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This RFC details the strategy for building and releasing v2 of the AWS CDK, in addition to changes to tooling required to support this strategy. For details on the specific features themselves, refer to the corresponding RFCs.


Since the CDK was announced as "generally available", the team has tried to limit breaking changes for users. However, a handful of features have emerged that the core team believes will make the CDK significantly simpler to use. These changes require a v2 release to signal to users that code changes may be required for adoption.

The main change of note is to consolidate all of the aws service construct libraries into a single package. The motivation for this change is detailed in the corresponding RFC.

The core motivation of this proposal is to detail the plan required to release this change while continuing to support users referencing the v1 modules. In short, we want to make sure users have plenty of time to transition their code to using the new module structure and make that transition as easy as possible.


Since this is the first major version release since we announced General Availability of the AWS CDK, we will pay close attention to which changes are scoped in for this release. The main criteria used to determine whether a change is suitable for inclusion are:

  • the change requires breaking existing customers of the changed API or feature
    • a migration should be possible without incurring replacement of existing resources
  • the change addresses a well documented customer pain point
  • the change has had the due diligence done:
    • implications of the change are well documented
    • an implementation strategy is documented

Changes considered for v2 inclusion

  • The following changes will be included, or are candidates for inclusion:

    Decision RFC / Issue Description
    ✅ In Remove @deprecated APIs from the previous major version
    ✅ In RFC-55 Reset all feature flags from the previous major version
    ✅ In RFC-6 Combine all AWS Construct Libraries into a single package
    ✅ In RFC-192 Remove the constructs compatibility layer in favor of using constructs directly
  • The following changes were scoped out because a solution is likely to be achievable without breaking existing customers:

    Decision RFC / Issue Description
    🚫 Out #39 Distribute lambda code for bundled custom resources via a public S3 bucket
    🚫 Out RFC-77 Generate CloudFormation Resources from the CloudFormation Registry schemas
    🚫 Out RFC-193 Fix API for TypeScript type unions when used in statically typed languages
    🚫 Out #116 Easier identification of @experimental modules and APIs
  • The following changes were scoped out because they can be achieved by introducing a new, fixed API, while deprecating the current one. If done before v2 is released, this effectively means v2 will only retain the new and improved API:

    Decision RFC / Issue Description
    🚫 Out aws-cdk#3930 Remove custom-resource based implementation of the Fargate event target
    🚫 Out aws-cdk#6966 Decouple lambda's AliasOptions and VersionOptions from EventInvokeConfigOptions
    🚫 Out N/A Remove support for Docker assets with parameters
  • The following changes were excluded because they would likely make migration of existing applications from v1 to v2 impossible, as they would likely lead to widespread replacement of existing resources (typically, because a new logical ID would be assigned to those):

    Decision RFC / Issue Description
    🚫 Out aws-cdk#1687 Un-mangle logical IDs generated for high-level (a.k.a. L2) constructs
    🚫 Out aws-cdk#6421 Change logical ID attribution to avoid potential collisions
  • The following changes were excluded because the problem statement is too ambiguous or the solution not clear enough at this point:

    Decision RFC / Issue Description
    🚫 Out aws-cdk#3203 Rename parameters, properties and methods that are awkward in other languages

Detailed Design


The development and release of v2 will be done in several key steps, detailed in the following sections:

Preliminary work in v1

In order to minimize the divergence between the v1 and v2 codebases, all the work that can be performed directly in v1 will be front-loaded. This includes all work that can be prepared without breaking existing customers of CDK v1:

  • Proactively deprecating APIs that need to be cleaned up in the v2 release, and introducing new replacement APIs (the removal of deprecated memebers would thus leave only the new API in v2)
  • Work identified in RFC-192 to be done directly in v1, ahead of the actual removal of the constructs compatibility layer in v2
  • Making the default state of feature flags version-aware (i.e: the default is "off" in v1, and "on" in v2)

Forking v2 out of v1

The forking point will be achieved by cutting a new v2 branch from the current tip of the master branch, where the following changes will be made right away:

  1. the repository-wide version configuration will be updated to 2.0.0-alpha (the pre-release identifier could be different)
  2. all packages in the @aws-cdk scope included in the monolithic library bundle (see Annex 1) will be marked "private": true in their respective package.json file
  3. the monocdk-experiment package will be renamed to aws-cdk-lib

A continuous integration pipeline will be configured on this new branch, so that pull requests can be automatically validated. Releases will be automatically published, however using the next NPM distribution tag instead of latest.

Other package managers we target (NuGet, Maven Central, PyPI) do not have a feature similar to NPM distribution tags. In those, the version number is the only mechanism to signal pre-releases. To this effect, the version numbers used must adhere to the correct local convension (which can be achieved using the existing version suffix features of jsii-pacmak):

  • NuGet honors prerelease identifiers in a way that is compatible with Semantic Versioning. Using the same version number as the NPM package will result in the correct behavior. The standard behavior of nuget is to resolve to the latest stable release, while resolving to pre-releases requires the user to use a pre-release identifier in their dependency specifications.
  • Maven Central uses the -SNAPSHOT suffix to version numbers to denote versions that are in active development. Publishing SNAPSHOT involves using a SNAPSHOT-specific repository. Maven Central offers a SNAPSHOT repository (at, which can be used. In order to install SNAPSHOT releases, customers must manually enable the SNAPSHOT repository in their configuration.
  • PyPI uses a specific set of version suffixes to identify pre-releases (.dev# for development releases, .a# for alphas, .b# for betas, and .rc# for release candidates). Modern package installers ignore pre-releases by default.

For NuGet and Maven Central, the GitHub Packages registry could be used as an alternate or additional location where customers would consume pre-releases from.

As long as the codebases have not diverged too much, it should be possible to continue forward-porting new developments on top of the v2 branch by simply cherry-picking new commits from the master branch. Alternatively, it might be possible to simply periodically merge master into v2. This task can easily be automated.

A new standard operating procedure (SOP / MCM) will be made to support manually releasing a CDK v2 release until this process is fully automated. Additionally, canaries and integration tests need to be prepared to ensure the ongoing quality of the v2 release stream.

As the codebases grow further appart, manual work may be required in order to forward-port feature work merged in master. As a consequence we will strive to keep divergences to a minimum for as long as possible. The on-call engineer will be tasked with reviewing and merging automated pull requests created twice a week (e.g: on Mondays and Thursdays), manually resolving merge conflicts as needed.

Monolithic Packaging

The AWS Construct Library will be released as a single artifact, instead of a collection of more than 100 libraries. The monocdk-experiment package has the tools necessary to re-package the existing hypermodular libraries into a single packaging. Re-using that same process will allow keeping the difference between master and v2 as constrained as possible (reducing the need for manual intervention in forward-porting features). No additional packaging work is needed once the v2 branch has been forked from master, as the renaming of monocdk-experiment to aws-cdk-lib and marking all bundled packages private is taken care of at that time.

Framework X CLI Shared Libraries

There are some packages that both the CLI and the framework depend on:

This means we cannot move these packages under aws-cdk-lib, as they need to consumable by the CLI. The simplest approach would be to keep publishing them as is, and have the framework and CLI continue to declare a dependency on them.

However, since @aws-cdk/cx-api and @aws-cdk/cloud-assembly-schema are exposed in the public API of aws-cdk-lib, this would require aws-cdk-lib to take a peerDependency on them, which we cannot afford.

The approach we take here is as follows:

  • @aws-cdk/cloud-assembly-schema, @aws-cdk/cx-api, and @aws-cdk/region-info will continue to published as is to support the CLI. To support the framework, they will also be copied over under aws-cdk-lib, in the same way all other packages are.
  • @aws-cdk/yaml-cfn is a utility package that isn't meant for public consumption. It can easily converted to pure JS and bundled inside aws-cdk-lib.

Metadata Reporting

Since users will all use a single aws-cdk-lib library, the granularity of information collected via the AWS::CDK::Metadata resource (injected by the version reporting feature) will be significantly reduced. In order to retain ability to provide a signal to customers affected by a security or reliability issue (and not to all customers using the CDK), the mechanism will need to be updated to enable identifying specific subsets of the construct library. While the exact design of this change is subject to change, one approach is to generate additional code in the CloudFormation Resources so they self-report usage, allowing the AWS::CDK::Metadata to include data as specific as the resource types being used when synthesizing a stack. The collected data will remain completely transparent and auditable by users, who will naturally retain the ability to opt out of this feature.

Releasing to Package Managers

aws-cdk-lib will be released to the various package managers under the following package name.

Github & NPM Maven Central PyPI NuGet Go
aws-cdk-lib aws-cdk-lib Amazon.CDK.Lib

CDKv2 will be published in three phases - alpha, release candidate and finally generally available. During the first two phases, packages will be published with the base version of 2.0.0 and every release will use a sequentially increasing pre-release identifier. The following table describes the versioning scheme in the different package managers across the different phases.

Github & NPM Maven Central PyPI NuGet Go
Spec semantic versioning pom version order python packaging nuget versioning go versioning
Alpha 2.0.0-alpha.1
DevPreview 2.0.0-rc.1
GA 2.0.0

Besides the pre-releases suffix, NPM releases during the alpha and developer preview phases will also include a v2 distribution tag. During these two phases, the latest distribution tag will continue to track the latest version of CDKv1, i.e., 1.x.y.

When CDKv2 is declared GA, the v2 distribution tag will be updated once to match the first GA release, and the latest distribution tag will start tracking the versions of CDKv2. A new distribution tag called latest-1 will be created to track the latest release of CDK 1.x.y.

Feature Implementation

This section provides detailed plans for implementing the features that were scoped in for this new major version.

Removal of @deprecated APIs

The definition of @deprecated in the CDK specifies that annotated APIs will be removed in the next major version release. Consequently, we will systematically remove all @deprecated APIs from the codebase upon cutting a new major version.

Sidenote: There are a few APIs in the CDK that don't follow the above definition, specifically, lambda runtimes and RDS Oracle versions. The APIs in these cases are marked deprecated because it has either been deprecated by the underlying AWS service or the AWS service has deemed it to have fallen out of best practice. In such cases, either these APIs will be removed in CDKv2, or if deemed necessary, @deprecated annotation will be removed and replaced by 'DEPRECATED:' note in its documentation.

As described above in the forking v2 out of v1 section, there will be a significant period of time when both CDKv1 and CDKv2 will be in active development. During this time, they will be tracked in the source code respectively by two active branches, master and v2, where changes on master will be forward merged onto v2. Removing the deprecated APIs by hand right at the beginning is going to result in increased maintenance overhead caused by merge conflicts. See alternatives section for more details.

The following strategy will be used to reduce merge conflicts while shipping CDKv2 without deprecated APIs right from its first release -

Before creating the v2 branch,

  • The jsii assembler will be updated to accept a --no-deprecated flag that will strip out all deprecated methods, properties, classes and interfaces. This will be achieved via a typescript transform that is run before assembly generation. A proof of concept for this transform is available here.

  • cdk-build will be updated to recognize the environment variable CDK_BLOCK_DEPRECATIONS and set the --no-deprecated flag on the jsii assembler.

  • All current usage of deprecated APIs within the CDK repository will be removed. In addition, a new check will be added to pull requests on the master branch, that will run a full CDK build and test with the CDK_BLOCK_DEPRECATIONS environment variable set. The typescript compilation and execution of the CDK's comprehensive unit test suite should highlight any usage of deprecated APIs.

  • In order to support unit tests that verify the behaviour of deprecated APIs, cdk-test will be updated to recognize a new pragma !/// !cdk-test:allow-deprecations and the CDK_BLOCK_DEPRECATIONS environment variable. Tests holding this pragma will be skipped when CDK_BLOCK_DEPRECATIONS is set.

For the first and every subsequent release of CDKv2,

  • the release pipeline will be configured with the CDK_BLOCK_DEPRECATIONS environment variable that will run the previously mentioned typescript transform as part of monolithic packaging (i.e., generation of aws-cdk-lib).

The master branch will remain in this state until we are ready to flip v2 branch to be the new master. At this point,

  • a two day code freeze will be instituted and a one time clean up of all deprecated APIs from the source code will be performed.

  • The PR check will be removed from the master branch. Let the deprecations on CDKv2 begin!

Resetting v1 feature flags

When developing new behaviors that are incompatible with previous ones, feature flags were introduced to allow customers control of when they migrate over to the new behavior. However, when a new major version release is issued, the new behavior ideally becomes the only behavior.

In certain cases, users may be unable to migrate over to the new behavior of a feature flag without incurring replacement of resources. Removing ability to toggle the feature off in a new major version would significantly complicate upgrading applications to the new major version. Feature flags will be critically evaluated, and in cases where a migration is impossible or difficult, the default state will be changed from disabled to enabled, but users will retain the ability to disable as needed.

Here is a table summarizing existing feature flags, the migration process, and whether they should be removed or only have thier default behavior toggled:

Feature Flag Migration Decision
aws-cdk:enableDiffNoFail Adding the --fail option reproduces "off" behavior 🚮 Remove
@aws-cdk/core:enableStackNameDuplicates Update to new file names under cdk.out 🚮 Remove
@aws-cdk/core:newStyleStackSynthesis Re-bootstrap environments 🚮 Remove

In order to reduce the codebase divergence between master and v2 (in order to minimize the amount of manual work involved in forward-porting features on v2), existing feature flags must be made version-aware, such that they are enabled by default (and impossible to disable if a clean and reasonably simple migration is possible) when the current version is greater then 2.0.0-0.

The actual removal of code paths that support the old behavior of feature flags that can no longer be disabled will be deferred to after the new major version has reached General Availability.

Documentation Updates

Before formally announcing the availability of CDK v2 for early adopters, a documentation source must be availbable to facilitate use of the new repository. The minimum bar should be availability of an API reference documentation for the v2 codebase that is usable. This entails the following items:

  • Both documentations for v1 and v2 must be browseable on the AWS CDK Reference Documentation site
  • The v2 documentation site must render the document for all submodules together with the API documentation, with a presentation that is similar to that of v1 (so migrating users do not have to learn a completely new reference documentation layout)

At the same time, the work to update the AWS CDK User Guide should be scoped and planned out. The updates to the User Guide must also include a migration guide to help developers move from CDK v1 over to v2. Special attention will be spent in ensuring the v2 release notes contain a clear and accurate summary of breaking changes and how users should update their applications.

Prerelease Announcement

Once sufficient documentation is in place, and the framework-level changes have been implemented and integration tested, we will be able to start promoting the upcoming new release and point early adopters to experimental builds of CDK v2. This will allow gathering early feedback on the updated experience.

A prerelease announcement will be published, formally announcing our plan to release AWS CDK v2 in the near future. This prerelease announcement should at least mention the following elements:

  • A provisional list of breaking changes expected to be made to the AWS Construct Library (aws-cdk-lib) APIs during the Construct Library Maintenance Tasks phase
  • A finalized proposal for the CDK v1 maintenance plan, and a call for developers to provide feedback on that
  • A minimal migration guide for bravehearts who are inclined to try and migrate their existing (non-production) applications

Construct Library Maintenance Tasks

All breaking changes should be handled in the form of a deprecation in CDK v1. In the event a particular change cannot be achieved in this way, a limited amount of time will be provided when AWS Construct Library owners (as well as third party contributors) will be allowed to introduce API-breaking changes in the v2 branch. These should be limited to items that were identified and documented as part of the Prerelease Announcement. Additional changes can however be introduced if a well documented proposal achieves consensus among the core development team. All breaking changes (including those planned in the prerelease announcement) will be documented in the release notes for each subsequent prerelease version, per the standard process.

Developer Preview

At the end of the Construct Library Maintenance Tasks window, a moratorium on breaking changes in v2 will be declared, as the codebase is thoroughly tested and vetted. At the end of the vetting period, and once known issues have been addressed, CDK v2 can be declared Developer Preview.

Once the Developer Preview has been declared, breaking changes will only be allowed if they are motivated by overwhelming customer feedback or the absence of alternate solutions to fix a well-documented pain point introduced by v2 changes.

Feedback Phase

During Developer Preview, we will keep listening to customer feedback and address bugs as they are discovered. The CDK version reporting dataset will be used to track adoption of the new version. We will encourage customers to provide feedback on the upcoming new release using a pinned GitHub issue, and possibly other means.

General Availability

After the Developer Preview has been sufficiently vetted, a timeline for General Availability will be agreed upon by maintainers. The General Availability checkist includes the following items:

  • Documentation
    • API Reference Documentation
    • User Guide
    • Migration Guide
    • Final maintenance plan for v1
  • Quality Assurance
    • Complete suite of integration tests
    • Examples built and tested against v2
  • No v1 feature is missing from v2 (unless it was deprecated in v1)

Once the criteria have been satisfied, the high-level procedure for officially releasing CDK v2 is:

  1. Create a new v1 branch from the master branch
    1. Configure GitHub branch protection on v1 as appropriate
    2. Deploy CI/CD infrastructure on top of v1
  2. Make v2 the new master branch:
    1. Force-push v2 on master
    2. Delete v2 and all related CI/CD infrastructure
  3. Perform a normal release
  4. Ceremoniously annouce CDK v2 is Generally Available, and repeat the v1 maintenance plan

Clean Up

Now that the new major version has been declared Generally Available, the previous major (v1) has entered maintenance mode. Forward porting is no longer exercised: instead, bug fixes on master will be back-ported to v1 when necessary. This means master can diverge more significantly from v1 than in earler stages of the process.

The definition of v1 feature flags and the code paths supporthing the old behavior of those can be deleted (they were previously simply neutralized in v2 so that they could no longer be disabled there).

Monitoring Adoption

We will keep an eye on adoption of CDK v2 thanks to the version reporting dataset. Should adoption pick up too slowly, actions will be taken to understand the causes for slow adoption and identify opportunities to provide additional tooling to remove roadblocks and facilitate migration.

Deprecation of v1

Based on the maintenance policy, new feature development is to stop on CDK v1, and only critical bugs and security issues will be addressed in the v1 release line.

New GitHub labels will be added to differentiate bugs reported against v1 from those reported against v2. Bugs reported against v1 will be closed with a standard message during triaging unless they are identified as critical or security-impacting (meaning they qualify for P0 handling).

A similar provision applies to pull-requests, as they will only be accepted in the v1 branch if they are non-breaking and fall into one of the following categories:

  • features dedicated to facilitating migration from v1 to v2
    • e.g: outputting synth-time warnings when @deprecated APIs are used to facilitate discovery
  • features back-ported from v2
  • bug fixes (where relevant, the author is expected to submit the v2 fix at the same time)

Community pull requests against the v1 branch may be processed with lower priority than those against v2, as the community is encouraged to shift their efforts towards the latest major version.

AWS CDK Maintenance Policy

Customers of the CDK must be able to rely on the perenity of major version releases. On the other hand, maintaining multiple major versions at the same time can be challenging, especially if feature work is expected ot happen on both branches. Our goal is to minimize the cost of maintaining multiple major versions at the same time, while enabling customers to migrate to a new major version release at their own pace.

To this effect, we define the following life-cycle stages for libraries and tools (later on referenced generically as software) that are part of the CDK ecosystem:

  • Developer Preview: During this phase, software is not supported, should not be used in production environments, and are meant for early access and feedback purposes only. It is possible for future releases to introduce breaking changes. Once AWS identifies a release to be a stable product, it may mark it as a Release Candidate. Release Candidates are ready for General Availability unless significant bugs emerge, and will receive full AWS support.
  • Full Support: During this phase, software is fully supported. AWS will provide regular releases that include new features, support for new services, API updates for existing services, as well as bug and security fixes.
  • Maintenance Announcement: AWS will make a public announcement at least 6 months before software enters the Maintenance phase. During this period, software will continue to be fully supported. Typically, this announcement happens at the same time as the next major version is introduced.
  • Maintenance: During this phase, AWS limits releases to address critical bug fixes and security issues only. Software will no longer receive API updates for new or existing services, or be updated to support new regions. The Maintenance phase has a default duration of 12 months, unless otherwise specified as part of the Maintenance Announcement.
  • End-of-Support: This phase starts at the scheduled end of the Maintenance phase. Software that has reached End-of-Support will no longer receive updates or new releases. Previously published releases will continue to be available via public package managers and the code will remain accessible on GitHub. The GitHub repository may be archived. Use of software that has reached End-of-Support is done at the user's discretion. We recommend users upgrade to the latest major version (the release in Full Support phase).

Here is a visual illystration of the major version life-cycle (timelines are purely illustrative):

Illustration of the Maintenance Policy

Rationale and Alternatives


The main motivation for moving forward with a v2 release now is the desire to start moving towards the single module structure. The current multi module structure is known to cause a lot of confusion for users. For more details on why aws-cdk is moving to a single package, see the MonoCDK RFC.

This belief that releasing a single package will make user's lives easier is countered by a strong desire to limit the exposure of users to breaking changes. Though the aws-cdk is relatively young, one of the core tenants of the project is stability. Major version upgrades are an important part of building and maintaining libraries. However, limiting the cost of breaking changes included in major releases is important. It isn't in the interest of the project to drop a new major version, immediately stop supporting the previous version, and leave the onus on the user to "catch up".

Therefore, a major part of the motivation to perform this work is to establish a framework for releasing new major versions of the cdk in a controlled and standardized way. Establishing standards and tools to automatically handle deprecations, feature flag resets, and pre-release versioning will allow the core team and contributors to leverage these to better control breakage. The path to introduce a breaking change is then a lot more clear.

First we ask, "can this be implemented behind a feature flag"? If so, that's usually the answer. Build tooling tells us when feature flags can be removed and warns users when it has happened. Migration path to new behavior has to be considered and should be documented clearly at the time the flag is created. This goes in the migration guide of the next major version.

If it can't be implemented behind a feature flag, we ask "can a new code path be defined and the old one deprecated?". Once again, migration path is considered and documented and it goes into the next major version migration guide.

If the migration path is too painful in either situation, can it be reduced somehow? Can it be automated? etc...

The desire to move forward with the change in packaging strategy has brought the need for these tools and procedures to the forefront.


The most notable alternative to releasing a new major version, is basically to not. This could be done a couple of ways.

The first is not moving forward with the packaging change at all. For the argument against that, see the MonoCDK RFC.

The second is to simply release the new module, aws-cdk-lib locked to the same 1.x.x version that the other modules are currently locked to. In fact, that is the first stage of the release process, its just under the name monocdk-experiment. This was a low cost way for the dev team, contributors, and users to experiment with the new structure before investing too much towards it.

Regardless, the point of using this change to push towards a v2 release, is that the single package structure is "the new cdk". Meaning, the long term plan is to only release the aws-cdk-lib package and no longer publish the other @aws-cdk/ namespaced ones. The MonoCDK RFC has more info on the problems currently experienced by users caused by the current packaging strategy and these problems will always exist unless we stop supporting the @aws-cdk/ packages.

Since we want to eventually supplant the current module structure with the new one, semver says we have to do it with the release of a major version.

Removal of @deprecated APIs - Why not remove these by hand?

An alternative that was considered is to remove these by hand in the v2 branch. As of Aug 24, 2020, there are ~250 deprecated properties, methods and classes combined, distributed across ~80 files.

While most of these would be properties and simple public APIs being deprecated, they also include larger sections such as entire classes. The main challenge with this approach are the merge conflicts that will arise when merging changes from the master branch onto the v2 branch.

Simple changes to files that contain a few deprecated APIs will pose no difficulty in git resolving these conflicts. However, any changes to the implementation of a deprecated API, file refactor or any other major changes will require non-trivial human intervention. It is unclear who owns the resolution of these conflicts, at what point they will be resolved (i.e., during PR, during forward merge, during pipeline approval).

We expect the forked state of the system (i.e., two active branches) to exist for several months as we work through the changes to have 'CDK 2.0' generally available. As we get closer to 'CDK v2.0', we must expect the list of major changes to this major release to expand. This may manifest as major or significant changes to the code and its structure. We must also expect an increased rate of deprecated APIs across the CDK as the reality of CDKv2 gets closer, with the team looking to use this opportunity to implement major changes.

The continuous overhead of conflict resolution or a ban on large refactors or changes is an unreasonable expectation on the team for such an extended period of time.

Adoption Strategy

All users will perform the following to adopt CDK v2

  1. Update Dependencies - Changing from referencing the old @aws-cdk/ packages to the new aws-cdk-lib package in the corresponding target language's package manifest (package.json, .csproj, pom.xml,, etc...).
  2. Update Imports - Since the current module structure is being changed in certain languages, import statements in user's code will need to change accordingly:
    • In TypeScript, this can be automated by a tool such as @monocdk-experiment/import-rewriter
    • In Python, manual replacement of import statements migth be necessary
    • In .NET languages (C#, F#, ...) and Java, the namespace structure from CDK v1 will be retained, removing the need for any code change
  3. Adjust code to the removal of the constructs compatibility layer, which is documented in RFC-192

Users will naturally have to make additional changes when upgrading if they are relying on deprecated APIs or old behaviors from feature flags that are being removed. A migration guide will be written with details about each individual feature flag and deprecated API that users may need to handle differently when upgrading.

Future Possibilities

As our first major version post v1, this sets the tone for others going forward. The v2 release is looking to be relatively painless for users to adopt. The most prevalent code change required, if any at all, should be automatable. The challenge for the future is to maintain that experience whenever possible, and wherever it isn't, give users plenty of time and warning to change their code and provide details about a reasonable path to do so without interruptions to their existing cloud resources.

Execution Plan

See GitHub Project Board: aws/aws-cdk@10

Changes needed in auxiliary projects:

  • jsii - Improved prerelease support in jsii (and jsii-pacmak)
    • Allowing per-language tuning of prerelease versions (Python uses some suffixes, Java uses -SNAPSHOT, NuGet & NPM use semver prerelease labels)
  • jsii - Support for submodule-level for the documentation site
  • jsii - Support for multiple versions on a single docsite
  • DelivLib - Support for prerelease publishing
    • Publish NPM packages to a different dist-tag than latest
    • Publish Java to SNAPSHOT repositories instead of the regular repository
  • DelivLib - Support for automated forward-porting
  • DelivLib - Automated daily releases


Annex 1

Packages that are included in the monolithic library bundle (monocdk-experiment to become aws-cdk-lib) are the following:

  • All non-deprecated packages whith a name starting with @aws-cdk/aws- or @aws-cdk/alexa-:
    • @aws-cdk/alexa-ask
    • @aws-cdk/aws-accessanalyzer
    • @aws-cdk/aws-acmpca
    • @aws-cdk/aws-amazonmq
    • @aws-cdk/aws-amplify
    • @aws-cdk/aws-apigateway
    • @aws-cdk/aws-apigatewayv2
    • @aws-cdk/aws-appconfig
    • @aws-cdk/aws-applicationautoscaling
    • @aws-cdk/aws-appmesh
    • @aws-cdk/aws-appstream
    • @aws-cdk/aws-appsync
    • @aws-cdk/aws-athena
    • @aws-cdk/aws-autoscaling-common
    • @aws-cdk/aws-autoscaling-hooktargets
    • @aws-cdk/aws-autoscaling
    • @aws-cdk/aws-autoscalingplans
    • @aws-cdk/aws-backup
    • @aws-cdk/aws-batch
    • @aws-cdk/aws-budgets
    • @aws-cdk/aws-cassandra
    • @aws-cdk/aws-ce
    • @aws-cdk/aws-certificatemanager
    • @aws-cdk/aws-chatbot
    • @aws-cdk/aws-cloud9
    • @aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation
    • @aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront
    • @aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront-origins
    • @aws-cdk/aws-cloudtrail
    • @aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch-actions
    • @aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch
    • @aws-cdk/aws-codebuild
    • @aws-cdk/aws-codecommit
    • @aws-cdk/aws-codedeploy
    • @aws-cdk/aws-codeguruprofiler
    • @aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions
    • @aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline
    • @aws-cdk/aws-codestar
    • @aws-cdk/aws-codestarconnections
    • @aws-cdk/aws-codestarnotifications
    • @aws-cdk/aws-cognito
    • @aws-cdk/aws-config
    • @aws-cdk/aws-datapipeline
    • @aws-cdk/aws-dax
    • @aws-cdk/aws-detective
    • @aws-cdk/aws-directoryservice
    • @aws-cdk/aws-dlm
    • @aws-cdk/aws-dms
    • @aws-cdk/aws-docdb
    • @aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb
    • @aws-cdk/aws-ec2
    • @aws-cdk/aws-ecr-assets
    • @aws-cdk/aws-ecr
    • @aws-cdk/aws-ecs-patterns
    • @aws-cdk/aws-ecs
    • @aws-cdk/aws-efs
    • @aws-cdk/aws-eks-legacy
    • @aws-cdk/aws-eks
    • @aws-cdk/aws-elasticache
    • @aws-cdk/aws-elasticbeanstalk
    • @aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancing
    • @aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-actions
    • @aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2-targets
    • @aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2
    • @aws-cdk/aws-elasticsearch
    • @aws-cdk/aws-emr
    • @aws-cdk/aws-events-targets
    • @aws-cdk/aws-events
    • @aws-cdk/aws-eventschemas
    • @aws-cdk/aws-fms
    • @aws-cdk/aws-fsx
    • @aws-cdk/aws-gamelift
    • @aws-cdk/aws-globalaccelerator
    • @aws-cdk/aws-glue
    • @aws-cdk/aws-greengrass
    • @aws-cdk/aws-guardduty
    • @aws-cdk/aws-iam
    • @aws-cdk/aws-imagebuilder
    • @aws-cdk/aws-inspector
    • @aws-cdk/aws-iot
    • @aws-cdk/aws-iot1click
    • @aws-cdk/aws-iotanalytics
    • @aws-cdk/aws-iotevents
    • @aws-cdk/aws-iotthingsgraph
    • @aws-cdk/aws-kinesis
    • @aws-cdk/aws-kinesisanalytics
    • @aws-cdk/aws-kinesisfirehose
    • @aws-cdk/aws-kms
    • @aws-cdk/aws-lakeformation
    • @aws-cdk/aws-lambda-destinations
    • @aws-cdk/aws-lambda-event-sources
    • @aws-cdk/aws-lambda-nodejs
    • @aws-cdk/aws-lambda
    • @aws-cdk/aws-logs-destinations
    • @aws-cdk/aws-logs
    • @aws-cdk/aws-macie
    • @aws-cdk/aws-managedblockchain
    • @aws-cdk/aws-mediaconvert
    • @aws-cdk/aws-medialive
    • @aws-cdk/aws-mediastore
    • @aws-cdk/aws-msk
    • @aws-cdk/aws-neptune
    • @aws-cdk/aws-networkmanager
    • @aws-cdk/aws-opsworks
    • @aws-cdk/aws-opsworkscm
    • @aws-cdk/aws-pinpoint
    • @aws-cdk/aws-pinpointemail
    • @aws-cdk/aws-qldb
    • @aws-cdk/aws-ram
    • @aws-cdk/aws-rds
    • @aws-cdk/aws-redshift
    • @aws-cdk/aws-resourcegroups
    • @aws-cdk/aws-robomaker
    • @aws-cdk/aws-route53-patterns
    • @aws-cdk/aws-route53-targets
    • @aws-cdk/aws-route53
    • @aws-cdk/aws-route53resolver
    • @aws-cdk/aws-s3-assets
    • @aws-cdk/aws-s3-deployment
    • @aws-cdk/aws-s3-notifications
    • @aws-cdk/aws-s3
    • @aws-cdk/aws-sagemaker
    • @aws-cdk/aws-sam
    • @aws-cdk/aws-sdb
    • @aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager
    • @aws-cdk/aws-securityhub
    • @aws-cdk/aws-servicecatalog
    • @aws-cdk/aws-servicediscovery
    • @aws-cdk/aws-ses-actions
    • @aws-cdk/aws-ses
    • @aws-cdk/aws-sns-subscriptions
    • @aws-cdk/aws-sns
    • @aws-cdk/aws-sqs
    • @aws-cdk/aws-ssm
    • @aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions-tasks
    • @aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions
    • @aws-cdk/aws-synthetics
    • @aws-cdk/aws-transfer
    • @aws-cdk/aws-waf
    • @aws-cdk/aws-wafregional
    • @aws-cdk/aws-wafv2
    • @aws-cdk/aws-workspaces
  • @aws-cdk/assets
  • @aws-cdk/cloud-assembly-schema
  • @aws-cdk/cloudformation-include
  • @aws-cdk/custom-resource
  • @aws-cdk/cx-api
  • @aws-cdk/pipelines
  • @aws-cdk/region-info