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N8n5h edited this page Jul 8, 2019 · 3 revisions


Transform describes the location, rotation, scale and dimensions of object. To access the transform in Haxe trait:

var transform = object.transform;

To access transform properties in object-space:

var m = transform.local; // Matrix
var l = transform.loc;   // Location
var r = transform.rot;   // Rotation
var s = transform.scale; // Scale

To access transform properties in world-space:

var m =;                     // Matrix
var l =;            // Location
var r = new Quat().fromMat(; // Rotation
var s =;          // Scale

To manipulate the transform:

transform.translate(1, 2, 3); // x, y, z
transform.rotate(Vec4.zAxis(), 1.2); // Axis, angle in radians

Alternatively, modify the transform properties directly. To apply the changes, call buildMatrix():

transform.loc.set(0, 5, 0);
transform.scale.x = 2.0;

To set location, rotation and scale using a matrix:

var m = Mat4.identity();

To retrieve world-space up, right and look vectors:

var up = transform.up();        // Z axis
var right = transform.right();  // X axis
var look = transform.look();    // Y axis


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