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Day 4


  1. Low-level object model concepts
  2. Extending DSL - Develop a code generator
  3. Extending DSL - Develop a macro concept
  4. User authentication
    1. Demo - Windows authentication
    2. Demo - Adding ASP.NET authentication and connecting it to Rhetos
  5. Authorization - Basic permissions
  6. Authorization - Row permissions
  7. Follow-up assignment review

Low-level object model concepts

Overview of low-level DSL concepts for implementation of specific business rules, when none of the existing concepts are applicable and there is no incentive to write a new reusable concept.



  • SaveMethod and the related sub-concepts
    • Review the Save method for Book in the generated application source. Note the method arguments (insertedNew, updatedNew). Note the tags in the Save method for inserting the new code (ArgumentValidation, Initialization).
    • Demonstrate SaveMethod and Initialization concepts by updating a DateTime property ("LastModifiedTime") to current time, when a record is modified. To simplify the task, there is no need to verify if the record's values are actually modified, only if the update is called (see updatedNew).
  • RepositoryUses
  • RepositoryMember


  1. Read the article

Extending DSL - Develop a code generator

All features available in Rhetos DSL are implemented as plugins with code generators.

While developing a new application, developers will often extends the DSL programming language with new custom keywords and new code generators, to simplify implementation of patterns in user requirements or integration with new technologies.



  • In Rhetos framework source code, review the existing CommonConcepts concept definition classes: ModuleInfo, EntityInfo (DataStructureInfo) and CreationTimeInfo.
  • Creating a new class library project (a new DLL) for custom concepts as a part of your application.
  • Demonstrate adding a new Visual Studio project for implementing custom DSL concepts:
    • In the same solution with the existing Rhetos application (Bookstore.Service), add a "Class Library" C# project, named "Bookstore.RhetosExtensions" located in "src" subfolder, with .NET 6 framework.
    • In the Bookstore.Service application add a project reference to the Bookstore.RhetosExtensions project, in order to use the custom concepts during build.
    • Add "Rhetos.CommonConcepts" NuGet package to the Bookstore.RhetosExtensions project.
  • Rhetos concept development
    • Demonstrate development of new concept "LastModifiedTime" with code generator on the example from the previous workshop topic "Low-level object model concepts". The new concept is similar to the existing concept CreationTime, see concept syntax definition and code generator.
  • There are other code generators available (Database, REST web API, MVC client model, ...), and new custom generated files could be added (for example, generating TypeScript classes for all entities).
  • Testing & debugging custom DSL concepts.
  • New concepts library can be released as a NuGet packages to be reused in other Rhetos apps. The NuGet package can also contain DSL scripts, data-migration scripts, and other files. See


  1. Read the article
  2. Read the article

Extending DSL - Develop a macro concept

Macro concepts are simplest and most commonly developed custom concepts in application development. Instead of generating additional application code, they simply create new concepts.



  • Macro concepts
    • Demonstrate development of new macro concept "CodeTable" that can be applied to an entity and generates: ShortString Code { AutoCode; } and ShortString Name { Required; }.
    • For implementation, see Bookstore examples CodeTable.cs and CodeTable.rhe.
  • Macro concept that inherits EntityInfo
    • Demonstrate on CodeTable.
    • Note that "inheritance" approach is not a best practice for this example, because it prevents you from applying multiple similar features to the same entity.
  • Macro concept can use IDslModel, for example to add some feature to each entity in a given module.


  1. Implement a new macro concept "MonitoredRecord” as a part of your Bookstore application. The concept will be used on an entity, and it should automatically add the following features to that entity (also see the DSL usage example below):
    1. logging of all data changes on all properties
    2. a new property "CreatedAt" with each record's time of creation
  2. The concept definition classes for the created concepts are: DateTimePropertyInfo, CreationTimeInfo, EntityLoggingInfo, AllPropertiesLoggingInfo, DenyUserEditPropertyInfo.
  3. Usage example:
    Module Bookstore
        Entity Book
            // The "MonitoredRecord”" concept will generate the following features:
            // DateTime CreatedAt { CreationTime; DenyUserEdit; }
            // Logging { AllProperties; }

User authentication



  1. Read the article

Demo - Windows authentication

For example, to add Windows Authentication to your application, you can follow the ASP.NET documentation: Configure Windows Authentication.

After enabling Windows authentication, edit Rhetos configuration settings to disable option AllClaimsForAnonymous:

  • Remove configuration option Rhetos:AppSecurity:AllClaimsForAnonymous, or set it to false. It might be located in appsettings.json file.
  • For security reasons, Rhetos will report an error if trying to use authenticated users on an application with full anonymous access.

Testing Windows authentication:

  • In Bookstore demo application, you can test the user authentication at {BASE-URL}/rest/DemoAuthentication/UserInfoReport. This web request requires user authentication: Authorizing user's access to the resource, by configuring AllClaimsForUsers option, or add the current user name to Common.Principal database table and insert the required permission into Common.PrincipalPermission table.
  • Rhetos dashboard if enabled displays current username and authentication method. See {BASE-URL}/rhetos.

Demo - Adding ASP.NET authentication and connecting it to Rhetos

In this example we will use an overly simplified authentication method with hardcoded username. This is useless for real applications, but it can help with testing demo application in this tutorial.

Add authentication to ASP.NET application. Modify Program.cs:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;

Add service configuration:

    .AddCookie(o => o.Events.OnRedirectToLogin = context =>
        context.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status401Unauthorized;
        return Task.CompletedTask;

And authentication immediately before UseAuthorization():


Modify DemoController.cs

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Security.Claims;

and a new method to allow us to sign-in:

public async Task Login()
    var claimsIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(new[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, "SampleUser") }, CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme);

    await HttpContext.SignInAsync(CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme,
        new ClaimsPrincipal(claimsIdentity),
        new AuthenticationProperties() { IsPersistent = true });

This is simple stub code to sign-in SampleUser so we have a valid user to work with.

In appsettings.json set AllClaimsForAnonymous to false. This disables anonymous workaround we have been using so far.

If you run the app now and navigate to http://localhost:5000/Demo/Login and then to http://localhost:5000/Demo/ReadBooks, you will receive an error: UserException: Your account 'SampleUser' is not registered in the system. Please contact the system administrator.

Since "SampleUser" doesn't exist in Rhetos we will use a simple configuration feature allow full access for the user.

Add to appsettings.json:

"Rhetos": {
  "AppSecurity": {
    "AllClaimsForUsers": "SampleUser"

http://localhost:5000/Demo/ReadBooks should now correctly return number of books.

Browse to Rhetos dashboard https://localhost:5000/rhetos, it should show User identity: SampleUser, and User authentication type: Cookies.

Authorization - Basic permissions



  1. Read the article
  2. In order to test the basic permissions, disable suppressed permissions in development environment:
    • In your application's configuration file make sure that the following options are not specified, or disabled:
      • "AllClaimsForAnonymous" set to false.
      • "Rhetos:AppSecurity:AllClaimsForUsers" set to empty string "".
      • "Rhetos:AppSecurity:BuiltinAdminOverride" to false.
  3. Open a web browser, and read the data from any entity in your application through the REST web API (for example https://localhost:5000/rest/Bookstore/Book/)
    • The request should fail and display an error "Your account '***' is not registered in the system...". This is happening because we have disabled the override, and the basic permissions are now active.
  4. Open the Rhetos dashboard (for example https://localhost:5000/rhetos), and find your account name under the server status "User identity: ***".
  5. Add a new user directly in the database table (Common.Principle), set the Name to your account name (see Common administration activities). Make sure to include the domain name prefix, if it's showing in the previous step after "User identity".
  6. Test the REST request again, the message should now be different: "You are not authorized for action...".
    • Find the claim that is required for this operation in the table Common.Claim.
  7. Add a new role in the database (Common.Role). Add the role permission (Common.RolePermission) to connect this role with the claim that is required.
  8. Assign this role to the previously created principal (Common.PrincipalHasRole).
  9. Test the REST request again. It should returns the entity's data.

Authorization - Row permissions



  1. Read the article
  2. Implement the following row permissions in you Bookstore application with the following requirements:
    • Each book has an employee assigned to it.
    • Every employee can read all book records, but only the employee assigned to the book can edit that record in Book entity.
    • Only the employee assigned to the book can edit the book's chapters (see entity Chapter).

Assignment notes and common issues:

  • When testing row permissions, you can return the app's settings to the old configuration values (set AllClaimsForUsers or AllClaimsForAnonymous), if you have changed it previously while testing Basic permissions.
  • Basic permissions (claims) and row permissions are working at the same time. For example, for a user to read an entity, he or she should have both:
    1. basic permission assigned (Read claim)
    2. and a row permission rule that allows the operation (if the row permissions are used on this entity).
  • If you are not using row permissions on an entity, the permissions will not be checked, but when you add the RowPermissions keyword to an entity, then all read and write operations in this entity are denied by default, until explicitly allowed by Allow, AllowRead or AllowWrite.
  • You can connect the user account to the employee by simply adding ShortString UserName; property to the Entity Employee. To test the application, enter your full account name in this field directly in the database.

Follow-up assignment review

Entity Employee
    ShortString UserName;

Entity Book
    Reference AssignedTo Bookstore.Employee; // Only the assigned person should be allowed to edit the book data.


        AllowRead EveryoneCanRead 'context =>
                return book => book.AssignedTo.ID != null;

        // Better:
        AllowRead EveryoneCanRead2 'context =>
                return book => true;

        // Shorter:
        AllowRead EveryoneCanRead3 'context => book => true';


        Allow OwnerCanWrite 'context =>
                Guid employeeId = context.Repository
                    .Where(e => e.UserName == context.UserInfo.UserName)
                    .Select( e => e.ID)
                return book => book.AssignedTo.ID == employeeId;

        // Better:
        AllowWrite OwnerCanWrite2 'context =>
                return book => book.AssignedTo.UserName == context.UserInfo.UserName;

Entity Chapter
    LongString Heading;
    Reference Book { Detail; }

        AllowRead EveryoneCanRead 'context =>
                return chapter => chapter.Book.AssignedTo.ID != null;

        Allow OwnerCanWrite 'context =>
                Guid employeeId = context.Repository
                    .Where(e => e.UserName == context.UserInfo.UserName)
                    .Select(e => e.ID)

                return chapter => chapter.Book.AssignedTo.ID == employeeId;

        // Better:
        InheritFrom Bookstore.Chapter.Book;

// Or: