Preprocessing pipelines to use SHIVA tools
This repository contains simple preprocessing pipelines to process raw Nifti images to be ready for SHIVA segmentation tools:
- SHIVA-WMH: White matter hyperintensity segmentation based on T1w and FLAIR (
- SHIVA-PVS: Parivascular space segmentation based on T1w (
The pipelines performs:
- Reorient image to standard (RAS/LAS)
- Coregister images to a reference modality (usually T1w)
- Resample images to 1x1x1 mm (if needed)
- Brain mask generation (if not provided)
- Image cropping to 160 × 214 × 176
- Intensity normalization inside the brain mask (min-max normalization with the max set to the 99th percentile of the brain voxel values to avoid "hot spots")
- FSL v.6.0.4
- Nipype v.1.7.0 (python package)
- If generating brainmask, SMP12 (we are using with Matlab v.R2021a)
- Note that brainmask can be generated with FSL or SynthSeg (with Freesurfer 7.3.2), but the sample script included here will use SPM
- To preprocess the T1w and FLAIR raw images, please clone this GitHub repository.
- In the SHIVApreproc folder, run the following command in the terminal to install the shiva_preproc module:
python install
- Specify the information in config_process_subject.json and subjects_list.txt:
- config_process_subject.json
{ "svn_dir": "/path/to/shiva_preproc/folder", "wd": "/path/where/preprocessed/images/will/be/store", "data_dir": "/path/to/raw/images", "in_dat_tmp": "%s_%s.%s", "in_dat_tmp_arg": { "T1": [["subject_id", "T1", "nii.gz"]], /name of T1w images (subject_id_T1.nii.gz) "FLAIR": [["subject_id", "FLAIR", "nii.gz"]], /name of FLAIR images (subject_id_FLAIR.nii.gz) "brainmask": [["subject_id", "braimask", "nii.gz"]] /if a brain mask (subject_id_brainmask.nii.gz) will be provided rather than generated. Otherwise delete this line) }, "resampling_to_111": "False", /if raw T1w images needs to be resample to 1 by 1 by 1 mm change to 'True' "path_to_spm": "/path/to/spm", /exapmle: "/srv/shares/softs/spm12-full", "spm_standalone": "/path/to/spm/standalone", /exapmle: "/srv/shares/softs/spm12/", "mcr": "/path/to/mcr", /example: "/srv/shares/softs/MCR/v713" "plugin": "MultiProc", "plugin_args": {"n_procs": 25} }
- subjects_list.txt Please provide the subject IDs of T1w, FLAIR, (and any other modality to be processed together), and optionally a brain mask (in reference T1w space) you would like to preprocess.
- Run the file to start preprocessing the raw images: