Welcome to the Portfoliogram community! We're excited to have you contribute to our project. Your help and contributions are essential in making Portfoliogram even better. Please take a moment to review these guidelines before getting started.
There are several ways you can contribute to Portfoliogram:
If you find a bug, encounter an issue, or have a feature request, please open an issue in our issue tracker. Be sure to provide detailed information about the problem and any steps to reproduce it.
We welcome pull requests for bug fixes, enhancements, or new features. Here's how to contribute through pull requests:
- Fork the Portfoliogram repository to your GitHub account.
- Clone your forked repository to your local machine.
- Create a new branch for your changes:
git checkout -b feature/your-feature
. - Make your changes and commit them:
git commit -m "Add your feature"
. - Push your changes to your fork on GitHub:
git push origin feature/your-feature
. - Open a pull request against the
branch of the main repository.
We value your feedback! Share your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions with us. Your input helps shape the future of Portfoliogram. You can do this by commenting on existing issues or starting a discussion in the GitHub Discussions section.
If you're good at writing documentation, we appreciate any improvements or additions to our project's documentation.
Portfoliogram is built using a modern tech stack, including:
- React: A powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Node.js: A JavaScript runtime for server-side development.
- OpenAI: Cutting-edge artificial intelligence for generating insights.
- Puppeteer: A Node library for controlling headless browsers.
- TypeScript: A statically typed superset of JavaScript.
- TailwindCSS: A utility-first CSS framework.
To set up Portfoliogram locally and start contributing, follow these steps:
- Fork the Portfoliogram repository.
- Clone your forked repository to your local machine.
- Install the required dependencies using
npm install
. - Configure your environment variables as specified in the project.
- Start the development server using
npm start
. - Make your changes and test them locally.
Please review our Code of Conduct to ensure a positive and welcoming community. We expect all contributors to adhere to this code when interacting with others.
Thank you for considering contributing to Portfoliogram. Your support helps us create a powerful web scraping tool and provide valuable insights to users worldwide. Together, we can make Portfoliogram even better!