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File metadata and controls

281 lines (257 loc) · 9.43 KB

Test Management NAdapter

This is a Testing Adapter based on NUnit Testing Framework, which gathers basic build information and useful artifacts:

  • test status;
  • test execution time
  • titled values;
  • user defined files;
  • screenshots;
  • stack traces;

For further processing by Jenkins Test Management plugin.

How To Use With NUnit

  1. Download & Build solution or Download Ready to Use TTMNAdapter.NUnit assembly
  2. Make sure your Test Project is based on NUnit Testing Framework
  3. Add TMNAdapter.NUnit and TMNAdapter.Core references to your Test Project
  4. Mark your test with JiraTestMethod attribute to link it with Jira issue
  5. Use JiraInfoProvider to attach additional data for Jira issues
  6. Add [assembly: GenerateTestReportForJIRA] line to any test class file in your Test Project
    [assembly: GenerateTestReportForJIRA]
    namespace TestProject
    	public class TestClass
    		// use Screenshoter to attach screenshots to the Jira issue
    		// or you can add screenshot file with JiraInfoProvider
    		public void Initialize()
    		public void AwesomeTestMethod()
    			// use this anywhere in your tests...
    			// attach parameter to the Jira issue
    			JiraInfoProvider.SaveParameter("string", "awesome-string");
    			JiraInfoProvider.SaveParameter("bool", true);
    			JiraInfoProvider.SaveParameter("int", 42);
    			// attach file or screenshot to the Jira issue
    			var fileInfo = new FileInfo("file-path");
    			// assert's message also will be recorded
    			Assert.Fail("You Shall Not Pass! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯");
    		//if you were using Screenshoter
    		public void Cleanup()
  7. Build & Run your tests with Jenkins or manual
  8. Check target folder with jira-tm-report.xml file and attachments folder for TM Jenkins Plugin
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    	    <summary>Testing failed test behavior</summary>
    				<title>Random number</title>
    				<title>Random boolean</title>
    				<title>Some static string</title>
    				<value>Hello, world!</value>
  9. Make sure TM Jenkins Plugin is installed and configured in Jenkins
  10. Check issue in Jira


How To Use With MSTest

  1. Download & Build solution or Download Ready to Use TMNAdapter.MSTest assembly
  2. Make sure your Test Project is based on MSTest Testing Framework
  3. Add TMNAdapter.MSTest and TMNAdapter.Core references to your Test Project
  4. Use JiraTestMethod instead of standart TestMethod attribute to link tests with Jira issues
  5. Use JiraInfoProvider to attach additional data for Jira issues
  6. You need to invoke TestReporter.GenerateTestResultXml() method in AssemblyCleanup to gather all test results:
  7. Your Test Project should look something like this:
    namespace TestProject
    	public class TestClass
    		// use Screenshoter to attach screenshots to the Jira issue
    		// or you can add screenshot file with JiraInfoProvider
    		public void Initialize()
    		public void AwesomeTestMethod()
        		// use this anywhere in your tests...
       	 		// attach parameter to the Jira issue
       	 		JiraInfoProvider.SaveParameter("string", "awesome-string");
       	 		JiraInfoProvider.SaveParameter("bool", true);
       			JiraInfoProvider.SaveParameter("int", 42);
        			// attach file to the Jira issue
        			var fileInfo = new FileInfo("file-path");
    			// attach a screenshot to the Jira issue
        			// assert's message also will be recorded
        			Assert.Fail("You Shall Not Pass! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯");
    		//if you were using Screenshoter
    		public void Cleanup()
    		//gathering all test results
    		public static void AssemblyOneTimeCleanup()
  8. Build & Run your tests with Jenkins or manual
  9. Check target folder with jira-tm-report.xml file and attachments folder for TM Jenkins Plugin
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    	    <summary>Testing failed test behavior</summary>
    				<title>Random number</title>
    				<title>Random boolean</title>
    				<title>Some static string</title>
    				<value>Hello, world!</value>
  10. Make sure TM Jenkins Plugin is installed and configured in Jenkins
  11. Check issue in Jira


How To Use With SpecFlow

  1. Download & Build solution or Download Ready to Use TTMNAdapter.SpecFlow assembly
  2. Make sure your Test Project is based on SpecFlow Testing Framework
  3. Add TMNAdapter.SpecFlow and TMNAdapter.Core references to your Test Project
  4. Add step definitions in App.config
    <!-- For additional details on SpecFlow configuration options see -->
      <stepAssembly assembly="TMNAdapter.SpecFlow" />
  1. Mark your feature Tag to link it with Jira issue
  2. Use JiraInfoProvider to attach additional data for Jira issues
  3. Your Feature file should look something like this:
	Feature: CheckAuthorAndTitleInYouTubeVideoTest

	Scenario Outline: Check author name in youtube video
		Given I navigate to
		Then the author name "EPAM Systems Global" should be correct
  1. Your Steps should look something like this:
    public class CheckAuthorAndTitleInYoutubeVideo
        private readonly ScenarioContext scenarioContext;
        private YouTubePage page;

		// each your class with steps should contains ScenarioContext
        public CheckAuthorAndTitleInYoutubeVideo(ScenarioContext scenarioContext)
            if (scenarioContext == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("scenarioContext");
            this.scenarioContext = scenarioContext;
            page = new YouTubePage(BrowserContainer.GetBrowser(scenarioContext.ScenarioInfo.Title));

        [Given("I navigate to (.*)")]
        public void INavigateToMainPage(string mainPage)
            JiraInfoProvider.SaveParameter("title", page.GetVideoTitle(), scenarioContext);

        [Then("the (.*) should be correct")]
        public void TheAuthorNameShouldBeCorrect(string authorName)
            JiraInfoProvider.SaveParameter("authorName", page.GetAuthorName(), scenarioContext);
            string name = page.GetAuthorName();
            Assert.AreEqual(name, authorName);
  1. Build & Run your tests with Jenkins or manual
  2. Check target folder with jira-tm-report.xml file and attachments folder for TM Jenkins Plugin
        <value>At the End of the Day</value>
        <value>EPAM Systems Global</value>
  1. Make sure TM Jenkins Plugin is installed and configured in Jenkins
  2. Check issue in Jira
