- Split the page-change event in a page-change event and a range-change event: If you dont have a second page by default and you're adding items, then the external end variable won't change because no page-change event was triggered. This is now solved via the range-change event.
- Not all pages were shown properly. Fixed it.
- Prefix the tailwind classes with
- Prefix the tailwind classes with
- Add a disable-styling property on the VueAdsPageButton to remove all stylings on the button.
- Small rewrite of the paginator:
- Make it possible to use your own buttons or extend the default VueAdsPageButton, by adding a buttons template.
- So now we could remove the detailClasses and buttonClasses for custom styling.
- Remove the range object and add their attributes as clear properties. Only use start and end anymore.
- Purge the css.
- Move configs from package.json to separate files.
- Add a loading property to inidicate if the current page is loading
- Add the detailClasses and buttonClasses property to custom style the detail box and the buttons
- Make the emitted events case insensitive.
- Initial release.