{%= description %}
{%= badge("npm") %}
Firedux (fiery·ducks) wraps the Firebase JavaScript API to dispatch Redux actions that optimisically & immediately read/write to an in-memory subset of your data from Firebase, then asynchronously pull & push data in the background.
Also supports some authentication methods and actions.
Works well with React.
Support firedux and fiery ducks like Magmar!
{%= include("install-npm", { save: true }) %}
You'll need to configure redux-thunk
on your Redux store.
See my TodoMVC example, the tests, and below:
import Firedux from 'firedux'
import Firebase from 'firebase'
import { createStore, applyMiddleware, combineReducers } from 'redux'
import thunk from 'redux-thunk'
* For Firebase 2.x, e.g.:
var ref = new Firebase('https://redux-firebase.firebaseio.com/')
* Or for Firebase 3.x, e.g.:
var app = Firebase.initializeApp({
apiKey: '<your-api-key>',
authDomain: '<your-auth-domain>',
databaseURL: 'https://redux-firebase.firebaseio.com/',
storageBucket: '<your-storage-bucket>'
var ref = app.database().ref()
* Then create your Firedux instance, passing it your database reference as `ref`.
const firedux = new Firedux({
// Optional:
omit: ['$localState'] // Properties to reserve for local use and not sync with Firebase.
const reducer = combineReducers({
firedux: firedux.reducer()
// Your other reducers...
// Create store with middleware, including thunk.
const store = applyMiddleware(
// Your other middleware...
// Set dispatch function from store on your Firedux instance.
firedux.dispatch = store.dispatch
// Later, you can subscribe to state.
store.subscribe(() => {
const state = store.getState()
const { data, authData } = state.firedux
console.log('Test data from Firebase:', data.test)
// Lazy loading
// e.g. once authorized, get user data:
if (authData && authData.auth && authData.auth.uid) {
// Watch a path:
.then(({snapshot}) => {})
// state.firedux.data.users.joe
// Note: this promise will only resolve on the first value,
// but it'll keep syncing on all value updates.
// Get:
.then(({snapshot}) => {})
// state.firedux.data.posts['123']
// Set:
firedux.set('test', true)
.then(({value}) => {})
// state.firedux.data.test == true
// Update (merging set):
firedux.update('users/joe', { job: 'developer' })
.then(({value}) => {})
// state.firedux.data.users.joe == { name: 'Joe', job: 'developer' }
// Push (to a collection):
firedux.push('users', { name: 'Jane' }, (id) => {
// The ID is generated locally immediately,
// so you can get it before the push with this callback.
// id == '-K95Cjx-caw2uSNsFJiI'
.then((id) => {})
// state.firedux.data.users['-K95Cjx-caw2uSNsFJiI'] == { name: 'Jane' }
// Remove:
.then(() => {})
// state.firedux.data.users['joe'] == undefined
// Auth
// WARNING: Auth methods may only support Firebase 2.x for now.
// Init
// Call this when your app starts, to get existing session, and listen for auth changes.
// See Login state below.
// Login
email: '[email protected]',
password: '123'
// state.firedux.authData == { auth: { uid: '123' } }
// etc. `authData` per https://www.firebase.com/docs/web/api/firebase/authwithcustomtoken.html
// or state.firedux.authError == Error
// Logout
// state.firedux.authData == null
// To handle some unsupported features, you can get access to the underlying Firebase instance via:
// e.g. turn off a watch:
// or login with OAuth:
firedux.ref.authWithOAuthPopup("twitter", (error, authData) => {
store.dispatch({type: 'FIREBASE_LOGIN', error, authData})
This component includes tracking via Google Analytics. The purpose is to better understand how and where it's used, as a guide for development.
To opt-out of this tracking, before loading the script on your page,
use the global options in JavaScript, with noTrack
set to true
, as follows:
noTrack: true
{%= include("tests") %}
{%= include("contributing") %} {%= include("contributing-extra") %}
{%= include("author") %}
{%= copyright({start: 2015, linkify: true}) %} {%= license({linkify: true}) %}
{%= include("footer") %}