From b6ab919945bea94210d07de92bcb17c3fd344523 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Charlie Marsh <>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 20:06:25 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Make tags non-required for fetching wheel metadata (#2700)

## Summary

This looks like a big change but it really isn't. Rather, I just split
`get_or_build_wheel` into separate `get_wheel` and `build_wheel` methods
internally, which made `get_or_build_wheel_metadata` capable of _not_
relying on `Tags`, which in turn makes it easier for us to use the
`DistributionDatabase` in various places without having it coupled to an
interpreter or environment (something we already did for
 .../src/              | 293 +++++++++---------
 crates/uv-installer/src/         |  15 +-
 crates/uv-resolver/src/resolver/        |   2 +-
 3 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 158 deletions(-)

diff --git a/crates/uv-distribution/src/ b/crates/uv-distribution/src/
index 6f9d1be0b501..8d92e8db25f2 100644
--- a/crates/uv-distribution/src/
+++ b/crates/uv-distribution/src/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use url::Url;
 use distribution_filename::WheelFilename;
 use distribution_types::{
-    BuildableSource, BuiltDist, Dist, FileLocation, IndexLocations, LocalEditable, Name,
+    BuildableSource, BuiltDist, Dist, FileLocation, IndexLocations, LocalEditable, Name, SourceDist,
 use platform_tags::Tags;
 use pypi_types::Metadata23;
@@ -40,24 +40,17 @@ pub struct DistributionDatabase<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> {
     cache: &'a Cache,
     reporter: Option<Arc<dyn Reporter>>,
     locks: Arc<Locks>,
-    tags: &'a Tags,
     client: &'a RegistryClient,
     build_context: &'a Context,
     builder: SourceDistCachedBuilder<'a, Context>,
 impl<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> DistributionDatabase<'a, Context> {
-    pub fn new(
-        cache: &'a Cache,
-        tags: &'a Tags,
-        client: &'a RegistryClient,
-        build_context: &'a Context,
-    ) -> Self {
+    pub fn new(cache: &'a Cache, client: &'a RegistryClient, build_context: &'a Context) -> Self {
         Self {
             reporter: None,
             locks: Arc::new(Locks::default()),
-            tags,
             builder: SourceDistCachedBuilder::new(build_context, client),
@@ -94,18 +87,110 @@ impl<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> DistributionDatabase<'a, Context>
     /// If `no_remote_wheel` is set, the wheel will be built from a source distribution
     /// even if compatible pre-built wheels are available.
-    pub async fn get_or_build_wheel(&self, dist: Dist) -> Result<LocalWheel, Error> {
+    pub async fn get_or_build_wheel(&self, dist: &Dist, tags: &Tags) -> Result<LocalWheel, Error> {
+        match dist {
+            Dist::Built(built) => self.get_wheel(built).await,
+            Dist::Source(source) => self.build_wheel(source, tags).await,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Either fetch the only wheel metadata (directly from the index or with range requests) or
+    /// fetch and build the source distribution.
+    ///
+    /// Returns the [`Metadata23`], along with a "precise" URL for the source distribution, if
+    /// possible. For example, given a Git dependency with a reference to a branch or tag, return a
+    /// URL with a precise reference to the current commit of that branch or tag.
+    #[instrument(skip_all, fields(%dist))]
+    pub async fn get_or_build_wheel_metadata(
+        &self,
+        dist: &Dist,
+    ) -> Result<(Metadata23, Option<Url>), Error> {
+        match dist {
+            Dist::Built(built_dist) => {
+                match self.client.wheel_metadata(built_dist).boxed().await {
+                    Ok(metadata) => Ok((metadata, None)),
+                    Err(err) if err.is_http_streaming_unsupported() => {
+                        warn!("Streaming unsupported when fetching metadata for {built_dist}; downloading wheel directly ({err})");
+                        // If the request failed due to an error that could be resolved by
+                        // downloading the wheel directly, try that.
+                        let wheel = self.get_wheel(built_dist).await?;
+                        Ok((wheel.metadata()?, None))
+                    }
+                    Err(err) => Err(err.into()),
+                }
+            }
+            Dist::Source(source_dist) => {
+                let no_build = match self.build_context.no_build() {
+                    NoBuild::All => true,
+                    NoBuild::None => false,
+                    NoBuild::Packages(packages) => packages.contains(,
+                };
+                // Optimization: Skip source dist download when we must not build them anyway.
+                if no_build {
+                    return Err(Error::NoBuild);
+                }
+                let lock = self.locks.acquire(dist).await;
+                let _guard = lock.lock().await;
+                // Insert the `precise` URL, if it exists.
+                let precise = resolve_precise(
+                    source_dist,
+                    self.build_context.cache(),
+                    self.reporter.as_ref(),
+                )
+                .await?;
+                let source_dist = match precise.as_ref() {
+                    Some(url) => Cow::Owned(source_dist.clone().with_url(url.clone())),
+                    None => Cow::Borrowed(source_dist),
+                };
+                let metadata = self
+                    .builder
+                    .download_and_build_metadata(&BuildableSource::Dist(&source_dist))
+                    .boxed()
+                    .await?;
+                Ok((metadata, precise))
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// Build a directory into an editable wheel.
+    pub async fn build_wheel_editable(
+        &self,
+        editable: &LocalEditable,
+        editable_wheel_dir: &Path,
+    ) -> Result<(LocalWheel, Metadata23), Error> {
+        let (dist, disk_filename, filename, metadata) = self
+            .builder
+            .build_editable(editable, editable_wheel_dir)
+            .await?;
+        let built_wheel = BuiltWheel {
+            dist,
+            filename,
+            path: editable_wheel_dir.join(disk_filename),
+            target: editable_wheel_dir.join(cache_key::digest(&editable.path)),
+        };
+        Ok((LocalWheel::Built(built_wheel), metadata))
+    }
+    /// Fetch a wheel from the cache or download it from the index.
+    async fn get_wheel(&self, dist: &BuiltDist) -> Result<LocalWheel, Error> {
         let no_binary = match self.build_context.no_binary() {
             NoBinary::None => false,
             NoBinary::All => true,
             NoBinary::Packages(packages) => packages.contains(,
-        match &dist {
-            Dist::Built(BuiltDist::Registry(wheel)) => {
-                if no_binary {
-                    return Err(Error::NoBinary);
-                }
+        if no_binary {
+            return Err(Error::NoBinary);
+        }
+        match dist {
+            BuiltDist::Registry(wheel) => {
                 let url = match &wheel.file.url {
                     FileLocation::RelativeUrl(base, url) => {
                         pypi_types::base_url_join_relative(base, url)?
@@ -132,7 +217,7 @@ impl<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> DistributionDatabase<'a, Context>
                                     return Ok(LocalWheel::Unzipped(UnzippedWheel {
-                                        dist: dist.clone(),
+                                        dist: Dist::Built(dist.clone()),
                                         filename: wheel.filename.clone(),
@@ -144,7 +229,7 @@ impl<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> DistributionDatabase<'a, Context>
                         // Otherwise, unzip the file.
                         return Ok(LocalWheel::Disk(DiskWheel {
-                            dist: dist.clone(),
+                            dist: Dist::Built(dist.clone()),
                             path: path.clone(),
                             target: cache_entry.into_path_buf(),
                             filename: wheel.filename.clone(),
@@ -161,11 +246,11 @@ impl<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> DistributionDatabase<'a, Context>
                 // Download and unzip.
                 match self
-                    .stream_wheel(url.clone(), &wheel.filename, &wheel_entry, &dist)
+                    .stream_wheel(url.clone(), &wheel.filename, &wheel_entry, dist)
                     Ok(archive) => Ok(LocalWheel::Unzipped(UnzippedWheel {
-                        dist: dist.clone(),
+                        dist: Dist::Built(dist.clone()),
                         filename: wheel.filename.clone(),
@@ -177,10 +262,10 @@ impl<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> DistributionDatabase<'a, Context>
                         // If the request failed because streaming is unsupported, download the
                         // wheel directly.
                         let archive = self
-                            .download_wheel(url, &wheel.filename, &wheel_entry, &dist)
+                            .download_wheel(url, &wheel.filename, &wheel_entry, dist)
                         Ok(LocalWheel::Unzipped(UnzippedWheel {
-                            dist: dist.clone(),
+                            dist: Dist::Built(dist.clone()),
                             filename: wheel.filename.clone(),
@@ -189,11 +274,7 @@ impl<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> DistributionDatabase<'a, Context>
-            Dist::Built(BuiltDist::DirectUrl(wheel)) => {
-                if no_binary {
-                    return Err(Error::NoBinary);
-                }
+            BuiltDist::DirectUrl(wheel) => {
                 // Create a cache entry for the wheel.
                 let wheel_entry = self.cache.entry(
@@ -203,16 +284,11 @@ impl<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> DistributionDatabase<'a, Context>
                 // Download and unzip.
                 match self
-                    .stream_wheel(
-                        wheel.url.raw().clone(),
-                        &wheel.filename,
-                        &wheel_entry,
-                        &dist,
-                    )
+                    .stream_wheel(wheel.url.raw().clone(), &wheel.filename, &wheel_entry, dist)
                     Ok(archive) => Ok(LocalWheel::Unzipped(UnzippedWheel {
-                        dist: dist.clone(),
+                        dist: Dist::Built(dist.clone()),
                         filename: wheel.filename.clone(),
@@ -228,11 +304,11 @@ impl<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> DistributionDatabase<'a, Context>
-                                &dist,
+                                dist,
                         Ok(LocalWheel::Unzipped(UnzippedWheel {
-                            dist: dist.clone(),
+                            dist: Dist::Built(dist.clone()),
                             filename: wheel.filename.clone(),
@@ -241,11 +317,7 @@ impl<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> DistributionDatabase<'a, Context>
-            Dist::Built(BuiltDist::Path(wheel)) => {
-                if no_binary {
-                    return Err(Error::NoBinary);
-                }
+            BuiltDist::Path(wheel) => {
                 let cache_entry = self.cache.entry(
@@ -263,7 +335,7 @@ impl<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> DistributionDatabase<'a, Context>
                             return Ok(LocalWheel::Unzipped(UnzippedWheel {
-                                dist: dist.clone(),
+                                dist: Dist::Built(dist.clone()),
                                 filename: wheel.filename.clone(),
@@ -274,126 +346,45 @@ impl<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> DistributionDatabase<'a, Context>
                 Ok(LocalWheel::Disk(DiskWheel {
-                    dist: dist.clone(),
+                    dist: Dist::Built(dist.clone()),
                     path: wheel.path.clone(),
                     target: cache_entry.into_path_buf(),
                     filename: wheel.filename.clone(),
-            Dist::Source(source_dist) => {
-                let lock = self.locks.acquire(&dist).await;
-                let _guard = lock.lock().await;
-                let built_wheel = self
-                    .builder
-                    .download_and_build(&BuildableSource::Dist(source_dist), self.tags)
-                    .boxed()
-                    .await?;
-                // If the wheel was unzipped previously, respect it. Source distributions are
-                // cached under a unique build ID, so unzipped directories are never stale.
-                match {
-                    Ok(archive) => Ok(LocalWheel::Unzipped(UnzippedWheel {
-                        dist: dist.clone(),
-                        archive,
-                        filename: built_wheel.filename,
-                    })),
-                    Err(err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {
-                        Ok(LocalWheel::Built(BuiltWheel {
-                            dist: dist.clone(),
-                            path: built_wheel.path,
-                            target:,
-                            filename: built_wheel.filename,
-                        }))
-                    }
-                    Err(err) => return Err(Error::CacheRead(err)),
-                }
-            }
-    /// Either fetch the only wheel metadata (directly from the index or with range requests) or
-    /// fetch and build the source distribution.
-    ///
-    /// Returns the [`Metadata23`], along with a "precise" URL for the source distribution, if
-    /// possible. For example, given a Git dependency with a reference to a branch or tag, return a
-    /// URL with a precise reference to the current commit of that branch or tag.
-    #[instrument(skip_all, fields(%dist))]
-    pub async fn get_or_build_wheel_metadata(
-        &self,
-        dist: &Dist,
-    ) -> Result<(Metadata23, Option<Url>), Error> {
-        match dist {
-            Dist::Built(built_dist) => {
-                match self.client.wheel_metadata(built_dist).boxed().await {
-                    Ok(metadata) => Ok((metadata, None)),
-                    Err(err) if err.is_http_streaming_unsupported() => {
-                        warn!("Streaming unsupported when fetching metadata for {dist}; downloading wheel directly ({err})");
-                        // If the request failed due to an error that could be resolved by
-                        // downloading the wheel directly, try that.
-                        let wheel = self.get_or_build_wheel(dist.clone()).await?;
-                        Ok((wheel.metadata()?, None))
-                    }
-                    Err(err) => Err(err.into()),
-                }
-            }
-            Dist::Source(source_dist) => {
-                let no_build = match self.build_context.no_build() {
-                    NoBuild::All => true,
-                    NoBuild::None => false,
-                    NoBuild::Packages(packages) => packages.contains(,
-                };
-                // Optimization: Skip source dist download when we must not build them anyway.
-                if no_build {
-                    return Err(Error::NoBuild);
-                }
-                let lock = self.locks.acquire(dist).await;
-                let _guard = lock.lock().await;
-                // Insert the `precise` URL, if it exists.
-                let precise = resolve_precise(
-                    source_dist,
-                    self.build_context.cache(),
-                    self.reporter.as_ref(),
-                )
-                .await?;
-                let source_dist = match precise.as_ref() {
-                    Some(url) => Cow::Owned(source_dist.clone().with_url(url.clone())),
-                    None => Cow::Borrowed(source_dist),
-                };
+    /// Convert a source distribution into a wheel, fetching it from the cache or building it if
+    /// necessary.
+    async fn build_wheel(&self, dist: &SourceDist, tags: &Tags) -> Result<LocalWheel, Error> {
+        let lock = self.locks.acquire(&Dist::Source(dist.clone())).await;
+        let _guard = lock.lock().await;
-                let metadata = self
-                    .builder
-                    .download_and_build_metadata(&BuildableSource::Dist(&source_dist))
-                    .boxed()
-                    .await?;
-                Ok((metadata, precise))
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /// Build a directory into an editable wheel.
-    pub async fn build_wheel_editable(
-        &self,
-        editable: &LocalEditable,
-        editable_wheel_dir: &Path,
-    ) -> Result<(LocalWheel, Metadata23), Error> {
-        let (dist, disk_filename, filename, metadata) = self
+        let built_wheel = self
-            .build_editable(editable, editable_wheel_dir)
+            .download_and_build(&BuildableSource::Dist(dist), tags)
+            .boxed()
-        let built_wheel = BuiltWheel {
-            dist,
-            filename,
-            path: editable_wheel_dir.join(disk_filename),
-            target: editable_wheel_dir.join(cache_key::digest(&editable.path)),
-        };
-        Ok((LocalWheel::Built(built_wheel), metadata))
+        // If the wheel was unzipped previously, respect it. Source distributions are
+        // cached under a unique build ID, so unzipped directories are never stale.
+        match {
+            Ok(archive) => Ok(LocalWheel::Unzipped(UnzippedWheel {
+                dist: Dist::Source(dist.clone()),
+                archive,
+                filename: built_wheel.filename,
+            })),
+            Err(err) if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {
+                Ok(LocalWheel::Built(BuiltWheel {
+                    dist: Dist::Source(dist.clone()),
+                    path: built_wheel.path,
+                    target:,
+                    filename: built_wheel.filename,
+                }))
+            }
+            Err(err) => Err(Error::CacheRead(err)),
+        }
     /// Stream a wheel from a URL, unzipping it into the cache as it's downloaded.
@@ -402,7 +393,7 @@ impl<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> DistributionDatabase<'a, Context>
         url: Url,
         filename: &WheelFilename,
         wheel_entry: &CacheEntry,
-        dist: &Dist,
+        dist: &BuiltDist,
     ) -> Result<PathBuf, Error> {
         // Create an entry for the HTTP cache.
         let http_entry = wheel_entry.with_file(format!("{}.http", filename.stem()));
@@ -470,7 +461,7 @@ impl<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> DistributionDatabase<'a, Context>
         url: Url,
         filename: &WheelFilename,
         wheel_entry: &CacheEntry,
-        dist: &Dist,
+        dist: &BuiltDist,
     ) -> Result<PathBuf, Error> {
         // Create an entry for the HTTP cache.
         let http_entry = wheel_entry.with_file(format!("{}.http", filename.stem()));
diff --git a/crates/uv-installer/src/ b/crates/uv-installer/src/
index 8e140d2418c3..7ee10205e91c 100644
--- a/crates/uv-installer/src/
+++ b/crates/uv-installer/src/
@@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ pub enum Error {
 /// Download, build, and unzip a set of distributions.
 pub struct Downloader<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> {
-    database: DistributionDatabase<'a, Context>,
+    tags: &'a Tags,
     cache: &'a Cache,
+    database: DistributionDatabase<'a, Context>,
     reporter: Option<Arc<dyn Reporter>>,
@@ -51,9 +52,10 @@ impl<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> Downloader<'a, Context> {
         build_context: &'a Context,
     ) -> Self {
         Self {
-            database: DistributionDatabase::new(cache, tags, client, build_context),
-            reporter: None,
+            tags,
+            database: DistributionDatabase::new(cache, client, build_context),
+            reporter: None,
@@ -62,9 +64,10 @@ impl<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> Downloader<'a, Context> {
     pub fn with_reporter(self, reporter: impl Reporter + 'static) -> Self {
         let reporter: Arc<dyn Reporter> = Arc::new(reporter);
         Self {
-            reporter: Some(reporter.clone()),
-            database: self.database.with_reporter(Facade::from(reporter.clone())),
+            tags: self.tags,
             cache: self.cache,
+            database: self.database.with_reporter(Facade::from(reporter.clone())),
+            reporter: Some(reporter.clone()),
@@ -165,7 +168,7 @@ impl<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> Downloader<'a, Context> {
         if in_flight.downloads.register(id.clone()) {
             let download: LocalWheel = self
-                .get_or_build_wheel(dist.clone())
+                .get_or_build_wheel(&dist, self.tags)
                 .map_err(|err| Error::Fetch(dist.clone(), err))
diff --git a/crates/uv-resolver/src/resolver/ b/crates/uv-resolver/src/resolver/
index 229ef6489d5b..e7d717eabd8c 100644
--- a/crates/uv-resolver/src/resolver/
+++ b/crates/uv-resolver/src/resolver/
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ impl<'a, Context: BuildContext + Send + Sync> Resolver<'a, DefaultResolverProvid
     ) -> Result<Self, ResolveError> {
         let provider = DefaultResolverProvider::new(
-            DistributionDatabase::new(build_context.cache(), tags, client, build_context),
+            DistributionDatabase::new(build_context.cache(), client, build_context),
             PythonRequirement::new(interpreter, markers),