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Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (PRML)



This project contains Jupyter notebooks of many the algorithms presented in Christopher Bishop's Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning book, as well as replicas for many of the graphs presented in the book.

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念岸岸 chapter01
岫?? 念岸岸 einsum.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 exerc44F8CF1723B2D9A4DB92BDF50E398386ises.ipynb
岫?? 弩岸岸 introduction.ipynb
念岸岸 chapter02
岫?? 念岸岸 Exercises.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 bayes-binomial.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 bayes-normal.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 density-estimation.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 exponential-family.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 gamma-distribution.ipynb44F8CF1723B2D9A4DB92BDF50E398386
岫?? 念岸岸 mixtures-of-gaussians.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 periodic-variables.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 robbins-monro.ipynb
岫?? 弩岸岸 students-t-distribution.ipynb
念岸岸 chapter03
岫?? 念岸岸 bayesian-linear-regression.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 equivalent-kernel.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 evidence-approximation.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 linear-models-for-regression.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 ml-vs-map.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 predictive-distribution.ipynb
岫?? 弩岸岸 sequential-bayesian-learning.ipynb
念岸岸 chapter04
岫?? 念岸岸 exercises.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 fisher-linear-discriminant.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 least-squares-classification.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 logistic-regression.ipynb
岫?? 弩岸岸 perceptron.ipynb
念岸岸 chapter05
岫?? 念岸岸 backpropagation.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 bayesian-neural-networks.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 ellipses.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 imgs
岫?? 岫?? 弩岸岸 f51.png
岫?? 念岸岸 mixture-density-networks.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 soft-weight-sharing.ipynb
岫?? 弩岸岸 weight-space-symmetry.ipynb
念岸岸 chapter06
岫?? 念岸岸 gaussian-processes.ipynb
岫?? 弩岸岸 kernel-regression.ipynb
念岸岸 chapter07
岫?? 念岸岸 relevance-vector-machines.ipynb
岫?? 弩岸岸 support-vector-machines.ipynb
念岸岸 chapter08
岫?? 念岸岸 exercises.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 graphical-model-inference.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 img.jpeg
岫?? 念岸岸 markov-random-fields.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 sum-product.ipynb
岫?? 弩岸岸 trees.ipynb
念岸岸 chapter09
岫?? 念岸岸 gaussian-mixture-models.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 k-means.ipynb
岫?? 弩岸岸 mixture-of-bernoulli.ipynb
念岸岸 chapter10
岫?? 念岸岸 exponential-mixture-gaussians.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 local-variational-methods.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 mixture-gaussians.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 variational-logistic-regression.ipynb
岫?? 弩岸岸 variational-univariate-gaussian.ipynb
念岸岸 chapter11
岫?? 念岸岸 adaptive-rejection-sampling.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 gibbs-sampling.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 hybrid-montecarlo.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 markov-chain-motecarlo.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 rejection-sampling.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 slice-sampling.ipynb
岫?? 弩岸岸 transformation-random-variables.ipynb
念岸岸 chapter12
岫?? 念岸岸 bayesian-pca.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 kernel-pca.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸
岫?? 念岸岸 principal-component-analysis.ipynb
岫?? 弩岸岸 probabilistic-pca.ipynb
念岸岸 chapter13
岫?? 念岸岸 em-hidden-markov-model.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 hidden-markov-model.ipynb
岫?? 弩岸岸 linear-dynamical-system.ipynb
念岸岸 chapter14
岫?? 念岸岸 CART.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 boosting.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 cmm-linear-regression.ipynb
岫?? 念岸岸 cmm-logistic-regression.ipynb
岫?? 弩岸岸
弩岸岸 misc
    弩岸岸 tikz
        念岸岸 ch13-hmm.tex
        弩岸岸 ch8-sum-product.tex

17 directories, 73 files