%YAML 1.1 %TAG ! tag:stsci.edu:asdf/ --- !core/asdf-1.1.0 wcs: ! name: '' steps: # First (primary) chain ends with a step that has no transform. - ! frame: ! axes_names: [x1] axis_physical_types: ['custom:x'] name: f1 unit: [!unit/unit-1.0.0 pixel] transform: !transform/shift-1.2.0 offset: 10.0 - ! id: "step_xyz" frame: ! axes_names: [x2] axis_physical_types: ['custom:x'] name: f2 unit: [!unit/unit-1.0.0 pixel] transform: !transform/shift-1.2.0 offset: -5.0 - ! frame: ! axes_names: [x3] axis_physical_types: ['custom:x'] name: f3 unit: [!unit/unit-1.0.0 pixel] # Next (secondary) chain starts with a step that has a reference to a # previous step instead of a frame, and ends with a step that has no # transform. - ! frame: "step_xyz" transform: !transform/shift-1.2.0 offset: 23.0 - ! frame: ! axes_names: [x4] axis_physical_types: ['custom:x'] name: f4 unit: [!unit/unit-1.0.0 pixel] ...