Howdy Space Cow-Person 🤠🌌
RustScan is always looking for contributors. Whether that's spelling mistakes or major changes, your help is wanted and welcomed here.
Before contributing, read our code of conduct.
TL;DR if you abuse members of our community you will be perma-banned with no chance to get unbanned. No warnings either. 🤗
RustScan has 2 major labels for GitHub issues you should look at:
- Good First issue These are issues for newcomers to open source!
- Help wanted These are issues that aren't really for newcomers, but we could still do with help!
If you want to, solve the issue or comment on the issue for help.
The flow for contributing to open source software is:
- Fork the repo
- Make changes
- Pull request to the repo
And then comment on the issue that you've done.
RustScan also has some // TODO
's in the codebase, which are meant more for the core team but we wouldn't say no to help with these issues.
If you have any feature suggestions or bugs, leave a GitHub issue. We welcome any and all support :D
I cannot pay you :-( But, I can place your GitHub profile on the README under #Contributors
as a thank you! :)
To ease contribution to RustScan, you can use the contributing.Dockerfile
to create a Docker image ready to build and play with RustScan.
To build it you just need to run:
you@home:~/RustScan$ docker build -t rustscan_contributing -f contributing.Dockerfile
Then you need to run the container with a volume so it can access, with read and write permissions, to RustScan files:
you@home:~/RustScan$ docker run -ti --rm -v "$PWD":/rustscan -w /rustscan rustscan_contributing bash
You can now modify RustScan files with your favorite editor, once you want to compile and test your modifications, type the following in the container prompt:
root@container:/rustscan# cargo build
You are now ready to use RustScan:
root@container:/rustscan# cargo run -- -b 2000 -t 5000 -a
You can also format, lint with clippy
and test the code with the following commands:
root@container:/rustscan# cargo fmt
root@container:/rustscan# cargo clippy
root@container:/rustscan# cargo test