import os import sys import sqlite3 import argparse from shutil import copy, rmtree import glob import numpy as np import pandas as pd from itertools import groupby from scipy.ndimage import median_filter import datetime from datetime import timedelta from datetime import datetime as dt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.dates as mdates import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter plt.close('all');'default') for tick in ['xtick.minor.visible', 'ytick.minor.visible']: plt.rcParams[tick] = False class Actography: def __init__(self, args): = self.save_csv = args.save_csv self.freq = args.freq self.norm = args.normalize self.dblur = args.daily_blur self.hblur = args.hourly_blur self.landscape = args.landscape self.printer_friendly = args.printer_friendly self.zz = None # wakefulness self.dd = None # day range self.h1 = None # 24 hour range self.h2 = None # 48 hour range self.act = None self.pdf = None self.timeshare = None self.sleeps = [] self.df = pd.DataFrame() # activity dataframe (each row === site visit) self.binned_df = pd.DataFrame() # df binned by interval (e.g. 15 min) self.freq_intv = float(self.freq[:-1])/60 self.freq_no = int(24*60/float(self.freq[:-1])) self.h1 = np.linspace(0, 24, self.freq_no, endpoint=False) self.h2 = np.linspace(0, 48, 2*self.freq_no, endpoint=False) self.end = dt.combine( - timedelta(days=1), dt.max.time()) # TODO fix this to query intelligently (i.e., ignore 5% of early days # if they are isolated from rest, use a cutoff like 90% of data if args.start == 'available': self.start = dt.fromisoformat('2000-01-01 00:00:00') elif args.start is not None: self.start = dt.fromisoformat(args.start) else: self.start = dt.fromisoformat('2000-01-01 00:00:00') def __call__(self): self.__main__() def __main__(self): os.makedirs('actograms/', exist_ok=True) self.ImportData(self) self.ProcessData(self) plot = self.PlotData(self) self.ExportData(self, plot) class ImportData: def __init__(self, act): super().__init__() self.act = act self.__main__() def __main__(self): self.lookup_history_filepaths() self.copy_history_to_temp_folder() self.import_history_to_working_memory() self.delete_temporary_history_folder() def lookup_history_filepaths(self): """ check which OS user is running script from, then check typical file paths for popular browser history files """ home = os.path.expanduser("~") if sys.platform == "darwin": # Darwin == OSX safari_src = os.path.join(home, 'Library/Safari/History.db') chrome_src = os.path.join(home, 'Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/History') firefox_src = None # TODO edge_src = None # TODO elif sys.platform == "win32": safari_src = None chrome_src = home + '/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/History' firefox_src = None # TODO edge_src = None # TODO else: print('Sorry, having trouble with your operating system.') sys.exit() self.history_loc_dict = {'safari': [safari_src, 'History.db'], 'chrome': [chrome_src, 'History'], 'firefox': [firefox_src, 'History'], 'edge': [edge_src, 'History'] } def copy_history_to_temp_folder(self): """ Iterate through each file referenced in the history_loc_dict and copy to some temporary folder. This avoids direclty operating on the user's broswers' history files. """ for key, value in self.history_loc_dict.items(): src, fname = value if src is not None: self.copy_history_func(src, fname) def copy_history_func(self, src, fname, dst_folder='temp_history'): """ function to copy file at given file location to temporary folder""" os.makedirs(dst_folder, exist_ok=True) dst = os.path.join(dst_folder, fname) try: copy(src, dst) return dst except IOError as e: print("Unable to copy file. %s" % e) except FileNotFoundError: print('The file \'' + fname + '\' could not be found.') except Exception: print('Something went wrong, the file \'' + fname + '\' was not loaded.') def import_history_to_working_memory(self): """ Imports all of the files in the temporary folder into working memory. Each browser's particular history file format is standardized before concatenating to an overarching df""" for key, value in self.history_loc_dict.items(): src, fname = value if src is not None: if key == 'safari': command_str = 'SELECT datetime(visit_time+978307200, "unixepoch",\ "localtime") FROM history_visits ORDER BY visit_time DESC;' elif key == 'chrome': command_str = "SELECT datetime(last_visit_time/1000000-11644473600,\ 'unixepoch','localtime'), url FROM urls ORDER BY last_visit_time DESC;" elif key == 'firefox': pass elif key == 'edge': pass df = self._import_history_func(src, command_str) self.act.df = pd.concat([self.act.df, df]) def delete_temporary_history_folder(self): """ Delete the temporary folder after files are copied into working memory. No need to cache this temporary folder, unless looking to backup browser history data (in which case there are better alternatives) """ if os.path.isdir('temp_history'): rmtree('temp_history') def _import_history_func(self, file_name, command_str): """ Function to open SQL styled history files and convert to a pandas DataFrame type. SQL objects are closed after copying to Pandas DF. """ cnx = sqlite3.connect(file_name) df = pd.read_sql_query(command_str, cnx) cnx.commit() cnx.close() df.rename(inplace=True, columns={df.columns[0]: 'visit_time'}) df = pd.to_datetime(df['visit_time'], errors='coerce').dropna() return df class ProcessData: def __init__(self, act): super().__init__() self.act = act self.pcm = None self.pdf = None self.tshare = None self.df = self.act.df self.binned_df = self.act.df self.__main__() def __main__(self): self.aggregate_visits_by_freq() self.pre_allocate_binned_df() self.clip_date_range() # TODO make timezone aware, add option for visualizing in either current tz or selected tz self.init_pcolormesh_args() self.apply_median_blurring() self.define_pcolormesh_args() self.check_continuous_sleep_times() self.define_subplot_args() self.pass_processed_data() def aggregate_visits_by_freq(self): """ INPUT: pandas dataframe from private class variables OUTPUT: Nx1 pandas dataframe (not series) of binned visit histories DESCRIPTION: Aggregate the M rows for each unique visit from self.df into some N rows corresponding to all the time intervals (e.g. 5 min) in the input dataframe's date range. Output row values are the number of visits within each time interval. """ visits = pd.to_datetime(self.df.iloc[:, 0]) self.df = pd.DataFrame({'visits': np.ones(len(visits))}, index=visits) self.df = self.df.resample(self.act.freq).agg({'visits': 'sum'}) self.df = self.df.fillna(0) def pre_allocate_binned_df(self): """ INPUT: binned visit histories from previous step (private class variable) OUTPUT: M x binned dataframe of appropriate shape DESCRIPTION: Aggregate the M rows for each unique visit from self.df into some N rows corresponding to all the time intervals (e.g. 5 min) in the input dataframe's date range. Output row values are the number of visits within each time interval. """ bdf = pd.DataFrame(data=self.df, index=self.df.index) d1 = self.df.index.min().floor(freq='D') - timedelta(days=1) d2 = self.df.index.max().ceil(freq='D') - timedelta(days=1, seconds=1) days = pd.date_range(d1, d2, freq=self.act.freq) bdf = bdf.reindex(days, fill_value=0) bdf['x'], bdf['y'] = (lambda x: (, x.time))(bdf.index) bdf.rename(columns={'visits': 'z'}, inplace=True) self.binned_df = bdf def clip_date_range(self): first_visit =[0] dt_first_visit = dt.combine(first_visit, dt.min.time()) if self.act.start <= dt_first_visit: self.act_start = dt_first_visit bdf = self.binned_df bdf = bdf.fillna(0) bdf = bdf[bdf.index >= self.act.start] bdf = bdf[bdf.index <= self.act.end] self.act.dd = pd.unique( self.binned_df = bdf def init_pcolormesh_args(self): """ define the x, y and z (color) data structure for plotting later on""" z = self.binned_df['z'].T.values act_z = np.asarray(z.reshape(len(self.act.h1), -1, order='F')) self.pcm = {'x': None, 'y': None, 'z': act_z.astype(int)} def apply_median_blurring(self): """ apply blurring process to smooth out time away from the internet at the daily level or one-off periods at the day-to-day level""" zz = self.pcm['z'] if self.act.hblur: zz = median_filter(zz, size=(self.act.hblur, 1)) if self.act.dblur: zz = median_filter(zz, size=(1, self.act.dblur)) if self.act.norm: zz = (zz>=1) self.pcm['z'] = zz.astype(float) def define_pcolormesh_args(self): xx, yy, zz = self.act.dd, self.act.h2, np.tile(self.pcm['z'], (2, 1)) if not self.act.landscape: xx, yy = yy, xx zz = zz.T self.pcm = {'x': xx, 'y': yy, 'z': zz} self.act.act = self.pcm def define_subplot_args(self): dt = self.act.freq_intv ax_pdf = 0^self.act.landscape ax_ts = 1^self.act.landscape zz = self.pcm['z'] _ = lambda x: pd.Series(x).rolling(window=7, min_periods=0).mean() offline_avg = _(24 - np.nansum(zz * dt/2, axis=ax_ts)) sleeps_avg = _(self.act.sleeps) #days = pd.date_range(self.act.dd[0], self.act.dd[-1]) #pdf = np.pad(pdf, (2,1), mode='edge') #offline_avg = np.pad(offline_avg, (1,2), mode='edge') #sleeps_avg = np.pad(sleeps_avg, (1,2), mode='edge') self.act.timeshare = [offline_avg, sleeps_avg] self.act.pdf = (lambda x: x/x.max())(np.nansum(zz, axis=ax_pdf)) def pass_processed_data(self): self.act.df = self.df self.act.binned_df = self.binned_df def check_continuous_sleep_times(self): """ INPUT: day vector (XX), binned search activity (ZZ) OUTPUT: vector with daily record for longest consecitive time offline DESCRIPTION: Takes vector of binary-encoded sleep-wake periods and tallies continuous stretches with zero-encoding (asleep) to a storage list. Then appends largest element in storage list to a second output list equal in len to XX corresponding to longest offline periods. Finally multiplies np array'ed output list with binning frequency to estimate longest real-time duration spent offline in date range """ temp = self.binned_df #xx, yy, zz = self.pcm days, awake = temp['x'], (temp['z'] > 0).values.astype(int) adhoc = pd.DataFrame(np.array([days, awake]).T, columns=['days', 'awake']) for idx, (_, v) in enumerate(list(adhoc.groupby('days')['awake'])): screen_breaks = [sum(not(i) for i in g) for _, g in groupby(v)] longest_break = np.array(screen_breaks).max() * self.act.freq_intv self.act.sleeps.append(longest_break) class PlotData: def __init__(self, act): super().__init__() self.act = act self.freq_no = self.act.freq_no self.landscape = self.act.landscape self.friendly = self.act.printer_friendly self.DPI = 450 self.figsize = (8,6) if self.landscape else (7,8) self.px_size = tuple(map(lambda x: x*self.DPI, self.figsize)) self.lw = 1/(len(self.act.h1)) if len(self.act.h1) > 24*5: self.lw = 0 horizontal = {'figsize': self.figsize, 'ax_pdf': [0, 0], 'ax_sleep': [1, 1], 'labels': ['Activity PDF', 'Time Offline (h)'], 'hratio': [1, 0.15], 'wratio': [0.1, 1], 'left': 0.1, 'right': 0.95, 'bottom': 0.05, 'top': 0.85, 'wspace': 0.12, 'hspace': 0.2, } vertical = {'figsize': self.figsize, 'ax_pdf': [1, 1], 'ax_sleep': [0, 0], 'labels': ['Time Offline (h)', 'Activity PDF'], 'hratio': [1, 0.1], 'wratio': [0.2, 1], 'left': 0.10, 'right': 0.85, 'bottom': 0.05, 'top': 0.85, 'wspace': 0.22, 'hspace': 0.12, } self.plot_params = horizontal if self.landscape else vertical self.__main__() def __main__(self): self.fig = self.plotter() def plotter(self): p = self.plot_params fig, fig_ax = plt.subplots(figsize=p['figsize']) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=p['bottom'], top=p['top'], left=p['left'], right=p['right'], wspace=p['wspace'], hspace=p['hspace']) spec = gridspec.GridSpec(ncols=2, nrows=2, height_ratios = p['hratio'], width_ratios= p['wratio']) fig_ax.axis('off') ax_actogram = fig.add_subplot(spec[0, 1]) ax_sleep = fig.add_subplot(spec[p['ax_sleep'][0], p['ax_sleep'][1]]) ax_pdf = fig.add_subplot(spec[p['ax_pdf'][0], p['ax_pdf'][1]]) ax_nul = fig.add_subplot(spec[1, 0]) self.subplot_the_actogram(ax_actogram) self.subplot_the_timeshare(ax_sleep, ax_actogram) self.subplot_the_pdf(ax_pdf, ax_actogram) self.plot_subplot_titles(ax_nul, fig_ax) return fig def subplot_the_actogram(self, ax): cmap = 'binary' if self.friendly else 'binary_r' lbl = lambda _: '0h' if not _%24 else ''.join('0'+str(_%24))[-2:] xx, yy, zz = [_ for k,_ in self.act.act.items()] ax.pcolormesh(xx, yy, zz, shading='auto', cmap=cmap, vmin=0, ec='dimgrey', lw=self.lw, clip_on=False) if self.landscape: locator = mdates.AutoDateLocator(minticks=1, maxticks=4) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.ConciseDateFormatter(locator)) ax.tick_params(axis='x', direction='out') ax.set_xticks(ax.get_xticks()) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, int(self.act.h2[-1]), 6)) ax.set_yticklabels(lbl(_) for _ in ax.get_yticks()) ax.invert_yaxis() else: locator = mdates.AutoDateLocator(minticks=1, maxticks=4) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.ConciseDateFormatter(locator)) ax.tick_params(axis='y', direction='out') ax.set_yticks(ax.get_yticks()) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(6, int(self.act.h2[-1]), 6)) ax.set_xticklabels(lbl(_) for _ in ax.get_xticks()) ax.yaxis.tick_left() ax.invert_yaxis() return ax def subplot_the_pdf(self, ax, ref_ax): x = self.act.h2 pdf = self.act.pdf if self.landscape: ax.fill_betweenx(x, pdf, color='grey', alpha=0.3,lw=0,step='mid') ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.set_xlim([0, 1]) ax.set_xticks(ax.get_xlim()) ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticks()) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%d')) ax.yaxis.tick_right() ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_yticks(ref_ax.get_yticks()) ax.set_ylim(ref_ax.get_ylim()) ax.invert_xaxis() else: ax.fill_between(x, pdf, color='grey', alpha=0.3,lw=0,step='mid') ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax.set_ylim([0, 1]) ax.yaxis.tick_left() ax.set_yticks(ax.get_ylim()) ax.set_yticklabels(ax.get_yticks()) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%d')) ax.xaxis.tick_top() ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_xticks(ref_ax.get_xticks()) ax.set_xlim(ref_ax.get_xlim()) ax.invert_yaxis() return ax def subplot_the_timeshare(self, ax, ref_ax): x = self.act.dd y1, y2 = self.act.timeshare if self.landscape: ax.fill_between(x, y1, color='grey', alpha=0.3, lw=0, step='mid') ax.fill_between(x, y2, color='k', alpha=0.5, lw=0, step='mid') ax.axes.axhline(8, color='k', linestyle='--', lw=0.75) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax.set_yticks([0, 8, 24]) ax.set_ylim(0, 24) ax.xaxis.tick_top() ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_xticks(ref_ax.get_xticks()) ax.set_xlim(ref_ax.get_xlim()) ax.invert_yaxis() else: ax.fill_betweenx(x, y1, color='grey', alpha=0.3, lw=0, step='mid') ax.fill_betweenx(x, y2, color='k', alpha=0.5, lw=0, step='mid') ax.axes.axvline(8, color='k', linestyle='--', lw=0.75) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.set_xticks([0, 8, 24]) ax.set_xlim(0, 24) ax.yaxis.tick_right() ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_yticks(ref_ax.get_yticks()) ax.set_ylim(ref_ax.get_ylim()) ax.invert_xaxis() return ax def plot_subplot_titles(self, ax, fig_ax): p = self.plot_params increments =int(60/(self.freq_no/(24))) if self.landscape: ax.text(1, 1+p['hspace']/2, p['labels'][0], ha='right') ax.text(1, p['hspace'], p['labels'][1], ha='right') s = ("Approximate sleep-wake periods, generated from time stamped " "internet browser searches\nbetween {:%d-%b-%Y} and {:%d-%b-%Y}. " "Increments of {} minutes.".format(self.act.dd[0], self.act.dd[-1], increments)) else: ax.text(1, 1-p['hspace'], p['labels'][0], ha='right') ax.text(1, p['hspace']/2, p['labels'][1], ha='right') s = ("Approximate sleep-wake periods, generated from time stamped " "internet browser searches between {:%d-%b-%Y} and {:%d-%b-%Y}. " "Increments of {} minutes.".format(self.act.dd[0], self.act.dd[-1], increments)) fig_ax.text(x=0, y=1.1, s='Double-Plotted Online Actogram', ha='left', va='bottom', fontweight='bold', wrap=True) fig_ax.text(0, 1.09, s=s, ha='left', va='top', wrap=True) ax.axis('off') class ExportData: def __init__(self, act, plot): super().__init__() self.act = act self.plot = plot self.__main__() def __main__(self): if self.export_actogram() if self.act.save_csv: self.export_csv('visits') def export_actogram(self): fig = self.plot.fig orientation = 'horizontal' if self.act.landscape else 'vertical' fig.savefig('actograms/actogram_' + orientation +'_' + + '.png', dpi=self.plot.DPI) def export_csv(self, filename): self.act.df.to_csv('temp.csv') size_most_recent = 0 list_exports = glob.glob('actograms/*.csv') if len(list_exports): most_recent = sorted(list_exports, key=os.path.getsize)[0] size_most_recent = os.path.getsize(most_recent) if os.path.getsize('temp.csv') >= size_most_recent: self.act.df.to_csv('actograms/' + filename + '.csv') os.remove('temp.csv') def main(): act = Actography(ARGS) act() return None if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--freq', type=str, action='store',default='15T') parser.add_argument('--start', type=str, action='store', default='2021-08-01') parser.add_argument('--end', type=str, action='store', default=None) parser.add_argument('--hourly_blur', type=int, action='store', default=False) parser.add_argument('--daily_blur', type=int, action='store', default=False) parser.add_argument('--normalize', type=int, action='store', default=True) parser.add_argument('--show', type=bool, action='store', default=True) parser.add_argument('--printer_friendly', type=bool, action='store', default=False) parser.add_argument('--landscape', type=bool, action='store', default=True) parser.add_argument('--save_csv', type=bool, action='store', default=True) ARGS, UNK = parser.parse_known_args() act = main()