity but no Docker, you can easily convert the PAGAN2 Docker container to run under Singularity. Please read the instructions for that at the bottom.
Both options naturally require that one has Docker installed...
Get the image and rename it as pagan2
docker pull ariloytynoja/pagan2
docker tag ariloytynoja/pagan2 pagan2
Get some data
Run PAGAN2 inside the container
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/data \
pagan2 --pileup --homopolymer \
-q 454_reads.fas -o 454_aligned
Here Docker the options tell to remove the container after finishing (--rm
) and map the file systems (-v `pwd`:/data
). As the options are always the same, we can write them in a script file and call that instead.
Create a script file to simplify the command
cat > << EOF
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/data pagan2 "\$@"
chmod +x
./ --pileup --homopolymer \
-q 454_reads.fas -o 454_aligned
Get the dockerfiles
git clone
cd pagan2-docker-build/
Build the libs and the app
docker build \
-t pagan2libs \
-f Dockerfile.pagan2libs \
docker build \
-t pagan2app \
-f Dockerfile.pagan2app \
Option 1: Get the statically linked binary out
docker create \
--name pagan2app \
docker cp pagan2app:/pagan2/src/pagan2 ./pagan2
The binary pagan2
contains all dependencies and can be used on all modern Linux systems (Ubuntu 14.04 and later).
Option 2: Build the helper apps and get them out
docker build \
-t pagan2app \
-f Dockerfile.pagan2apps \
docker create \
--name pagan2apps \
docker cp pagan2apps:/pagan2/pagan2apps.tgz ./pagan2apps.tgz
tar xzf pagan2apps.tgz
./pagan2/bin/pagan2 --pileup --homopolymer \
-q 454_reads.fas -o 454_aligned
Option 3: Create a small PAGAN2 image and run it as above
docker build \
-t pagan2 \
-f Dockerfile.pagan2 \
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/data \
pagan2 --pileup --homopolymer \
-q 454_reads.fas -o 454_aligned
The Docker container should run on non-Linux systems.
Get the image
singularity build pagan2.sif docker://ariloytynoja/pagan2
Get some data
mkdir data
wget -P data/
Run PAGAN2 inside the container
singularity run -B `pwd`/data:/data \
pagan2.sif --pileup --homopolymer \
-q data/454_reads.fas -o data/454_aligned.fas
Note that we downloaded the data to a directory called data
and run the analysis outside of that directory. The reason for this is that Singularity doesn't support the Docker WORKDIR and we have to specify the path with "data/" prefix. This prefix can be added to any path but with this arrangement it is intuitive. As the options are always the same, we can write them in a script file and call that instead.
Create a script file to simplify the command
cat > << EOF
singularity run -B `pwd`/data:/data pagan2.sif "\$@"
chmod +x
./ --pileup --homopolymer \
-q data/454_reads.fas -o data/454_aligned