The Anthos admin workstation only has limited access to Google APIs through the VPN tunnel. To install ASM, wider internet access is required (
We can however build an offline bundle and transfer the required files to the workstation.
On a computer with internet access (Linux), install asmcli
following the instructions in Install required tools.
curl > asmcli
chmod +x asmcli
Create offline package
./asmcli build-offline-package -D asm-files -v
tar -czvf asm-offline.tar.gz asm-files
Upload archive to Anthos admin workstation
scp asm-offline.tar.gz [email protected]
Back on the admin workstation, authenticate with a privileged service account on gcloud
gcloud config configurations create install
gcloud auth activate-service-account \
--key-file _YOUR_GCP_PROJECT_ID_-546611ea359c.json \
Unarchive the offline bundle and install ASM with the provided file:
curl > asmcli
chmod +x asmcli
tar -xzvf asm-offline.tar.gz
./asmcli install \
--kubeconfig /home/ubuntu/gke-apigee-user-cluster1-kubeconfig \
--fleet_id apigee-hybrid-vmware \
--output_dir asm-files \
--platform multicloud \
--enable_all --ca mesh_ca \
--custom_overlay overlay.yaml \
--option legacy-default-ingressgateway \
--offline -v
Expected install output:
asmcli: *****************************
asmcli: The ASM control plane installation is now complete.
asmcli: To enable automatic sidecar injection on a namespace, you can use the following command:
asmcli: kubectl label namespace <NAMESPACE> istio-injection- --overwrite
asmcli: If you use 'istioctl install' afterwards to modify this installation, you will need
asmcli: to specify the option '--set revision=asm-1134-4' to target this control plane
asmcli: instead of installing a new one.
asmcli: To finish the installation, enable Istio sidecar injection and restart your workloads.
asmcli: For more information, see:
asmcli: The ASM package used for installation can be found at:
asmcli: /home/ubuntu/asm/asm-files/asm
asmcli: The version of istioctl that matches the installation can be found at:
asmcli: /home/ubuntu/asm/asm-files/istio-1.13.4-asm.4/bin/istioctl
asmcli: A symlink to the istioctl binary can be found at:
asmcli: /home/ubuntu/asm/asm-files/istioctl
asmcli: The combined configuration generated for installation can be found at:
asmcli: /home/ubuntu/asm/asm-files/asm-1134-4-manifest-raw.yaml
asmcli: The full, expanded set of kubernetes resources can be found at:
asmcli: /home/ubuntu/asm/asm-files/asm-1134-4-manifest-expanded.yaml
asmcli: *****************************
asmcli: Successfully installed ASM.