From a8e649889fdc5b5ba1ea9ce0a786eb4f762e130f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: xanunderscore <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2025 16:11:31 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 01/32] Auto-engage preset
BossMod/Autorotation/MiscAI/AutoEngage.cs | 38 +++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 38 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 BossMod/Autorotation/MiscAI/AutoEngage.cs
diff --git a/BossMod/Autorotation/MiscAI/AutoEngage.cs b/BossMod/Autorotation/MiscAI/AutoEngage.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9349f0abe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BossMod/Autorotation/MiscAI/AutoEngage.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+using BossMod.Autorotation.xan;
+namespace BossMod.Autorotation.MiscAI;
+public sealed class AutoEngage(RotationModuleManager manager, Actor player) : RotationModule(manager, player)
+ public enum Track { QuestBattle, DeepDungeon, EpicEcho }
+ public static RotationModuleDefinition Definition()
+ {
+ var def = new RotationModuleDefinition("Misc AI: Auto-engage", "Automatically attack all nearby targets in certain circumstances", "Misc", "xan", RotationModuleQuality.Basic, new(~0ul), 1000);
+ def.AbilityTrack(Track.QuestBattle, "Automatically attack solo duty bosses");
+ def.AbilityTrack(Track.DeepDungeon, "Automatically attack deep dungeon bosses when solo");
+ def.AbilityTrack(Track.EpicEcho, "Automatically attack all targets if the Epic Echo status is present (i.e. when unsynced)");
+ return def;
+ }
+ public override void Execute(StrategyValues strategy, ref Actor? primaryTarget, float estimatedAnimLockDelay, bool isMoving)
+ {
+ if (Player.InCombat || primaryTarget != null || World.Client.CountdownRemaining > 0)
+ return;
+ var enabled = false;
+ if (strategy.Enabled(Track.QuestBattle))
+ enabled |= Bossmods.ActiveModule?.Info?.Category == BossModuleInfo.Category.Quest;
+ if (strategy.Enabled(Track.DeepDungeon))
+ enabled |= Bossmods.ActiveModule?.Info?.Category == BossModuleInfo.Category.DeepDungeon && World.Party.WithoutSlot().Count() == 1;
+ if (strategy.Enabled(Track.EpicEcho))
+ enabled |= Player.Statuses.Any(s => s.ID == 2734);
+ if (enabled)
+ primaryTarget = Hints.PotentialTargets.Where(t => t.Priority == AIHints.Enemy.PriorityUndesirable).MinBy(p => Player.DistanceToHitbox(p.Actor))?.Actor;
+ }
From 5805fe76cede33ab9628fa14d8a48435f55d2a3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: xanunderscore <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2025 19:03:20 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 02/32] deep dungeon modules
BossMod/BossMod.csproj | 5 +-
BossMod/BossModule/AIHints.cs | 12 +-
BossMod/BossModule/ZoneModule.cs | 2 +
BossMod/BossModule/ZoneModuleWindow.cs | 23 +
BossMod/Data/Actor.cs | 2 +
.../DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D10Gancanagh.cs | 2 +-
.../EurekaOrthos/D20CloningNode.cs | 4 +-
.../EurekaOrthos/D30TiamatsClone.cs | 25 +-
.../EurekaOrthos/D40TwintaniasClone.cs | 8 +-
.../D50ServomechanicalChimera14X.cs | 153 +
.../D60ServomechanicalMinotaur.cs | 25 +-
.../DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D70Aeturna.cs | 4 +-
.../EurekaOrthos/D80ProtoKaliya.cs | 198 +
.../EurekaOrthos/D90Administrator.cs | 61 +-
.../DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/EOFloorModule.cs | 259 +
.../Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/AutoClear.cs | 824 +
.../Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/BadTraps.json | 1 +
BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/Config.cs | 45 +
.../Global/DeepDungeon/FloorPathfind.cs | 61 +
.../Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/LevelData.cs | 37 +
BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/Minimap.cs | 165 +
BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/Walls.json | 74482 ++++++++++++++++
.../PalaceOfTheDead/D100NybethObdilord.cs | 2 +-
.../PalaceOfTheDead/D10PalaceDeathgaze.cs | 2 +-
.../PalaceOfTheDead/D110Alicanto.cs | 2 +-
.../PalaceOfTheDead/D120Kirtimukha.cs | 16 +-
.../DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D130Alfard.cs | 16 +-
.../DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D140AhPuch.cs | 2 +-
.../PalaceOfTheDead/D150Tisiphone.cs | 28 +-
.../PalaceOfTheDead/D160Todesritter.cs | 57 +-
.../PalaceOfTheDead/D180Dendainsonne.cs | 56 +-
.../PalaceOfTheDead/D190TheGodfather.cs | 11 +-
.../DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D20Spurge.cs | 16 +-
.../PalaceOfTheDead/D30Ningishzida.cs | 16 +-
.../DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D40Ixtab.cs | 2 +-
.../PalaceOfTheDead/D50EddaBlackbosom.cs | 2 +-
.../PalaceOfTheDead/D60TheBlackRider.cs | 109 +-
.../DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D70Yaquaru.cs | 76 +-
.../DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D80Gudanna.cs | 59 +-
.../PalaceOfTheDead/D90TheGodmother.cs | 11 +-
.../PalaceOfTheDead/PalaceFloorModule.cs | 126 +
.../Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D10Mojabune.cs | 2 +-
.../Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D30Hiruko.cs | 30 +-
.../Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D40Bhima.cs | 8 +-
.../Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D50Gozu.cs | 4 +-
.../Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D70Kenko.cs | 84 +
.../Stormblood/DeepDungeon/HoHFloorModule.cs | 85 +
BossMod/Pathfinding/NavigationDecision.cs | 2 +-
BossMod/Replay/ReplayManagementConfig.cs | 10 +
BossMod/Replay/ReplayManager.cs | 43 +-
.../Visualization/ReplayDetailsWindow.cs | 3 +-
BossMod/packages.lock.json | 2050 +-
UIDev/OfflineTextureProvider.cs | 180 +
UIDev/PathfindingTest.cs | 6 +-
UIDev/UITest.cs | 29 +-
55 files changed, 78359 insertions(+), 1184 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 BossMod/BossModule/ZoneModuleWindow.cs
create mode 100644 BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D50ServomechanicalChimera14X.cs
create mode 100644 BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D80ProtoKaliya.cs
create mode 100644 BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/EOFloorModule.cs
create mode 100644 BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/AutoClear.cs
create mode 100644 BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/BadTraps.json
create mode 100644 BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/Config.cs
create mode 100644 BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/FloorPathfind.cs
create mode 100644 BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/LevelData.cs
create mode 100644 BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/Minimap.cs
create mode 100644 BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/Walls.json
create mode 100644 BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/PalaceFloorModule.cs
create mode 100644 BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D70Kenko.cs
create mode 100644 BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/HoHFloorModule.cs
create mode 100644 UIDev/OfflineTextureProvider.cs
diff --git a/BossMod/BossMod.csproj b/BossMod/BossMod.csproj
index 94632f22f3..5b5cd9cedc 100644
--- a/BossMod/BossMod.csproj
+++ b/BossMod/BossMod.csproj
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+ true
@@ -48,7 +49,8 @@
@@ -91,6 +93,7 @@
diff --git a/BossMod/BossModule/AIHints.cs b/BossMod/BossModule/AIHints.cs
index e520f939c4..674903e111 100644
--- a/BossMod/BossModule/AIHints.cs
+++ b/BossMod/BossModule/AIHints.cs
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public enum SpecialMode
// positioning: list of shapes that are either forbidden to stand in now or will be in near future
// AI will try to move in such a way to avoid standing in any forbidden zone after its activation or outside of some restricted zone after its activation, even at the cost of uptime
- public List<(Func shapeDistance, DateTime activation)> ForbiddenZones = [];
+ public List<(Func shapeDistance, DateTime activation, ulong Source)> ForbiddenZones = [];
// positioning: list of goal functions
// AI will try to move to reach non-forbidden point with highest goal value (sum of values returned by all functions)
@@ -147,11 +147,17 @@ public void PrioritizeAll()
h.Priority = Math.Max(h.Priority, 0);
+ public void SetPriority(Actor actor, int priority)
+ {
+ if (FindEnemy(actor) is { } enemy)
+ enemy.Priority = priority;
+ }
public void InteractWithOID(WorldState ws, uint oid) => InteractWithTarget = ws.Actors.FirstOrDefault(a => a.OID == oid && a.IsTargetable);
public void InteractWithOID(WorldState ws, OID oid) where OID : Enum => InteractWithOID(ws, (uint)(object)oid);
- public void AddForbiddenZone(Func shapeDistance, DateTime activation = new()) => ForbiddenZones.Add((shapeDistance, activation));
- public void AddForbiddenZone(AOEShape shape, WPos origin, Angle rot = new(), DateTime activation = new()) => ForbiddenZones.Add((shape.Distance(origin, rot), activation));
+ public void AddForbiddenZone(Func shapeDistance, DateTime activation = new(), ulong source = 0) => ForbiddenZones.Add((shapeDistance, activation, source));
+ public void AddForbiddenZone(AOEShape shape, WPos origin, Angle rot = new(), DateTime activation = new(), ulong source = 0) => ForbiddenZones.Add((shape.Distance(origin, rot), activation, source));
public void AddSpecialMode(SpecialMode mode, DateTime activation)
diff --git a/BossMod/BossModule/ZoneModule.cs b/BossMod/BossModule/ZoneModule.cs
index 0c63d1939f..c69ac413d3 100644
--- a/BossMod/BossModule/ZoneModule.cs
+++ b/BossMod/BossModule/ZoneModule.cs
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
public virtual void Update() { }
public virtual bool WantToBeDrawn() => false; // return true if it wants to be drawn (higher priority than inactive boss modules, but lower priority than active)
+ public virtual bool DrawSeparately => false; // return true if the contents of DrawExtra should be shown in a separate window
+ public bool WantWindow => WantToBeDrawn() && DrawSeparately;
public virtual List CalculateGlobalHints() => [];
public virtual void CalculateAIHints(int playerSlot, Actor player, AIHints hints) { } // note: this is called after framework automatically fills auto-detected hints
public virtual void DrawExtra() { }
diff --git a/BossMod/BossModule/ZoneModuleWindow.cs b/BossMod/BossModule/ZoneModuleWindow.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0586476b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BossMod/BossModule/ZoneModuleWindow.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+namespace BossMod;
+public class ZoneModuleWindow : UIWindow
+ private readonly ZoneModuleManager _zmm;
+ public ZoneModuleWindow(ZoneModuleManager zmm) : base("Zone module###Zone module", false, new(400, 400))
+ {
+ _zmm = zmm;
+ RespectCloseHotkey = false;
+ }
+ public override void PreOpenCheck()
+ {
+ IsOpen = _zmm.ActiveModule?.WantWindow ?? false;
+ }
+ public override void Draw()
+ {
+ _zmm.ActiveModule?.DrawExtra();
+ }
diff --git a/BossMod/Data/Actor.cs b/BossMod/Data/Actor.cs
index 7872ad25d0..c01f99c11b 100644
--- a/BossMod/Data/Actor.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Data/Actor.cs
@@ -134,6 +134,8 @@ public sealed class Actor(ulong instanceID, uint oid, int spawnIndex, string nam
public bool PredictedDead => PredictedHPRaw <= 1 && !IsStrikingDummy;
public float PredictedHPRatio => (float)PredictedHPRaw / HPMP.MaxHP;
+ public bool IsTransformed => Statuses.Any(Autorotation.RotationModuleManager.IsTransformStatus);
// if expirationForPredicted is not null, search pending first, and return one if found; in that case only low byte of extra will be set
public ActorStatus? FindStatus(uint sid, DateTime? expirationForPending = null)
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D10Gancanagh.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D10Gancanagh.cs
index 9f62629508..b0640bbeef 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D10Gancanagh.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D10Gancanagh.cs
@@ -31,4 +31,4 @@ public D10GancanaghStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, Contributors = " Team", GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 897, NameID = 12240)]
-public class D10Gancanagh(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -300), new ArenaBoundsSquare(20));
+public class D10Gancanagh(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -300), new ArenaBoundsSquare(19.5f));
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D20CloningNode.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D20CloningNode.cs
index 118bba5fb3..4c0e7257c0 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D20CloningNode.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D20CloningNode.cs
@@ -60,7 +60,9 @@ private static WPos CalculatePosition(Actor caster)
var isIntercardinal = IsCasterIntercardinal(caster);
var distance = isIntercardinal ? intercardinalDistance : 22;
var position = caster.Position + distance * caster.Rotation.ToDirection();
- return RoundPosition(position);
+ var pos = RoundPosition(position);
+ // the top left add is slightly off for some godforsaken reason
+ return pos == new WPos(-315f, -315f) ? new WPos(-315.5f, -315.5f) : pos;
private static bool IsCasterIntercardinal(Actor caster)
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D30TiamatsClone.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D30TiamatsClone.cs
index 339b6ac2bb..d499a863df 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D30TiamatsClone.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D30TiamatsClone.cs
@@ -27,7 +27,16 @@ public enum IconID : uint
ChasingAOE = 197, // player
-class WheiMorn(BossModule module) : Components.StandardChasingAOEs(module, new AOEShapeCircle(6), ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.WheiMornFirst), ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.WheiMornRest), 6, 2, 5);
+class WheiMorn(BossModule module) : Components.StandardChasingAOEs(module, new AOEShapeCircle(6), ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.WheiMornFirst), ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.WheiMornRest), 6, 2, 5)
+ public override void OnEventCast(Actor caster, ActorCastEvent spell)
+ {
+ base.OnEventCast(caster, spell);
+ if (spell.Action == ActionRest && Chasers.Count == 0)
+ ExcludedTargets.Reset();
+ }
class DarkMegaflare(BossModule module) : Components.LocationTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.DarkMegaflare2), 6);
class DarkWyrmwing(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.DarkWyrmwing2), new AOEShapeRect(40, 8));
class DarkWyrmtail(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.DarkWyrmtail2), new AOEShapeRect(40, 8));
@@ -36,17 +45,25 @@ class CreatureOfDarkness(BossModule module) : Components.GenericAOEs(module)
private readonly List _heads = [];
private static readonly AOEShapeRect rect = new(2, 2, 2);
- private static readonly AOEShapeRect rect2 = new(6, 2);
public override IEnumerable ActiveAOEs(int slot, Actor actor)
foreach (var c in _heads)
yield return new(rect, c.Position, c.Rotation, Color: ArenaColor.Danger);
- yield return new(rect2, c.Position + 2 * c.Rotation.ToDirection(), c.Rotation);
+ yield return new(new AOEShapeRect(6, 2, 2), c.Position, c.Rotation, WorldState.FutureTime(1.5f));
+ public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignment assignment, AIHints hints)
+ {
+ base.AddAIHints(slot, actor, assignment, hints);
+ // encourage AI mode casters to preposition out of harm's way
+ foreach (var c in _heads)
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(new AOEShapeRect(50, 2, 2), c.Position, c.Rotation, WorldState.FutureTime(10));
+ }
public override void OnActorModelStateChange(Actor actor, byte modelState, byte animState1, byte animState2)
if ((OID)actor.OID == OID.DarkWanderer)
@@ -73,4 +90,4 @@ public D30TiamatsCloneStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, Contributors = "Malediktus", GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 899, NameID = 12242)]
-public class D30TiamatsClone(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -300), new ArenaBoundsSquare(20));
+public class D30TiamatsClone(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -300), new ArenaBoundsSquare(19.5f));
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D40TwintaniasClone.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D40TwintaniasClone.cs
index 3ba00dfc81..e250a7c5b2 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D40TwintaniasClone.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D40TwintaniasClone.cs
@@ -23,12 +23,13 @@ public enum AID : uint
TwistingDive = 31471 // Boss->self, 5.0s cast, range 50 width 15 rect
-class Twister(BossModule module) : Components.CastTwister(module, 1, (uint)OID.Twister, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.TwisterVisual), 0.4f, 0.25f);
-class BitingWind(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzoneAtCastTarget(module, 5, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.BitingWind), m => m.Enemies(OID.BitingWind).Where(z => z.EventState != 7), 0.9f);
+class Twister(BossModule module) : Components.CastTwister(module, 1.5f, (uint)OID.Twister, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.TwisterVisual), 0.4f, 0.25f);
+class BitingWind(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzoneAtCastTarget(module, 5, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Gust), m => m.Enemies(OID.BitingWind).Where(z => z.EventState != 7), 0.9f);
class MeracydianSquall(BossModule module) : Components.LocationTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.MeracydianSquall), 5);
class TwistersHint(BossModule module, AID aid) : Components.CastHint(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(aid), "Twisters spawning, keep moving!");
class Twisters1(BossModule module) : TwistersHint(module, AID.TwisterVisual);
class Twisters2(BossModule module) : TwistersHint(module, AID.TwistingDive);
+class DiveTwister(BossModule module) : Components.CastTwister(module, 1.5f, (uint)OID.Twister, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.TwistingDive), 0.4f, 0.25f);
class TwistingDive(BossModule module) : Components.GenericAOEs(module)
@@ -89,7 +90,8 @@ public D40TwintaniasCloneStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
- .ActivateOnEnter();
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter();
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D50ServomechanicalChimera14X.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D50ServomechanicalChimera14X.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b21a09520e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D50ServomechanicalChimera14X.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+namespace BossMod.Endwalker.DeepDungeon.EurekaOrthos.D50ServomechanicalChimera14X;
+static class Shapes
+ public static readonly AOEShape Dragon = new AOEShapeDonut(8, 40);
+ public static readonly AOEShape Ram = new AOEShapeCircle(9.1f);
+public enum OID : uint
+ Boss = 0x3D9C,
+ Helper = 0x233C,
+ Cacophony = 0x3D9D, // R1.000, x0 (spawn during fight)
+public enum AID : uint
+ SongsOfIceAndThunder = 31851, // Boss->self, 5.0s cast, range 9 circle
+ SongsOfThunderAndIce = 31852, // Boss->self, 5.0s cast, range ?-40 donut
+ TheDragonsVoiceSong = 31853, // Boss->self, no cast, range ?-40 donut
+ TheRamsVoiceSong = 31854, // Boss->self, no cast, range 9 circle
+ LeftbreathedThunder = 31861, // Boss->self, 5.0s cast, range 40 180-degree cone
+ RightbreathedCold = 31863, // Boss->self, 5.0s cast, range 40 180-degree cone
+ ColdThunder = 31855, // Boss->player, 5.0s cast, width 8 rect charge
+ ThunderousCold = 31856, // Boss->player, 5.0s cast, width 8 rect charge
+ TheDragonsVoice = 32806, // Boss->self, no cast, range ?-40 donut
+ TheRamsVoice = 32807, // Boss->self, no cast, range 9 circle
+class Cacophony(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzone(module, 6, m => m.Enemies(OID.Cacophony).Where(e => e.EventState != 7), 6);
+class RightbreathedCold(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.RightbreathedCold), new AOEShapeCone(40, 90.Degrees()));
+class LeftbreathedThunder(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.LeftbreathedThunder), new AOEShapeCone(40, 90.Degrees()));
+abstract class StretchTether(BossModule module, AID action) : Components.BaitAwayChargeCast(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(action), 4)
+ public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignment assignment, AIHints hints)
+ {
+ base.AddAIHints(slot, actor, assignment, hints);
+ foreach (var bait in ActiveBaitsOn(actor))
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(new AOEShapeCircle(15), bait.Source.Position, activation: bait.Activation);
+ }
+ public override void AddHints(int slot, Actor actor, TextHints hints)
+ {
+ base.AddHints(slot, actor, hints);
+ foreach (var bait in ActiveBaitsOn(actor))
+ if (actor.Position.InCircle(bait.Source.Position, 15))
+ hints.Add("Stretch tether!");
+ }
+class ThunderousColdTether(BossModule module) : StretchTether(module, AID.ThunderousCold);
+class ColdThunderTether(BossModule module) : StretchTether(module, AID.ColdThunder);
+class Charge(BossModule module) : Components.GenericAOEs(module)
+ private record class PredictedAOE(AOEShape Shape, Actor Caster, DateTime Activation, DateTime WaitUntil);
+ private readonly List _aoes = [];
+ private string hint = "";
+ public override IEnumerable ActiveAOEs(int slot, Actor actor) => _aoes.Where(a => a.WaitUntil < WorldState.CurrentTime).Take(1).Select(a => new AOEInstance(a.Shape, a.Caster.Position, default, a.Activation));
+ public override void OnEventCast(Actor caster, ActorCastEvent spell)
+ {
+ switch ((AID)spell.Action.ID)
+ {
+ case AID.ThunderousCold:
+ hint = "In -> Out";
+ _aoes.Add(new(Shapes.Dragon, caster, WorldState.FutureTime(3.1f), WorldState.FutureTime(1)));
+ _aoes.Add(new(Shapes.Ram, caster, WorldState.FutureTime(6.2f), WorldState.FutureTime(1)));
+ break;
+ case AID.ColdThunder:
+ hint = "Out -> In";
+ _aoes.Add(new(Shapes.Ram, caster, WorldState.FutureTime(3.1f), WorldState.FutureTime(1)));
+ _aoes.Add(new(Shapes.Dragon, caster, WorldState.FutureTime(6.2f), WorldState.FutureTime(1)));
+ break;
+ case AID.TheDragonsVoice:
+ case AID.TheRamsVoice:
+ if (_aoes.Count > 0)
+ _aoes.RemoveAt(0);
+ if (_aoes.Count == 0)
+ hint = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void AddGlobalHints(GlobalHints hints)
+ {
+ if (hint != "")
+ hints.Add(hint);
+ }
+abstract class Song(BossModule module, AID First, AOEShape FirstShape, AID Second, AOEShape SecondShape, string hint, float delay = 3.05f) : Components.GenericAOEs(module)
+ private readonly List _aoes = [];
+ public override IEnumerable ActiveAOEs(int slot, Actor actor) => _aoes.Take(1);
+ public override void Update()
+ {
+ if (Module.PrimaryActor.LastFrameMovement != default)
+ for (var i = 0; i < _aoes.Count; i++)
+ _aoes.Ref(i).Origin = Module.PrimaryActor.Position;
+ }
+ public override void OnCastStarted(Actor caster, ActorCastInfo spell)
+ {
+ if ((AID)spell.Action.ID == First)
+ {
+ _aoes.Add(new(FirstShape, caster.Position, Activation: Module.CastFinishAt(spell)));
+ _aoes.Add(new(SecondShape, caster.Position, Activation: Module.CastFinishAt(spell, delay)));
+ }
+ }
+ public override void OnEventCast(Actor caster, ActorCastEvent spell)
+ {
+ if (spell.Action.ID == (uint)First || spell.Action.ID == (uint)Second)
+ _aoes.RemoveAt(0);
+ }
+ public override void AddGlobalHints(GlobalHints hints)
+ {
+ if (_aoes.Count > 0)
+ hints.Add(hint);
+ }
+class SongsOfIceAndThunder(BossModule module) : Song(module, AID.SongsOfIceAndThunder, Shapes.Ram, AID.TheDragonsVoiceSong, Shapes.Dragon, "Out -> In");
+class SongsOfThunderAndIce(BossModule module) : Song(module, AID.SongsOfThunderAndIce, Shapes.Dragon, AID.TheRamsVoiceSong, Shapes.Ram, "In -> Out");
+class ServomechanicalChimera14XStates : StateMachineBuilder
+ public ServomechanicalChimera14XStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
+ {
+ TrivialPhase()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter();
+ }
+[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 901, NameID = 12265)]
+public class ServomechanicalChimera14X(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -300), new ArenaBoundsCircle(19.5f));
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D60ServomechanicalMinotaur.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D60ServomechanicalMinotaur.cs
index 2bb8b3183c..21e57faf19 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D60ServomechanicalMinotaur.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D60ServomechanicalMinotaur.cs
@@ -28,7 +28,30 @@ public enum AID : uint
class BullishSwing(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.BullishSwing), new AOEShapeCircle(13));
class BullishSwipeSingle(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.BullishSwipeSingle), new AOEShapeCone(40, 45.Degrees()));
class DisorientingGroan(BossModule module) : Components.KnockbackFromCastTarget(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.DisorientingGroan), 15, true);
-class Shock(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzone(module, 5, m => m.Enemies(OID.BallOfLevin));
+class Shock(BossModule module) : Components.GenericAOEs(module)
+ private readonly Dictionary Casters = [];
+ public override IEnumerable ActiveAOEs(int slot, Actor actor) => Casters.Select(c => new AOEInstance(new AOEShapeCircle(5), c.Key.Position, default, c.Value));
+ public override void OnActorCreated(Actor actor)
+ {
+ if ((OID)actor.OID == OID.BallOfLevin)
+ Casters[actor] = WorldState.FutureTime(12.9f);
+ }
+ public override void OnCastStarted(Actor caster, ActorCastInfo spell)
+ {
+ if (Casters.ContainsKey(caster))
+ Casters[caster] = Module.CastFinishAt(spell);
+ }
+ public override void OnEventCast(Actor caster, ActorCastEvent spell)
+ {
+ if ((AID)spell.Action.ID == AID.Shock)
+ Casters.Remove(caster);
+ }
class Thundercall(BossModule module) : Components.RaidwideCast(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Thundercall), "Raidwide + Summoning Orbs");
class OctupleSwipe(BossModule module) : Components.GenericAOEs(module)
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D70Aeturna.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D70Aeturna.cs
index 9b63a786ad..f016eb0d6d 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D70Aeturna.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D70Aeturna.cs
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignme
base.AddAIHints(slot, actor, assignment, hints);
if (target == actor.InstanceID && CurrentBaits.Count > 0)
- hints.AddForbiddenZone(ShapeDistance.Circle(Module.PrimaryActor.Position, 15));
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(ShapeDistance.Circle(Module.PrimaryActor.Position, 15), Module.CastFinishAt(Module.PrimaryActor.CastInfo));
@@ -181,4 +181,4 @@ public D70AeturnaStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, Contributors = "legendoficeman, Malediktus", GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 903, NameID = 12246)]
-public class D70Aeturna(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -300), new ArenaBoundsCircle(20));
+public class D70Aeturna(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -300), new ArenaBoundsCircle(19.5f));
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D80ProtoKaliya.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D80ProtoKaliya.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..20b8cb234c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D80ProtoKaliya.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+namespace BossMod.Endwalker.DeepDungeon.EurekaOrthos.D80ProtoKaliya;
+public enum OID : uint
+ Boss = 0x3D18,
+ Helper = 0x233C,
+ WeaponsDrone = 0x3D19, // R2.000, x0 (spawn during fight)
+public enum AID : uint
+ AetheromagnetismPull = 31430, // Helper->player, no cast, single-target
+ AetheromagnetismPush = 31431, // Helper->player, no cast, single-target
+ AutoCannons = 31432, // 3D19->self, 4.0s cast, range 41+R width 5 rect
+ Resonance = 31422, // Boss->player, 5.0s cast, range 12 ?-degree cone
+ Barofield = 31427, // Boss->self, 3.0s cast, single-target
+ NerveGasRing = 32930, // Helper->self, 7.2s cast, range ?-30 donut
+ CentralizedNerveGas = 32933, // Helper->self, 5.3s cast, range 25+R 120-degree cone
+ LeftwardNerveGas = 32934, // Helper->self, 5.3s cast, range 25+R 180-degree cone
+ RightwardNerveGas = 32935, // Helper->self, 5.3s cast, range 25+R 180-degree cone
+ NanosporeJet = 31429, // Boss->self, 5.0s cast, range 100 circle
+public enum TetherID : uint
+ Magnet = 38, // _Gen_WeaponsDrone->player
+public enum SID : uint
+ Barofield = 3420, // none->Boss, extra=0x0
+ PositiveChargeDrone = 3416, // none->_Gen_WeaponsDrone, extra=0x0
+ NegativeChargeDrone = 3417, // none->_Gen_WeaponsDrone, extra=0x0
+ PositiveChargePlayer = 3418, // none->player, extra=0x0
+ NegativeChargePlayer = 3419, // none->player, extra=0x0
+class Aetheromagnetism(BossModule module) : Components.Knockback(module, ignoreImmunes: true)
+ private enum Charge
+ {
+ None,
+ Neg,
+ Pos
+ }
+ private readonly Source?[] _sources = new Source?[4];
+ public override IEnumerable Sources(int slot, Actor actor) => Utils.ZeroOrOne(_sources[slot]);
+ private static (Charge Charge, DateTime Expire) GetCharge(Actor actor)
+ {
+ foreach (var st in actor.Statuses)
+ switch ((SID)st.ID)
+ {
+ case SID.NegativeChargeDrone:
+ case SID.NegativeChargePlayer:
+ return (Charge.Neg, st.ExpireAt + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.1));
+ case SID.PositiveChargePlayer:
+ case SID.PositiveChargeDrone:
+ return (Charge.Pos, st.ExpireAt + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.1));
+ }
+ return (Charge.None, default);
+ }
+ public override void OnTethered(Actor source, ActorTetherInfo tether)
+ {
+ if (tether.ID == (uint)TetherID.Magnet)
+ {
+ var slot = Raid.FindSlot(tether.Target);
+ if (slot < 0)
+ return;
+ var target = Raid[slot]!;
+ var (from, to) = (GetCharge(source), GetCharge(target));
+ if (from.Charge == Charge.None || to.Charge == Charge.None)
+ return;
+ _sources[slot] = new(source.Position, 10, to.Expire, Kind: from.Charge == to.Charge ? Kind.AwayFromOrigin : Kind.TowardsOrigin);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void OnEventCast(Actor caster, ActorCastEvent spell)
+ {
+ if ((AID)spell.Action.ID is AID.AetheromagnetismPull or AID.AetheromagnetismPush)
+ {
+ var slot = Raid.FindSlot(spell.MainTargetID);
+ if (slot >= 0)
+ _sources[slot] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignment assignment, AIHints hints)
+ {
+ if (_sources[slot] is not { } source)
+ return;
+ var attract = source.Kind == Kind.TowardsOrigin;
+ var barofield = ShapeDistance.Circle(Module.PrimaryActor.Position, 5);
+ var arena = ShapeDistance.InvertedCircle(Module.PrimaryActor.Position, 8);
+ var cannons = Module.Enemies(OID.WeaponsDrone).Select(d => ShapeDistance.Rect(d.Position, d.Rotation, 50, 0, 2.5f));
+ var all = ShapeDistance.Union([barofield, arena, .. cannons]);
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(p =>
+ {
+ var dir = (p - source.Origin).Normalized();
+ var kb = attract ? -dir : dir;
+ // prevent KB through death zone in center
+ if (Intersect.RayCircle(p, kb, Module.PrimaryActor.Position, 5) < 1000)
+ return -1;
+ return all(p + kb * 10);
+ }, source.Activation);
+ }
+class Barofield(BossModule module) : Components.GenericAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Barofield))
+ private DateTime activation = DateTime.MinValue;
+ public override IEnumerable ActiveAOEs(int slot, Actor actor)
+ {
+ if (activation > DateTime.MinValue)
+ yield return new AOEInstance(new AOEShapeCircle(5), Module.PrimaryActor.Position, default, activation);
+ }
+ public override void OnCastStarted(Actor caster, ActorCastInfo spell)
+ {
+ if ((AID)spell.Action.ID is AID.Barofield or AID.NanosporeJet)
+ activation = Module.CastFinishAt(spell);
+ }
+ public override void OnStatusGain(Actor actor, ActorStatus status)
+ {
+ if (status.ID == (uint)SID.Barofield)
+ activation = WorldState.CurrentTime;
+ }
+ public override void OnStatusLose(Actor actor, ActorStatus status)
+ {
+ if (status.ID == (uint)SID.Barofield)
+ activation = DateTime.MinValue;
+ }
+class Resonance(BossModule module) : Components.BaitAwayCast(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Resonance), new AOEShapeCone(12, 45.Degrees()));
+class RightwardNerveGas(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.RightwardNerveGas), new AOEShapeCone(25, 90.Degrees()));
+class LeftwardNerveGas(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.LeftwardNerveGas), new AOEShapeCone(25, 90.Degrees()));
+class CentralizedNerveGas(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.CentralizedNerveGas), new AOEShapeCone(25, 60.Degrees()));
+class AutoCannons(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.AutoCannons), new AOEShapeRect(45, 2.5f))
+ private Aetheromagnetism? _knockback;
+ public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignment assignment, AIHints hints)
+ {
+ _knockback ??= Module.FindComponent();
+ foreach (var kb in _knockback?.Sources(slot, actor) ?? [])
+ if ((kb.Activation - WorldState.CurrentTime).TotalSeconds < 5)
+ return;
+ base.AddAIHints(slot, actor, assignment, hints);
+ }
+class NerveGasRing(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.NerveGasRing), new AOEShapeDonut(8, 100))
+ private Aetheromagnetism? _knockback;
+ public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignment assignment, AIHints hints)
+ {
+ _knockback ??= Module.FindComponent();
+ foreach (var _ in _knockback?.Sources(slot, actor) ?? [])
+ return;
+ base.AddAIHints(slot, actor, assignment, hints);
+ }
+class D80ProtoKaliyaStates : StateMachineBuilder
+ public D80ProtoKaliyaStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
+ {
+ TrivialPhase()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter();
+ }
+[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 904, NameID = 12247)]
+public class D80ProtoKaliya(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-600, -300), new ArenaBoundsCircle(20));
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D90Administrator.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D90Administrator.cs
index 9e5517f99f..73efd37c90 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D90Administrator.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/D90Administrator.cs
@@ -40,43 +40,46 @@ public enum IconID : uint
Icon3 = 392,
-class AetherochemicalLaserCombo(BossModule module) : Components.GenericAOEs(module) // Pulled from the fork team, Currently a visual clutter but for now, functions... *-decently-*
+class AetheroChemicalLaserCombo(BossModule module) : Components.GenericAOEs(module) // Pulled from the fork team, Currently a visual clutter but for now, functions... *-decently-*
- private static readonly AOEShape[] Shapes = [new AOEShapeCone(50, 60.Degrees()), new AOEShapeDonut(8, 60), new AOEShapeRect(40, 2.5f),
+ private static readonly AOEShape[] _shapes = [new AOEShapeCone(50, 60.Degrees()), new AOEShapeDonut(8, 60), new AOEShapeRect(40, 2.5f),
new AOEShapeCross(60, 5), new AOEShapeDonut(5, 60)];
private readonly Dictionary> _icons = new() {
{ (uint)IconID.Icon1, [] },
{ (uint)IconID.Icon2, [] },
- { (uint)IconID.Icon3, [] },
+ { (uint)IconID.Icon3, [] }
private AOEInstance _boss;
public override IEnumerable ActiveAOEs(int slot, Actor actor)
- foreach (var icon in _icons.Where(icon => icon.Value.Count > 0))
+ foreach (var icon in _icons)
- foreach (var c in icon.Value)
- yield return new(c.Shape, c.Origin, c.Rotation, c.Activation, ArenaColor.Danger);
- var nextIcon = _icons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == icon.Key + 1).Value;
- if (nextIcon != null)
- foreach (var c in nextIcon)
- yield return new(c.Shape, c.Origin, c.Rotation, c.Activation, ArenaColor.AOE, false);
- if (_boss != default)
- yield return new(_boss.Shape, _boss.Origin, _boss.Rotation, _boss.Activation, ArenaColor.AOE, false);
- yield break;
+ if (icon.Value != null && icon.Value.Count > 0)
+ {
+ foreach (var c in icon.Value)
+ yield return new(c.Shape, c.Origin, c.Rotation, c.Activation, ArenaColor.Danger);
+ var nextIcon = _icons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == icon.Key + 1).Value;
+ if (nextIcon != null)
+ foreach (var c in nextIcon)
+ yield return new(c.Shape, c.Origin, c.Rotation, c.Activation, ArenaColor.AOE, false);
+ if (_boss != default)
+ yield return new(_boss.Shape, _boss.Origin, _boss.Rotation, _boss.Activation, ArenaColor.AOE, false);
+ yield break;
+ }
if (_boss != default)
yield return new(_boss.Shape, _boss.Origin, _boss.Rotation, _boss.Activation, ArenaColor.Danger);
- public void OnEventIcon(Actor actor, uint iconID)
+ public override void OnEventIcon(Actor actor, uint iconID, ulong targetID)
var shapeIndex = (OID)actor.OID switch
OID.InterceptorCube => 2,
OID.InterceptorOrb => 1,
OID.InterceptorEgg => 0,
- _ => default,
+ _ => default
var activation = iconID switch
@@ -84,19 +87,19 @@ public void OnEventIcon(Actor actor, uint iconID)
(uint)IconID.Icon1 => WorldState.FutureTime(7),
(uint)IconID.Icon2 => WorldState.FutureTime(10.5f),
(uint)IconID.Icon3 => WorldState.FutureTime(14),
- _ => default,
+ _ => default
- _icons[iconID].Add(new(Shapes[shapeIndex], actor.Position, (OID)actor.OID == OID.InterceptorOrb ? default : actor.Rotation, activation));
+ _icons[iconID].Add(new(_shapes[shapeIndex], actor.Position, (OID)actor.OID == OID.InterceptorOrb ? default : actor.Rotation, activation));
public override void OnCastStarted(Actor caster, ActorCastInfo spell)
_boss = (AID)spell.Action.ID switch
- AID.PeripheralLasers => new(Shapes[4], caster.Position, default, Module.CastFinishAt(spell)),
- AID.CrossLasers => new(Shapes[3], caster.Position, spell.Rotation, Module.CastFinishAt(spell)),
- _ => _boss,
+ AID.PeripheralLasers => new(_shapes[4], caster.Position, default, Module.CastFinishAt(spell)),
+ AID.CrossLasers => new(_shapes[3], caster.Position, spell.Rotation, Module.CastFinishAt(spell)),
+ _ => _boss
@@ -104,11 +107,12 @@ public override void OnCastFinished(Actor caster, ActorCastInfo spell)
if ((AID)spell.Action.ID is AID.AetherochemicalLaserEgg1 or AID.AetherochemicalLaserCube1 or AID.AetherochemicalLaserOrb)
- foreach (var icon in _icons.Where(icon => icon.Value.Count > 0))
- {
- icon.Value.RemoveAt(0);
- break;
- }
+ foreach (var icon in _icons)
+ if (icon.Value.Count > 0)
+ {
+ icon.Value.RemoveAt(0);
+ break;
+ }
if ((AID)spell.Action.ID is AID.PeripheralLasers or AID.CrossLasers)
_boss = default;
@@ -119,7 +123,7 @@ public override void OnCastFinished(Actor caster, ActorCastInfo spell)
public override IEnumerable ActiveAOEs(int slot, Actor actor)
- return !Module.FindComponent()!.ActiveAOEs(slot, actor).Any()
+ return !Module.FindComponent()!.ActiveAOEs(slot, actor).Any()
? ActiveCasters.Select(c => new AOEInstance(Shape, c.Position, c.CastInfo!.Rotation, Module.CastFinishAt(c.CastInfo), ArenaColor.Danger, Risky)).Take(2)
.Concat(ActiveCasters.Select(c => new AOEInstance(Shape, c.Position, c.CastInfo!.Rotation, Module.CastFinishAt(c.CastInfo), ArenaColor.AOE, Risky)).Take(4).Skip(2))
: ([]);
@@ -176,13 +180,14 @@ class D90AdministratorStates : StateMachineBuilder
public D90AdministratorStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
- .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
- .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, Contributors = "LegendofIceman, Malediktus", GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 905, NameID = 12102)]
public class D90Administrator(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -300), new ArenaBoundsSquare(20));
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/EOFloorModule.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/EOFloorModule.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e069ca33ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Endwalker/DeepDungeon/EurekaOrthos/EOFloorModule.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+using BossMod.Global.DeepDungeon;
+namespace BossMod.Endwalker.DeepDungeon.EurekaOrthos;
+public enum AID : uint
+ BigBurst = 32381, // 3DCA->self, 3.5s cast, range 6 circle
+ TerrorTouch = 32389, // 3DD0->player, 4.0s cast, single-target
+ Diamondback = 32431, // 3DEC->self, 4.0s cast, single-target, permanent defense up to self
+ Tailwind = 33167, // 3DF6->enemy, 3.0s cast, single-target, damage up to ally
+ SelfDetonate = 32410, // 3DE0->self, 10.0s cast, range 40 circle, enrage
+ Electromagnetism = 32413, // 3DE1->self, 5.0s cast, range 15 circle
+ Headspin = 32412, // 3DE1->self, 0.0s cast, range 6 circle, instant after Electromagnetism
+ DoubleHexEye = 32437, // 3DF1->self, 4.0s cast, range 40 circle, instakill mechanic
+ Bombination = 32424, // 3DE9->self, 2.0s cast, range 25 circle
+ Bombination2 = 32461, // 3DFF->self, 2.0s cast, range 25 circle
+ TheDragonsVoice = 32444, // 3DF4->self, 4.0s cast, range ?-30 donut
+ Quake = 32470, // 3E02->self, 5.0s cast, range 30 circle, interruptible
+ Explosion = 32452, // 3DFA->self, 7.0s cast, range 60 circle
+ Infatuation = 32798, // 3E80->player, 3.0s cast, single-target
+ AbyssalCry = 32467, // 3E00->self, 6.0s cast, range 30 circle, instakill mechanic
+ SprigganHaste = 33175, // 3DFB->self, 1.5s cast
+ GelidCharge = 33180, // 3E13->self, 2.0s cast, single-target
+ SmolderingScales = 32952, // 3E3D->self, 2.5s cast, single-target
+ ElectricCachexia = 32979, // 3E45->self, 4.0s cast, range ?-44 donut
+ EyeOfTheFierce = 32667, // 3E53->self, 3.0s cast, range 40 circle
+ DemonEye1 = 32762, // 3E5E->self, 5.0s cast, range 33 circle
+ DemonEye2 = 32761, // 3E5E->self, 5.0s cast, range 33 circle
+ Hypnotize = 32737, // 3E58->self, 3.0s cast, range 20 circle
+ Catharsis = 32732, // 3E56->self, 10.0s cast, range 40 circle
+ ElectricWhorl = 33186, // 3E09->self, 4.0s cast, range 60 circle
+ HexEye = 32731, // 3E56->self, 3.0s cast, range 5 circle
+ EclipticMeteor = 33043, // 3DC9->self, 12.0s cast, range 50 circle
+ TheDragonsVoice2 = 32910,
+ AllaganFear = 32896,
+ HighVoltage = 32878, // 3E64->self, 7.5s cast, range 30 circle
+ AquaSpear = 32500, // 3E12->self, 5.5s cast, width 5 charge, must be LOSed
+ Sucker = 32477, // 3E08->self, 3.5s cast, range 25 circle, draw-in
+ WaterIII = 32478, // 3E08->self, 2.5s cast, range 8 circle, used after sucker
+ RipeBanana = 33195, // 3E52->self, 2s cast, single-target, damage buff
+ ChestThump = 32680, // 3E52->self, 2s cast, range 52 circle, used after banana
+ KillingPaw = 33193, // 3E50->self, 3.0s cast, range 9 120-degree cone
+ SavageSwipe = 32654, // 3E50->self, instant cast, range 6 120-degree cone
+ SewerWaterCastFront = 32491, // 3E0F->self, 3.0s cast, range 12 180-degree cone
+ SewerWaterCastBack = 32492, // 3E0F->self, 3.0s cast, range 12 180-degree cone
+ SewerWaterInstantFront = 32493, // 3E0F->self, instant cast, range 12 180-degree cone
+ SewerWaterInstantBack = 32494, // 3E0F->self, instant cast, range 12 180-degree cone
+ GoobInhale = 33178, // 3E04->self, instant cast, range 40 90-degree cone
+ GoobSneeze = 32473, // 3E04->self, 1.0s cast, range 7 90-degree cone
+ GourmInhale = 32748, // 3E5B->self, instant cast, range 40 90-degree cone
+ GourmSneeze = 32749, // 3E5B->self, 1.0s cast, range 6 90-degree cone
+public enum SID : uint
+ BlazeSpikes = 197,
+ IceSpikes = 198,
+public abstract class EOFloorModule(WorldState ws, bool autoRaiseOnEnter = false) : AutoClear(ws, 90)
+ protected override void OnCastStarted(Actor actor)
+ {
+ switch ((AID)actor.CastInfo!.Action.ID)
+ {
+ // stunnable actions, either self buffs or large point blank AOEs that prevent going into melee range
+ case AID.BigBurst:
+ case AID.Tailwind:
+ case AID.SprigganHaste:
+ Stuns.Add(actor);
+ break;
+ // interruptible casts
+ case AID.TerrorTouch:
+ case AID.Diamondback:
+ Interrupts.Add(actor);
+ break;
+ case AID.Infatuation:
+ Interrupts.Add(actor);
+ if (Palace.Floor < 60)
+ Stuns.Add(actor);
+ break;
+ // gazes
+ case AID.DoubleHexEye:
+ case AID.EyeOfTheFierce:
+ AddGaze(actor, 40);
+ break;
+ case AID.AllaganFear:
+ AddGaze(actor, 30);
+ break;
+ case AID.Hypnotize:
+ AddGaze(actor, 20);
+ HintDisabled.Add(actor);
+ break;
+ case AID.DemonEye1:
+ case AID.DemonEye2:
+ AddGaze(actor, 33);
+ break;
+ case AID.HexEye:
+ AddGaze(actor, 5);
+ break;
+ // donut AOEs
+ case AID.TheDragonsVoice:
+ case AID.TheDragonsVoice2:
+ Donuts.Add((actor, 8, 30));
+ HintDisabled.Add(actor);
+ break;
+ case AID.ElectricCachexia:
+ Donuts.Add((actor, 8, 44));
+ HintDisabled.Add(actor);
+ break;
+ case AID.ElectricWhorl:
+ Donuts.Add((actor, 8, 60));
+ HintDisabled.Add(actor);
+ break;
+ // very large circle AOEs that trigger autohints' "this is a raidwide" check but are actually avoidable
+ case AID.Catharsis:
+ Circles.Add((actor, 40));
+ break;
+ // LOS attacks
+ case AID.Quake:
+ case AID.HighVoltage:
+ Interrupts.Add(actor);
+ AddLOS(actor, 30);
+ break;
+ case AID.EclipticMeteor:
+ case AID.AquaSpear:
+ AddLOS(actor, 50);
+ break;
+ case AID.Explosion:
+ AddLOS(actor, 60);
+ break;
+ case AID.AbyssalCry:
+ AddLOS(actor, 30);
+ break;
+ case AID.SelfDetonate:
+ AddLOS(actor, 40);
+ break;
+ // knockbacks (can be ignored on kb penalty floors or if arms length is up)
+ case AID.Electromagnetism:
+ KnockbackZones.Add((actor, 15));
+ HintDisabled.Add(actor);
+ break;
+ case AID.Sucker:
+ KnockbackZones.Add((actor, 25));
+ HintDisabled.Add(actor);
+ break;
+ // large out of combat AOEs that are fast and generally nonthreatening, we want to ignore these so we don't interfere with pathfinding
+ case AID.Bombination:
+ case AID.Bombination2:
+ HintDisabled.Add(actor);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void OnCastFinished(Actor actor)
+ {
+ switch ((AID)actor.CastInfo!.Action.ID)
+ {
+ // setting target to forbidden when it gains the spikes status is too late
+ case AID.GelidCharge:
+ case AID.SmolderingScales:
+ ForbiddenTargets.Add((actor, World.FutureTime(10)));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void OnEventCast(Actor actor, ActorCastEvent ev)
+ {
+ switch ((AID)ev.Action.ID)
+ {
+ case AID.GoobInhale:
+ Voidzones.Add((actor, new AOEShapeCone(7, 45.Degrees())));
+ break;
+ case AID.GourmInhale:
+ Voidzones.Add((actor, new AOEShapeCone(6, 45.Degrees())));
+ break;
+ case AID.KillingPaw:
+ Voidzones.Add((actor, new AOEShapeCone(6, 60.Degrees())));
+ break;
+ case AID.SewerWaterCastFront:
+ Voidzones.Add((actor, new AOEShapeCone(12, 90.Degrees(), 180.Degrees())));
+ break;
+ case AID.SewerWaterCastBack:
+ Voidzones.Add((actor, new AOEShapeCone(12, 90.Degrees())));
+ break;
+ case AID.Electromagnetism:
+ Voidzones.Add((actor, new AOEShapeCircle(6)));
+ break;
+ case AID.RipeBanana:
+ Voidzones.Add((actor, new AOEShapeCircle(52)));
+ break;
+ case AID.GoobSneeze:
+ case AID.GourmSneeze:
+ case AID.Headspin:
+ case AID.SavageSwipe:
+ case AID.SewerWaterInstantFront:
+ case AID.SewerWaterInstantBack:
+ case AID.ChestThump:
+ Voidzones.RemoveAll(v => v.Source == actor);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void OnStatusLose(Actor actor, ActorStatus status)
+ {
+ switch (status.ID)
+ {
+ case (uint)SID.IceSpikes:
+ case (uint)SID.BlazeSpikes:
+ ForbiddenTargets.RemoveAll(t => t.Actor == actor);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void CalculateAIHints(int playerSlot, Actor player, AIHints hints)
+ {
+ base.CalculateAIHints(playerSlot, player, hints);
+ if (autoRaiseOnEnter && Palace.Floor % 10 == 1)
+ {
+ var raising = Palace.GetPomanderState(PomanderID.ProtoRaising);
+ if (!raising.Active && raising.Count > 0)
+ hints.ActionsToExecute.Push(new ActionID(ActionType.Pomander, (uint)PomanderID.ProtoRaising), player, ActionQueue.Priority.VeryHigh);
+ }
+ }
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 897)]
+public class EO10(WorldState ws) : EOFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 898)]
+public class EO20(WorldState ws) : EOFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 899)]
+public class EO30(WorldState ws) : EOFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 900)]
+public class EO40(WorldState ws) : EOFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 901)]
+public class EO50(WorldState ws) : EOFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 902)]
+public class EO60(WorldState ws) : EOFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 903)]
+public class EO70(WorldState ws) : EOFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 904)]
+public class EO80(WorldState ws) : EOFloorModule(ws, true);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 905)]
+public class EO90(WorldState ws) : EOFloorModule(ws, true);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 906)]
+public class EO100(WorldState ws) : EOFloorModule(ws, true);
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/AutoClear.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/AutoClear.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cedb74211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/AutoClear.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
+using BossMod.Pathfinding;
+using ImGuiNET;
+using System.Data.SQLite;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Text.Json;
+using static FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.Game.InstanceContent.InstanceContentDeepDungeon;
+namespace BossMod.Global.DeepDungeon;
+enum OID : uint
+ CairnPalace = 0x1EA094,
+ BeaconHoH = 0x1EA9A3,
+ PylonEO = 0x1EB867,
+ SilverCoffer = 0x1EA13D,
+ GoldCoffer = 0x1EA13E,
+ BandedCofferIndicator = 0x1EA1F6,
+ BandedCoffer = 0x1EA1F7,
+enum SID : uint
+ Silence = 7,
+ Pacification = 620,
+ ItemPenalty = 1094,
+ PhysicalDamageUp = 53,
+ DamageUp = 61,
+ DreadBeastAura = 2056, // unnamed status, displays red fog vfx on actor
+ EvasionUp = 2402, // applied by Peculiar Light from orthos diplocaulus
+ StoneCurse = 437, // petrification (on enemies)
+ AutoHealPenalty = 1097,
+public abstract class AutoClear : ZoneModule
+ public readonly int LevelCap;
+ public static readonly HashSet BronzeChestIDs = [
+ // PotD
+ 782, 783, 784, 785, 786, 787, 788, 789, 790, 802, 803, 804, 805,
+ // HoH
+ 1036, 1037, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041, 1042, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049,
+ // EO
+ 1541, 1542, 1543, 1544, 1545, 1546, 1547, 1548, 1549, 1550, 1551, 1552, 1553, 1554
+ ];
+ public static readonly HashSet RevealedTrapOIDs = [0x1EA08E, 0x1EA08F, 0x1EA090, 0x1EA091, 0x1EA092, 0x1EA9A0, 0x1EB864];
+ protected readonly List<(Actor Source, float Inner, float Outer)> Donuts = [];
+ protected readonly List<(Actor Source, float Radius)> Circles = [];
+ protected readonly List<(Actor Source, float Radius)> KnockbackZones = [];
+ protected readonly List<(Actor Source, AOEShape Zone)> Voidzones = [];
+ private readonly List Gazes = [];
+ protected readonly List Interrupts = [];
+ protected readonly List Stuns = [];
+ protected readonly List<(Actor Actor, DateTime Timeout)> ForbiddenTargets = [];
+ protected readonly List HintDisabled = [];
+ private readonly List LOS = [];
+ private readonly List IgnoreTraps = [];
+ private readonly Dictionary _losCache = [];
+ public record class Gaze(Actor Source, AOEShape Shape);
+ protected readonly AutoDDConfig _config = Service.Config.Get();
+ private readonly EventSubscriptions _subscriptions;
+ private readonly List _trapsCurrentZone = [];
+ private readonly Dictionary _chestContentsGold = [];
+ private readonly Dictionary _chestContentsSilver = [];
+ private readonly HashSet _openedChests = [];
+ private readonly HashSet _fakeExits = [];
+ private PomanderID? _lastChestContentsGold;
+ private bool _lastChestMagicite;
+ private bool _trapsHidden = true;
+ private readonly Dictionary> LoadedFloors;
+ private readonly List<(Wall Wall, bool Rotated)> Walls = [];
+ private readonly List RoomCenters = [];
+ private readonly List ProblematicTrapLocations = [];
+ private int Kills;
+ private int DesiredRoom;
+ private bool BetweenFloors;
+ protected struct PlayerImmuneState
+ {
+ public DateTime RoleBuffExpire; // 0 if not active
+ public DateTime JobBuffExpire; // 0 if not active
+ public bool KnockbackPenalty;
+ public readonly bool ImmuneAt(DateTime time) => KnockbackPenalty || RoleBuffExpire > time || JobBuffExpire > time;
+ }
+ private readonly PlayerImmuneState[] _playerImmunes = new PlayerImmuneState[4];
+ private ObstacleMapManager _obstacles;
+ protected DeepDungeonState Palace => World.DeepDungeon;
+ protected AutoClear(WorldState ws, int LevelCap) : base(ws)
+ {
+ this.LevelCap = LevelCap;
+ _obstacles = new(ws);
+ _subscriptions = new(
+ ws.SystemLogMessage.Subscribe(OnSystemLogMessage),
+ ws.Actors.CastStarted.Subscribe(OnCastStarted),
+ ws.Actors.CastFinished.Subscribe(OnCastFinished),
+ ws.Actors.CastEvent.Subscribe(OnEventCast),
+ ws.Actors.Added.Subscribe(OnActorCreated),
+ ws.Actors.InCombatChanged.Subscribe(OnActorCombatChanged),
+ ws.Actors.StatusGain.Subscribe(OnActorStatusGain),
+ ws.Actors.StatusLose.Subscribe(OnActorStatusLose),
+ ws.Actors.IsDeadChanged.Subscribe(op =>
+ {
+ if (!op.IsAlly && op.IsDead)
+ Kills++;
+ }),
+ ws.Actors.EventOpenTreasure.Subscribe(OnOpenTreasure),
+ ws.Actors.EventObjectAnimation.Subscribe(OnEObjAnim),
+ ws.DeepDungeon.MapDataChanged.Subscribe(_ =>
+ {
+ BetweenFloors = false;
+ if (Walls.Count == 0)
+ LoadWalls();
+ })
+ );
+ _trapsCurrentZone = PalacePalInterop.GetTrapLocationsForZone(ws.CurrentZone);
+ LoadedFloors = JsonSerializer.Deserialize>>(GetEmbeddedResource("Walls.json"))!;
+ ProblematicTrapLocations = JsonSerializer.Deserialize>(GetEmbeddedResource("BadTraps.json"))!;
+ IgnoreTraps.AddRange(ProblematicTrapLocations);
+ }
+ protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
+ {
+ _subscriptions.Dispose();
+ _obstacles.Dispose();
+ base.Dispose(disposing);
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnCastStarted(Actor actor) { }
+ protected virtual void OnCastFinished(Actor actor) { }
+ protected virtual void OnEventCast(Actor actor, ActorCastEvent ev) { }
+ private void OnActorStatusGain(Actor actor, int index)
+ {
+ var status = actor.Statuses[index];
+ switch (status.ID)
+ {
+ case (uint)WHM.SID.Surecast:
+ case (uint)WAR.SID.ArmsLength:
+ var slot1 = World.Party.FindSlot(actor.InstanceID);
+ if (slot1 >= 0)
+ _playerImmunes[slot1].RoleBuffExpire = status.ExpireAt;
+ break;
+ case (uint)WAR.SID.InnerStrength:
+ var slot2 = World.Party.FindSlot(actor.InstanceID);
+ if (slot2 >= 0)
+ _playerImmunes[slot2].JobBuffExpire = status.ExpireAt;
+ break;
+ // Knockback Penalty floor effect
+ case 1096:
+ case 1512:
+ var slot3 = World.Party.FindSlot(actor.InstanceID);
+ if (slot3 >= 0)
+ _playerImmunes[slot3].KnockbackPenalty = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ OnStatusGain(actor, status);
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnStatusGain(Actor actor, ActorStatus status) { }
+ private void OnActorStatusLose(Actor actor, int index)
+ {
+ var status = actor.Statuses[index];
+ OnStatusLose(actor, status);
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnStatusLose(Actor actor, ActorStatus status) { }
+ protected virtual void OnActorCombatChanged(Actor actor) { }
+ private void OnSystemLogMessage(WorldState.OpSystemLogMessage op)
+ {
+ switch (op.MessageId)
+ {
+ case 7222: // pomander overcap
+ _lastChestContentsGold = (PomanderID)op.Args[0];
+ break;
+ case 7248: // transference initiated
+ ClearState();
+ break;
+ case 7255: // safety used
+ case 7256: // sight used
+ _trapsHidden = false;
+ break;
+ case 10287: // demiclone overcap
+ _lastChestMagicite = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnOpenTreasure(Actor chest) => _openedChests.Add(chest.InstanceID);
+ private void OnEObjAnim(Actor actor, ushort p1, ushort p2)
+ {
+ // fake beacon deactivation; accompanied by system log #9217 but it does not indicate a specific actor
+ if (actor.OID == (uint)OID.BeaconHoH && p1 == 0x0400 && p2 == 0x0800)
+ _fakeExits.Add(actor.InstanceID);
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnChangeFloors() { }
+ private void ClearState()
+ {
+ Donuts.Clear();
+ Circles.Clear();
+ Gazes.Clear();
+ Interrupts.Clear();
+ Stuns.Clear();
+ ForbiddenTargets.Clear();
+ HintDisabled.Clear();
+ LOS.Clear();
+ Walls.Clear();
+ RoomCenters.Clear();
+ IgnoreTraps.Clear();
+ IgnoreTraps.AddRange(ProblematicTrapLocations);
+ DesiredRoom = 0;
+ Kills = 0;
+ Array.Fill(_playerImmunes, default);
+ _lastChestContentsGold = null;
+ _lastChestMagicite = false;
+ _chestContentsGold.Clear();
+ _chestContentsSilver.Clear();
+ _trapsHidden = true;
+ _openedChests.Clear();
+ _fakeExits.Clear();
+ OnChangeFloors();
+ BetweenFloors = true;
+ }
+ protected void AddGaze(Actor Source, AOEShape Shape) => Gazes.Add(new(Source, Shape));
+ protected void AddGaze(Actor Source, float Radius) => AddGaze(Source, new AOEShapeCircle(Radius));
+ protected void AddLOS(Actor Source, float Range)
+ {
+ if (_config.AutoLOS)
+ AddLOSFromTerrain(Source, Range);
+ else
+ Circles.Add((Source, Range));
+ }
+ private bool OpenGold => _config.GoldCoffer;
+ private bool OpenSilver
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ // disabled
+ if (!_config.SilverCoffer)
+ return false;
+ // sanity check
+ if (World.Party.Player() is not { } player)
+ return false;
+ // explosive silver chests deal 70% max hp damage
+ if (player.HPMP.CurHP <= player.HPMP.MaxHP * 0.7f)
+ return false;
+ // upgrade weapon if desired
+ if (Palace.Progress.WeaponLevel + Palace.Progress.ArmorLevel < 198)
+ return true;
+ return Palace.DungeonId switch
+ {
+ DeepDungeonState.DungeonType.HOH or DeepDungeonState.DungeonType.EO => Palace.Floor >= 7, // magicite/demiclones start dropping on floor 7
+ _ => false,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ private bool OpenBronze => _config.BronzeCoffer;
+ public override bool WantToBeDrawn() => _config.EnableMinimap && !Palace.IsBossFloor;
+ public override bool DrawSeparately => true;
+ public override void DrawExtra()
+ {
+ var player = World.Party.Player();
+ var targetRoom = new Minimap(Palace, player?.Rotation ?? default, DesiredRoom).Draw();
+ if (targetRoom >= 0)
+ DesiredRoom = targetRoom;
+ ImGui.Text($"Kills: {Kills}");
+ var navInCombat = _config.NavigateInCombat;
+ if (ImGui.Checkbox("Allow navigation in combat", ref navInCombat))
+ {
+ _config.NavigateInCombat = navInCombat;
+ _config.Modified.Fire();
+ }
+ if (ImGui.Button("Reload obstacles"))
+ {
+ _obstacles.Dispose();
+ _obstacles = new(World);
+ }
+ if (player == null)
+ return;
+ var (entry, data) = _obstacles.Find(player.PosRot.XYZ());
+ if (entry == null)
+ {
+ ImGui.SameLine();
+ UIMisc.HelpMarker(() => "Obstacle map missing for floor!", Dalamud.Interface.FontAwesomeIcon.ExclamationTriangle);
+ }
+ if (data != null && data.PixelSize != 0.5f)
+ {
+ ImGui.SameLine();
+ UIMisc.HelpMarker(() => $"Wrong resolution for map; should be 0.5, got {data.PixelSize}", Dalamud.Interface.FontAwesomeIcon.ExclamationTriangle);
+ }
+ if (ImGui.Button("Set closest trap location as ignored"))
+ {
+ var pos = _trapsCurrentZone.MinBy(t => (t - player.Position).LengthSq()).Rounded(0.1f);
+ ProblematicTrapLocations.Add(pos);
+ IgnoreTraps.Add(pos);
+ }
+ }
+ private readonly List AutoUsable = [
+ PomanderID.Steel,
+ PomanderID.Strength,
+ PomanderID.Sight,
+ PomanderID.Raising,
+ PomanderID.Fortune,
+ PomanderID.Concealment,
+ PomanderID.Affluence,
+ PomanderID.Frailty,
+ PomanderID.ProtoSteel,
+ PomanderID.ProtoStrength,
+ PomanderID.ProtoSight,
+ PomanderID.ProtoRaising,
+ PomanderID.ProtoLethargy,
+ PomanderID.ProtoFortune,
+ PomanderID.ProtoAffluence
+ ];
+ private bool CanAutoUse(PomanderID p) => AutoUsable.Contains(p);
+ private void IterAndExpire(List items, Func expire, Action action, Action? onRemove = null)
+ {
+ for (var i = items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ var item = items[i];
+ if (expire(item))
+ {
+ items.RemoveAt(i);
+ onRemove?.Invoke(item);
+ }
+ else
+ action(item);
+ }
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnActorCreated(Actor c)
+ {
+ if ((OID)c.OID is OID.BeaconHoH or OID.BandedCofferIndicator)
+ IgnoreTraps.Add(c.Position);
+ }
+ private DateTime CastFinishAt(Actor c) => World.FutureTime(c.CastInfo!.NPCRemainingTime);
+ public override void CalculateAIHints(int playerSlot, Actor player, AIHints hints)
+ {
+ if (!_config.Enable || Palace.IsBossFloor || BetweenFloors)
+ return;
+ foreach (var (w, rot) in Walls)
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(new AOEShapeRect(w.Depth, 20, w.Depth), w.Position, (rot ? 90f : 0f).Degrees());
+ HandleFloorPathfind(player, hints);
+ DrawAOEs(playerSlot, player, hints);
+ var isStunned = player.IsTransformed || player.Statuses.Any(s => (SID)s.ID is SID.Silence or SID.Pacification);
+ var isOccupied = player.InCombat || isStunned;
+ Actor? coffer = null;
+ Actor? hoardLight = null;
+ Actor? passage = null;
+ List> revealedTraps = [];
+ PomanderID? pomanderToUseHere = null;
+ foreach (var a in World.Actors)
+ {
+ if (_chestContentsGold.TryGetValue(a.InstanceID, out var pid) && Palace.GetPomanderState(pid).Count == 3 && a.IsTargetable)
+ {
+ if (CanAutoUse(pid))
+ pomanderToUseHere ??= pid;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (_chestContentsSilver.ContainsKey(a.InstanceID) && Palace.Magicite.All(m => m > 0))
+ // TODO use magicite/demiclone to prevent overcap
+ continue;
+ if (_openedChests.Contains(a.InstanceID) || _fakeExits.Contains(a.InstanceID))
+ continue;
+ var oid = (OID)a.OID;
+ if (a.IsTargetable && (
+ oid == OID.GoldCoffer && OpenGold ||
+ oid == OID.SilverCoffer && OpenSilver && player.HPMP.CurHP > player.HPMP.MaxHP * 0.7f ||
+ BronzeChestIDs.Contains(a.OID) && OpenBronze ||
+ oid == OID.BandedCoffer
+ ))
+ {
+ if ((coffer?.DistanceToHitbox(player) ?? float.MaxValue) > a.DistanceToHitbox(player))
+ coffer = a;
+ }
+ if (a.OID == (uint)OID.BandedCofferIndicator)
+ hoardLight = a;
+ if ((OID)a.OID is OID.CairnPalace or OID.BeaconHoH or OID.PylonEO && (passage?.DistanceToHitbox(player) ?? float.MaxValue) > a.DistanceToHitbox(player))
+ passage = a;
+ if (RevealedTrapOIDs.Contains(a.OID))
+ revealedTraps.Add(ShapeDistance.Circle(a.Position, 2));
+ }
+ if (_config.TrapHints && _trapsHidden)
+ {
+ var traps = _trapsCurrentZone.Where(t => t.InCircle(player.Position, 30) && !IgnoreTraps.Any(b => b.AlmostEqual(t, 1))).Select(t => ShapeDistance.Circle(t, 2)).ToList();
+ if (traps.Count > 0)
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(ShapeDistance.Union(traps));
+ }
+ if (coffer != null)
+ {
+ if (_lastChestContentsGold is PomanderID p)
+ {
+ _chestContentsGold[coffer.InstanceID] = p;
+ _lastChestContentsGold = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_lastChestMagicite)
+ {
+ // TODO figure out why the system log args arent working
+ _chestContentsSilver[coffer.InstanceID] = 1;
+ _lastChestMagicite = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!isStunned && pomanderToUseHere is PomanderID p2 && player.FindStatus(SID.ItemPenalty) == null)
+ hints.ActionsToExecute.Push(new ActionID(ActionType.Pomander, (uint)p2), null, ActionQueue.Priority.VeryHigh);
+ Actor? wantCoffer = null;
+ if (coffer is Actor t && !player.IsTransformed && (_config.AutoMoveTreasure && (!player.InCombat || _config.NavigateInCombat) || player.DistanceToHitbox(t) < 3.5f))
+ wantCoffer = t;
+ if (!player.InCombat && _config.AutoPassage && Palace.PassageActive)
+ {
+ DesiredRoom = Array.FindIndex(Palace.Rooms, d => d.HasFlag(RoomFlags.Passage));
+ if (passage is Actor c)
+ {
+ hints.GoalZones.Add(hints.GoalSingleTarget(c.Position, 2, 0.5f));
+ // give pathfinder a little help lmao
+ hints.GoalZones.Add(hints.GoalSingleTarget(c.Position, 25, 0.25f));
+ if (player.DistanceToHitbox(c) < player.DistanceToHitbox(coffer) && !_config.OpenChestsFirst)
+ wantCoffer = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wantCoffer is Actor xxx)
+ {
+ wantCoffer = xxx;
+ hints.GoalZones.Add(hints.GoalSingleTarget(xxx.Position, 25));
+ hints.InteractWithTarget = coffer;
+ }
+ if (revealedTraps.Count > 0)
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(ShapeDistance.Union(revealedTraps));
+ if (!player.IsTransformed && (!player.InCombat || _config.NavigateInCombat) && _config.AutoMoveTreasure && hoardLight is Actor h && Palace.GetPomanderState(PomanderID.Intuition).Active)
+ hints.GoalZones.Add(hints.GoalSingleTarget(h.Position, 2, 10));
+ var shouldTargetMobs = _config.AutoClear switch
+ {
+ AutoDDConfig.ClearBehavior.Passage => !Palace.PassageActive,
+ AutoDDConfig.ClearBehavior.Leveling => player.Level < LevelCap || !Palace.PassageActive,
+ AutoDDConfig.ClearBehavior.All => true,
+ _ => false
+ };
+ if (player.InCombat || World.Actors.Find(player.TargetID) is Actor t2 && !t2.IsAlly)
+ return;
+ Actor? bestTarget = null;
+ void pickBetterTarget(Actor t)
+ {
+ if (player.DistanceToHitbox(t) < player.DistanceToHitbox(bestTarget))
+ bestTarget = t;
+ }
+ foreach (var pp in hints.PotentialTargets)
+ {
+ // enemy is petrified, any damage will kill
+ if (pp.Actor.FindStatus(SID.StoneCurse)?.ExpireAt > World.FutureTime(1.5f))
+ pickBetterTarget(pp.Actor);
+ // pomander of storms was used, enemy can't autoheal; any damage will kill
+ else if (pp.Actor.FindStatus(SID.AutoHealPenalty) != null && pp.Actor.HPMP.CurHP < 10)
+ pickBetterTarget(pp.Actor);
+ // if player does not have a target, prioritize everything so that AI picks one - skip dangerous enemies
+ else if (shouldTargetMobs && !pp.Actor.Statuses.Any(s => IsDangerousOutOfCombatStatus(s.ID)))
+ pickBetterTarget(pp.Actor);
+ }
+ hints.ForcedTarget = bestTarget;
+ }
+ private void DrawAOEs(int playerSlot, Actor player, AIHints hints)
+ {
+ IterAndExpire(HintDisabled, g => g.CastInfo == null, g =>
+ {
+ hints.ForbiddenZones.RemoveAll(z => z.Source == g.InstanceID);
+ });
+ IterAndExpire(Gazes, g => g.Source.CastInfo == null, d =>
+ {
+ if (d.Shape.Check(player.Position, d.Source))
+ hints.ForbiddenDirections.Add((player.AngleTo(d.Source), 45.Degrees(), CastFinishAt(d.Source)));
+ });
+ IterAndExpire(Donuts, d => d.Source.CastInfo == null, d =>
+ {
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(new AOEShapeDonut(d.Inner, d.Outer), d.Source.Position, default, CastFinishAt(d.Source));
+ });
+ IterAndExpire(Circles, d => d.Source.CastInfo == null, d =>
+ {
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(new AOEShapeCircle(d.Radius), d.Source.Position, default, CastFinishAt(d.Source));
+ // some enrages are way bigger than pathfinding map size (e.g. slime explosion is 60y)
+ // in these cases, if the player is inside the aoe, add a goal zone telling it to GTFO as far as possible
+ if (d.Radius >= 30)
+ {
+ var distToSource = (player.Position - d.Source.Position).Length();
+ if (distToSource <= d.Radius)
+ {
+ var desiredDistance = distToSource + 10;
+ hints.GoalZones.Add(p =>
+ {
+ var dist = (p - d.Source.Position).Length();
+ return dist >= desiredDistance ? 100 : 0;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ IterAndExpire(Interrupts, d => d.CastInfo == null, d =>
+ {
+ if (hints.FindEnemy(d) is { } e)
+ e.ShouldBeInterrupted = true;
+ });
+ IterAndExpire(Stuns, d => d.CastInfo == null, d =>
+ {
+ if (hints.FindEnemy(d) is { } e)
+ e.ShouldBeStunned = true;
+ });
+ IterAndExpire(LOS, d => d.CastInfo == null, caster =>
+ {
+ if (!_losCache.TryGetValue(caster.InstanceID, out var dangermap))
+ return;
+ var origin = dangermap.Item1;
+ var map = dangermap.Item2;
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(p =>
+ {
+ var offset = (p - origin) / map.PixelSize;
+ return map[(int)offset.X, (int)offset.Z] ? -10 : 10;
+ }, CastFinishAt(caster));
+ }, d => _losCache.Remove(d.InstanceID));
+ IterAndExpire(Voidzones, d => d.Source.IsDeadOrDestroyed, d =>
+ {
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(d.Zone, d.Source.Position, d.Source.Rotation);
+ });
+ IterAndExpire(KnockbackZones, d => d.Source.CastInfo == null, kb =>
+ {
+ var castFinish = CastFinishAt(kb.Source);
+ if (_playerImmunes[playerSlot].ImmuneAt(castFinish))
+ return;
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(new AOEShapeCircle(kb.Radius), kb.Source.Position, default, castFinish);
+ });
+ IterAndExpire(ForbiddenTargets, t => t.Timeout <= World.CurrentTime, t =>
+ {
+ if (hints.FindEnemy(t.Actor) is { } enemy)
+ enemy.Priority = AIHints.Enemy.PriorityForbidden;
+ });
+ }
+ private static bool IsDangerousOutOfCombatStatus(uint statusRaw) => (SID)statusRaw is SID.DamageUp or SID.DreadBeastAura or SID.PhysicalDamageUp;
+ private void HandleFloorPathfind(Actor player, AIHints hints)
+ {
+ if (player.InCombat && !_config.NavigateInCombat)
+ return;
+ var playerRoom = Palace.Party[0].Room;
+ if (DesiredRoom == playerRoom || DesiredRoom == 0)
+ {
+ DesiredRoom = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ var path = new FloorPathfind(Palace.Rooms).Pathfind(playerRoom, DesiredRoom);
+ if (path.Count == 0)
+ {
+ Service.Log($"uh-oh, no path from {playerRoom} to {DesiredRoom}");
+ return;
+ }
+ var next = path[0];
+ Direction d;
+ if (next == playerRoom + 1)
+ d = Direction.East;
+ else if (next == playerRoom - 1)
+ d = Direction.West;
+ else if (next == playerRoom + 5)
+ d = Direction.South;
+ else if (next == playerRoom - 5)
+ d = Direction.North;
+ else
+ {
+ Service.Log($"pathfinding instructions are nonsense: {string.Join(", ", path)}");
+ DesiredRoom = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ hints.GoalZones.Add(p =>
+ {
+ var pp = player.Position;
+ return d switch
+ {
+ Direction.North => pp.Z - p.Z,
+ Direction.South => p.Z - pp.Z,
+ Direction.East => p.X - pp.X,
+ Direction.West => pp.X - p.X,
+ _ => 0,
+ } * 0.001f;
+ });
+ }
+ private void LoadWalls()
+ {
+ Service.Log($"loading walls for current floor...");
+ Walls.Clear();
+ var floorset = Palace.Floor / 10;
+ var key = $"{(int)Palace.DungeonId}.{floorset + 1}";
+ if (!LoadedFloors.TryGetValue(key, out var floor))
+ {
+ Service.Log($"unable to load floorset {key}");
+ return;
+ }
+ Tileset tileset;
+ switch (Palace.Progress.Tileset)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ tileset = floor.RoomsA;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ tileset = floor.RoomsB;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ Service.Log($"hall of fallacies - nothing to do");
+ return;
+ default:
+ Service.Log($"unrecognized tileset number {Palace.Progress.Tileset}");
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach (var (room, i) in Palace.Rooms.Select((m, i) => (m, i)))
+ {
+ if (room > 0)
+ {
+ var roomdata = tileset[i];
+ RoomCenters.Add(roomdata.Center.Position);
+ if (roomdata.North != default && !room.HasFlag(RoomFlags.ConnectionN))
+ Walls.Add((roomdata.North, false));
+ if (roomdata.South != default && !room.HasFlag(RoomFlags.ConnectionS))
+ Walls.Add((roomdata.South, false));
+ if (roomdata.East != default && !room.HasFlag(RoomFlags.ConnectionE))
+ Walls.Add((roomdata.East, true));
+ if (roomdata.West != default && !room.HasFlag(RoomFlags.ConnectionW))
+ Walls.Add((roomdata.West, true));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected void AddLOSFromTerrain(Actor Source, float Range)
+ {
+ var (entry, data) = _obstacles.Find(Source.PosRot.XYZ());
+ if (entry == null || data == null)
+ {
+ Service.Log($"no bitmap found for {Source}, not adding LOS hints");
+ return;
+ }
+ var pixelRange = (int)(Range / data.PixelSize);
+ var casterOff = Source.Position - entry.Origin;
+ var casterCell = casterOff / data.PixelSize;
+ var casterX = (int)casterCell.X;
+ var casterZ = (int)casterCell.Z;
+ var bm = new Bitmap(data.Width, data.Height, data.Color0, data.Color1, data.Resolution);
+ for (var i = Math.Max(0, casterX - pixelRange); i <= Math.Min(data.Width, casterX + pixelRange); i++)
+ {
+ for (var j = Math.Max(0, casterZ - pixelRange); j <= Math.Min(data.Height, casterZ + pixelRange); j++)
+ {
+ var pt = new Vector2(i, j);
+ var cc = new Vector2(casterX, casterZ);
+ if (!IsBlocked(data, pt, cc, pixelRange))
+ bm[i, j] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ _losCache[Source.InstanceID] = (entry.Origin, bm);
+ LOS.Add(Source);
+ }
+ private static bool IsBlocked(Bitmap map, Vector2 point, Vector2 origin, float maxRange)
+ {
+ var dir = origin - point;
+ var dist = dir.Length();
+ if (dist >= maxRange)
+ return true;
+ dir /= dist;
+ var ox = point.X;
+ var oy = point.Y;
+ var vx = dir.X;
+ var vy = dir.Y;
+ for (var i = 0; i < (int)dist; i++)
+ {
+ if (map[(int)ox, (int)oy])
+ return true;
+ ox += vx;
+ oy += vy;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private Stream GetEmbeddedResource(string name) => Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream($"BossMod.Modules.Global.DeepDungeon.{name}") ?? throw new InvalidDataException($"Missing embedded resource {name}");
+static class PalacePalInterop
+ // TODO make an IPC for this? wouldn't work in uidev
+ private static readonly string PalacePalDbFile = Path.Join(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "XIVLauncher", "pluginConfigs", "PalacePal", "");
+ public static List GetTrapLocationsForZone(uint zone)
+ {
+ List locations = [];
+ try
+ {
+ using (var connection = new SQLiteConnection($"Data Source={PalacePalDbFile}"))
+ {
+ connection.Open();
+ var command = connection.CreateCommand();
+ command.CommandText = @"
+ select X,Z from Locations where Type = 1 and TerritoryType = $tt
+ ";
+ command.Parameters.AddWithValue("$tt", zone);
+ using var reader = command.ExecuteReader();
+ while (reader.Read())
+ {
+ var x = reader.GetFloat(0);
+ var z = reader.GetFloat(1);
+ locations.Add(new(x, z));
+ }
+ }
+ return locations;
+ }
+ catch (SQLiteException e)
+ {
+ Service.Log($"unable to load traps for zone ${zone}: ${e}");
+ return [];
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/BadTraps.json b/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/BadTraps.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb32a45ead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/BadTraps.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/Config.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/Config.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d197f6e1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/Config.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+namespace BossMod.Global.DeepDungeon;
+[ConfigDisplay(Name = "Auto-DeepDungeon", Parent = typeof(ModuleConfig))]
+public class AutoDDConfig : ConfigNode
+ public enum ClearBehavior
+ {
+ [PropertyDisplay("Do not auto target")]
+ None,
+ [PropertyDisplay("Stop when passage opens")]
+ Passage,
+ [PropertyDisplay("Target everything if not at level cap, otherwise stop when passage opens")]
+ Leveling,
+ [PropertyDisplay("Target everything")]
+ All,
+ }
+ [PropertyDisplay("Enable module")]
+ public bool Enable = true;
+ [PropertyDisplay("Enable minimap")]
+ public bool EnableMinimap = true;
+ [PropertyDisplay("Try to avoid traps", tooltip: "Avoid known trap locations sourced from PalacePal data. (Traps revealed by a Pomander of Sight will always be avoided regardless of this setting.)")]
+ public bool TrapHints = true;
+ [PropertyDisplay("Automatically navigate to Cairn of Passage")]
+ public bool AutoPassage = true;
+ [PropertyDisplay("Automatic mob targeting behavior")]
+ public ClearBehavior AutoClear = ClearBehavior.Leveling;
+ [PropertyDisplay("Allow navigation in combat")]
+ public bool NavigateInCombat = false;
+ [PropertyDisplay("Try to use terrain to LOS attacks")]
+ public bool AutoLOS = false;
+ [PropertyDisplay("Automatically navigate to coffers")]
+ public bool AutoMoveTreasure = true;
+ [PropertyDisplay("Prioritize opening coffers over Cairn of Passage")]
+ public bool OpenChestsFirst = false;
+ [PropertyDisplay("Open gold coffers")]
+ public bool GoldCoffer = true;
+ [PropertyDisplay("Open silver coffers")]
+ public bool SilverCoffer = true;
+ [PropertyDisplay("Open bronze coffers")]
+ public bool BronzeCoffer = true;
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/FloorPathfind.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/FloorPathfind.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d013222ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/FloorPathfind.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+using static FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.Game.InstanceContent.InstanceContentDeepDungeon;
+namespace BossMod.Global.DeepDungeon;
+public enum Direction
+ North,
+ South,
+ East,
+ West
+// neat feature of deep dungeons - there is only one path from any room to any other room (no loops) and the grid is so small that brute forcing is basically free!
+internal class FloorPathfind(ReadOnlySpan Map)
+ public readonly RoomFlags[] Map = Map.ToArray();
+ private readonly bool[] Explored = new bool[25];
+ private readonly Queue> Queue = new();
+ public List Pathfind(int startRoom, int destRoom)
+ {
+ if (startRoom == destRoom)
+ return [];
+ Explored[startRoom] = true;
+ Queue.Enqueue([startRoom]);
+ while (Queue.TryDequeue(out var v))
+ {
+ if (v[^1] == destRoom)
+ {
+ v.RemoveAt(0);
+ return v;
+ }
+ foreach (var w in Edges(v[^1]))
+ {
+ if (!Explored[w])
+ {
+ Explored[w] = true;
+ Queue.Enqueue([.. v, w]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return [];
+ }
+ private IEnumerable Edges(int roomIndex)
+ {
+ var md = Map[roomIndex];
+ if (md.HasFlag(RoomFlags.ConnectionN))
+ yield return roomIndex - 5;
+ if (md.HasFlag(RoomFlags.ConnectionS))
+ yield return roomIndex + 5;
+ if (md.HasFlag(RoomFlags.ConnectionW))
+ yield return roomIndex - 1;
+ if (md.HasFlag(RoomFlags.ConnectionE))
+ yield return roomIndex + 1;
+ }
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/LevelData.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/LevelData.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c33b65ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/LevelData.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+namespace BossMod.Global.DeepDungeon;
+public record class Floor(
+ uint DungeonId,
+ uint Floorset,
+ Tileset RoomsA,
+ Tileset RoomsB
+ public Floor Map(Func Mapping) => new(DungeonId, Floorset, RoomsA.Map(Mapping), RoomsB.Map(Mapping));
+public record class Tileset(List> Rooms)
+ public Tileset Map(Func Mapping) => new(Rooms.Select(m => m.Map(Mapping)).ToList());
+ public RoomData this[int index] => Rooms[index];
+ public override string ToString() => $"Tileset {{ Rooms = [{string.Join(", ", Rooms)}] }}";
+public record class RoomData(
+ T Center,
+ T North,
+ T South,
+ T West,
+ T East
+ public RoomData Map(Func F) => new(F(Center), F(North), F(South), F(West), F(East));
+public record struct Wall(WPos Position, float Depth);
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/Minimap.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/Minimap.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d08c96a680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/Minimap.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+using Dalamud.Interface.Utility.Raii;
+using ImGuiNET;
+using static FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.Game.InstanceContent.InstanceContentDeepDungeon;
+namespace BossMod.Global.DeepDungeon;
+public record class Minimap(DeepDungeonState State, Angle PlayerRotation, int CurrentDestination)
+ enum IconID : uint
+ {
+ ReturnClosed = 60905,
+ ReturnOpen = 60906,
+ PassageClosed = 60907,
+ PassageOpen = 60908,
+ ChestBronze = 60911,
+ ChestSilver = 60912,
+ ChestGold = 60913,
+ }
+ [Flags]
+ enum RoomChest
+ {
+ None = 0,
+ Bronze = 1,
+ Silver = 2,
+ Gold = 4
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Integer index of the room the user clicked on.
+ public int Draw()
+ {
+ var dest = -1;
+ var chests = new RoomChest[25];
+ foreach (var c in State.Chests)
+ if (c.Room > 0)
+ chests[c.Room] |= (RoomChest)(1 << (c.Type - 1));
+ var playerCell = State.Party[0].Room;
+ using var _ = ImRaii.PushStyle(ImGuiStyleVar.ItemSpacing, new Vector2(0f, 0f));
+ var roomsTex = Service.Texture.GetFromGame("ui/uld/DeepDungeonNaviMap_Rooms_hr1.tex").GetWrapOrEmpty();
+ var mapTex = Service.Texture.GetFromGame("ui/uld/DeepDungeonNaviMap_hr1.tex").GetWrapOrEmpty();
+ var passageTex = Service.Texture.GetFromGameIcon(new((uint)(State.PassageActive ? IconID.PassageOpen : IconID.PassageClosed))).GetWrapOrEmpty();
+ var returnTex = Service.Texture.GetFromGameIcon(new((uint)(State.ReturnActive ? IconID.ReturnOpen : IconID.ReturnClosed))).GetWrapOrEmpty();
+ var bronzeTex = Service.Texture.GetFromGameIcon(new((uint)IconID.ChestBronze)).GetWrapOrEmpty();
+ var silverTex = Service.Texture.GetFromGameIcon(new((uint)IconID.ChestSilver)).GetWrapOrEmpty();
+ var goldTex = Service.Texture.GetFromGameIcon(new((uint)IconID.ChestGold)).GetWrapOrEmpty();
+ for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++)
+ {
+ var highlight = CurrentDestination > 0 && CurrentDestination == i;
+ var isValidDestination = State.Rooms[i] > 0;
+ using var _1 = ImRaii.PushId($"room{i}");
+ var pos = ImGui.GetCursorPos();
+ var tile = (byte)State.Rooms[i] & 0xF;
+ var row = tile / 4;
+ var col = tile % 4;
+ var xoff = 0.0104f + col * 0.25f;
+ var yoff = 0.0104f + row * 0.25f;
+ var xoffend = xoff + 0.2292f;
+ var yoffend = yoff + 0.2292f;
+ // trim off 1px from each edge to account for extra space from highlight square
+ // TODO there is probably a sensible primitive for this somewhere
+ if (highlight)
+ {
+ xoff += 0.2292f / 88f;
+ yoff += 0.2292f / 88f;
+ xoffend -= 0.2292f / 88f;
+ yoffend -= 0.2292f / 88f;
+ }
+ ImGui.SetCursorPos(pos);
+ ImGui.Image(roomsTex.ImGuiHandle, highlight ? new(86) : new(88), new Vector2(xoff, yoff), new Vector2(xoffend, yoffend), tile > 0 ? new(1f) : new(0.6f), highlight ? new(0, 0.6f, 0, 1) : default);
+ if (i == playerCell)
+ {
+ isValidDestination = false;
+ ImGui.SetCursorPos(pos + new Vector2(12, 12));
+ ImGui.Image(mapTex.ImGuiHandle, new Vector2(64, 64), new Vector2(0.2424f, 0.4571f), new Vector2(0.4848f, 0.6857f));
+ }
+ if (State.Rooms[i].HasFlag(RoomFlags.Passage))
+ {
+ ImGui.SetCursorPos(pos + new Vector2(28, 44));
+ ImGui.Image(passageTex.ImGuiHandle, new Vector2(32, 32));
+ }
+ if (State.Rooms[i].HasFlag(RoomFlags.Return))
+ {
+ ImGui.SetCursorPos(pos + new Vector2(28, 44));
+ ImGui.Image(returnTex.ImGuiHandle, new Vector2(32, 32));
+ }
+ if (chests[i].HasFlag(RoomChest.Bronze))
+ {
+ ImGui.SetCursorPos(pos + new Vector2(2, 2));
+ ImGui.Image(bronzeTex.ImGuiHandle, new Vector2(48, 48));
+ }
+ if (chests[i].HasFlag(RoomChest.Silver))
+ {
+ ImGui.SetCursorPos(pos + new Vector2(20, 2));
+ ImGui.Image(silverTex.ImGuiHandle, new Vector2(48, 48));
+ }
+ if (chests[i].HasFlag(RoomChest.Gold))
+ {
+ ImGui.SetCursorPos(pos + new Vector2(38, 2));
+ ImGui.Image(goldTex.ImGuiHandle, new Vector2(48, 48));
+ }
+ if (i == playerCell)
+ {
+ ImGui.SetCursorPos(pos + new Vector2(44, 44));
+ DrawPlayer(ImGui.GetCursorScreenPos(), PlayerRotation, mapTex.ImGuiHandle);
+ }
+ ImGui.SetCursorPos(pos);
+ ImGui.Dummy(new(88, 88));
+ if (isValidDestination)
+ {
+ if (ImGui.IsItemHovered())
+ {
+ ImGui.SetMouseCursor(ImGuiMouseCursor.Hand);
+ ImGui.SetTooltip(i == CurrentDestination ? "Click to clear destination" : "Click to set destination");
+ }
+ if (ImGui.IsItemClicked())
+ dest = i == CurrentDestination ? 0 : i;
+ }
+ if (i % 5 < 4)
+ ImGui.SameLine();
+ }
+ return dest;
+ }
+ private static void DrawPlayer(Vector2 center, Angle rotation, nint texHandle)
+ {
+ var cos = -rotation.Cos();
+ var sin = rotation.Sin();
+ ImGui.GetWindowDrawList().AddImageQuad(
+ texHandle,
+ center + Rotate(new(-32, -37.5f), cos, sin),
+ center + Rotate(new(32, -37.5f), cos, sin),
+ center + Rotate(new(32, 26.5f), cos, sin),
+ center + Rotate(new(-32, 26.5f), cos, sin),
+ new Vector2(0.0000f, 0.4571f),
+ new Vector2(0.2424f, 0.4571f),
+ new Vector2(0.2424f, 0.6857f),
+ new Vector2(0.0000f, 0.6857f)
+ );
+ }
+ private static Vector2 Rotate(Vector2 v, float cosA, float sinA) => new(v.X * cosA - v.Y * sinA, v.X * sinA + v.Y * cosA);
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/Walls.json b/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/Walls.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..222af990ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Global/DeepDungeon/Walls.json
@@ -0,0 +1,74482 @@
+ "1.1": {
+ "DungeonId": 1,
+ "Floorset": 0,
+ "RoomsA": {
+ "Rooms": [
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -375.8824,
+ "Z": 184.9715
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -288.434,
+ "Z": 180.2622
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -222.976,
+ "Z": 195.8077
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
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+ "X": -356.53876,
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+ }
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+ "X": -301.53903,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": -236.53926,
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+ "X": -301.53876,
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+ "X": -282.13577,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -337.13354,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": -299.7132,
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+ "X": -301.53604,
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+ },
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+ "X": -298.44592,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -282.13385,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.3858328
+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 292.2455,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 329.85275,
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+ "X": 366.44904,
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+ },
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+ "X": 369.5392,
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+ },
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+ "X": 366.44922,
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+ "X": 389.85193,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.3858328
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+ },
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+ "X": 259.85385,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.3858328
+ }
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+ "X": 383.85263,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -354.42322,
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+ "X": -355.56418,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -299.4235,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300.56445,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -234.42361,
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+ },
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+ "X": -235.56454,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -218.94849,
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+ "Depth": 1.214027
+ }
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+ "X": -175.5846,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -366.4228,
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+ },
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+ "X": -367.56357,
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+ },
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+ "X": -350.94766,
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+ }
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+ "X": -299.4233,
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+ "X": -300.56076,
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+ "X": -283.94818,
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+ },
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+ "X": -234.42572,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -299.4206,
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+ "X": -300.56155,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 241.9075,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 292.1822,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 254.56648,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 270.04163,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.214027
+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 312.5653,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 311.42435,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 295.9488,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 328.04044,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.214027
+ }
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+ "X": 367.6212,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 368.5646,
+ "Z": -362.0404
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.214027
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 367.42365,
+ "Z": -329.9488
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 351.94812,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 384.03973,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 241.42564,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 368.5648,
+ "Z": -316.0412
+ },
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+ "X": 388.0396,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.214027
+ }
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 242.56638,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 241.42542,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 258.0415,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.214027
+ }
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+ "X": 300.56558,
+ "Z": -258.04202
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 316.0407,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -354.4203,
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+ "X": -355.5613,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -218.94879,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 292.2455,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 312.56534,
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+ },
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+ "X": 328.0404,
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+ "X": 368.56464,
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+ },
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+ "X": 241.7038,
+ "Z": -290.2035
+ },
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+ "X": 242.56662,
+ "Z": -304.0414
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 388.03958,
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+ },
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+ "X": 429.744,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 316.04068,
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+ },
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+ "X": 382.04028,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -375.1498,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -354.99368,
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+ },
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+ "X": -337.6889,
+ "Z": 244.00179
+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": -299.99396,
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+ },
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+ "X": -299.994,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -282.6893,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.140426
+ }
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+ "X": -243.7047,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -234.99408,
+ "Z": 238.6906
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -252.2996,
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+ "X": -217.68929,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.140426
+ }
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+ "X": -177.7028,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": -299.99377,
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+ "X": -299.9903,
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+ "X": -282.689,
+ "Z": 301.99628
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.140426
+ }
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+ "X": -235.169,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -354.9908,
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+ },
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+ "X": -252.2996,
+ "Z": 369.9987
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -217.68959,
+ "Z": 369.9986
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.140426
+ }
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+ "X": -180.7421,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 241.6549,
+ "Z": -415.1002
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 244.551,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 253.99602,
+ "Z": -363.29932
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 253.99599,
+ "Z": -328.6897
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.140426
+ },
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+ "Position": {
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 271.3008,
+ "Z": -345.98853
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.140426
+ }
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+ "X": 303.4736,
+ "Z": -353.1604
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 311.99484,
+ "Z": -375.29962
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.140426
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 311.9948,
+ "Z": -340.69
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.140426
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 368.026,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 367.99414,
+ "Z": -363.2994
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.140426
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 367.9941,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
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+ "X": 385.29892,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.140426
+ }
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+ "X": 432.1373,
+ "Z": -361.4377
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 179.0099,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 241.99611,
+ "Z": -305.3004
+ },
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+ "X": 241.99611,
+ "Z": -270.6908
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 300.0091,
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+ },
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+ "X": 299.99493,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 299.9949,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 367.99432,
+ "Z": -317.3002
+ },
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+ "X": 365.9943,
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+ },
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+ "X": 389.2988,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.140426
+ }
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 241.99591,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 241.99588,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 299.99512,
+ "Z": -259.301
+ },
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+ "X": 299.9951,
+ "Z": -224.69139
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 317.2999,
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+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 365.99472,
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+ },
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+ "X": 383.2995,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
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+ "Floorset": 4,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 389.2988,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.140426
+ }
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+ "X": 241.99591,
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+ "X": 241.99588,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": 299.99512,
+ "Z": -259.301
+ },
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+ "X": 299.9951,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 317.2999,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.140426
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 383.2995,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -375.1498,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -287.8494,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.140426
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+ "X": -282.6893,
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+ },
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+ "Depth": 1.140426
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.140426
+ }
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+ "X": -282.6871,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -217.68959,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "X": -352,
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+ "X": -370.75,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -217.25,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -382.75,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -345.25,
+ "Z": 300.00647
+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -318.75,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -281.25,
+ "Z": 300.00647
+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": -228.834,
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -254.75,
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+ "X": -217.25,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -352,
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+ "X": -352,
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+ "X": -370.75,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -236,
+ "Z": 345.25
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -236,
+ "Z": 390.75
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -217.25,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": -183.9406,
+ "Z": 365.1953
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -280,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "North": {
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 243.9585,
+ "Z": -410.9901
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 304.038,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 380,
+ "Z": -411
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 204,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 255.9754,
+ "Z": -346.9631
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 256,
+ "Z": -362.75
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 237.25,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 274.75,
+ "Z": -343.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 311.9414,
+ "Z": -358.9607
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 312,
+ "Z": -374.75
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 312,
+ "Z": -337.25
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 293.25,
+ "Z": -355.99353
+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 330.75,
+ "Z": -355.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 375.1467,
+ "Z": -354.1331
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 368,
+ "Z": -362.75
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 349.25,
+ "Z": -343.99353
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 386.75,
+ "Z": -343.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 424,
+ "Z": -359
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 188,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "Z": -283.7987
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 225.25,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 262.75,
+ "Z": -287.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -303
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -318.75
+ },
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+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -281.25
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 281.25,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 318.75,
+ "Z": -299.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 355.9931,
+ "Z": -291.013
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 337.25,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 374.75,
+ "Z": -287.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 424.1349,
+ "Z": -291.0209
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 192,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 244,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 225.25,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 262.75,
+ "Z": -231.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 307.4888,
+ "Z": -254.5737
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -262.75
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
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+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -225.25
+ },
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+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 281.25,
+ "Z": -243.99353
+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 318.75,
+ "Z": -243.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 356,
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+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 356,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 337.25,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 374.75,
+ "Z": -231.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
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+ "Z": -235.0723
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "1.7": {
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+ "Floorset": 6,
+ "RoomsA": {
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+ {
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 256,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 237.25,
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+ },
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+ "X": 274.75,
+ "Z": -343.99353
+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 312,
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+ },
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+ "X": 312,
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+ },
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+ "X": 330.75,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 368,
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+ },
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+ "X": 386.75,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 424,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 262.75,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -318.75
+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 281.25,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 318.75,
+ "Z": -299.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 355.9931,
+ "Z": -291.013
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 337.25,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 374.75,
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+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 244,
+ "Z": -209.25
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 225.25,
+ "Z": -231.99353
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 262.75,
+ "Z": -231.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 307.4888,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -262.75
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -225.25
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 281.25,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 318.75,
+ "Z": -243.99353
+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 356,
+ "Z": -235
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 356,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 337.25,
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+ },
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+ "X": 374.75,
+ "Z": -231.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -372.0326,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -352,
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+ "X": -352,
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+ "X": -370.75,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -217.25,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -345.25,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -318.75,
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+ },
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+ "X": -281.25,
+ "Z": 300.00647
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
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+ "X": -228.834,
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ "X": -254.75,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -217.25,
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+ },
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+ "X": -183.9744,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "X": -370.75,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
+ "Z": 390.75
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -217.25,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
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+ "X": -183.9406,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -280,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
+ }
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+ }
+ },
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+ "Floorset": 7,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -224.0507,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -404.0083,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -344.6464,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "X": -370.75,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -217.25,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -371.5812,
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
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+ "X": -382.75,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -345.25,
+ "Z": 300.00647
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -318.75,
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+ "X": -281.25,
+ "Z": 300.00647
+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ "X": -228.834,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -254.75,
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+ },
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+ "X": -217.25,
+ "Z": 312.00647
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": -183.9744,
+ "Z": 309.017
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -352,
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+ "X": -352,
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+ "X": -370.75,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ "X": -217.25,
+ "Z": 368.00647
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -280,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "North": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Z": -410.9901
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 304.038,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 380,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 204,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 255.9754,
+ "Z": -346.9631
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 256,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 237.25,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 274.75,
+ "Z": -343.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 311.9414,
+ "Z": -358.9607
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 312,
+ "Z": -374.75
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ },
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+ "X": 312,
+ "Z": -337.25
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 293.25,
+ "Z": -355.99353
+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 330.75,
+ "Z": -355.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 375.1467,
+ "Z": -354.1331
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 368,
+ "Z": -362.75
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 349.25,
+ "Z": -343.99353
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 386.75,
+ "Z": -343.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 424,
+ "Z": -359
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 188,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "Z": -283.7987
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 225.25,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 262.75,
+ "Z": -287.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -303
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -318.75
+ },
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+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -281.25
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 281.25,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 318.75,
+ "Z": -299.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 355.9931,
+ "Z": -291.013
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 337.25,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 374.75,
+ "Z": -287.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 424.1349,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 192,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 243.9885,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 244,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 225.25,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 262.75,
+ "Z": -231.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 307.4888,
+ "Z": -254.5737
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -262.75
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
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+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -225.25
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 281.25,
+ "Z": -243.99353
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 318.75,
+ "Z": -243.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 356,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 356,
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+ },
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+ "X": 337.25,
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+ },
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+ "X": 374.75,
+ "Z": -231.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.2
+ }
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+ "X": 408.0466,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "1.9": {
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+ "Floorset": 8,
+ "RoomsA": {
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -358,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -234,
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+ },
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+ "X": -215.05867,
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -370,
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+ },
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+ "X": -370.0131,
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+ "X": -351.0587,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2.737763
+ }
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+ "X": -299.6884,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -281.0587,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2.737763
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -234,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -234.01308,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -215.05867,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -358,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -357.9869,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2.737763
+ },
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+ "X": -376.9413,
+ "Z": 357.99347
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "South": {
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -234,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -234.01308,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -215.05867,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": -179.4589,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -221.1949,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 242.1796,
+ "Z": -407.2313
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 290.1965,
+ "Z": -420.2906
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 254,
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+ },
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+ "X": 272.9413,
+ "Z": -346.00653
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.737763
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 312.0063,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 312,
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+ },
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+ "X": 312.0131,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 330.9413,
+ "Z": -358.00653
+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 370.1484,
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+ "X": 370,
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+ },
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+ "X": 351.05865,
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+ },
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+ "X": 388.9413,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 260.9413,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2.737763
+ }
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+ "X": 300.7613,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 318.9413,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2.737763
+ }
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+ "X": 369.3706,
+ "Z": -303.0645
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 388.9413,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2.737763
+ }
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+ "X": 428.522,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 258.9413,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2.737763
+ }
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300.0131,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 318.9413,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 368.136,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 368.0131,
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+ },
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+ "X": 386.9413,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 424.8528,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 322.1534,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "Floorset": 9,
+ "RoomsA": {
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 242.1796,
+ "Z": -407.2313
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 290.1965,
+ "Z": -420.2906
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 197.9624,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 254.2531,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 254,
+ "Z": -364.94135
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 235.05867,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
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+ "X": 272.9413,
+ "Z": -346.00653
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.737763
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 312.0063,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "X": 312,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 312.0131,
+ "Z": -339.0587
+ },
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+ },
+ "West": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 330.9413,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2.737763
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 370.1484,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 370,
+ "Z": -364.94135
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 351.05865,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 388.9413,
+ "Z": -346.00653
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.737763
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 427.0493,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 241.7273,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 223.05867,
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+ "X": 260.9413,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300.0131,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 318.9413,
+ "Z": -300.0217
+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 369.3706,
+ "Z": -303.0645
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 351.05865,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 388.9413,
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+ },
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+ "X": 428.522,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 240.01308,
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+ "X": 258.9413,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300.0131,
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+ "X": 318.9413,
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+ },
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+ "X": 386.9413,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2.737763
+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -380.1721,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -287.9569,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -358,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2.737763
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+ "X": -357.9869,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -234,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2.737763
+ },
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+ "X": -234.01308,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -215.05867,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": -178.793,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -370,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -370.0131,
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+ },
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+ "X": -351.0587,
+ "Z": 299.99347
+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": -299.6884,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300.0131,
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+ "X": -281.0587,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2.737763
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": -234.7379,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "X": -234,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -215.05867,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": -358,
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+ },
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+ "X": -357.9869,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -234,
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+ },
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+ "X": -234.01308,
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+ }
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+ },
+ "1.11": {
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+ "Floorset": 10,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -358,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -234,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -215.05867,
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+ "X": -370,
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+ },
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+ "X": -370.0131,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -281.0587,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2.737763
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -234,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -234.01308,
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+ },
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+ "X": -215.05867,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -358,
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+ },
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+ "X": -357.9869,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -376.9413,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -234,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -215.05867,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 290.1965,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 254,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 312,
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+ },
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+ "X": 330.9413,
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+ },
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+ "X": 370,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 300.7613,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 318.9413,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 388.9413,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 258.9413,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2.737763
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300.0131,
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+ },
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+ "X": 318.9413,
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+ },
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+ "X": 368.136,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 386.9413,
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+ },
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+ "X": 322.1534,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -354.42322,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -299.4235,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300.56445,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -234.42361,
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+ "X": -235.56454,
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+ "X": -218.94849,
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+ }
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+ "X": -179.2163,
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+ "X": -366.4228,
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+ },
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+ "X": -367.56357,
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+ "X": -350.94766,
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+ "Depth": 1.214027
+ }
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+ "X": -299.4233,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300.56076,
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+ "X": -283.94818,
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+ }
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+ "X": -234.42572,
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+ },
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+ "X": -235.56668,
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+ "X": -354.42032,
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+ "X": -355.56128,
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+ },
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+ "X": -234.42392,
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+ },
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+ "X": -235.56488,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -218.94879,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Z": -408.4487
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 292.1822,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 254.5665,
+ "Z": -362.0403
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.214027
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 237.95,
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+ },
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+ "X": 270.04163,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.214027
+ }
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+ "X": 319.989,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 312.5653,
+ "Z": -374.04062
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.214027
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 311.42435,
+ "Z": -341.949
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 328.04044,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.214027
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 367.6212,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 368.5646,
+ "Z": -362.0404
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.214027
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 367.42365,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.214027
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 351.94812,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 384.03973,
+ "Z": -345.41858
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.214027
+ }
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+ "X": 425.14,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 241.42564,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 300.5654,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 299.42444,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 368.5648,
+ "Z": -316.0412
+ },
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+ "X": 388.0396,
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+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 242.56638,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 300.56558,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 316.0407,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ },
+ "1.13": {
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+ "Floorset": 12,
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 368.5648,
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+ },
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+ "X": 388.0396,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 242.56638,
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+ "X": 241.42542,
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+ },
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+ "X": 258.0415,
+ "Z": -241.4203
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.214027
+ }
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+ "X": 299.6617,
+ "Z": -244.7433
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+ "X": 300.56558,
+ "Z": -258.04202
+ },
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+ "X": 299.42462,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.214027
+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -234.42361,
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+ }
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+ }
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+ "X": -234.42572,
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+ "X": -355.56128,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -218.94879,
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -366.42276,
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+ "X": -383.03928,
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+ "X": -350.9477,
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+ "X": -299.42328,
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+ "X": -300.5608,
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+ "X": -283.9482,
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+ "X": -234.42567,
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+ "X": -235.56671,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 241.9075,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 292.1822,
+ "Z": -420.3809
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 389.8699,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 254.56653,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 270.0416,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 312.56534,
+ "Z": -374.04062
+ },
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+ "X": 311.42432,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 367.6212,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 368.56464,
+ "Z": -362.0404
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 425.4471,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 254.56653,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 270.0416,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 312.56534,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 328.0404,
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+ },
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+ "X": 367.6212,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 368.56464,
+ "Z": -362.0404
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 384.0397,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 242.56662,
+ "Z": -304.0414
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": 300.0593,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300.56543,
+ "Z": -316.04132
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 367.7514,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 365.4238,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 388.03958,
+ "Z": -299.41934
+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ "Z": -316.8421
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 183.6819,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 225.9499,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 258.0415,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.214
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 300.5656,
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+ },
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+ "X": 299.4246,
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+ },
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+ "X": 283.9491,
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+ },
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+ "X": 316.04068,
+ "Z": -241.42017
+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "West": {
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+ "X": 349.9487,
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+ "X": 382.04028,
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+ },
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+ "X": 320.0034,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -374.7566,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -364,
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+ "X": -364,
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+ "X": -232,
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+ },
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+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "X": -369.8,
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+ "X": -334.2,
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+ },
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+ "X": -299.914,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -282.2,
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+ },
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+ "X": -244.3859,
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+ "X": -244,
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+ "X": -226.2,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 292.1822,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 256,
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+ "X": 273.8,
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+ },
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+ "X": 312,
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+ "X": 312.00613,
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+ "X": 294.2,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 368,
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+ "X": 350.2,
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+ "X": 385.8,
+ "Z": -344
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+ "X": 261.8,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ }
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+ }
+ },
+ "1.17": {
+ "DungeonId": 1,
+ "Floorset": 16,
+ "RoomsA": {
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Z": -404.8383
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 255.7953,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 256,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 238.2,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 273.8,
+ "Z": -344.00613
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 312.0199,
+ "Z": -359.8006
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 312,
+ "Z": -373.8
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 312.00613,
+ "Z": -338.2
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 294.2,
+ "Z": -356.00613
+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 329.8,
+ "Z": -356.00613
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 367.9919,
+ "Z": -346.235
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 368,
+ "Z": -361.8
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 350.2,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 385.8,
+ "Z": -344
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ },
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+ "X": 423.9744,
+ "Z": -358.9135
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 187.9247,
+ "Z": -303.1526
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": 243.8179,
+ "Z": -290.1868
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 226.2,
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 261.8,
+ "Z": -288.00613
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300.0593,
+ "Z": -302.7772
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -317.8
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300.00613,
+ "Z": -282.2
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 282.2,
+ "Z": -300.00613
+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 317.8,
+ "Z": -300.00613
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 352.1592,
+ "Z": -303.0645
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 334.2,
+ "Z": -300.00613
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 369.8,
+ "Z": -300
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 407.5428,
+ "Z": -314.7849
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 191.4722,
+ "Z": -238.0882
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 248.2417,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 248,
+ "Z": -230.2
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 230.2,
+ "Z": -248
+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 265.8,
+ "Z": -248
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 299.6617,
+ "Z": -250.8317
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -265.8
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300.00613,
+ "Z": -230.2
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 282.2,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 317.8,
+ "Z": -248.00615
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 355.2953,
+ "Z": -262.2832
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 356.00613,
+ "Z": -242.2
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 338.2,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 373.8,
+ "Z": -260.00613
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ },
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+ "X": 408.1609,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 248.2532,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 320.0034,
+ "Z": -195.9265
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 368.0628,
+ "Z": -206.9281
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "West": {
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": -375.8101,
+ "Z": 184.0421
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -287.8989,
+ "Z": 190.2825
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -219.2287,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -417.0273,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": -364.8857,
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ "X": -381.8,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -299.8871,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ "X": -226.2,
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+ "X": -352,
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+ "X": -312,
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+ },
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+ "X": -244,
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+ },
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+ "X": -226.2,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -417.0273,
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+ "X": -364,
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+ "X": -214.2,
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+ "X": -352,
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+ "X": -352,
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+ "X": -334.2,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -282.2,
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+ "X": -244.3859,
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+ "X": -244,
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+ },
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+ "Z": 369.8
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -312,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -244,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ "X": -244,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Z": -346.565
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 255.7953,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "X": 256,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 238.2,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 273.8,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ },
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+ "X": 312.0199,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 312,
+ "Z": -373.8
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 312.00613,
+ "Z": -338.2
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 294.2,
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+ },
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+ "X": 329.8,
+ "Z": -356.00613
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ },
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+ "X": 367.9919,
+ "Z": -346.235
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "X": 368,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 350.2,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 385.8,
+ "Z": -344
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ "X": 423.9744,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 243.8179,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 226.2,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 261.8,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 282.2,
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+ "X": 317.8,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 369.8,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 248,
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+ "X": 230.2,
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+ "X": 265.8,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300.00613,
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+ "X": 282.2,
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+ "X": 317.8,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
+ ]
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+ },
+ "1.19": {
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+ "Floorset": 18,
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+ {
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 248,
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+ "X": 230.2,
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+ "X": 265.8,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300.00613,
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+ "X": 282.2,
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+ "X": 317.8,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -180.1405,
+ "Z": 252.934
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ "X": -226.2,
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+ "X": -352,
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+ "X": -312,
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+ "X": -244,
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+ "X": -244,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -375.8101,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -287.8989,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -232,
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+ "X": -232,
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+ "X": -214.2,
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+ "X": -352,
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+ "X": -352,
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+ "X": -334.2,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -282.2,
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+ },
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+ "X": -244.3859,
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+ "X": -244,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -226.2,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -312,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 256,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 238.2,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 273.8,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ },
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "X": 312,
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+ },
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+ "X": 312.00613,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 294.2,
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+ "X": 329.8,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ },
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+ "X": 367.9919,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "X": 368,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 350.2,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 385.8,
+ "Z": -344
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ "X": 423.9744,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 261.8,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300.00613,
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+ },
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+ "X": 282.2,
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+ },
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+ "X": 317.8,
+ "Z": -300.00613
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 369.8,
+ "Z": -300
+ },
+ "Depth": 2
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+ },
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+ "X": 407.5428,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 248,
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 230.2,
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+ "X": 265.8,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300.00613,
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+ },
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+ "X": 282.2,
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+ "X": 317.8,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -345.52298,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -217.52298,
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+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "X": -370.47702,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -219.14818,
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+ },
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+ "X": -184.5,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 244,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 292,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 274.47702,
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+ },
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+ "X": 312,
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+ "X": 312,
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+ },
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+ "X": 312,
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+ },
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+ "X": 330.47702,
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+ "X": 368,
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+ "X": 368,
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+ },
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+ "X": 386.47702,
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+ "X": 432.5,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 244,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 318.47702,
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+ },
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+ "X": 246,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 318.47702,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 234,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 366.5,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": -372,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": -288,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -224,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -404,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "X": -351.9999,
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+ },
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+ "X": -351.9999,
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+ },
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": -370.47693,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -300.5,
+ "Z": 241
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+ "X": -299.9999,
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+ },
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+ "X": -299.9999,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": -235.9999,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -217.52287,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": -192,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": -382.47702,
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+ "X": -345.52298,
+ "Z": 299.99353
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -283.0333,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": -254.47702,
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+ "X": -217.52298,
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+ },
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+ "X": -180.5,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -352,
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+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "X": -370.47702,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 292,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 274.47702,
+ "Z": -345.0063
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ },
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+ "X": 312,
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+ "X": 311.9999,
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+ },
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+ "X": 311.9999,
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+ },
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 293.5229,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 330.47693,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 368,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ },
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+ "X": 432.5,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 262.47702,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 281.52298,
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+ "X": 318.47702,
+ "Z": -301.0063
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 374.47702,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 195.5,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 281.52298,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 318.47702,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
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+ "Floorset": 2,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -217.3,
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+ },
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+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "X": -351.9871,
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+ "X": -370.7,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": -217.3,
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+ },
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+ "X": -184,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 244,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 292,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 256,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 274.7,
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+ },
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+ "X": 312,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 293.3,
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+ },
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+ "X": 368,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 386.7,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 374.7,
+ "Z": -288.01117
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 262.7,
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+ },
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+ "Z": -262.7
+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 318.7,
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+ },
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+ "X": 356,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 337.3,
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+ "X": 374.7,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 320,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "Floorset": 3,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": -372,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": -288,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -404,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "X": -370.7,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": -300,
+ "Z": 262.7
+ },
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236.01291,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -217.3,
+ "Z": 255.99355
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
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+ "X": -382.7,
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+ },
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+ "X": -345.30002,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -299.9871,
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+ },
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+ "X": -318.7,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -235.98709,
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+ "X": -254.7,
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+ "X": -217.3,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "X": -351.9871,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ "X": -217.3,
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+ "X": -224,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 292,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 256,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 274.7,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 312,
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+ "X": 312,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 311.9871,
+ "Z": -337.3
+ },
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+ "X": 293.3,
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+ "X": 330.7,
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+ },
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+ "X": 368,
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+ "X": 368,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 349.3,
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+ },
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+ "X": 386.7,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ },
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+ "X": 424,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 188,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 225.3,
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+ "X": 262.7,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300.01495,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 318.7,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 337.3,
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+ },
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+ "X": 374.7,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 243.98709,
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+ },
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+ "X": 225.3,
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+ "X": 262.7,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 281.3,
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+ "X": 318.7,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 337.3,
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+ "X": 374.7,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -288.002,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -228,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 300.0078,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 272,
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+ },
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+ "X": 312,
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+ "X": 312,
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+ "X": 328,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 384,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 260,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 244,
+ "Z": -216
+ },
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+ "X": 228,
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+ },
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+ "X": 260,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 316,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 372,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -344,
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+ "X": -344,
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+ "X": -360,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -244,
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+ "X": -244,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -228,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -356.1487,
+ "Z": 297.2281
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -356,
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+ "Depth": 1
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -356,
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -372,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": -340,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -316,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -284,
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+ },
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+ "X": -243.9999,
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+ },
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+ "X": -244,
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+ "X": -244,
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": -260,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -228,
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+ },
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+ "X": -187.9608,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -391.6383,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -244,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 260,
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+ },
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+ "X": 316,
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+ },
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+ "X": 388,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 244,
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+ "X": 228,
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+ "X": 260,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 316,
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+ },
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+ "X": 372,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -228,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 300.227,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 256,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 272,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 312,
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+ "X": 312,
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+ "X": 296,
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+ },
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+ "X": 328,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 384,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 260,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 316,
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+ },
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+ "X": 388,
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+ },
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+ "X": 228,
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+ "X": 260,
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+ "X": 316,
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+ "X": 340,
+ "Z": -232.00552
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 372,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ "Floorset": 7,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -344,
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+ "X": -344,
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+ "X": -360,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -244,
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+ "X": -244,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": -228,
+ "Z": 251.99448
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Z": 297.0269
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -356,
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+ "Depth": 1
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+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -356,
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+ },
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -372,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": -340,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "South": {
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": -316,
+ "Z": 299.99448
+ },
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": -284,
+ "Z": 299.99448
+ },
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+ "X": -244.0003,
+ "Z": 308.9668
+ },
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+ "X": -244,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
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+ "X": -244,
+ "Z": 328
+ },
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -260,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -228,
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+ },
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+ "X": -187.9535,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -344,
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+ "X": -360,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -244,
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+ "X": -228,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 256,
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+ "X": 328,
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+ },
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+ "X": 260,
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+ },
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+ "X": 316,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 244,
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+ "X": 228,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 260,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 284,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 316,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 340,
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+ "X": 372,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -236,
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -219.72562,
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+ "X": -380.27438,
+ "Z": 299.9944
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -347.72562,
+ "Z": 300
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -316.27438,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -283.72562,
+ "Z": 299.9944
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
+ }
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+ "X": -235.8968,
+ "Z": 308.996
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -252.27438,
+ "Z": 312
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -219.72562,
+ "Z": 312
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "X": -368.27438,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -219.72562,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": 244.0486,
+ "Z": -410.9757
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 292.126,
+ "Z": -414.9825
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 204.1231,
+ "Z": -347.036
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 256,
+ "Z": -360.27438
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 239.72562,
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+ "X": 272.27438,
+ "Z": -344
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 312.0288,
+ "Z": -359.0013
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 312.0002,
+ "Z": -372.27438
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 312.0002,
+ "Z": -339.72562
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 295.72583,
+ "Z": -356
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 328.2746,
+ "Z": -356
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 368.2337,
+ "Z": -346.8454
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 368,
+ "Z": -360.27438
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 351.72562,
+ "Z": -344
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 384.27438,
+ "Z": -344
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 424.0288,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 227.72562,
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+ "X": 260.27438,
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+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 283.72562,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 316.27438,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 339.72562,
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+ "X": 372.27438,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 244,
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+ "X": 227.72562,
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+ "X": 260.27438,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 283.72562,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 356,
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+ "X": 339.72562,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
+ }
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+ }
+ },
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+ "Floorset": 9,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -403.7956,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "X": -368.27438,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -236,
+ "Z": 239.72562
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -219.72562,
+ "Z": 256
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -179.563,
+ "Z": 252.97
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": -415.7187,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -363.8582,
+ "Z": 297.051
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -364,
+ "Z": 283.72562
+ },
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -380.27438,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -347.72562,
+ "Z": 300
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -299.9097,
+ "Z": 296.9191
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -316.27438,
+ "Z": 300
+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -283.72562,
+ "Z": 299.9944
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -235.8968,
+ "Z": 308.996
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -236,
+ "Z": 295.72562
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
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+ "X": -236,
+ "Z": 328.27438
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -252.27438,
+ "Z": 312
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -219.72562,
+ "Z": 312
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": -183.9918,
+ "Z": 309.0591
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ }
+ },
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+ "X": -404.0349,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -352,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -368.27438,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": -300.0071,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -219.72562,
+ "Z": 368
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+ "Depth": 0.5
+ }
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+ "X": -183.9746,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -279.9631,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 239.72562,
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+ "X": 272.27438,
+ "Z": -344
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+ "Depth": 0.5
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+ },
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+ "X": 328.2746,
+ "Z": -356
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+ "X": 368,
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+ "X": 260.27438,
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+ "Depth": 0.5
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 316.27438,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
+ }
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+ "X": 372.27438,
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+ "Depth": 0.5
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 244,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 227.72562,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 260.27438,
+ "Z": -232
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+ "Depth": 0.5
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+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -260.27438
+ },
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+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -227.72562
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
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+ "X": 283.72562,
+ "Z": -244
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+ "X": 316.27438,
+ "Z": -244
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 356,
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+ },
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+ "X": 339.72562,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 372.27438,
+ "Z": -232
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.5
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+ "X": 408.1072,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -299.9993,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -364,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -238,
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+ },
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+ "X": -222,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -364,
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+ "X": -364,
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+ "X": -380,
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+ "X": -348,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -284,
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+ },
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+ "X": -216,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -198,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": 230,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 230,
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+ "Z": -378
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 214,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 246,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 278,
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+ "X": 322,
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+ },
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+ "X": 370,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 354,
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+ "X": 386,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 244,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 260,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 380,
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+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -166.9995
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
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+ "Floorset": 1,
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+ "Rooms": [
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -387.9985,
+ "Z": 152.9999
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -434.9998,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -363.9998,
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
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+ "X": -364,
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+ "Depth": 1
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -380,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
+ "Z": 228
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": -237.9994,
+ "Z": 227
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+ },
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+ "X": -238,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": -238,
+ "Z": 246
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+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -222,
+ "Z": 229.99965
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ },
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+ "X": -181.9995,
+ "Z": 226.9999
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": -435.9997,
+ "Z": 296.9998
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -363.9999,
+ "Z": 272.9998
+ },
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+ "X": -364,
+ "Z": 260
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": -364,
+ "Z": 292
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -380,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -348,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -299.9999,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
+ "Z": 284
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "South": {
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+ "X": -300,
+ "Z": 316
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -316,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -284,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -237.9999,
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+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -238,
+ "Z": 278
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -238,
+ "Z": 322
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "West": {
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+ "X": -260,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -216,
+ "Z": 299.99966
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -161.0001,
+ "Z": 296.9999
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Z": 342.9998
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -364,
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+ },
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+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -364,
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+ "Depth": 1
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": -386,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": -299.9999,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
+ "Z": 348
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "South": {
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "Depth": 1
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -214,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -214,
+ "Z": 354
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -214,
+ "Z": 386
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": -198,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -299.9999,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -238,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 229.9989,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 370,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 230,
+ "Z": -378
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+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": 246,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 370,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 260,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 316,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 220,
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+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": 204,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 236,
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+ },
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+ "X": 276,
+ "Z": -220
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+ "X": 260,
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+ },
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+ "X": 292,
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+ },
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 324,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 368,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 299.9994,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 345.9996,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -363.9031,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": -299.9993,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -427.9748,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -364,
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+ "X": -364,
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+ "Depth": 1.8
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+ "X": -364,
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+ "X": -383,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "Depth": 1.8
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -217,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": -171.9998,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -364,
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+ "X": -364,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -383,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -345,
+ "Z": 299.99344
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -319,
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+ "X": -281,
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
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+ "X": -236,
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+ "Depth": 1.8
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+ "X": -236,
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+ },
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+ "X": -255,
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+ "X": -217,
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+ },
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+ "X": -172.0004,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -364,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -236,
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+ "X": -217,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 236,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 236,
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+ "X": 236,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 217,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 254.9999,
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+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -345
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+ "X": 281,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 319,
+ "Z": -364.00656
+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 364,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 345,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
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+ "X": 383,
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+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 428,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 236,
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+ "X": 217,
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+ "X": 255,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 281,
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+ "X": 319,
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 345,
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+ "X": 383,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 281,
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+ "X": 319,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "3.4": {
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+ "Floorset": 3,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -363.9031,
+ "Z": 170.0488
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -299.9993,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -235.9883,
+ "Z": 169.0004
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
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+ "X": -364,
+ "Z": 255
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -383,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -300,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
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+ "X": -300,
+ "Z": 255
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -235.9996,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -236,
+ "Z": 217.0001
+ },
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+ "X": -236,
+ "Z": 255
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -217,
+ "Z": 235.99344
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": -171.9998,
+ "Z": 233
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": -428.2621,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -363.9991,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -364,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -364,
+ "Z": 319
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -383,
+ "Z": 299.99344
+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -345,
+ "Z": 299.99344
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": -300,
+ "Z": 297.0007
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -300,
+ "Z": 281
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -300,
+ "Z": 319
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -319,
+ "Z": 299.99344
+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -281,
+ "Z": 299.99344
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -236,
+ "Z": 296.9999
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -236,
+ "Z": 281
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -236,
+ "Z": 319
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -255,
+ "Z": 299.99344
+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -217,
+ "Z": 299.99344
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -172.0004,
+ "Z": 297
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -428.1913,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -364,
+ "Z": 345.0001
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -364,
+ "Z": 383
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -383,
+ "Z": 363.99344
+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -300,
+ "Z": 345
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -300,
+ "Z": 383
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -235.9994,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -236,
+ "Z": 345
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -236,
+ "Z": 383
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -217,
+ "Z": 363.99344
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": -172.0001,
+ "Z": 360.9999
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -364,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "X": -235.9997,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "RoomsB": {
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+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 236,
+ "Z": -424.9982
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
+ {
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "X": 364,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 172,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 236,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 236,
+ "Z": -383
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 217,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 254.9999,
+ "Z": -364.00656
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -360.9985
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -383
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -345
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+ "Depth": 1.8
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 281,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 319,
+ "Z": -364.00656
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "X": 364,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 364,
+ "Z": -383
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 345,
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+ "X": 383,
+ "Z": -364.00656
+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
+ }
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+ "X": 428,
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+ "X": 217,
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+ "X": 255,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 319,
+ "Z": -300
+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 364,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 383,
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+ },
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+ "X": 428,
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+ "X": 172,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 236,
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+ },
+ "West": {
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+ "X": 217,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 255,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -255
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+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -217
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 281,
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+ },
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+ "X": 319,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 364,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 364,
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+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 345,
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+ },
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+ "X": 382.9999,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1.8
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+ "X": 428,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 236,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 364,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
+ }
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+ }
+ },
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+ "Floorset": 4,
+ "RoomsA": {
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -374.7566,
+ "Z": 183.0325
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -287.8989,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -355.0793,
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+ "X": -354.99368,
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+ },
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+ "X": -354.9937,
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+ },
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+ "X": -371.9937,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -299.99396,
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+ },
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+ "X": -299.994,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -234.99408,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -217.9941,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -366.99326,
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+ "X": -366.9931,
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+ "X": -383.9933,
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+ "X": -349.9933,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ }
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+ "X": -299.914,
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+ "X": -299.99377,
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+ },
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+ "X": -299.9903,
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+ },
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+ "X": -316.9938,
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+ "X": -282.9938,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -234.99619,
+ "Z": 296.9932
+ },
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+ "X": -234.99622,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -251.9962,
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+ "X": -217.9962,
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+ },
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+ "X": -180.6718,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -354.99078,
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+ },
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+ "X": -299.99106,
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+ },
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+ "X": -234.99438,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -217.9944,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 241.9075,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 292.1822,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 389.8699,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 253.99602,
+ "Z": -362.9945
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 236.996,
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+ },
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+ "X": 270.996,
+ "Z": -345.98865
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 319.6569,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 311.99484,
+ "Z": -374.9948
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 311.9948,
+ "Z": -340.9948
+ },
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+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 294.9948,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 328.9948,
+ "Z": -357.98895
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 367.6212,
+ "Z": -349.1082
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 367.99414,
+ "Z": -362.9946
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 350.9941,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 384.9941,
+ "Z": -345.98874
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 425.4471,
+ "Z": -362.718
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 258.9961,
+ "Z": -287.98975
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 300.0593,
+ "Z": -302.7772
+ },
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+ "X": 299.99493,
+ "Z": -316.9955
+ },
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+ "X": 299.9949,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 316.9949,
+ "Z": -299.98965
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 367.7514,
+ "Z": -303.0645
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 388.994,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 258.99588,
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+ "X": 299.99512,
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+ },
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+ "X": 299.9951,
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+ },
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+ "X": 282.9951,
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+ "X": 316.9951,
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+ },
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+ "X": 382.9947,
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+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "3.6": {
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+ "Floorset": 5,
+ "RoomsA": {
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -354.99368,
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+ "X": -234.99408,
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+ },
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+ "X": -217.9941,
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+ "X": -366.99326,
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+ "X": -366.9931,
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+ "X": -349.9933,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": -299.99377,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -282.9938,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": -234.99619,
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+ },
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+ "X": -234.99622,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -251.9962,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -217.9962,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": -180.6718,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -345.9205,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -354.99078,
+ "Z": 340.9932
+ },
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+ "X": -354.9908,
+ "Z": 374.9932
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -371.991,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -299.99106,
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+ },
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+ "X": -299.9911,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -234.99438,
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+ },
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+ "X": -234.99442,
+ "Z": 386.9926
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -217.9944,
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+ },
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+ "X": -177.7759,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -366.6518,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -320.0814,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 292.1822,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 253.99602,
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+ "X": 236.996,
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+ "X": 270.996,
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+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 311.99484,
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+ "X": 311.9948,
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+ "X": 328.9948,
+ "Z": -357.98895
+ },
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+ "X": 384.9941,
+ "Z": -345.98874
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
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+ "X": 316.9949,
+ "Z": -299.98965
+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 388.994,
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+ },
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+ "X": 241.99588,
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+ },
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+ "X": 258.99588,
+ "Z": -241.99043
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 282.9951,
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+ "X": 316.9951,
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+ },
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+ "X": 382.9947,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "RoomsA": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -287.8989,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -355.0793,
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+ "X": -354.99368,
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+ },
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+ "X": -354.9937,
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+ },
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+ "X": -371.9937,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -299.99396,
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+ },
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+ "X": -299.994,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -234.99408,
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+ },
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+ "X": -234.99408,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -217.9941,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -366.99326,
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+ "X": -366.9931,
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+ },
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+ "X": -383.9933,
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+ "X": -349.9933,
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+ },
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+ "X": -299.914,
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+ "X": -299.99377,
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+ },
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+ "X": -316.9938,
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+ "X": -282.9938,
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+ },
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+ "X": -234.99619,
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+ },
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+ "X": -234.99622,
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+ "X": -251.9962,
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+ "X": -217.9962,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -217.9944,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 241.9075,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 292.1822,
+ "Z": -420.3809
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 253.99602,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 236.996,
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+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 311.99484,
+ "Z": -374.9948
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 311.9948,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 328.9948,
+ "Z": -357.98895
+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 367.6212,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 367.99414,
+ "Z": -362.9946
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 350.9941,
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+ "X": 384.9941,
+ "Z": -345.98874
+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 258.9961,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300.0593,
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+ },
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+ "X": 316.9949,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "3.8": {
+ "DungeonId": 3,
+ "Floorset": 7,
+ "RoomsA": {
+ "Rooms": [
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": -374.7566,
+ "Z": 183.0325
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -287.8989,
+ "Z": 178.1563
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -223.1265,
+ "Z": 193.6945
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -402.5998,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -355.0793,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -354.99368,
+ "Z": 226.9958
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -354.9937,
+ "Z": 260.9958
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -371.9937,
+ "Z": 244.00168
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -299.99396,
+ "Z": 226.9956
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -299.994,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": -225.0836,
+ "Z": 262.5056
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -234.99408,
+ "Z": 238.9954
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -234.99408,
+ "Z": 272.99542
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -217.9941,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": -175.5846,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -420.2265,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -367.1488,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -366.99326,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -366.9931,
+ "Z": 316.994
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -383.9933,
+ "Z": 299.99985
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -349.9933,
+ "Z": 299.99985
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -299.914,
+ "Z": 305.8483
+ },
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+ "X": -299.99377,
+ "Z": 278.9905
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -299.9903,
+ "Z": 320.9902
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -316.9938,
+ "Z": 299.99615
+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -282.9938,
+ "Z": 301.99615
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -234.9083,
+ "Z": 310.8708
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -234.99619,
+ "Z": 296.9932
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -234.99622,
+ "Z": 330.9932
+ },
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+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -251.9962,
+ "Z": 313.99905
+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -217.9962,
+ "Z": 313.99905
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -180.6718,
+ "Z": 311.2285
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -409.0223,
+ "Z": 355.6356
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -345.9205,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -354.99078,
+ "Z": 340.9932
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -354.9908,
+ "Z": 374.9932
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -371.991,
+ "Z": 357.99905
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": -308.5666,
+ "Z": 355.7528
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -299.99106,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -299.9911,
+ "Z": 374.9933
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ "Z": 365.491
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -234.99438,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -234.99442,
+ "Z": 386.9926
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -217.9944,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": -177.7759,
+ "Z": 366.8867
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -366.6518,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -320.0814,
+ "Z": 414.084
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -223.3746,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 241.9075,
+ "Z": -409.0655
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": 292.1822,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 389.8699,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 253.99602,
+ "Z": -362.9945
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 236.996,
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+ "X": 270.996,
+ "Z": -345.98865
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 319.6569,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 311.99484,
+ "Z": -374.9948
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 311.9948,
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+ },
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+ "X": 294.9948,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 328.9948,
+ "Z": -357.98895
+ },
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+ "X": 367.6212,
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+ },
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+ "X": 367.99414,
+ "Z": -362.9946
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+ "Z": -345.98874
+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 258.9961,
+ "Z": -287.98975
+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 300.0593,
+ "Z": -302.7772
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 299.99493,
+ "Z": -316.9955
+ },
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+ "X": 299.9949,
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+ "X": 316.9949,
+ "Z": -299.98965
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ }
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+ "X": 367.7514,
+ "Z": -303.0653
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 388.994,
+ "Z": -299.98953
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 241.99588,
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+ },
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+ "X": 258.99588,
+ "Z": -241.99043
+ },
+ "Depth": 2.2
+ }
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+ "X": 299.99512,
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+ },
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+ "X": 299.9951,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 282.9951,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 316.9951,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 348.9947,
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+ "X": 382.9947,
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "X": 418.4793,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 320.0034,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": 379.041,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
+ }
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+ }
+ },
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+ "Floorset": 8,
+ "RoomsA": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": -377.4217,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -297.3352,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -464.5493,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -380.4141,
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+ "X": -380,
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+ },
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+ "X": -380,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ "X": -220,
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+ },
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+ "X": -220,
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+ },
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+ "X": -199.638,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -380,
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+ "X": -380,
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+ },
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+ "X": -380,
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+ },
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+ "X": -359.638,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
+ "Z": 297
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -300,
+ "Z": 279.638
+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": -279.638,
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+ },
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+ "X": -220.0636,
+ "Z": 297
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+ "X": -220,
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+ },
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+ "X": -220,
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+ },
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+ "X": -240.362,
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+ "X": -199.638,
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+ },
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+ "X": -135.2843,
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+ "X": -379.9251,
+ "Z": 377.1001
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "X": -380,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": -220,
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+ },
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+ "X": -220,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 222.6735,
+ "Z": -467.4394
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 302.731,
+ "Z": -467.8465
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 382.6952,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 135.6577,
+ "Z": -385.729
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 219.6897,
+ "Z": -382.7401
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 220,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 199.638,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 240.36191,
+ "Z": -380
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 298.7249,
+ "Z": -385.0645
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -400.362
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -359.638
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 279.638,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 320.362,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 380.159,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 380,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 359.638,
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+ },
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+ "X": 400.362,
+ "Z": -380
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 464.779,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 220.1101,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 199.638,
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+ "X": 240.362,
+ "Z": -300.00702
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "West": {
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+ "X": 279.638,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 320.362,
+ "Z": -300
+ },
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+ "X": 379.9307,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 359.638,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 400.362,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 220,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 300,
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+ "X": 320.362,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 380,
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+ "X": 400.3619,
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+ "Floorset": 9,
+ "RoomsA": {
+ "Rooms": [
+ {
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Depth": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -377.4217,
+ "Z": 131.9129
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "X": -297.3352,
+ "Z": 132.3478
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": -217.3902,
+ "Z": 131.9444
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": -464.5493,
+ "Z": 214.0658
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -380.4141,
+ "Z": 218.7522
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -380,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 1
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+ "X": -380,
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+ },
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -400.362,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ "X": -300,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": -220.7222,
+ "Z": 218.8539
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -220,
+ "Z": 199.63809
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -220,
+ "Z": 240.36201
+ },
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+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -199.638,
+ "Z": 219.99297
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -135.7887,
+ "Z": 219.8152
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -464.5605,
+ "Z": 294.4485
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -380,
+ "Z": 297
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -380,
+ "Z": 279.638
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -380,
+ "Z": 320.362
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -400.362,
+ "Z": 299.99298
+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -359.638,
+ "Z": 299.99298
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -300,
+ "Z": 297
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -300,
+ "Z": 279.638
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -300,
+ "Z": 320.362
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -320.362,
+ "Z": 299.99298
+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -279.638,
+ "Z": 299.99298
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -220.0636,
+ "Z": 297
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -220,
+ "Z": 279.638
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -220,
+ "Z": 320.362
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -240.362,
+ "Z": 299.99298
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -199.638,
+ "Z": 299.99298
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -135.2843,
+ "Z": 299.6435
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -464.6832,
+ "Z": 374.2941
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -379.9251,
+ "Z": 377.1001
+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -380,
+ "Z": 359.6381
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -380,
+ "Z": 400.362
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -400.362,
+ "Z": 379.99298
+ },
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+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -299.8572,
+ "Z": 376.6748
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -300,
+ "Z": 359.638
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -300,
+ "Z": 400.362
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -218.6692,
+ "Z": 374.0952
+ },
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+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -220,
+ "Z": 359.638
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -220,
+ "Z": 400.362
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": -199.638,
+ "Z": 379.99298
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -135.5744,
+ "Z": 379.7612
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -382.7403,
+ "Z": 462.8701
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -302.7381,
+ "Z": 461.5305
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": -222.6702,
+ "Z": 462.3714
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "RoomsB": {
+ "Rooms": [
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 222.6735,
+ "Z": -467.4394
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 302.731,
+ "Z": -467.8465
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ },
+ {
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 382.6952,
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+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ }
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "Depth": 0
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 135.6577,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 0,
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+ "East": {
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+ "X": 0,
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+ },
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+ "X": 219.6897,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 220,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
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+ "X": 199.638,
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+ },
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+ "X": 240.36191,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 298.7249,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -359.638
+ },
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+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 279.638,
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+ },
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+ "X": 320.362,
+ "Z": -380.00702
+ },
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+ },
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+ "X": 380.159,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 380,
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+ },
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+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
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+ "X": 359.638,
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+ },
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+ "Position": {
+ "X": 400.362,
+ "Z": -380
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 464.779,
+ "Z": -380.3957
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 135.4983,
+ "Z": -305.7232
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 220.1101,
+ "Z": -303.047
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 199.638,
+ "Z": -300
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 240.362,
+ "Z": -300.00702
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -303
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -320.362
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -279.638
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 279.638,
+ "Z": -300
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 320.362,
+ "Z": -300
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 379.9307,
+ "Z": -303
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 359.638,
+ "Z": -300
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 400.362,
+ "Z": -300
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 464.7761,
+ "Z": -300.4514
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 135.4372,
+ "Z": -225.5491
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 219.282,
+ "Z": -224.4913
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 220,
+ "Z": -199.63799
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 199.638,
+ "Z": -220
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 240.362,
+ "Z": -220.00703
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -222.9034
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -240.36201
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 300,
+ "Z": -199.63799
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 279.638,
+ "Z": -220
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 320.362,
+ "Z": -220
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 380.0489,
+ "Z": -222.9002
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 380,
+ "Z": -199.63799
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 359.638,
+ "Z": -220
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 400.3619,
+ "Z": -220
+ },
+ "Depth": 1
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 464.9267,
+ "Z": -220.3926
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 217.3246,
+ "Z": -138.528
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 297.381,
+ "Z": -138.3245
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 377.3699,
+ "Z": -138.6309
+ },
+ "Depth": 0.25
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "Center": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "North": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "South": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "West": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ },
+ "East": {
+ "Position": {
+ "X": 0,
+ "Z": 0
+ },
+ "Depth": 0
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D100NybethObdilord.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D100NybethObdilord.cs
index ccaa085f7f..7261c3f5d9 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D100NybethObdilord.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D100NybethObdilord.cs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class Catapult(BossModule module) : Components.LocationTargetedAOEs(module, Acti
class CorseAdds(BossModule module) : Components.AddsMulti(module, [(uint)OID.BicephalicCorse, (uint)OID.GiantCorse, (uint)OID.IronCorse]);
class Doom(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Doom), new AOEShapeCone(47.4f, 60.Degrees()));
class Shackle(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Shackle), new AOEShapeRect(52.4f, 4, 0));
-class SummonDarkness(BossModule module) : Components.RaidwideCast(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.SummonDarkness), "Summoning the corse, incoming Adds! \nRemember to use a resolution to make them permanently disappear");
+class SummonDarkness(BossModule module) : Components.CastHint(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.SummonDarkness), "Summoning the corse, incoming Adds! \nRemember to use a resolution to make them permanently disappear");
class EncounterHints(BossModule module) : BossComponent(module)
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D10PalaceDeathgaze.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D10PalaceDeathgaze.cs
index 9a8eb2417e..b603ba933c 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D10PalaceDeathgaze.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D10PalaceDeathgaze.cs
@@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ public D10PalaceDeathgazeStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, Contributors = "LegendofIceman", GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 174, NameID = 4986)]
-public class D10PalaceDeathgaze(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -220), new ArenaBoundsCircle(25));
+public class D10PalaceDeathgaze(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -220), new ArenaBoundsCircle(24));
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D110Alicanto.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D110Alicanto.cs
index 6691c8862f..ae3bc1a4d8 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D110Alicanto.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D110Alicanto.cs
@@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ public D110AlicantoStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, Contributors = "LegendofIceman", GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 209, NameID = 5371)]
-public class D110Alicanto(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -235), new ArenaBoundsCircle(25));
+public class D110Alicanto(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -235), new ArenaBoundsCircle(24));
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D120Kirtimukha.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D120Kirtimukha.cs
index 0798382cf3..eb111a4fb9 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D120Kirtimukha.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D120Kirtimukha.cs
@@ -24,12 +24,18 @@ class BossAdds(BossModule module) : Components.Adds(module, (uint)OID.DeepPalace
public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignment assignment, AIHints hints)
foreach (var e in hints.PotentialTargets)
- e.Priority = (OID)e.Actor.OID switch
+ {
+ switch ((OID)e.Actor.OID)
- OID.DeepPalaceHornet => 2,
- OID.Boss => 1,
- _ => 0
- };
+ case OID.DeepPalaceHornet:
+ e.Priority = 2;
+ e.ForbidDOTs = true;
+ break;
+ case OID.Boss:
+ e.Priority = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
class BloodyCaress(BossModule module) : Components.Cleave(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.BloodyCaress), new AOEShapeCone(11.6f, 60.Degrees()), activeWhileCasting: false);
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D130Alfard.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D130Alfard.cs
index ff4e16d3b8..acd23ee7d8 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D130Alfard.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D130Alfard.cs
@@ -17,12 +17,14 @@ public enum AID : uint
class Dissever(BossModule module) : Components.Cleave(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Dissever), new AOEShapeCone(10.8f, 45.Degrees()), activeWhileCasting: false);
-class BallofFire(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzone(module, 6, m => m.Enemies(OID.FireVoidPuddle).Where(z => z.EventState != 7));
-class BallofIce(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzone(module, 6, m => m.Enemies(OID.IceVoidPuddle).Where(z => z.EventState != 7));
+class BallofFire(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzoneAtCastTarget(module, 6, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.BallOfFire), m => m.Enemies(OID.FireVoidPuddle).Where(z => z.EventState != 7), 2.1f);
+class BallofIce(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzoneAtCastTarget(module, 6, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.BallOfIce), m => m.Enemies(OID.IceVoidPuddle).Where(z => z.EventState != 7), 2.1f);
class FearItself(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.FearItself), new AOEShapeDonut(5, 50));
class Hints(BossModule module) : BossComponent(module)
+ // arena is like a weird octagon and the boss also doesn't cast from the center
+ private static readonly WPos FearCastSource = new(-300, -236);
public int NumCasts { get; private set; }
public override void OnEventCast(Actor caster, ActorCastEvent spell)
@@ -43,6 +45,14 @@ public override void AddGlobalHints(GlobalHints hints)
if (NumCasts >= 4)
hints.Add($"Run to the middle of the arena! \n{Module.PrimaryActor.Name} is about to cast a donut AOE!");
+ public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignment assignment, AIHints hints)
+ {
+ if (NumCasts < 4)
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(new AOEShapeCircle(11), FearCastSource, activation: WorldState.FutureTime(10f));
+ else
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(new AOEShapeDonut(5, 50), FearCastSource, activation: WorldState.FutureTime(10f));
+ }
class D130AlfardStates : StateMachineBuilder
@@ -59,4 +69,4 @@ public D130AlfardStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, Contributors = "LegendofIceman", GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 211, NameID = 5397)]
-public class D130Alfard(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -235), new ArenaBoundsCircle(25));
+public class D130Alfard(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -237), new ArenaBoundsCircle(24));
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D140AhPuch.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D140AhPuch.cs
index 037a80a5d5..9aa58c6089 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D140AhPuch.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D140AhPuch.cs
@@ -54,4 +54,4 @@ public D140AhPuchStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, Contributors = "LegendofIceman", GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 212, NameID = 5410)]
-public class D140AhPuch(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -237), new ArenaBoundsCircle(25));
+public class D140AhPuch(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -237), new ArenaBoundsCircle(24));
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D150Tisiphone.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D150Tisiphone.cs
index 4f67374a81..2b674db931 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D150Tisiphone.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D150Tisiphone.cs
@@ -26,7 +26,29 @@ public enum AID : uint
class BloodRain(BossModule module) : Components.RaidwideCast(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.BloodRain), "Heavy Raidwide damage! Also killing any add that is currently up");
-class BossAdds(BossModule module) : Components.AddsMulti(module, [(uint)OID.FanaticZombie, (uint)OID.FanaticSuccubus]);
+class BossAdds(BossModule module) : Components.AddsMulti(module, [(uint)OID.FanaticZombie, (uint)OID.FanaticSuccubus])
+ public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignment assignment, AIHints hints)
+ {
+ if (actor.Class.GetRole() is Role.Ranged or Role.Healer)
+ {
+ // ignore all adds, just attack boss
+ hints.PrioritizeTargetsByOID(OID.Boss, 5);
+ foreach (var zombie in Module.Enemies(OID.FanaticZombie))
+ {
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(new AOEShapeCircle(3), zombie.Position);
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(new AOEShapeCircle(8), zombie.Position, activation: WorldState.FutureTime(5));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // kill zombies first, they have low health
+ hints.PrioritizeTargetsByOID(OID.FanaticZombie, 5);
+ // attack boss, ignore succubus
+ hints.PrioritizeTargetsByOID(OID.Boss, 1);
+ }
+ }
class DarkMist(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.DarkMist), new AOEShapeCircle(10));
class Desolation(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Desolation), new AOEShapeRect(57.3f, 3));
class FatalAllure(BossModule module) : Components.SingleTargetCast(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.FatalAllure), "Boss is life stealing from the succubus");
@@ -35,9 +57,6 @@ class TerrorEye(BossModule module) : Components.LocationTargetedAOEs(module, Act
class VoidAero(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.VoidAero), new AOEShapeRect(42.3f, 4));
class VoidFireII(BossModule module) : Components.LocationTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.VoidFireII), 5);
class VoidFireIV(BossModule module) : Components.LocationTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.VoidFireIV), 10);
-class ZombieGrab(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzone(module, 2, m => m.Enemies(OID.FanaticZombie)); // Future note to Ice(self): Not entirely sure if I'm happy with this per se? It shows to essentially stay away from the zombies but, maybe a better hint when I can think of one
-// TODO: Add a switch to target the zombie that is currently attached to you. Missing the status effect that it gives when caught.
class EncounterHints(BossModule module) : BossComponent(module)
@@ -62,7 +81,6 @@ public D150TisiphoneStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
- .ActivateOnEnter()
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D160Todesritter.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D160Todesritter.cs
index dd62e28e58..c875d7ec32 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D160Todesritter.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D160Todesritter.cs
@@ -18,29 +18,68 @@ public enum AID : uint
class CleaveAuto(BossModule module) : Components.Cleave(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.AutoAttack), new AOEShapeCone(11.92f, 45.Degrees()), activeWhileCasting: false);
-class HallOfSorrow(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzone(module, 9, m => m.Enemies(OID.Voidzone).Where(z => z.EventState != 7));
+class HallOfSorrow(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzoneAtCastTarget(module, 9, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.HallOfSorrow), m => m.Enemies(OID.Voidzone).Where(z => z.EventState != 7), 1.3f);
class Infatuation(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Infatuation), new AOEShapeCircle(7));
class Valfodr(BossModule module) : Components.BaitAwayChargeCast(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Valfodr), 3);
-class ValfodrKB(BossModule module) : Components.Knockback(module) // note actual knockback is delayed by upto 1.2s in replay
+class ValfodrKB(BossModule module) : Components.Knockback(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Valfodr), stopAtWall: true) // note actual knockback is delayed by upto 1.2s in replay
- private DateTime _activation;
+ private int _target;
+ private Source? _source;
+ private Infatuation? _infatuation;
public override IEnumerable Sources(int slot, Actor actor)
- if (Module.FindComponent()?.CurrentBaits.Count > 0)
- yield return new(Module.PrimaryActor.Position, 25, _activation, Module.FindComponent()!.CurrentBaits[0].Shape, Angle.FromDirection(Module.FindComponent()!.CurrentBaits[0].Target.Position - Module.PrimaryActor.Position), Kind: Kind.DirForward);
+ if (_target == slot && _source != null)
+ yield return _source.Value;
public override void OnCastStarted(Actor caster, ActorCastInfo spell)
- if ((AID)spell.Action.ID == AID.Valfodr)
+ if (spell.Action == WatchedAction)
- _activation = Module.CastFinishAt(spell);
- StopAtWall = true;
+ _source = new(caster.Position, 25, Module.CastFinishAt(spell));
+ _target = Raid.FindSlot(spell.TargetID);
- public override bool DestinationUnsafe(int slot, Actor actor, WPos pos) => (Module.FindComponent()?.ActiveAOEs(slot, actor).Any(z => z.Shape.Check(pos, z.Origin, z.Rotation)) ?? false) || (Module.FindComponent()?.ActiveAOEs(slot, actor).Any(z => z.Shape.Check(pos, z.Origin, z.Rotation)) ?? false);
+ public override void OnCastFinished(Actor caster, ActorCastInfo spell)
+ {
+ if (spell.Action == WatchedAction)
+ {
+ _target = -1;
+ _source = null;
+ }
+ }
+ private Func? GetFireballZone()
+ {
+ _infatuation ??= Module.FindComponent();
+ if (_infatuation == null || _infatuation.Casters.Count == 0)
+ return null;
+ return ShapeDistance.Union(_infatuation.Casters.Select(c => ShapeDistance.Circle(c.Position, 7)).ToList());
+ }
+ public override bool DestinationUnsafe(int slot, Actor actor, WPos pos) => GetFireballZone() is var z && z != null && z(pos) < 0;
+ public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignment assignment, AIHints hints)
+ {
+ if (_target != slot || _source == null)
+ return;
+ var dangerZone = GetFireballZone();
+ if (dangerZone == null)
+ return;
+ var kbSource = _source.Value.Origin;
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(p =>
+ {
+ var dir = (p - kbSource).Normalized();
+ var proj = Arena.ClampToBounds(p + dir * 25);
+ return dangerZone(proj);
+ }, _source.Value.Activation);
+ }
class D160TodesritterStates : StateMachineBuilder
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D180Dendainsonne.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D180Dendainsonne.cs
index 6bbcaae908..4e7815db67 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D180Dendainsonne.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D180Dendainsonne.cs
@@ -24,10 +24,15 @@ class Maelstrom(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzone(module, 10, m
class EclipticMeteor(BossModule module) : Components.RaidwideCast(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.EclipticMeteor), "Kill him before he kills you! 80% max HP damage incoming!");
class Thunderbolt(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Thunderbolt), new AOEShapeCone(16.6f, 60.Degrees()));
-class EncounterHints(BossModule module) : BossComponent(module)
+class EncounterHints : BossComponent
private int NumCast { get; set; }
+ public EncounterHints(BossModule module) : base(module)
+ {
+ KeepOnPhaseChange = true;
+ }
public override void OnEventCast(Actor caster, ActorCastEvent spell)
if ((AID)spell.Action.ID is AID.CharybdisCast or AID.Trounce or AID.Thunderbolt)
@@ -89,22 +94,61 @@ public override void AddGlobalHints(GlobalHints hints)
+class ManualBurst(BossModule module) : BossComponent(module)
+ private float HPRatio => Module.PrimaryActor.HPMP.CurHP / (float)Module.PrimaryActor.HPMP.MaxHP;
+ private bool Hold => HPRatio is > 0.15f and < 0.158f;
+ public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignment assignment, AIHints hints)
+ {
+ if (Hold && hints.FindEnemy(Module.PrimaryActor) is { } e)
+ e.Priority = AIHints.Enemy.PriorityForbidden;
+ }
+ public override void AddGlobalHints(GlobalHints hints)
+ {
+ if (HPRatio is > 0.15f and < 0.20f)
+ hints.Add("Autorotation will not attack if boss HP is between 15 and 16% - press buttons manually when ready to start burst");
+ }
class D180DendainsonneStates : StateMachineBuilder
+ private const uint BeheMaxHP = 373545;
+ private const uint Breakpoint1 = BeheMaxHP * 30 / 100;
+ private const uint Breakpoint2 = BeheMaxHP * 21 / 100;
+ private const uint Breakpoint3 = BeheMaxHP * 16 / 100;
+ private const uint Breakpoint4 = BeheMaxHP * 15 / 100;
public D180DendainsonneStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
- TrivialPhase()
+ SimplePhase(0, StateCommon("30%", 600f), "p1")
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .DeactivateOnEnter()
+ .Raw.Update = () => Module.PrimaryActor.IsDestroyed || Module.PrimaryActor.HPMP.CurHP <= Breakpoint1;
+ SimplePhase(1, StateCommon("21%", 120f), "p2")
+ .Raw.Update = () => Module.PrimaryActor.IsDestroyed || Module.PrimaryActor.HPMP.CurHP <= Breakpoint2;
+ SimplePhase(2, StateCommon("16%", 120f), "p3")
+ .Raw.Update = () => Module.PrimaryActor.IsDestroyed || Module.PrimaryActor.HPMP.CurHP <= Breakpoint3;
+ SimplePhase(3, StateCommon("15%", 120f), "p4")
+ .Raw.Update = () => Module.PrimaryActor.IsDestroyed || Module.PrimaryActor.HPMP.CurHP <= Breakpoint4;
+ DeathPhase(4, StateCommon("Enrage", 60f))
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .DeactivateOnEnter();
+ }
+ private Action StateCommon(string name, float duration = 10000f)
+ {
+ return id => SimpleState(id, duration, name)
- .ActivateOnEnter()
- .ActivateOnEnter()
- .DeactivateOnEnter();
+ .ActivateOnEnter();
-[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, Contributors = "LegendofIceman", GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 216, NameID = 5461)]
+[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, Contributors = "LegendofIceman", GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 216, NameID = 5461, PlanLevel = 60)]
public class D180Dendainsonne : BossModule
public D180Dendainsonne(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : base(ws, primary, new(-300, -300), new ArenaBoundsCircle(25))
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D190TheGodfather.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D190TheGodfather.cs
index 1fe0dfc39f..a3b95fdb45 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D190TheGodfather.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D190TheGodfather.cs
@@ -23,7 +23,16 @@ public enum AID : uint
//TODO: Make the boss's hitbox show up potentially/maybe add 2 circle indicators to show how close the stun bomb needs to be, add indicators to where the stun bomb will spawn next, to allow pre-positioning
//spawn locations for stun bomb are as follows: 1:(-288.626, -300.256) 2:(-297.465, -297.525) 3:(-288.837, -305.537) 4:(-309.132, -303.739) 5:(-298.355, -293.630) 6:(-301.954, -314.289) 7:(-299.119, -297.563)
class BossAdds(BossModule module) : Components.AddsMulti(module, [(uint)OID.LavaBomb, (uint)OID.RemedyBomb]);
-class Flashthoom(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Flashthoom), new AOEShapeCircle(7.2f));
+class Flashthoom(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Flashthoom), new AOEShapeCircle(7.2f))
+ public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignment assignment, AIHints hints)
+ {
+ base.AddAIHints(slot, actor, assignment, hints);
+ if (Module.Enemies(OID.LavaBomb).FirstOrDefault() is Actor g && Module.PrimaryActor.Position.InCircle(g.Position, 7.2f))
+ hints.SetPriority(g, AIHints.Enemy.PriorityForbidden);
+ }
class Sap(BossModule module) : Components.LocationTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Sap), 8);
class ScaldingScoldingCleave(BossModule module) : Components.Cleave(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.ScaldingScolding), new AOEShapeCone(11.75f, 45.Degrees()), activeWhileCasting: false);
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D20Spurge.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D20Spurge.cs
index 68a39675a3..37df483a7d 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D20Spurge.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D20Spurge.cs
@@ -24,12 +24,18 @@ class BossAdds(BossModule module) : Components.Adds(module, (uint)OID.PalaceHorn
public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignment assignment, AIHints hints)
foreach (var e in hints.PotentialTargets)
- e.Priority = (OID)e.Actor.OID switch
+ {
+ switch ((OID)e.Actor.OID)
- OID.PalaceHornet => 2,
- OID.Boss => 1,
- _ => 0
- };
+ case OID.Boss:
+ e.Priority = 1;
+ break;
+ case OID.PalaceHornet:
+ e.Priority = 2;
+ e.ForbidDOTs = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
class AcidMist(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.AcidMist), new AOEShapeCircle(9.6f));
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D30Ningishzida.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D30Ningishzida.cs
index 2005bfd4de..96615570c5 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D30Ningishzida.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D30Ningishzida.cs
@@ -17,12 +17,14 @@ public enum AID : uint
class Dissever(BossModule module) : Components.Cleave(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Dissever), new AOEShapeCone(10.8f, 45.Degrees()), activeWhileCasting: false);
-class BallofFire(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzone(module, 6, m => m.Enemies(OID.FireVoidPuddle).Where(z => z.EventState != 7));
-class BallofIce(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzone(module, 6, m => m.Enemies(OID.IceVoidPuddle).Where(z => z.EventState != 7));
+class BallofFire(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzoneAtCastTarget(module, 6, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.BallOfFire), m => m.Enemies(OID.FireVoidPuddle).Where(z => z.EventState != 7), 2.1f);
+class BallofIce(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzoneAtCastTarget(module, 6, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.BallOfIce), m => m.Enemies(OID.IceVoidPuddle).Where(z => z.EventState != 7), 2.1f);
class FearItself(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.FearItself), new AOEShapeDonut(5, 50));
class Hints(BossModule module) : BossComponent(module)
+ // arena is like a weird octagon and the boss also doesn't cast from the center
+ private static readonly WPos FearCastSource = new(-300, -236);
public int NumCasts { get; private set; }
public override void OnEventCast(Actor caster, ActorCastEvent spell)
@@ -43,6 +45,14 @@ public override void AddGlobalHints(GlobalHints hints)
if (NumCasts >= 4)
hints.Add($"Run to the middle of the arena! \n{Module.PrimaryActor.Name} is about to cast a donut AOE!");
+ public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignment assignment, AIHints hints)
+ {
+ if (NumCasts < 4)
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(new AOEShapeCircle(11), FearCastSource, activation: WorldState.FutureTime(10f));
+ else
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(new AOEShapeDonut(5, 50), FearCastSource, activation: WorldState.FutureTime(10f));
+ }
class D30NingishzidaStates : StateMachineBuilder
@@ -59,4 +69,4 @@ public D30NingishzidaStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, Contributors = "LegendofIceman", GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 176, NameID = 5012)]
-public class D30Ningishzida(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -235), new ArenaBoundsCircle(25));
+public class D30Ningishzida(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -237), new ArenaBoundsCircle(24));
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D40Ixtab.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D40Ixtab.cs
index 0e1bd48b1a..ea47398603 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D40Ixtab.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D40Ixtab.cs
@@ -55,4 +55,4 @@ public D40IxtabStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, Contributors = "LegendofIceman", GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 177, NameID = 5025)]
-public class D40Ixtab(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -225), new ArenaBoundsCircle(25));
+public class D40Ixtab(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -226), new ArenaBoundsCircle(24));
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D50EddaBlackbosom.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D50EddaBlackbosom.cs
index c765163da0..fc7d7b48f3 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D50EddaBlackbosom.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D50EddaBlackbosom.cs
@@ -52,4 +52,4 @@ public D50EddaBlackbosomStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, Contributors = "LegendofIceman", GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 178, NameID = 5038)]
-public class D50EddaBlackbosom(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(300, 375), new ArenaBoundsCircle(25));
+public class D50EddaBlackbosom(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(300, 374), new ArenaBoundsCircle(24));
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D60TheBlackRider.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D60TheBlackRider.cs
index 37a095ceaa..418b730943 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D60TheBlackRider.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D60TheBlackRider.cs
@@ -13,97 +13,73 @@ public enum AID : uint
AutoAttack = 7179, // Boss->player, no cast, range 8+R 90-degree cone
Geirrothr = 7087, // Boss->self, no cast, range 6+R 90-degree cone, 5.1s after pull, 7.1s after Valfodr + 8.1s after every 2nd HallofSorrow
HallOfSorrow = 7088, // Boss->location, no cast, range 9 circle
- Infaturation = 7157, // VoidsentDiscarnate->self, 6.5s cast, range 6+R circle
+ Infatuation = 7157, // VoidsentDiscarnate->self, 6.5s cast, range 6+R circle
Valfodr = 7089, // Boss->player, 4.0s cast, width 6 rect charge, knockback 25, dir forward
-class CleaveAuto(BossModule module) : Components.Cleave(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.AutoAttack), new AOEShapeCone(11.92f, 45.Degrees()))
+class CleaveAuto(BossModule module) : Components.Cleave(module, default, new AOEShapeCone(11.92f, 45.Degrees()), activeWhileCasting: false);
+class Infatuation(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Infatuation), new AOEShapeCircle(7));
+class HallOfSorrow(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzoneAtCastTarget(module, 9, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.HallOfSorrow), m => m.Enemies(OID.Voidzone).Where(z => z.EventState != 7), 1.3f);
+class Valfodr(BossModule module) : Components.BaitAwayChargeCast(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Valfodr), 3);
+class ValfodrKB(BossModule module) : Components.Knockback(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Valfodr), stopAtWall: true) // note actual knockback is delayed by upto 1.2s in replay
- private readonly Valfodr _charge = module.FindComponent()!;
- public override void AddHints(int slot, Actor actor, TextHints hints)
- {
- if (!_charge.ActiveBaits.Any())
- base.AddHints(slot, actor, hints);
- }
+ private int _target;
+ private Source? _source;
+ private Infatuation? _infatuation;
- public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignment assignment, AIHints hints)
+ public override IEnumerable Sources(int slot, Actor actor)
- if (!_charge.ActiveBaits.Any())
- base.AddAIHints(slot, actor, assignment, hints);
+ if (_target == slot && _source != null)
+ yield return _source.Value;
- public override void DrawArenaForeground(int pcSlot, Actor pc)
+ public override void OnCastStarted(Actor caster, ActorCastInfo spell)
- if (!_charge.ActiveBaits.Any())
- base.DrawArenaForeground(pcSlot, pc);
+ if (spell.Action == WatchedAction)
+ {
+ _source = new(caster.Position, 25, Module.CastFinishAt(spell));
+ _target = Raid.FindSlot(spell.TargetID);
+ }
-class Geirrothr(BossModule module) : Components.GenericAOEs(module)
- private DateTime _activation;
- private static readonly AOEShapeCone cone = new(9.92f, 45.Degrees());
- private bool Pulled;
- public override void Update()
+ public override void OnCastFinished(Actor caster, ActorCastInfo spell)
- if (!Pulled)
+ if (spell.Action == WatchedAction)
- _activation = WorldState.FutureTime(5.1f);
- Pulled = true;
+ _target = -1;
+ _source = null;
- public override IEnumerable ActiveAOEs(int slot, Actor actor)
+ private Func? GetFireballZone()
- if (_activation != default)
- yield return new(cone, Module.PrimaryActor.Position, Module.PrimaryActor.Rotation, _activation);
- }
+ _infatuation ??= Module.FindComponent();
+ if (_infatuation == null || _infatuation.Casters.Count == 0)
+ return null;
- public override void OnCastFinished(Actor caster, ActorCastInfo spell)
- {
- if ((AID)spell.Action.ID == AID.Valfodr) // boss can move after cast started, so we can't use aoe instance, since that would cause outdated position data to be used
- _activation = WorldState.FutureTime(7.1f);
+ return ShapeDistance.Union(_infatuation.Casters.Select(c => ShapeDistance.Circle(c.Position, 7)).ToList());
- public override void OnEventCast(Actor caster, ActorCastEvent spell)
- {
- if ((AID)spell.Action.ID == AID.Geirrothr)
- _activation = default;
- if ((AID)spell.Action.ID == AID.HallOfSorrow)
- {
- ++NumCasts;
- if (NumCasts % 2 == 0)
- _activation = WorldState.FutureTime(8.1f);
- }
- }
+ public override bool DestinationUnsafe(int slot, Actor actor, WPos pos) => GetFireballZone() is var z && z != null && z(pos) < 0;
-class Infaturation(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Infaturation), new AOEShapeCircle(7));
-class HallOfSorrow(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzone(module, 9, m => m.Enemies(OID.Voidzone).Where(z => z.EventState != 7));
-class Valfodr(BossModule module) : Components.BaitAwayChargeCast(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Valfodr), 3);
+ public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignment assignment, AIHints hints)
+ {
+ if (_target != slot || _source == null)
+ return;
-class ValfodrKB(BossModule module) : Components.Knockback(module) // note actual knockback is delayed by upto 1.2s in replay
- private DateTime _activation;
+ var dangerZone = GetFireballZone();
+ if (dangerZone == null)
+ return;
- public override IEnumerable Sources(int slot, Actor actor)
- {
- if (Module.FindComponent()?.CurrentBaits.Count > 0)
- yield return new(Module.PrimaryActor.Position, 25, _activation, Module.FindComponent()!.CurrentBaits[0].Shape, Angle.FromDirection(Module.FindComponent()!.CurrentBaits[0].Target.Position - Module.PrimaryActor.Position), Kind: Kind.DirForward);
- }
+ var kbSource = _source.Value.Origin;
- public override void OnCastStarted(Actor caster, ActorCastInfo spell)
- {
- if ((AID)spell.Action.ID == AID.Valfodr)
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(p =>
- _activation = Module.CastFinishAt(spell);
- StopAtWall = true;
- }
+ var dir = (p - kbSource).Normalized();
+ var proj = Arena.ClampToBounds(p + dir * 25);
+ return dangerZone(proj);
+ }, _source.Value.Activation);
- public override bool DestinationUnsafe(int slot, Actor actor, WPos pos) => (Module.FindComponent()?.ActiveAOEs(slot, actor).Any(z => z.Shape.Check(pos, z.Origin, z.Rotation)) ?? false) || (Module.FindComponent()?.ActiveAOEs(slot, actor).Any(z => z.Shape.Check(pos, z.Origin, z.Rotation)) ?? false);
class D60TheBlackRiderStates : StateMachineBuilder
@@ -111,8 +87,7 @@ class D60TheBlackRiderStates : StateMachineBuilder
public D60TheBlackRiderStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
- .ActivateOnEnter()
- .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D70Yaquaru.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D70Yaquaru.cs
index 5d45228203..4526ffad49 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D70Yaquaru.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D70Yaquaru.cs
@@ -16,79 +16,53 @@ public enum AID : uint
FangsEnd = 7092, // Boss->player, no cast, single-target
-class Douse(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzoneAtCastTarget(module, 8, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Douse), m => m.Enemies(OID.Voidzone).Where(z => z.EventState != 7), 0.8f);
-class DouseHaste(BossModule module) : BossComponent(module)
+class DouseCast(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Douse), new AOEShapeCircle(8));
+class DousePuddle(BossModule module) : BossComponent(module)
- private bool BossInVoidzone;
+ private IEnumerable Puddles => Module.Enemies(OID.Voidzone).Where(z => z.EventState != 7);
+ private bool BossInPuddle => Puddles.Any(p => Module.PrimaryActor.Position.InCircle(p.Position, 8 + Module.PrimaryActor.HitboxRadius));
- public override void Update()
+ public override void DrawArenaBackground(int pcSlot, Actor pc)
- if (Module.FindComponent()?.ActiveAOEs(0, Module.PrimaryActor).Any(z => z.Shape.Check(Module.PrimaryActor.Position, z.Origin, z.Rotation)) ?? false)
- BossInVoidzone = true;
- else
- BossInVoidzone = false;
+ foreach (var p in Puddles)
+ Arena.ZoneCircle(p.Position, 8, ArenaColor.AOE);
+ // indicate on minimap how far boss needs to be pulled
+ if (BossInPuddle)
+ Arena.AddCircle(Module.PrimaryActor.Position, Module.PrimaryActor.HitboxRadius, ArenaColor.Danger);
public override void AddHints(int slot, Actor actor, TextHints hints)
- if (BossInVoidzone && Module.PrimaryActor.TargetID == actor.InstanceID)
- hints.Add("Pull the boss out of the water puddle!");
- if (BossInVoidzone && Module.PrimaryActor.TargetID != actor.InstanceID && actor.Role == Role.Tank)
- hints.Add("Consider provoking and pulling the boss out of the water puddle.");
+ if (Module.PrimaryActor.TargetID == actor.InstanceID && BossInPuddle)
+ hints.Add("Pull boss out of puddle!");
-class Drench(BossModule module) : Components.GenericAOEs(module)
- private DateTime _activation;
- private static readonly AOEShapeCone cone = new(15.75f, 45.Degrees());
- private bool Pulled;
- public override void Update()
+ public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignment assignment, AIHints hints)
- if (!Pulled)
+ if (Module.PrimaryActor.TargetID == actor.InstanceID && BossInPuddle)
- _activation = WorldState.FutureTime(5.1f);
- Pulled = true;
- }
- }
+ var effPuddleSize = 8 + Module.PrimaryActor.HitboxRadius;
+ var tankDist = hints.FindEnemy(Module.PrimaryActor)?.TankDistance ?? 2;
+ // yaquaru tank distance seems to be around 2-2.5y, but from testing, 3y minimum is needed to move it out of the puddle, either because of rasterization shenanigans or netcode
+ var effTankDist = Module.PrimaryActor.HitboxRadius + tankDist + 1;
- public override IEnumerable ActiveAOEs(int slot, Actor actor)
- {
- if (_activation != default)
- yield return new(cone, Module.PrimaryActor.Position, Module.PrimaryActor.Rotation, _activation);
- }
- public override void OnCastFinished(Actor caster, ActorCastInfo spell)
- {
- if ((AID)spell.Action.ID == AID.Electrogenesis) // boss can move after cast started, so we can't use aoe instance, since that would cause outdated position data to be used
- {
- ++NumCasts;
- if (NumCasts % 2 == 0)
- _activation = WorldState.FutureTime(7.3f);
+ var puddles = Puddles.Select(p => ShapeDistance.Circle(p.Position, effPuddleSize + effTankDist)).ToList();
+ var closest = ShapeDistance.Union(puddles);
+ hints.GoalZones.Add(p => closest(p) > 0 ? 1000 : 0);
- public override void OnEventCast(Actor caster, ActorCastEvent spell)
- {
- if ((AID)spell.Action.ID == AID.Drench)
- _activation = default;
- if ((AID)spell.Action.ID == AID.FangsEnd)
- _activation = WorldState.FutureTime(7.1f);
- }
-class Electrogenesis(BossModule module) : Components.LocationTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Electrogenesis), 8, "Get out of the AOE");
+class Electrogenesis(BossModule module) : Components.LocationTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Electrogenesis), 8);
class D70TaquaruStates : StateMachineBuilder
public D70TaquaruStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
- .ActivateOnEnter()
- .ActivateOnEnter()
- .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D80Gudanna.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D80Gudanna.cs
index f7fe4e3301..055df558fb 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D80Gudanna.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D80Gudanna.cs
@@ -21,20 +21,68 @@ public enum AID : uint
class Charybdis(BossModule module) : Components.LocationTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Charybdis), 6);
class Maelstrom(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzone(module, 10, m => m.Enemies(OID.Tornado));
class Trounce(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Trounce), new AOEShapeCone(51.6f, 30.Degrees()));
-class EclipticMeteor(BossModule module) : Components.RaidwideCast(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.EclipticMeteor), "Kill him before he kills you! 80% max HP damage incoming!");
+class EclipticMeteor(BossModule module) : Components.CastHint(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.EclipticMeteor), "Kill him before he kills you! 80% max HP damage incoming!");
class Thunderbolt(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Thunderbolt), new AOEShapeCone(16.6f, 60.Degrees()));
class EncounterHints(BossModule module) : BossComponent(module)
+ private bool _disabled;
+ enum BossAction
+ {
+ None,
+ Thunderbolt,
+ Charybdis,
+ TrounceWest,
+ TrounceEast
+ }
private int NumCast { get; set; }
+ private BossAction NextAction => NumCast switch
+ {
+ 0 or 2 or 5 => BossAction.Thunderbolt,
+ 1 or 4 or 6 => BossAction.Charybdis,
+ 3 => BossAction.TrounceEast,
+ 7 => BossAction.TrounceWest,
+ _ => default
+ };
+ public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignment assignment, AIHints hints)
+ {
+ if (_disabled)
+ return;
+ switch (NextAction)
+ {
+ case BossAction.Charybdis:
+ // drop charybdis near arena edge (22y or more from center)
+ hints.GoalZones.Add(p => (p - Module.Center).LengthSq() >= 484 ? 0.5f : 0);
+ break;
+ case BossAction.Thunderbolt:
+ // stay near boss to make thunderbolt dodge easier
+ hints.GoalZones.Add(hints.GoalSingleTarget(Module.PrimaryActor.Position, 6, 0.5f));
+ break;
+ case BossAction.TrounceEast:
+ // stay in eastward 1/4th of arena to prepare for dodging trounce
+ hints.GoalZones.Add(p => (p.X - Module.Center.X) >= 20 ? 0.5f : 0);
+ break;
+ case BossAction.TrounceWest:
+ // see above
+ hints.GoalZones.Add(p => (p.X - Module.Center.X) <= -20 ? 0.5f : 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
public override void OnEventCast(Actor caster, ActorCastEvent spell)
- if ((AID)spell.Action.ID is AID.Charybdis or AID.Trounce or AID.Thunderbolt)
- ++NumCast;
+ if (_disabled)
+ return;
if ((AID)spell.Action.ID is AID.EclipticMeteor)
- NumCast = 9;
+ _disabled = true;
+ if ((AID)spell.Action.ID is AID.Charybdis or AID.Trounce or AID.Thunderbolt)
+ ++NumCast;
if (NumCast == 8)
@@ -45,6 +93,9 @@ public override void OnEventCast(Actor caster, ActorCastEvent spell)
public override void AddGlobalHints(GlobalHints hints)
+ if (_disabled)
+ return;
switch (NumCast)
case 0:
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D90TheGodmother.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D90TheGodmother.cs
index 4c4178d389..1f536bdc21 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D90TheGodmother.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/D90TheGodmother.cs
@@ -22,7 +22,16 @@ public enum AID : uint
class BossAdds(BossModule module) : Components.AddsMulti(module, [(uint)OID.GreyBomb, (uint)OID.GiddyBomb]);
class Burst(BossModule module) : Components.RaidwideCast(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Burst), "Kill the Grey Bomb! or take 80% of your Max HP");
// future thing to do: maybe add a tether between bomb/boss to show it needs to show the aoe needs to explode on them. . .
-class HypothermalCombustion(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.HypothermalCombustion), new AOEShapeCircle(7.2f));
+class HypothermalCombustion(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.HypothermalCombustion), new AOEShapeCircle(7.2f))
+ public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignment assignment, AIHints hints)
+ {
+ base.AddAIHints(slot, actor, assignment, hints);
+ if (Module.Enemies(OID.GiddyBomb).FirstOrDefault() is Actor g && Module.PrimaryActor.Position.InCircle(g.Position, 7.2f))
+ hints.SetPriority(g, AIHints.Enemy.PriorityForbidden);
+ }
class MassiveBurst(BossModule module) : Components.RaidwideCast(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.MassiveBurst), "Knock the Giddy bomb into the boss and let it explode on the boss. \n or else take 99% damage!");
class Sap(BossModule module) : Components.LocationTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Sap), 8);
class ScaldingScolding(BossModule module) : Components.Cleave(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.ScaldingScolding), new AOEShapeCone(11.75f, 45.Degrees()))
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/PalaceFloorModule.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/PalaceFloorModule.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..418912905c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Heavensward/DeepDungeon/PalaceOfTheDead/PalaceFloorModule.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+using BossMod.Global.DeepDungeon;
+namespace BossMod.Heavensward.DeepDungeon.PalaceOfTheDead;
+enum AID : uint
+ // gazes
+ StoneGazeSingle = 6351, // 3.5s cast, single target, inflicts petrification
+ StoneGazeCone = 6356, // 2.5s cast, range 8.2 90-degree cone, inflicts petrification
+ MysteriousLight = 6953, // 3s cast, 30 radius, inflicts damage
+ // interruptible casts
+ ParalyzeIII = 6386, // 5s cast, 6 radius on target (player), applies paralysis
+ ParalyzeIII2 = 6388, // exactly the same as above but different action for some reason
+ Infatuation = 6397, // 3s cast, applies pox
+ VoidBlizzard = 7049, // 2.5s cast, applies slow to target, interruptible
+ Mucin = 7014, // 3s cast, applies stoneskin to self
+ BladeOfSuffering = 7029, // 3s cast, applies drain touch to self
+ HorroisonousBlast = 7058, // 4s cast, 20 radius, interruptible, can't be dodged due to the heavy
+ // should be ignored
+ Chirp = 6365, // 2.5s cast, 21.6 radius, deals no damage, inflicts sleep
+enum SID : uint
+ BlazeSpikes = 197,
+ IceSpikes = 198,
+public abstract class PalaceFloorModule(WorldState ws) : AutoClear(ws, 60)
+ protected override void OnCastStarted(Actor actor)
+ {
+ switch ((AID)actor.CastInfo!.Action.ID)
+ {
+ case AID.MysteriousLight:
+ AddGaze(actor, 30);
+ break;
+ case AID.StoneGazeSingle:
+ AddGaze(actor, 100);
+ break;
+ case AID.StoneGazeCone:
+ AddGaze(actor, new AOEShapeCone(8.2f, 45.Degrees()));
+ HintDisabled.Add(actor);
+ break;
+ case AID.Chirp:
+ HintDisabled.Add(actor);
+ break;
+ case AID.Infatuation:
+ case AID.VoidBlizzard:
+ case AID.HorroisonousBlast:
+ case AID.Mucin:
+ case AID.BladeOfSuffering:
+ case AID.ParalyzeIII:
+ case AID.ParalyzeIII2:
+ Interrupts.Add(actor);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void OnStatusGain(Actor actor, ActorStatus status)
+ {
+ switch ((SID)status.ID)
+ {
+ case SID.BlazeSpikes:
+ case SID.IceSpikes:
+ if (Palace.Floor > 60)
+ ForbiddenTargets.Add((actor, World.FutureTime(10)));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ protected override void OnStatusLose(Actor actor, ActorStatus status)
+ {
+ switch ((SID)status.ID)
+ {
+ case SID.BlazeSpikes:
+ case SID.IceSpikes:
+ ForbiddenTargets.RemoveAll(t => t.Actor == actor);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 174)]
+public class Palace10(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 175)]
+public class Palace20(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 176)]
+public class Palace30(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 177)]
+public class Palace40(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 178)]
+public class Palace50(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 204)]
+public class Palace60(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 205)]
+public class Palace70(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 206)]
+public class Palace80(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 207)]
+public class Palace90(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 208)]
+public class Palace100(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 209)]
+public class Palace110(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 210)]
+public class Palace120(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 211)]
+public class Palace130(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 212)]
+public class Palace140(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 213)]
+public class Palace150(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 214)]
+public class Palace160(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 215)]
+public class Palace170(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 216)]
+public class Palace180(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 217)]
+public class Palace190(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 218)]
+public class Palace200(WorldState ws) : PalaceFloorModule(ws);
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D10Mojabune.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D10Mojabune.cs
index ffb079e92a..37a33da72a 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D10Mojabune.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D10Mojabune.cs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ public enum AID : uint
class ConcussiveOscillationAOE(BossModule module) : Components.LocationTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.ConcussiveOscillation), 7, "Get out of the AOE!");
-class OvertowKB(BossModule module) : Components.KnockbackFromCastTarget(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Overtow), 23.7f, true);
+class OvertowKB(BossModule module) : Components.KnockbackFromCastTarget(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Overtow), 23.7f, stopAtWall: true);
class AmorphousApplauseAOE(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.AmorphousApplause), new AOEShapeCone(27.4f, 90.Degrees()));
class D10MojabuneStates : StateMachineBuilder
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D30Hiruko.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D30Hiruko.cs
index 3c879243f5..7c1c9ca937 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D30Hiruko.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D30Hiruko.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-using Clipper2Lib;
-namespace BossMod.Stormblood.DeepDungeon.HeavenOnHigh.D30Hiruko;
+namespace BossMod.Stormblood.DeepDungeon.HeavenOnHigh.D30Hiruko;
public enum OID : uint
@@ -19,7 +17,25 @@ public enum AID : uint
class LightningStrike(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.LightningStrike), new AOEShapeRect(55.25f, 3));
-class LightningBolt(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.LightningBolt), new AOEShapeCircle(8)); // problem child. Need to create a safe area for players to stand in with the proxy AOE.
+class Shiko(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Shiko), new AOEShapeCircle(10));
+class LightningBolt(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.LightningBolt), new AOEShapeCircle(8))
+ public override void AddAIHints(int slot, Actor actor, PartyRolesConfig.Assignment assignment, AIHints hints)
+ {
+ if (Casters.Count == 20)
+ {
+ var closest = Casters
+ .Where(c => !c.Position.InCircle(Arena.Center, 10) && !c.Position.InCircle(Module.PrimaryActor.Position, 10))
+ .MinBy(c => c.DistanceToHitbox(actor))!;
+ hints.AddForbiddenZone(new AOEShapeDonut(2, 100), closest.Position, default, Module.CastFinishAt(Module.PrimaryActor.CastInfo));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ base.AddAIHints(slot, actor, assignment, hints);
+ }
+ }
+class Supercell(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Supercell), new AOEShapeRect(50, 50));
class D30HirukoStates : StateMachineBuilder
@@ -27,9 +43,11 @@ public D30HirukoStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
-[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, Contributors = "LegendofIceman", GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 542, NameID = 7482)]
-public class D30Hiruko(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -300), new ArenaBoundsCircle(23.7f));
+[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, Contributors = "LegendofIceman", GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 542, NameID = 7482)]
+public class D30Hiruko(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -300), new ArenaBoundsCircle(25f));
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D40Bhima.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D40Bhima.cs
index b864875aec..9a08559732 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D40Bhima.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D40Bhima.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-using System.Reflection;
-namespace BossMod.Stormblood.DeepDungeon.HeavenOnHigh.D40Bhima;
+namespace BossMod.Stormblood.DeepDungeon.HeavenOnHigh.D40Bhima;
public enum OID : uint
@@ -22,7 +20,7 @@ public enum AID : uint
class AncientAeroII(BossModule module) : Components.LocationTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.AncientAeroII), 6, "Get out of the aoe!");
class AncientAeroIII(BossModule module) : Components.KnockbackFromCastTarget(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.AncientAeroIII), 23.5f, true, stopAtWall: true);
class Tornado(BossModule module) : Components.SpreadFromCastTargets(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Tornado), 6);
-class Windage(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzone(module, 8, m => m.Enemies(OID.Whirlwind).Where(z => z.EventState != 7));
+class Windage(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzone(module, 6, m => m.Enemies(OID.Whirlwind).Where(z => z.EventState != 7));
class D40BhimaStates : StateMachineBuilder
@@ -38,4 +36,4 @@ public D40BhimaStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, Contributors = "LegendofIceman", GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 543, NameID = 7483)]
-public class D40Bhima(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -300), new ArenaBoundsCircle(23.7f));
+public class D40Bhima(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -300), new ArenaBoundsCircle(25));
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D50Gozu.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D50Gozu.cs
index 06bea8df1c..008f3b7e55 100644
--- a/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D50Gozu.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D50Gozu.cs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ public enum AID : uint
class EyeoftheFire(BossModule module) : Components.CastGaze(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.EyeOfTheFire));
-class RustingClaw(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.RustingClaw), new AOEShapeCone(11.45f, 45.Degrees()));
+class RustingClaw(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.RustingClaw), new AOEShapeCone(11.45f, 60.Degrees()));
class TheSpin(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.TheSpin), new AOEShapeCircle(20));
class VoidSpark(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentVoidzone(module, 8, m => m.Enemies(OID.Gloom).Where(z => z.EventState != 7));
class WordsofWoe(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.WordsOfWoe), new AOEShapeRect(48.45f, 3));
@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ public D50GozuStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, Contributors = "LegendofIceman", GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 544, NameID = 7485)]
-public class D50Gozu(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -300), new ArenaBoundsCircle(23.7f));
+public class D50Gozu(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -300), new ArenaBoundsCircle(24.5f));
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D70Kenko.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D70Kenko.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7a5c08b20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/D70Kenko.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+namespace BossMod.Stormblood.DeepDungeon.D70Kenko;
+public enum OID : uint
+ Boss = 0x23EB, // R6.000, x1
+ Puddle = 0x1E9829
+public enum AID : uint
+ PredatorClaws = 12205, // Boss->self, 3.0s cast, range 9+R ?-degree cone
+ Slabber = 12203, // Boss->location, 3.0s cast, range 8 circle
+ Innerspace = 12207, // Boss->player, 3.0s cast, single-target
+ Ululation = 12208, // Boss->self, 3.0s cast, range 80+R circle
+ HoundOutOfHell = 12206, // Boss->player, 5.0s cast, width 14 rect charge
+ Devour = 12204, // Boss->location, no cast, range 4+R ?-degree cone
+public enum SID : uint
+ Minimum = 438, // none->player, extra=0x32
+ Stun = 149, // Boss->player, extra=0x0
+public enum IconID : uint
+ Prey = 1, // player->self
+class PredatorClaws(BossModule module) : Components.SelfTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.PredatorClaws), new AOEShapeCone(15, 60.Degrees()));
+class Slabber(BossModule module) : Components.LocationTargetedAOEs(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Slabber), 8);
+class InnerspacePredict(BossModule module) : Components.GenericAOEs(module)
+ private AOEInstance? Next;
+ public override IEnumerable ActiveAOEs(int slot, Actor actor) => Utils.ZeroOrOne(Next);
+ public override void OnEventCast(Actor caster, ActorCastEvent spell)
+ {
+ if ((AID)spell.Action.ID == AID.Innerspace)
+ Next = new(new AOEShapeCircle(3), WorldState.Actors.Find(spell.MainTargetID)!.Position, default, WorldState.FutureTime(1.6f));
+ }
+ public override void OnActorCreated(Actor actor)
+ {
+ if ((OID)actor.OID == OID.Puddle)
+ Next = null;
+ }
+// TODO only apply invert logic to marked player, will probably need to rewrite component
+class Innerspace(BossModule module) : Components.PersistentInvertibleVoidzone(module, 3, m => m.Enemies(OID.Puddle).Where(p => p.EventState != 7))
+ public override void OnCastStarted(Actor caster, ActorCastInfo spell)
+ {
+ if ((AID)spell.Action.ID == AID.HoundOutOfHell)
+ InvertResolveAt = Module.CastFinishAt(spell);
+ }
+ public override void OnEventCast(Actor caster, ActorCastEvent spell)
+ {
+ if ((AID)spell.Action.ID == AID.Devour)
+ InvertResolveAt = default;
+ }
+class Ululation(BossModule module) : Components.RaidwideCast(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.Ululation));
+class HoundOutOfHell(BossModule module) : Components.BaitAwayChargeCast(module, ActionID.MakeSpell(AID.HoundOutOfHell), 7);
+class KenkoStates : StateMachineBuilder
+ public KenkoStates(BossModule module) : base(module)
+ {
+ TrivialPhase()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter()
+ .ActivateOnEnter();
+ }
+[ModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.Contributed, GroupType = BossModuleInfo.GroupType.CFC, GroupID = 546, NameID = 7489)]
+public class Kenko(WorldState ws, Actor primary) : BossModule(ws, primary, new(-300, -300), new ArenaBoundsCircle(24));
diff --git a/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/HoHFloorModule.cs b/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/HoHFloorModule.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3c3597999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BossMod/Modules/Stormblood/DeepDungeon/HoHFloorModule.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+using BossMod.Global.DeepDungeon;
+namespace BossMod.Stormblood.DeepDungeon;
+public enum AID : uint
+ StoneGaze = 6351, // 22AF->player, 3.5s cast, single-target
+ BlindingBurst = 12174, // 22C3->self, 3.0s cast, range 25 circle
+ NightmarishLight = 12322, // 22BC->self, 4.0s cast, range 30+R circle
+ Malice = 12313, // 2355->player, 3.0s cast, single-target
+ ShiftingLight = 12357, // 22DC->self, 3.0s cast, range 30+R circle
+ Cry = 12350, // 22D9->self, 5.0s cast, range 12+R circle
+ Eyeshine = 12261, // 230E->self, 3.5s cast, range 38+R circle
+ AtropineSpore = 12415, // 22FF->self, 4.0s cast, range ?-41 donut
+ FrondFatale = 12416, // 22FF->self, 3.0s cast, range 40 circle
+ TheDragonsVoice = 12432, // 2311->self, 4.5s cast, range 30 circle
+ Hex = 12442, // 2314->self, 4.0s cast, range 30 circle
+ HorrisonousBlast = 12258, // 230D->self, 4.0s cast, range 16+R circle
+ Northerlies = 12227, // 230C->self, 5.0s cast, range 40+R circle
+public abstract class HoHFloorModule(WorldState ws) : AutoClear(ws, 70)
+ protected override void OnCastStarted(Actor actor)
+ {
+ switch ((AID)actor.CastInfo!.Action.ID)
+ {
+ case AID.Cry:
+ Stuns.Add(actor);
+ break;
+ case AID.Malice:
+ case AID.HorrisonousBlast:
+ case AID.Northerlies:
+ Interrupts.Add(actor);
+ break;
+ case AID.StoneGaze:
+ AddGaze(actor, 100); // actually a single target cast
+ break;
+ case AID.BlindingBurst:
+ AddGaze(actor, 25);
+ HintDisabled.Add(actor);
+ break;
+ case AID.NightmarishLight:
+ case AID.ShiftingLight:
+ AddGaze(actor, 35);
+ break;
+ case AID.Eyeshine:
+ case AID.FrondFatale:
+ AddGaze(actor, 40);
+ break;
+ case AID.Hex:
+ AddGaze(actor, 30);
+ break;
+ case AID.AtropineSpore:
+ Donuts.Add((actor, 9.5f, 41));
+ HintDisabled.Add(actor);
+ break;
+ case AID.TheDragonsVoice:
+ Donuts.Add((actor, 8, 30));
+ HintDisabled.Add(actor);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 540)]
+public class HoH10(WorldState ws) : HoHFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 541)]
+public class HoH20(WorldState ws) : HoHFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 542)]
+public class HoH30(WorldState ws) : HoHFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 543)]
+public class HoH40(WorldState ws) : HoHFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 544)]
+public class HoH50(WorldState ws) : HoHFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 545)]
+public class HoH60(WorldState ws) : HoHFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 546)]
+public class HoH70(WorldState ws) : HoHFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 547)]
+public class HoH80(WorldState ws) : HoHFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 548)]
+public class HoH90(WorldState ws) : HoHFloorModule(ws);
+[ZoneModuleInfo(BossModuleInfo.Maturity.WIP, 549)]
+public class HoH100(WorldState ws) : HoHFloorModule(ws);
diff --git a/BossMod/Pathfinding/NavigationDecision.cs b/BossMod/Pathfinding/NavigationDecision.cs
index 2dd1e2dd96..2598c5867c 100644
--- a/BossMod/Pathfinding/NavigationDecision.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Pathfinding/NavigationDecision.cs
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public static NavigationDecision Build(Context ctx, WorldState ws, AIHints hints
return new() { Destination = destination, NextTurn = turn, LeewaySeconds = bestNode.PathLeeway, TimeToGoal = bestNode.GScore };
- public static void RasterizeForbiddenZones(Map map, List<(Func shapeDistance, DateTime activation)> zones, DateTime current, ref float[] scratch)
+ public static void RasterizeForbiddenZones(Map map, List<(Func shapeDistance, DateTime activation, ulong source)> zones, DateTime current, ref float[] scratch)
// very slight difference in activation times cause issues for pathfinding - cluster them together
var zonesFixed = new (Func shapeDistance, float g)[zones.Count];
diff --git a/BossMod/Replay/ReplayManagementConfig.cs b/BossMod/Replay/ReplayManagementConfig.cs
index 6be65bc2e0..5f85c45033 100644
--- a/BossMod/Replay/ReplayManagementConfig.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Replay/ReplayManagementConfig.cs
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
namespace BossMod;
+public record struct ReplayMemory(string Path, bool IsOpen, DateTime PlaybackPosition);
[ConfigDisplay(Name = "Replays", Order = 0)]
public class ReplayManagementConfig : ConfigNode
@@ -27,4 +29,12 @@ public class ReplayManagementConfig : ConfigNode
[PropertyDisplay("Format for recorded logs")]
public ReplayLogFormat WorldLogFormat = ReplayLogFormat.BinaryCompressed;
+ [PropertyDisplay("Open previously open replays on plugin reload")]
+ public bool RememberReplays;
+ [PropertyDisplay("Remember playback position for previously opened replays")]
+ public bool RememberReplayTimes;
+ public List ReplayHistory = [];
diff --git a/BossMod/Replay/ReplayManager.cs b/BossMod/Replay/ReplayManager.cs
index 47a4cfcbde..206f9bdaca 100644
--- a/BossMod/Replay/ReplayManager.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Replay/ReplayManager.cs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
namespace BossMod;
-public sealed class ReplayManager(RotationDatabase rotationDB, string fileDialogStartPath) : IDisposable
+public sealed class ReplayManager : IDisposable
private sealed class ReplayEntry : IDisposable
@@ -20,11 +20,13 @@ private sealed class ReplayEntry : IDisposable
public bool AutoShowWindow;
public bool Selected;
public bool Disposed;
+ public DateTime? SavedPosition;
- public ReplayEntry(string path, bool autoShow)
+ public ReplayEntry(string path, bool autoShow, DateTime? savedPosition = null)
Path = path;
AutoShowWindow = autoShow;
+ SavedPosition = savedPosition;
Replay = Task.Run(() => ReplayParserLog.Parse(path, ref Progress, Cancel.Token));
@@ -43,6 +45,8 @@ public void Show(RotationDatabase rotationDB)
Window ??= new(Replay.Result, rotationDB);
Window.IsOpen = true;
+ if (SavedPosition != null)
+ Window.CurrentTime = SavedPosition.Value;
@@ -69,12 +73,22 @@ public void Show()
private readonly List _replayEntries = [];
private readonly List _analysisEntries = [];
+ private readonly RotationDatabase rotationDB;
private int _nextAnalysisId;
private string _path = "";
private FileDialog? _fileDialog;
+ private string fileDialogStartPath;
+ public ReplayManager(RotationDatabase rotationDB, string fileDialogStartPath)
+ {
+ this.rotationDB = rotationDB;
+ this.fileDialogStartPath = fileDialogStartPath;
+ RestoreHistory();
+ }
public void Dispose()
+ SaveHistory();
foreach (var e in _analysisEntries)
foreach (var e in _replayEntries)
@@ -174,6 +188,7 @@ private void DrawEntries()
foreach (var a in _analysisEntries.Where(a => !a.Disposed && a.Replays.Contains(e)))
+ SaveHistory();
@@ -207,6 +222,7 @@ private void DrawEntriesOperations()
foreach (var e in _analysisEntries.Where(e => e.Replays.Any(r => r.Selected)))
+ SaveHistory();
@@ -216,6 +232,7 @@ private void DrawEntriesOperations()
foreach (var e in _analysisEntries)
+ SaveHistory();
@@ -234,6 +251,7 @@ private void DrawNewEntry()
if (ImGui.Button("Open"))
_replayEntries.Add(new(_path, true));
+ SaveHistory();
@@ -252,6 +270,7 @@ private void DrawNewEntry()
if (ImGui.Button("Load all"))
+ SaveHistory();
@@ -297,4 +316,24 @@ private void ConvertLog(Replay r, ReplayLogFormat format)
using var relogger = new ReplayRecorder(player.WorldState, format, false, new FileInfo(r.Path).Directory!, format.ToString());
player.AdvanceTo(DateTime.MaxValue, () => { });
+ private void SaveHistory()
+ {
+ var cfg = Service.Config.Get();
+ if (!cfg.RememberReplays)
+ return;
+ cfg.ReplayHistory = _replayEntries.Select(r => new ReplayMemory(r.Path, r.Window?.IsOpen ?? true, r.Window?.CurrentTime ?? default)).ToList();
+ cfg.Modified.Fire();
+ }
+ private void RestoreHistory()
+ {
+ var cfg = Service.Config.Get();
+ if (!cfg.RememberReplays)
+ return;
+ foreach (var memory in cfg.ReplayHistory)
+ _replayEntries.Add(new(memory.Path, memory.IsOpen, cfg.RememberReplayTimes ? memory.PlaybackPosition : null));
+ }
diff --git a/BossMod/Replay/Visualization/ReplayDetailsWindow.cs b/BossMod/Replay/Visualization/ReplayDetailsWindow.cs
index 9eff232b74..cb7b53cc7c 100644
--- a/BossMod/Replay/Visualization/ReplayDetailsWindow.cs
+++ b/BossMod/Replay/Visualization/ReplayDetailsWindow.cs
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
using Dalamud.Interface.Utility.Raii;
using ImGuiNET;
using System.IO;
-using System.Security.AccessControl;
namespace BossMod.ReplayVisualization;
@@ -80,6 +79,8 @@ public override void Draw()
ImGui.TextUnformatted($"Num loaded modules: {_mgr.LoadedModules.Count}, num active modules: {_mgr.LoadedModules.Count(m => m.StateMachine.ActiveState != null)}, active module: {_mgr.ActiveModule?.GetType()}, zone module: {_zmm.ActiveModule?.GetType()}");
+ if (_zmm.ActiveModule?.WantToBeDrawn() ?? false)
+ _zmm.ActiveModule?.DrawExtra();
if (!_azimuthOverride)
_azimuth = _mgr.WorldState.Client.CameraAzimuth.Deg;
ImGui.DragFloat("Camera azimuth", ref _azimuth, 1, -180, 180);
diff --git a/BossMod/packages.lock.json b/BossMod/packages.lock.json
index a311c3622b..7f88d64d82 100644
--- a/BossMod/packages.lock.json
+++ b/BossMod/packages.lock.json
@@ -1,944 +1,1108 @@
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+ "contentHash": "Z6YfyYTCg7lOZjJzBjONJTFKGN9/NIYKSxhU5GRd+DTwHSZyvWp1xuI5aR+dLg+ayyC5Xv57KiY4oJ0tMO89fQ==",
+ "dependencies": {
+ "Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms": "1.1.0",
+ "Microsoft.NETCore.Targets": "1.1.0",
+ "System.Runtime": "4.3.0"
+ }
+ },
+ "System.Windows.Extensions": {
+ "type": "Transitive",
+ "resolved": "4.7.0",
+ "contentHash": "CeWTdRNfRaSh0pm2gDTJFwVaXfTq6Xwv/sA887iwPTneW7oMtMlpvDIO+U60+3GWTB7Aom6oQwv5VZVUhQRdPQ==",
+ "dependencies": {
+ "System.Drawing.Common": "4.7.0"
+ }
+ },
+ "System.Xml.ReaderWriter": {
+ "type": "Transitive",
+ "resolved": "4.3.0",
+ "contentHash": "GrprA+Z0RUXaR4N7/eW71j1rgMnEnEVlgii49GZyAjTH7uliMnrOU3HNFBr6fEDBCJCIdlVNq9hHbaDR621XBA==",
+ "dependencies": {
+ "System.Collections": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Diagnostics.Debug": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Globalization": "4.3.0",
+ "System.IO": "4.3.0",
+ "System.IO.FileSystem": "4.3.0",
+ "System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Resources.ResourceManager": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Runtime": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Runtime.Extensions": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Runtime.InteropServices": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Text.Encoding": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Text.Encoding.Extensions": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Text.RegularExpressions": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Threading.Tasks": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions": "4.3.0"
+ }
+ },
+ "System.Xml.XDocument": {
+ "type": "Transitive",
+ "resolved": "4.3.0",
+ "contentHash": "5zJ0XDxAIg8iy+t4aMnQAu0MqVbqyvfoUVl1yDV61xdo3Vth45oA2FoY4pPkxYAH5f8ixpmTqXeEIya95x0aCQ==",
+ "dependencies": {
+ "System.Collections": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Diagnostics.Debug": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Diagnostics.Tools": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Globalization": "4.3.0",
+ "System.IO": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Reflection": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Resources.ResourceManager": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Runtime": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Runtime.Extensions": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Text.Encoding": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Threading": "4.3.0",
+ "System.Xml.ReaderWriter": "4.3.0"
+ }
+ },
+ "ffxivclientstructs": {
+ "type": "Project",
+ "dependencies": {
+ "InteropGenerator.Runtime": "[1.0.0, )",
+ "JetBrains.Annotations": "[2021.2.0, )"
+ }
+ },
+ "interopgenerator.runtime": {
+ "type": "Project"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/UIDev/OfflineTextureProvider.cs b/UIDev/OfflineTextureProvider.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dae9e4750c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UIDev/OfflineTextureProvider.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+using BossMod;
+using Dalamud.Game;
+using Dalamud.Interface.Textures;
+using Dalamud.Interface.Textures.TextureWraps;
+using Dalamud.Plugin.Services;
+using ImGuiScene;
+using Lumina.Data.Files;
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace UIDev;
+internal class OfflineTextureProvider(IRenderer render) : ITextureProvider
+ public readonly IRenderer Renderer = render;
+ private const string IconFileFormat = "ui/icon/{0:D3}000/{1}{2:D6}.tex";
+ private const string HighResolutionIconFileFormat = "ui/icon/{0:D3}000/{1}{2:D6}_hr1.tex";
+ public nint ConvertToKernelTexture(IDalamudTextureWrap wrap, bool leaveWrapOpen = false) => throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public IDalamudTextureWrap CreateEmpty(RawImageSpecification specs, bool cpuRead, bool cpuWrite, string? debugName = null) => throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public Task CreateFromExistingTextureAsync(IDalamudTextureWrap wrap, TextureModificationArgs args = default, bool leaveWrapOpen = false, string? debugName = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) => throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public Task CreateFromImageAsync(ReadOnlyMemory bytes, string? debugName = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) => throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public Task CreateFromImageAsync(Stream stream, bool leaveOpen = false, string? debugName = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) => throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public Task CreateFromImGuiViewportAsync(ImGuiViewportTextureArgs args, string? debugName = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) => throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public IDalamudTextureWrap CreateFromRaw(RawImageSpecification specs, ReadOnlySpan bytes, string? debugName = null) => throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public Task CreateFromRawAsync(RawImageSpecification specs, ReadOnlyMemory bytes, string? debugName = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) => throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public Task CreateFromRawAsync(RawImageSpecification specs, Stream stream, bool leaveOpen = false, string? debugName = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) => throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public IDalamudTextureWrap CreateFromTexFile(TexFile file) => CreateOfflineFromTexFile(file);
+ private unsafe OfflineTextureWrap CreateOfflineFromTexFile(TexFile file)
+ {
+ var buffer = file.TextureBuffer;
+ fixed (byte* raw = buffer.RawData)
+ {
+ return new OfflineTextureWrap(Renderer.CreateTexture(raw, buffer.Width, buffer.Height, buffer.NumBytes / (buffer.Width * buffer.Height)));
+ }
+ }
+ public Task CreateFromTexFileAsync(TexFile file, string? debugName = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) => Task.FromResult(CreateFromTexFile(file));
+ public ISharedImmediateTexture GetFromFile(string path) => throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public ISharedImmediateTexture GetFromFile(FileInfo file) => throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public ISharedImmediateTexture GetFromFileAbsolute(string fullPath) => throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public ISharedImmediateTexture GetFromGame(string path)
+ {
+ if (!_cachedFromGame.TryGetValue(path, out var cached))
+ {
+ cached = new OfflineSharedImmediateTexture(Renderer, CreateOfflineFromTexFile(Service.LuminaGameData!.GetFile(path)!));
+ _cachedFromGame.Add(path, cached);
+ }
+ return cached;
+ }
+ private readonly Dictionary _cachedFromGame = [];
+ public ISharedImmediateTexture GetFromGameIcon(in GameIconLookup lookup) => TryGetIconPath(lookup, out var path) ? GetFromGame(path) : throw new InvalidDataException($"icon {lookup} not found");
+ public ISharedImmediateTexture GetFromManifestResource(Assembly assembly, string name) => throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public string GetIconPath(in GameIconLookup lookup) => TryGetIconPath(lookup, out var path) ? path : throw new FileNotFoundException();
+ public IEnumerable GetSupportedImageDecoderInfos() => throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public bool IsDxgiFormatSupported(int dxgiFormat) => throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public bool IsDxgiFormatSupportedForCreateFromExistingTextureAsync(int dxgiFormat) => throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public bool TryGetFromGameIcon(in GameIconLookup lookup, [NotNullWhen(true)] out ISharedImmediateTexture? texture) => throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public bool TryGetIconPath(in GameIconLookup lookup, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? path)
+ {
+ // 1. Item
+ path = FormatIconPath(
+ lookup.IconId,
+ lookup.ItemHq ? "hq/" : string.Empty,
+ lookup.HiRes);
+ if (FileExists(path))
+ return true;
+ var languageFolder = lookup.Language switch
+ {
+ ClientLanguage.Japanese => "ja/",
+ ClientLanguage.English => "en/",
+ ClientLanguage.German => "de/",
+ ClientLanguage.French => "fr/",
+ _ => null,
+ };
+ if (languageFolder is not null)
+ {
+ // 2. Regular icon, with language, hi-res
+ path = FormatIconPath(
+ lookup.IconId,
+ languageFolder,
+ lookup.HiRes);
+ if (FileExists(path))
+ return true;
+ if (lookup.HiRes)
+ {
+ // 3. Regular icon, with language, no hi-res
+ path = FormatIconPath(
+ lookup.IconId,
+ languageFolder,
+ false);
+ if (FileExists(path))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // 4. Regular icon, without language, hi-res
+ path = FormatIconPath(
+ lookup.IconId,
+ null,
+ lookup.HiRes);
+ if (FileExists(path))
+ return true;
+ // 4. Regular icon, without language, no hi-res
+ if (lookup.HiRes)
+ {
+ path = FormatIconPath(
+ lookup.IconId,
+ null,
+ false);
+ if (FileExists(path))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private static bool FileExists(string path) => Service.LuminaGameData!.FileExists(path);
+ private static string FormatIconPath(uint iconId, string? type, bool highResolution)
+ {
+ var format = highResolution ? HighResolutionIconFileFormat : IconFileFormat;
+ type ??= string.Empty;
+ if (type.Length > 0 && !type.EndsWith('/'))
+ type += "/";
+ return string.Format(format, iconId / 1000, type, iconId);
+ }
+internal record class OfflineTextureWrap(TextureWrap Wrap) : IDalamudTextureWrap
+ public nint ImGuiHandle => Wrap.ImGuiHandle;
+ public int Width => Wrap.Width;
+ public int Height => Wrap.Height;
+ public void Dispose() => Wrap.Dispose();
+internal class OfflineSharedImmediateTexture : ISharedImmediateTexture
+ private readonly OfflineTextureWrap Wrap;
+ private readonly OfflineTextureWrap Empty;
+ public unsafe OfflineSharedImmediateTexture(IRenderer renderer, OfflineTextureWrap wrap)
+ {
+ Wrap = wrap;
+ var bytes = new byte[16];
+ fixed (byte* ptr = bytes)
+ {
+ Empty = new(renderer.CreateTexture(ptr, 4, 4, 1));
+ }
+ }
+ [return: NotNullIfNotNull(nameof(defaultWrap))]
+ public IDalamudTextureWrap? GetWrapOrDefault(IDalamudTextureWrap? defaultWrap = null) => TryGetWrap(out var tex, out _) ? tex : defaultWrap;
+ public IDalamudTextureWrap GetWrapOrEmpty() => TryGetWrap(out var tex, out _) ? tex : Empty;
+ public Task RentAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) => Task.FromResult(Wrap);
+ public bool TryGetWrap([NotNullWhen(true)] out IDalamudTextureWrap? texture, out Exception? exception)
+ {
+ texture = Wrap;
+ exception = null;
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/UIDev/PathfindingTest.cs b/UIDev/PathfindingTest.cs
index 97f60e4ed4..f4b46aebff 100644
--- a/UIDev/PathfindingTest.cs
+++ b/UIDev/PathfindingTest.cs
@@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ private MapVisualizer RebuildMap()
Map map = new(_mapResolution, new(_mapCenter), _mapHalfSize.X, _mapHalfSize.Y, _mapRotationDeg.Degrees());
float[] scratch = [];
var now = DateTime.MinValue.AddSeconds(NavigationDecision.ActivationTimeCushion);
- List<(Func shapeDistance, DateTime activation)> zones = [];
+ List<(Func shapeDistance, DateTime activation, ulong source)> zones = [];
if (_blockCone)
- zones.Add((ShapeDistance.DonutSector(new(_blockConeCenter), _blockConeRadius.X, _blockConeRadius.Y, _blockConeRotationDeg.Degrees(), _blockConeHalfAngle.Degrees()), now.AddSeconds(_blockConeG)));
+ zones.Add((ShapeDistance.DonutSector(new(_blockConeCenter), _blockConeRadius.X, _blockConeRadius.Y, _blockConeRotationDeg.Degrees(), _blockConeHalfAngle.Degrees()), now.AddSeconds(_blockConeG), 0));
if (_blockRect)
- zones.Add((ShapeDistance.Rect(new(_blockRectCenter), _blockRectRotationDeg.Degrees(), _blockRectLen.X, _blockRectLen.Y, _blockRectHalfWidth), now.AddSeconds(_blockRectG)));
+ zones.Add((ShapeDistance.Rect(new(_blockRectCenter), _blockRectRotationDeg.Degrees(), _blockRectLen.X, _blockRectLen.Y, _blockRectHalfWidth), now.AddSeconds(_blockRectG), 0));
zones.SortBy(z => z.activation);
NavigationDecision.RasterizeForbiddenZones(map, zones, now, ref scratch);
diff --git a/UIDev/UITest.cs b/UIDev/UITest.cs
index 51e0b3fcc3..70739699ef 100644
--- a/UIDev/UITest.cs
+++ b/UIDev/UITest.cs
@@ -15,21 +15,26 @@ class UITest
public static void Main(string[] args)
- // you can edit this if you want more control over things
- // mainly if you want a regular window instead of transparent overlay
- // Typically you don't want to change any colors here if you keep the fullscreen overlay
+ var width = 1200;
+ var height = 800;
+ if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) == 0 && SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(0, out var mode) >= 0)
+ {
+ width = mode.w - 200;
+ height = mode.h - 200;
+ SDL_Quit();
+ }
using var scene = new SimpleImGuiScene(RendererFactory.RendererBackend.DirectX11, new WindowCreateInfo
Title = "UI Test",
- XPos = -10,
- //YPos = 20,
- //Width = 1200,
- //Height = 800,
- Fullscreen = true,
- TransparentColor = [0, 0, 0],
+ XPos = 100,
+ YPos = 100,
+ Width = width,
+ Height = height,
+ TransparentColor = null,
- // the background color of your window - typically don't change this for fullscreen overlays
scene.Renderer.ClearColor = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0);
@@ -39,6 +44,7 @@ public static void Main(string[] args)
//Service.LuminaGameData.Options.PanicOnSheetChecksumMismatch = false; // TODO: remove - temporary workaround until lumina is updated
Service.LuminaGameData.Options.RsvResolver = Service.LuminaRSV.TryGetValue;
Service.WindowSystem = new("uitest");
+ typeof(Service).GetProperty("Texture")!.SetValue(null, new OfflineTextureProvider(scene.Renderer));
//Service.Device = (SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device?)scene.Renderer.GetType().GetField("_device", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance)?.GetValue(scene.Renderer);
// esc should close focused window
@@ -129,6 +135,9 @@ private static unsafe void InitializeDalamudStyle()
private static string FindGameDataPath()
+ if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FFXIV_GAME_FOLDER") is string gameFolderOverride)
+ return Path.Join(gameFolderOverride, "game", "sqpack");
// stolen from FFXIVLauncher/src/XIVLauncher/AppUtil.cs
foreach (var registryView in new RegistryView[] { RegistryView.Registry32, RegistryView.Registry64 })
From 5f95e89f435dd03485177559fe6029cbeeaba2df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: xanunderscore <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2025 19:12:32 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 03/32] add maps
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1010.812.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 17870 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1010.812.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 806 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1010.812.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 15038 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1010.812.4.bmp | Bin 0 -> 4514 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1010.812.5.bmp | Bin 0 -> 16598 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1010.812.6.bmp | Bin 0 -> 17870 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1010.812.7.bmp | Bin 0 -> 2450 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1011.793.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 82046 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1012.804.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 986 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1022.813.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 73790 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1050.844.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 53402 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1050.844.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 16070 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1050.844.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 21070 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1070.869.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 26774 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1070.869.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 67502 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1070.869.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 23822 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1097.896.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 19646 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1097.896.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 21202 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1097.896.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 33382 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1099.897.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 50302 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1099.897.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 49422 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1100.898.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 49422 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1100.898.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 50302 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1101.899.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 44142 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1101.899.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 44142 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1102.900.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 44142 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1102.900.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 44142 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1103.901.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 37790 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1103.901.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 37598 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1103.901.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 998 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1104.902.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 37598 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1104.902.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 37790 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1105.903.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 38150 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1105.903.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 39806 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1106.904.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 38150 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1106.904.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 39806 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1106.904.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 1630 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1107.905.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 66854 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1107.905.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 66670 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1108.906.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 66854 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1108.906.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 66670 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1108.906.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 1646 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1108.906.4.bmp | Bin 0 -> 31774 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1110.38.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 75422 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1110.38.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 3854 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1110.38.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 542 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1110.38.6.bmp | Bin 0 -> 2097214 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1111.141.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 12542 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1112.171.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 11614 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1112.171.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 10958 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1112.171.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 1094 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1113.182.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 66758 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1113.182.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 21950 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1113.182.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 3182 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1113.182.4.bmp | Bin 0 -> 4150 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1114.219.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 20942 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1126.822.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 31422 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1143.240.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 18046 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1144.241.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 142790 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1146.247.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 15814 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1146.247.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 77786 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1164.823.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 5022 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1164.823.4.bmp | Bin 0 -> 2110 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1172.279.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 70206 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1173.585.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 4130 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1173.585.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 156350 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1174.611.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 47158 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1174.611.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 66862 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1177.960.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 4958 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1177.960.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 36102 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1193.824.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 6278 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1193.824.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 5102 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1193.824.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 4734 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1193.824.4.bmp | Bin 0 -> 17666 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1193.824.5.bmp | Bin 0 -> 3454 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1194.829.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 41334 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1194.829.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 38462 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1194.829.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 2462 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1198.831.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 121982 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1199.827.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 31382 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1199.827.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 74694 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1199.827.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 42630 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1199.827.4.bmp | Bin 0 -> 19742 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1208.825.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 11166 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1208.825.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 9778 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1208.825.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 9890 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1208.825.4.bmp | Bin 0 -> 25838 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1208.825.5.bmp | Bin 0 -> 33662 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1233.1000.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 2686 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1236.1002.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 813406 bytes
BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/146.0.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 813182 bytes
BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/147.0.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 2097214 bytes
BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/147.0.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 302694 bytes
BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/148.0.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 733450 bytes
BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/156.0.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 2097214 bytes
BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/156.0.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 2097214 bytes
BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/156.0.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 135526 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/251.323.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 58526 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/258.319.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 632710 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/260.321.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 813182 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/261.322.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 813182 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/270.335.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 632710 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/314.363.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 632710 bytes
BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/349.18.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 5822 bytes
BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/349.18.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 37454 bytes
BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/399.0.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 135426 bytes
BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/436.88.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 1118 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/455.395.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 873590 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/458.398.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 66362 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/460.400.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 74622 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/473.411.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 555214 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/479.416.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 566 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/479.416.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 1527734 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/513.441.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 23382 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/533.167.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 4190 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/561.174.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 40310 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/561.174.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 39086 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/562.175.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 38510 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/562.175.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 39662 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/563.176.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 37934 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/563.176.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 39950 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/564.177.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 38870 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/564.177.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 40382 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/565.178.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 38870 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/565.178.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 40382 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/593.204.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 38414 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/593.204.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 40670 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/594.205.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 38414 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/594.205.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 40670 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/595.206.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 40670 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/595.206.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 38414 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/596.207.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 39374 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/596.207.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 38510 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/597.208.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 39374 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/597.208.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 38510 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/598.209.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 38510 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/598.209.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 39374 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/599.210.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 39590 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/599.210.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 38294 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/600.211.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 38294 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/600.211.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 39590 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/601.212.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 38006 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/601.212.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 40094 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/602.213.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 10070 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/602.213.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 9530 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/603.214.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 35830 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/603.214.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 34334 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/604.215.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 35830 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/604.215.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 34334 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/605.216.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 9530 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/605.216.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 9134 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/606.217.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 9134 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/606.217.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 9530 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/607.218.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 2097214 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/607.218.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 2097214 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/607.218.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 9134 bytes
BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/613.0.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 1912958 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/659.464.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 123506 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/668.458.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 481682 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/671.466.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 34190 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/684.269.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 50378 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/686.467.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 76182 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/757.472.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 482174 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/768.536.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 17902 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/768.536.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 17246 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/768.536.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 14146 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/768.536.4.bmp | Bin 0 -> 10182 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/770.540.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 39878 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/770.540.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 39878 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/771.541.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 39878 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/771.541.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 39878 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/771.541.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 17310 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/772.542.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 38414 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/772.542.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 40670 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/772.542.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 17758 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/773.544.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 35966 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/773.544.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 34942 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/773.544.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 18662 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/774.546.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 35966 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/774.546.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 34942 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/774.546.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 18662 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/775.548.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 40454 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/775.548.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 37190 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/775.548.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 4014 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/775.548.4.bmp | Bin 0 -> 18662 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/782.543.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 38414 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/782.543.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 40670 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/782.543.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 17758 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/783.545.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 34942 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/783.545.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 35966 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/783.545.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 18662 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/784.547.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 35966 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/784.547.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 18662 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/784.547.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 34942 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/784.547.4.bmp | Bin 0 -> 3886 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/785.549.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 40454 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/785.549.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 37190 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/785.549.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 18662 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/821.649.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 52542 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/821.649.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 14322 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/822.659.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 93806 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/822.659.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 69626 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/823.651.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 11774 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/836.656.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 31158 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/836.656.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 18830 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/837.676.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 161678 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/838.652.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 112446 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/838.652.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 2558 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/838.652.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 2162 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/861.662.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 60486 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/862.663.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 474062 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/864.665.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 35214 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/864.665.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 4542 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/884.692.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 85798 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/898.714.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 87982 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/916.737.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 28358 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/916.737.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 59030 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/920.735.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 170522 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/933.746.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 4526 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/933.746.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 7314 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/933.746.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 4830 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/933.746.4.bmp | Bin 0 -> 4982 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/933.746.5.bmp | Bin 0 -> 2846 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/933.746.6.bmp | Bin 0 -> 1542 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/933.746.7.bmp | Bin 0 -> 20054 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/938.777.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 141062 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/938.777.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 8174 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/952.783.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 33398 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/969.785.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 40622 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/969.785.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 8846 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/970.789.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 108734 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/970.789.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 11942 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/973.792.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 34942 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/973.792.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 44678 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/973.792.3.bmp | Bin 0 -> 34702 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/974.787.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 36098 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/974.787.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 24398 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/975.778.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 1383122 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/977.780.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 120302 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/978.786.1.bmp | Bin 0 -> 16694 bytes
.../Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/978.786.2.bmp | Bin 0 -> 16142 bytes
BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/maplist.json | 3158 ++++++++++++++++-
242 files changed, 3157 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
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create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1010.812.2.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1010.812.3.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1010.812.4.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1010.812.5.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1010.812.6.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1010.812.7.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1011.793.1.bmp
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create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1050.844.3.bmp
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create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1070.869.2.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1070.869.3.bmp
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create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1101.899.2.bmp
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create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1104.902.2.bmp
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create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1105.903.2.bmp
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create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1106.904.2.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1106.904.3.bmp
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create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1107.905.2.bmp
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create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1110.38.2.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1110.38.3.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1110.38.6.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1111.141.1.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1112.171.1.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1112.171.2.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1112.171.3.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1113.182.1.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1113.182.2.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1113.182.3.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1113.182.4.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1114.219.1.bmp
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create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1143.240.1.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1144.241.1.bmp
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create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1146.247.2.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1164.823.1.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1164.823.4.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1172.279.1.bmp
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create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1173.585.2.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1174.611.1.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1174.611.2.bmp
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create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1177.960.2.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1193.824.1.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1193.824.2.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1193.824.3.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1193.824.4.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1193.824.5.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1194.829.1.bmp
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create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1194.829.3.bmp
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create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/1236.1002.1.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/146.0.1.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/147.0.1.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/147.0.2.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/148.0.1.bmp
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create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/596.207.1.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/596.207.2.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/597.208.1.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/597.208.2.bmp
create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/598.209.1.bmp
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create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/606.217.2.bmp
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create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/607.218.2.bmp
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create mode 100644 BossMod/Pathfinding/ObstacleMaps/613.0.1.bmp
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