Two simple tools for building REST APIs with fractal: console generator and API skeleton
This package provides two features
Console generator which creates Controller, Fractal Transformer and routes in a single command.
Basic REST API skeleton that can be really helpful if you need something standard. It's 100% optional.
If you do not use Fractal for your transformation layer, this package is probably not the right choice for you.
composer require arrilot/laravel-api-generator
Register a service provider in the
configuration file
'providers' => [
- Copy basic folder structure to app/Api
cp -R vendor/arrilot/laravel-api-generator/templates/Api app/Api
and check what you got there. If you need you can use different paths later.
The only console command that is added is artisan make:api <ModelName>
Imagine you need to create a rest api to list/create/update etc users from users table. To achieve that you need to do lots of boilerplate operations - create controller, transformer, set up needed routes.
php artisan make:api User
does all the work for you.
- You may have noticed that after installation you already have a routes file
which looks like that:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'api/v1', 'namespace' => 'App\Api\Controllers'], function () {
Feel free to change it if you like.
The generator adds Route::resource('users', 'UserController');
to the end of this file.
Route::group(['prefix' => 'api/v1', 'namespace' => 'App\Api\Controllers'], function () {
Route::resource('users', 'UserController');
As you can see it's smart enough to detect some route groups and treat this situation properly.
- Then the generator creates a controller that extends base api controller.
<?php namespace App\Api\Controllers;
use App\User;
use App\Api\Transformers\UserTransformer;
class UserController extends Controller
* Eloquent model.
* @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
protected function model()
return new User;
* Transformer for the current model.
* @return \League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract
protected function transformer()
return new UserTransformer;
You can customize this stub as much as you want.
- Finally the generator creates a fractal Transformer
<?php namespace App\Api\Transformers;
use App\User;
use League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract;
class UserTransformer extends TransformerAbstract
* Resource key.
* @var string
protected $resourceKey = null;
* Turn this item object into a generic array.
* @param $item
* @return array
public function transform(User $item)
return [
'id' => (int)$item->id,
'created_at' => (string)$item->created_at,
'updated_at' => (string)$item->updated_at,
This stub is customizable too.
You may have noticed that controller which has just been generated includes two public methods - model()
and transformer()
That's because those methods are the only thing that you need in your controller to set up a basic REST API if you use the Skeleton.
The list of routes that are available out of the box:
GET api/v1/users
GET api/v1/users/{id}
POST api/v1/users
PUT api/v1/users/{id}
DELETE api/v1/users/{id}
Request and respone format is json
Fractal includes are supported via $_GET['include'].
Validation rules for create and update can be set by overwriting rulesForCreate
and rulesForUpdate
in your controller.
This skeleton is not a silver bullet but in many cases it can be either exactly what you need or can be used as a decent starting point for your api.
You can check for more info.
If you don't like the Skeleton just stop inheriting it in the base controller - Api\Controllers\Controller
and overwrite the controller stub in your config to remove model()
and transformer()
All paths and generator's stubs are configurable.