- Create in survey.js
- Style it using previous forms styling code and call to Norwegian css file (use wifi form here)
- Create table to receive answers with correct columns
- Create form in responsys
- Save to results table
- Add survey.js code with html styled into a html file inside responsys
- Link form to use this html previw
Now you should have a form, html preview, results table. All you need is the link to the form.
- Add the form use criptic code to the forms sendData code. (function sendDataToResponsys(survey))
- Create your url to the form, eg could be like: ${form('wifi_form', "CAMPAIGN_NAME=" + CAMPAIGN, "G_MARKET=" + MARKET, "EMAIL_ADDRESS=" + EMAIL_ADDRESS_)}
- Add this url to a campaign, test the link, it should open up your form. TEST TEST TEST the form to see you have values and auto reloads after completion. Good luck!