#arg1: tensor operation (gemm=GEMM)
#arg2: data type (0=fp32, 1=fp16)
#arg3: matrix layout (0=NN, 1=NT, 2=TN, 3=TT)
#arg4: verification (0=no, 1=yes)
#arg5: initialization (0=no init, 1=integer value, 2=decimal value)
#arg6: print matrix value (0=no, 1=yes)
#arg7: run kernel # of times (>1)
#arg8 to 13: M, N, K, StrideA, StrideB, StrideC
################ op datatype layout verify init log repeat M___ N___ K___ StrideA StrideB StrideC
./bin/ckProfiler gemm 1 1 1 1 0 5 3840 4096 4096 4096 4096 4096
Result (MI100 @ 1087Mhz, 133.5TFlops peak FP16)
a_m_k: dim 2, lengths {3840, 4096}, strides {4096, 1}
b_k_n: dim 2, lengths {4096, 4096}, strides {1, 4096}
c_m_n: dim 2, lengths {3840, 4096}, strides {4096, 1}
Best Perf: 1.1933 ms, 107.977 TFlops, 79.0848 GB/s
#arg1: tensor operation (conv=Convolution)
#arg2: data type (0=fp32, 1=fp16)
#arg3: input tensor layout (0=NCHW, 1=NHWC)
#arg4: weight tensor layout (0=KCYX, 1=KYXC)
#arg5: output tensor layout (0=NKHW, 1=NHWK)
#arg6: verification (0=no, 1=yes)
#arg7: initialization (0=no init, 1=integer value, 2=decimal value)
#arg8: print matrix value (0=no, 1=yes)
#arg9: run kernel # of times (>1)
#arg10 to 24: N, K, C, Y, X, Hi, Wi, Sy, Sx, Dy, Dx, LeftPy, LeftPx, RightPy, RightPx
################ op datatype in_layout wei_layout out_layout verify init log repeat N__ K___ C___ Y X Hi__ Wi__ Strides Dilations LeftPads RightPads
./bin/ckProfiler conv2d_fwd 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 5 128 256 192 3 3 71 71 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Result (MI100 @ 1087Mhz, 133.5TFlops peak FP16)
in_n_c_hi_wi: dim 4, lengths {128, 192, 71, 71}, strides {967872, 1, 13632, 192}
wei_k_c_y_x: dim 4, lengths {256, 192, 3, 3}, strides {1728, 1, 576, 192}
out_n_k_ho_wo: dim 4, lengths {128, 256, 36, 36}, strides {331776, 1, 9216, 256}
Best Perf: 1.42509 ms, 102.988 TFlops, 234.086 GB/s
#arg1: tensor operation (contraction_bilinear=CONTRACTION+Bilinear)
#arg2: data type (0: fp32; 1: f64; 2: f16; 3: bf16)
#arg3: compute data type (0: fp32; 1: f64; 2: f16; 3: bf16)
#arg4: matrix layout (0: A[m0, m1, k0, k1] * B[k0, k1, n0, n1] + D[m0, m1, n0, n1] = E[m0, m1, n0, n1];
# 1: A[m0, m1, k0, k1] * B[n0, n1, k0, k1] + D[m0, m1, n0, n1] = E[m0, m1, n0, n1];
# 2: A[k0, k1, m0, m1] * B[k0, k1, n0, n1] + D[m0, m1, n0, n1] = E[m0, m1, n0, n1];
# 3: A[k0, k1, m0, m1] * B[n0, n1, k0, k1] + D[m0, m1, n0, n1] = E[m0, m1, n0, n1])
#arg5: verification (0: no; 1: yes)
#arg6: initialization (0: no init; 1: integer value; 2: decimal value)
#arg7: print tensor value (0: no; 1: yes)
#arg8: time kernel (0: no, 1: yes)
#arg9: alpha
#arg10: beta
#arg11 to 16: M0, M1, N0, N1, K0, K1
#arg17 to 32: Strides for A, B, D and E (skip for default)
################ op datatype compute_datatype layout verify init log time alpha beta M0 M1 N0 N1 K0 K1
./bin/ckProfiler contraction_bilinear 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1.0 1.0 128 128 128 128 128 128
Result (MI100)
a_m_k: dim 4, lengths {128, 128, 128, 128}, strides {2097152, 16384, 128, 1}
b_k_n: dim 4, lengths {128, 128, 128, 128}, strides {128, 1, 2097152, 16384}
d_m_n: dim 4, lengths {128, 128, 128, 128}, strides {2097152, 16384, 128, 1}
e_m_n: dim 4, lengths {128, 128, 128, 128}, strides {2097152, 16384, 128, 1}
Best Perf: 211.405 ms, 41.6077 TFlops, 15.2372 GB/s
#arg1: tensor operation (batched_gemm_multi_d=Batched GEMM multi D);
#arg2: data type (0: fp16; 1: int8)
#arg3: matrix layout (0: A[g, m, k] * B[g, k, n] = C[g, m, n];
# 1: A[g, m, k] * B[g, n, k] = C[g, m, n];
# 2: A[g, k, m] * B[g, k, n] = C[g, m, n];
# 3: A[g, k, m] * B[g, n, k] = C[g, m, n])
#arg4: verification (0: no; 1: yes)
#arg5: initialization (0: no init; 1: integer value; 2: decimal value)
#arg6: print tensor value (0: no; 1: yes)
#arg7: time kernel (0=n0, 1=yes)
#arg8 to 17: M, N, K, StrideA, StrideB, StrideC, BatchStrideA, BatchStrideB, BatchStrideC, BatchCount
################ op datatype layout verify init log time M N K StrideA StrideB StrideC BatchStrideA BatchStrideB BatchStrideC BatchCount
./bin/ckProfiler batched_gemm_multi_d 0 1 0 0 0 1 4096 4096 4096 4096 4096 4096 16777216 16777216 16777216 16
Result (Radeon RX 6800 XT)
arg.a_grid_desc_k0_m0_m1_k1_{2048, 4096, 2}
arg.b_grid_desc_k0_n0_n1_k1_{2048, 4096, 2}
arg.e_grid_desc_m_n_{ 4096, 4096}
Best Perf: 58.0306 ms, 37.8942 TFlops, 27.7545 GB/s
## Profile grouped convolution backward data kernels
# arg1: tensor operation (grouped_conv_bwd_data: Grouped Convolution Backward Data)
# arg2: data type (0: Output fp32, Weight fp32, Input fp32
# 1: Output fp16, Weight fp16, Input fp16
# 2: Output bf16, Weight bf16, Input bf16
# arg3: tensor layout (0: Output[G, N, Hi, Wi, C], Weight[G, K, Y, X, C], Input[G, N, Ho, Wo, K]
# 1: Output[N, Hi, Wi, G, C], Weight[G, K, Y, X, C], Input[N, Ho, Wo, G, K])
# arg4: verification (0: no, 1: yes)
# arg5: initialization (0: no init, 1: integer value, 2: decimal value)
# arg6: print tensor value (0: no; 1: yes)
# arg7: time kernel (0: no, 1: yes)
# Following arguments (depending on number of spatial dims):
# Number of spatial dimensions (1=Conv1D, 2=Conv2D, 3=Conv3D)
# G, N, K, C,
# <filter spatial dimensions>, (ie Y, X for 2D)
# <input image spatial dimensions>, (ie Hi, Wi for 2D)
# <strides>, (ie Sy, Sx for 2D)
# <dilations>, (ie Dy, Dx for 2D)
# <left padding>, (ie LeftPy, LeftPx for 2D)
# <right padding>, (ie RightPy, RightPx for 2D)
################ op datatype layout verify init log time Ndims G N K C Y X Hi Wi Sy Sx Dy Dx LeftPy LeftPx RightPy RightPx
./bin/ckProfiler grouped_conv_bwd_data 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 32 4 192 192 3 3 28 28 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
out: dim 5, lengths {32, 4, 192, 28, 28}, strides {602112, 150528, 1, 5376, 192}
wei: dim 5, lengths {32, 192, 192, 3, 3}, strides {331776, 1728, 1, 576, 192}
in: dim 5, lengths {32, 4, 192, 28, 28}, strides {602112, 150528, 1, 5376, 192}
Best configuration parameters:
name: DeviceGroupedConvBwdDataMultipleD_Xdl_CShuffle_v1<256, 128, 256, 32, 8, 2, Default, 32, 32, 2, 4, 8, 4, 1, 1>
avg_time: 0.768321
tflops: 86.6679
GB/s: 127.947
# arg1: tensor operation (grouped_conv_bwd_weight: Grouped Convolution Backward Weight)
# arg2: data type (0: Input fp32, Weight fp32, Output fp32
# 1: Input fp16, Weight fp16, Output fp16
# 2: Input bf16, Weight fp32, Output bf16
# 3: Input fp16, Weight fp16, Output fp16, Gemm bf8@fp8
# 4: Input int8, Weight int8, Output int8)
# arg3: tensor layout (0: Input[G, N, C, Hi, Wi], Weight[G, K, C, Y, X], Output[G, N, K, Ho, Wo]
# 1: Input[G, N, Hi, Wi, C], Weight[G, K, Y, X, C], Output[G, N, Ho, Wo, K]
# 2: Input[N, Hi, Wi, G, C], Weight[G, K, Y, X, C], Output[N, Ho, Wo, G, K]
# arg4: verification (0: no, 1: yes)
# arg5: initialization (0: no init, 1: integer value, 2: decimal value)
# arg6: print tensor value (0: no; 1: yes)
# arg7: time kernel (0: no, 1: yes)
# Following arguments (depending on number of spatial dims):
# Number of spatial dimensions (1=Conv1D, 2=Conv2D, 3=Conv3D)
# G, N, K, C,
# <filter spatial dimensions>, (ie Y, X for 2D)
# <input image spatial dimensions>, (ie Hi, Wi for 2D)
# <strides>, (ie Sy, Sx for 2D)
# <dilations>, (ie Dy, Dx for 2D)
# <left padding>, (ie LeftPy, LeftPx for 2D)
# <right padding>, (ie RightPy, RightPx for 2D)
# SplitK
################ op datatype layout verify init log time Ndims G N K C Y X Hi Wi Sy Sx Dy Dx LeftPy LeftPx RightPy RightPx SplitK
./bin/ckProfiler grouped_conv_bwd_weight 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 32 256 256 512 3 3 28 28 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
input: dim 5, lengths {32, 512, 1024, 28, 28}, strides {411041792, 802816, 1, 28672, 1024}
weight: dim 5, lengths {32, 512, 1024, 3, 3}, strides {4718592, 9216, 1, 3072, 1024}
output: dim 5, lengths {32, 512, 512, 26, 26}, strides {177209344, 346112, 1, 13312, 512}
Best configuration parameters:
name: DeviceGroupedConvBwdWeight_Xdl_CShuffle<256, 256, 128, 4, Default, 8, 4, 2, 8, 4, 8, 2, 1, 1, 8>
avg_time: 68.5216
tflops: 95.337
GB/s: 69.2301
Note: This kernel use atomic add, this will cause output buffer to be accumulated multiple times, causing verification failure. To work around it, do not use CK's own timer and do verification at the same time.
# arg1: tensor operation (" OP_NAME ": " OP_DESC ")
# arg2: data type (0: Input fp32, Weight fp32, Output fp32
# 1: Input fp16, Weight fp16, Output fp16
# 2: Input bf16, Weight bf16, Output bf16
# 3: Input int8, Weight int8, Output int8)
# arg3: tensor layout (0: Input[G, N, Hi, Wi, C], Output[G * N * Ho * Wo, Y * X * C],
# 1: Input[N, Hi, Wi, G, C], Output[N * Ho * Wo * G, Y * X * C])
# arg4: verification (0: no, 1: yes)
# arg5: initialization (0: no init, 1: integer value, 2: decimal value)
# arg6: print tensor value (0: no; 1: yes)
# arg7: time kernel (0: no, 1: yes)
# arg8: operation type (0: ImageToColumn, 1: ColumnToImage)
# Following arguments (depending on number of spatial dims):
# Number of spatial dimensions (1=Conv1D, 2=Conv2D, 3=Conv3D)
# G, N, K, C,
# <filter spatial dimensions>, (ie Y, X for 2D)
# <input image spatial dimensions>, (ie Hi, Wi for 2D)
# <strides>, (ie Sy, Sx for 2D)
# <dilations>, (ie Dy, Dx for 2D)
# <left padding>, (ie LeftPy, LeftPx for 2D)
# <right padding>, (ie RightPy, RightPx for 2D)
################ op datatype layout verify init log time opType Ndims G N K C Y X Hi Wi Sy Sx Dy Dx LeftPy LeftPx RightPy RightPx
./bin/ckProfiler conv_tensor_rearrange 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 256 1 512 3 3 28 28 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
Result (MI210, FP32, NHWC)
input: dim 5, lengths {1, 256, 512, 28, 28}, strides {102760448, 401408, 1, 14336, 512}
output: dim 2, lengths {173056, 4608}, strides {4608, 1}
Best configuration parameters:
name: DeviceImageToColumn<128, 32, 64, 4>
avg_time: 3.12326
GB/s: 2042.59
Note: Column to image kernel adds to the output memory, this will cause output buffer to be accumulated multiple times, causing verification failure. To work around it, do not use CK's own timer and do verification at the same time.