Noteworthy Changes in section Releases

Version ?.?.? (????-??-??):
 * Documentation improvements.

Version 0.9.1 (2024-01-12):
 * Typo fix in this NEWS file.

Version 0.9.0 (2024-01-10):
 * Behavior change: the --yaml option is now called --yaml-seq-indent.
 * Bug fix: correctly track in or out of section status for ignored
   lines with "--enclosing".
 * New option "--headers" to also select headers of selected sections.
 * Documentation improvements.

Version 0.8.0 (2023-05-22):
 * Documentation improvements.
 * New option "--begin" to select the first matching section together
   with all following lines.

Version 0.7.0 (2023-03-12):
 * Behavior change: tab characters in the indentation are logically
   expanded with a default tab stop every 8 characters.
 * New option "--tab-size" to control Tab expansion.
 * Documentation improvements.
 * Some error messages provide more information.

Version 0.6.0 (2023-02-05):
 * New option "--fixed-string" to indicate that the PATTERN shall be
   interpreted as a fixed string, not as a regular expression.
 * New option "--ignore-re" to ignore lines matching a regular expression.
 * New option "--indent-re" to use a different definition of indentation.

Version 0.5.3 (2023-01-29):
 * Bug fix: consistently handle nested YAML sequences with "--yaml".
 * Documentation improvements.

Version 0.5.2 (2023-01-28):
 * Bug fix: use exit code 2 when a file given as argument could not be
   opened, instead of ignoring this error.

Version 0.5.1 (2023-01-28):
 * Bug fix: do not crash ("panic") on empty input.  This bug was
   introduced in version 0.4.0.
 * Bug fix: add all test input files to tar balls.  Before, additional
   input files were omitted.  This bug was introduced in version 0.2.2.

Version 0.5.0 (2023-01-12):
 * New option "--enclosing" to select sections enclosing matched lines

Version 0.4.0 (2023-01-11):
 * New option "--top-level" to let sections start from "top" (minimum)
   indentation level

Version 0.3.1 (2023-01-08):
 * Bug fix: when combining "--separator" and "--omit" together with
   multiple input files, when a section at the end of an input file was
   omitted, and the next file started outside a section, the separator
   between the output sections was missing.

Version 0.3.0 (2022-09-18):
 * Behavior change: more consistent --yaml handling of dicts as list
   items.  Before, when the pattern matched the line containing the
   list indication ("- "), i.e., the first line of the list item, the
   complete list item, i.e., the complete dict, was printed.  But when
   the pattern matched any other line of the list item, e.g., any other
   key of the dict, only that key (with its value) would be printed.
   Thus the order of the keys in the dict would have influenced if the
   whole dict or just part of the dict would be printed.
   Now, when matching a key of a dict that is a list item, only the
   matching dict key and its value is printed, even if the matched line
   is the first line of a list item.  This is consistent with matching
   keys of dicts that are not list items.
 * Documentation: option descriptions in the man page are now grouped
   according to function

Version 0.2.3 (2022-08-20):
 * Bug fix: when using "--yaml", the depth of "YAML indentation" of lines
   that are not YAML list items was always determined as zero.

Version 0.2.2 (2022-07-31):
 * Bug fix: when combining "--separator" with multiple input files, when
   a section was printed, and then another section from another file was
   printed, the separator between the output sections was missing.

Version 0.2.1 (2021-10-23):
 * Include this file (NEWS) in the sources tar archive

Version 0.2.0 (2021-10-23):
 * New option "--omit-ignored" to never print ignored lines

Version 0.1.0 (2021-07-18):
 * Documentation improvements
 * New option "--prefix-delimiter" to control the prefix delimiter
 * New option "--label" to control file name replacement for standard input

Version 0.0.11 (2021-06-22):
 * New option "--line-number" to prefix printed lines with the line number.
 * New option "--with-filename" to prefix printed lines with the file name.
 * Support combination of options "--separator" and "--omit".

Version 0.0.10 (2021-06-20):
 * Add a man page.
 * Add a NEWS file to list noteworthy changes in released versions.
 * New option "--separator" to print a separator between matched sections.
 * New option "--separator-string" to control the section separator.

Version 0.0.9 (2021-05-17):
 * New option "--ignore-blank" to continue sections across blank lines.

Version 0.0.8 (2021-04-11):
 * First released section version.
 * Documentation consists of README, INSTALL, and "--help" output.
 * Supports options "--help", "--version", "--ignore-case", "--invert-match",
   "--omit", "--quiet", and "--yaml".