Install and setup the AWS Command Line Interface.
Run this command to create your table:
- Creates a table called Favorites in the us-west-2 region.
aws --region us-west-2 dynamodb create-table --table-name Favorites --key-schema AttributeName=UserId,KeyType=HASH --attribute-definitions AttributeName=UserId,AttributeType=S --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=1,WriteCapacityUnits=1 ```
- Log into the DynamoDB console in the AWS Management Console.
- Click Create Table.
- Enter Favorites for the table name.
- Click Hash for the Primary Key Type
- Enter UserId as String for the Hash Attribute Name.
- Click Continue
- Click Continue on the Add Indexes scren.
- Click Continue on the Provisioned Throughput Capacity screen.
- Uncheck Use Basic Alarms on the Throughput Alarms screen and then click Continue.
- Click Create.