Follow the steps below for hosting Pipeline Control Plane
on Google Cloud
To create a ControlPlane within your Google Container Engine (GKE), a project must be set up. To do that please follow this link.
If you haven't signed up for GKE yet, please hit the "Sign up for free trial", this will allow you to try GKE out.
Create a new Project
or use the My First Project
which is created by GKE by default. Click the My First Project
to open the drop-down menu.
In the menu use the plus
button to create a new project.
After filling the Project name
field hit Create
to continue
When the Project is created, please choose it from the dropdown menu.
We need to enable Kubernetes Engine
, to do that click the Kubernetes Engine button in the menu.
At first an error will be displayed, but don't worry at the background GKE is enabling the Kubernetes Engine for your project.
Next, a credential has to be created, to do that use your terminal and apply the following commands:
If you don't have
gcloud cli
installed please follow this page
gcloud auth application-default login
Your browser has been opened to visit:
Credentials saved to file: [/Users/ferenc/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json]
These credentials will be used by any library that requests
Application Default Credentials.
To generate an access token for other uses, run:
gcloud auth application-default print-access-token
This json will contain all the credentials for you.
For creating the control plane launcher through command line take a look at .env.example
as a start to learn what environment variables are required by the Makefile
If you don't have
installed please follow this page.
- deploy -
make create-gcloud
- delete -
make terminate-gcloud
Please create a new Kubernetes cluster in GKE by clicking Kubernetes Engine
from the menu and choosing Kubernertes Cluster
To create a cluster first choose the Create cluster
Then customize your cluster use the options showed by the picture below
To access the provided Cloud Shell
click the connect button when the creation of the the cluster succeeded.
In the popup window please choose Run in Cloud Shell
If the Cloud Shell initialized hit enter, Shell will automatically provides the first command
Next Helm
needs to be installed, to do that please use the following command:
curl | bash
Create service account, clusterrole binging and init helm with the following commands:
kubectl -n kube-system create serviceaccount tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
helm init --service-account=tiller
Add the Banzaicloud
helm repo:
helm repo add banzaicloud-stable
Install the controlplane helm chart:
helm install banzaicloud-stable/pipeline-cp \
--set=drone.server.env.DRONE_ORGS=<acme_org> \
--set=global.auth.clientid=<GITHUB_CLIENT_ID> \
--set=global.auth.clientsecret=<GITHUB_CLIENT>SECRET> \
--set=pipeline.gkeCredentials.client_id=<GKE_CLIENT_ID> \
--set=pipeline.gkeCredentials.client_secret=<GKE_CLIENT_SECRET> \
--set=pipeline.gkeCredentials.refresh_token=<GKE_REFRESH_TOKEN> \
--set=pipeline.gkeCredentials.type=<GKE_TYPE> \
--set=prometheus.ingress.password=<PROMETHEUS_INGRESS_PASSWORD> \
credentials can be found in the json created above.
To get Control Plane
public ip use the following command:
kubectl get svc -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.spec.type=="LoadBalancer") .status.loadBalancer.ingress[].ip'