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Using the CD Planner: Basic Tutorial

Akechi-kun edited this page Jan 29, 2025 · 1 revision

Using the CD Planner

Creating the Plan

  1. Use the /vbm command to open the Boss mod config window.

  2. Click on the Modules tab on the top.


  1. Find the encounter you want to create a plan for. You can narrow down the list by right clicking an expansion or content type on the left. This will filter the list on the right.


  1. Expand the encounter you want to create a plan for.


  1. Click on the clipboard icon and then click on New plan for .


  1. Input a name for the plan to the left of the Name text. Each plan is unique to a job, so feel free to name it something like "MCH M1S".


  1. Select Modules at the top and select the ones you want to be active during the encounter.

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  1. You will notice a lot of "tracks" appear, each with relevant abilities to the modules you selected. In this case, Utility: MCH shows tracks for Dismantle, Tactician, and Arm's Length (ArmsL). Phys Ranged AI shows tracks for Sprint, Second Wind (SecondWind), Limit Break (LB), Peloton, and Head Graze. Lastly, xan MCH shows tracks for AOE, Buffs, and Automaton Queen. The Target track is always present. These are subject to change depending on how the modules are developed.


  1. On the left side of the window, there will be a timeline with boss abilities (and notes, i.e. Proteans 1, Proteans 2) called out. These are for you to reference while creating your CD plan.


  1. Proteans 1 and Proteans 2 are large damage events in the very beginning of the fight. Let's assume I want to cast Tactician right before those abilities cause damage. Under the Tactician track, I am going to click and drag before the the Proteans 1 ability happens. Note that you can right-click any ability usages on a track to delete them.


  1. You'll notice that a yellow line formed, as well as a lighter colored blue line. The yellow area indicates a cast window, so your autorotation will prioritize casting Tactician in this window, as early as it can. It's advised to make this window at least 2-3 seconds so you can fit in other OGCD casts. If you pass the cast window while casting higher priority rotation spells, VBM will not cast the ability late. The lighter colored line indicates the cooldown for the ability. When the line disappears, the cooldown is over and you can add another use of it to the plan.


  1. If you double-click the ability usage (yellow or light blue section), it will display options for that ability. Depending on the ability, you may want to set a target because Automatic targeting defaults to yourself (so it will not work for Dismantle, for instance). You can also set the area to not use an ability, which may be useful for things like forcing your autorotation use single target abilities (like for UwU feathers).

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  1. Some abilities, such as Sprint, also show how long they last in bright green.


  1. When you're done editing, make sure to click Save in the top left.


Using the Plan

  1. Make sure your Show in-game UI setting is enabled under Configs and Autorotation settings.


  1. Inside the fight, the autorotation module will have a Timeline option.


  1. Under Timeline, select the new CD plan you just made.


  1. In order to make sure the plan gets used, verify that the X IS NOT RED and the autorotation preset you made IS NOT YELLOW. The red X prevents ANY autorotation from happening and selecting the autorotation preset (when it is yellow) overrides your CD plan!

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