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DesignLibrary Technical Documentation

This is a FAQ for DesignLibrary.

How can I use DesignLibrary?

If you are working on a feature called Foo and you are following our architecture then you also have FooRenderer like

struct Foo: BoxRenderer {
    struct Config {}
    private let appearance: BabylonAppAppearance
    private let observer: (Action) -> Void
    private let config: Config

        observer: @escaping (Action) -> Void,
        appearance: BabylonAppAppearance,
        config: Config
    ) { = observer
        self.appearance = appearance
        self.config = config

BabylonAppAppearance is a typealias for DesignLibrary.ComponentsBuilder so you can call appearance in order to reuse Bento components, here is an example

private func renderTextInput(
    id: ItemID,
    title: String? = nil,
    placeholder: String,
    text: String?,
    isEnabled: Bool,
    isSecure: Bool = false,
    accessory: UIImage? = nil,
    textDidChange: @escaping (String) -> Void,
    didTapAccessory: (() -> Void)? = nil
) -> Node<ItemID> {
    return Node(
        id: id,
        component: appearance.input(
            title: title ?? "",
            placeholder: placeholder,
            image: { image in return { _ in image } },
            isSecure: isSecure,
            textDidChange: {
                textDidChange($0 ?? "")
            didTapImage: didTapAccessory

How can I access fonts and colors from my renderer?

struct Foo: BoxRenderer {
    struct Config {}
    private let appearance: BabylonAppAppearance
    private var tokens: DesignLibrary.Tokens { 
        return appearance.tokens

    private func renderSomething() {
        tokens.colors.primary // This is our primary color
        appearance.font(fontAttributes: tokens.footer) // This is a footer

Why DesignLibrary doesn't allow me to construct a custom color or font?

Because we must use specific colors and fonts which have been decided by our design team.

Do you have any real examples.

Yes, check the GalleryApp :)

Where can I find all the components which are approved by our design team?

Go to Zeplin and select the Design System tag.

How can I reuse navigation controllers?

In DesignLibrary there is a factory method which will create a navigation controller which will be compatible with out design guidelines.

    DesignLibrary.viewControllersBuilder().navigationController(rootViewController: someViewController)

Custom styling for navigation controllers

Also the styling of the navigation controllers can be configured from the Renderer. The navigation controllers support different navigation behaviours. Currently these behaviours are related only to styling and they don't interfere with the actual navigation.

The available Navigation Behaviours are

  • NavigationBarHidingBehaviour
  • NavigationControllerBackgroundColorBehaviour
  • NavigationBarTitlesBehaviour

As an example of that if we have a Renderer called MyFeatureRenderer then we can extend it and comform to NavigationBehavioursProvider

extension MyFeatureRenderer: NavigationBehavioursProvider {
    func navigationBehaviours() -> [NavigationBehaviour] {
        return [
            NavigationBarHidingBehaviour(hideNavigationBar: false),
  • NavigationBarHidingBehaviour controls if the navigation bar will be hidden.
  • NavigationControllerBackgroundColorBehaviour controls the background color of the navigation contoller
  • NavigationBarTitlesBehaviour controls the style of the title, the available values are .displayLargeTitles and .displayNormalTitles