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How to Deploy Archivematica to a Digital Ocean Droplet

This document describes how to deploy Archivematica to a Digital Ocean droplet (i.e., virtual private server, VPS). It assumes that you have basic proficiency with the Unix command-line and that you have the following installed.

We are also assuming that you have a Digital Ocean account and that you have created a new droplet. The following URL may be useful for accomplishing this.

In this example, we are using Ubuntu 14.04.

  1. Clone the git repository that contains the Ansible configuration files which will be used to install Archivematica and all of its dependencies onto the Digital Ocean droplet:

    $ git clone
  2. Download the Ansible roles that will install Archivematica and its dependencies:

    $ cd deploy-pub/playbooks/archivematica
    $ ansible-galaxy install -f -p roles/ -r requirements.yml
  3. Create a hosts file to tell Ansible the alias for our droplet (am-do), its IP address and that we want to use the root user (where is the droplet's actual IP):

    $ cat hosts
    am-do ansible_user=root
  4. Modify the Ansible config file ansible.cfg to point to our hosts file:

    $ cat ansible.cfg
    nocows = 1
    inventory = hosts
  5. If you do not have a SSH key, create one now (accepting the defaults):

    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa
  6. Copy the output of the above command to your clipboard and save it to your digital ocean droplet in the "New SSH Key" web interface (see

    $ cat ~/.ssh/
  7. Use Ansible to create a new user on our Digital Ocean droplet. Create a file (an Ansible playbook) called user.yml which has the content indicated by the output of cat below:

    $ cat user.yml
    - name: create artefactual user
      hosts: am-do
        - name: add artefactual user
          user: name=artefactual shell=/bin/bash
        - name: add ssh keys to the corresponding user
          authorized_key: user=artefactual
                          key="{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"
        - name: configure passwordless sudo for the artefactual user
          lineinfile: dest=/etc/sudoers
                      regexp='^artefactual ALL\='
                      line='artefactual ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL'
                      validate='/usr/sbin/visudo -cf %s'

The user.yml file creates a user called "artefactual" on the droplet, adds your public key (assumed to be in ~/.ssh/ to the droplet, and allows the artefactual user to run commands using sudo without a password. Choose a different username than "artefactual" if you want.

  1. Modify the hosts file to use the appropriate (e.g., artefactual) user:

    $ cat hosts
    am-do ansible_user=artefactual
  2. Confirm that you can access the Digital Ocean droplet via SSH:

    $ ssh [email protected]
  3. And via Ansible:

    $ ansible am-do -m ping
    am-do | SUCCESS => {

    "changed": false, "ping": "pong"


  4. If desired, alter the value of the archivematica_src_ss_version variable in deploy-pub/playbooks/archivematica/vars-singlenode.yml so that instead of "qa/1.x" it valuates to another Archivematica branch, e.g., "dev/issue-9213-1.5-integration".

  5. Install and deploy Archivematica and its dependencies:

    $ ansible-playbook singlenode.yml

The above command will take several minutes. If successful, the final output should indicate unreachable=0 failed=0.

Note: the ansible-playbook singlenode.yml command may fail initially. If it does, try it again.

  1. Confirm that Archivematica and its dependencies are installed and working by navigating to your Digital Ocean droplet's IP address ( The Archivematica Storage Service should be being served at the same IP on port 8000, i.e.,

The default username and password for accessing the Storage Service are "test" and "test". Once you log in, go to the "Administration" tab, then click "Users" on the lefthand column, then click the "Edit" button of the "test" user, then copy the API key at the bottom of the page to your clipboard.

Then navigate to the Archivematica dashboard (, fill in the form, and click "Create". When communication with the FPR Server has completed, click the "continue" button. Now enter the API key that you copied from the Storage Service and click the first button, the one labelled "Register with the storage service & use default configuration."

You can test that your Archivematica installation works by performing a sample Transfer and Ingest.