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A Maxima package for operator algebra

This is a package for handling operator algebra within the Maxima Computer Algebra System, with a particular emphasis on quantum mechanical operators.


To install the operator_algebra package:

  1. Copy the operator_algebra folder to a location where Maxima can find it.
  2. If needed, add new entries to the file_search_maxima and file_search_lisp lists so that Maxima can locate the package.
  3. Load the package manually using the following command:
(%i1)  load("operator_algebra")$


The user documentation is located in the doc folder. Additionally, a demo file is included. To run this demo, append the path to the operator_algebra package to file_search_demo. Now you should be able to run the demo using the commands:

(%i1) load(operator_algebra)$
(%i2) batch(demo_qm_operators,'demo);

Basic usage

Operator composition is denoted by ., which is Maxima's generic noncommutative multiplication operator, and the composition of an operator with itself is denoted by ^^, which is Maxima's generic noncommutative exponentiation operator.

To declare that a symbol is an operator, use the Maxima function declare. Additionally, we will declare some constants:

(%i1)	declare([f,g],operator)$
(%i2)	declare([α,β], constant)$

Now we can compute some commutators:

(%i3)	commutator(α*f, β*g);
(%o3)	α*β*(f . g) - α*β*(g . f)

(%i4)	commutator(f, f);
(%o4)	0

(%i5)	commutator(f,f^^2);
(%o5)	0

(%i6)	commutator(f + g, g);
(%o6)	-(g . (g + f)) + g^^2 + f . g

(%i7)	expand(%);
(%o7)	f . g - g . f

In the last example, you need to manually apply expand to simplify the result. Alternatively, the user can automatically expand results by setting the option variable dotdistrib to true:

(%i8)	block([dotdistrib : true], commutator(f + g, g));
(%o8)	f . g - g . f

To assign a formula to an operator, use put. For example, to define an operator Dx that differentiates with respect to x and an operator X that multiplies an expression by x, we first need to declare Dx and X as operators. Next, we define the functions for these operators with put:

(%i1)	declare(Dx, operator, X, operator)$

(%i2)	put(Dx, lambda([q], diff(q,x)), 'formula);
(%o2)	lambda([q],'diff(q,x,1))

(%i3)	put(X, lambda([q],  x*q), 'formula);
(%o3)	lambda([q],x*q)

The function operator_apply applies a function to an argument:

(%i4)	operator_apply(Dx, x^2);
(%o4)	Dx(x^2)

To use the formula for Dx, apply the function operator_express:

(%i5)	operator_express(%);
(%o5)	2*x

Here is an example that uses both operators Dx and X:

(%i6)	operator_apply(X.Dx.X, x^2);
(%o6)	X(Dx(X(x^2)))

(%i7)	operator_express(%);
(%o7)	3*x^3

In output (%o6) above, we see that operator_apply effectively changes the dotted notation for function composition (in this case X.Dx.X to traditional parenthesized function notation X(Dx(X(x^2))). The traditional notation allows the use of the simplifying package to define operators as simplifying functions.

We will start by loading the simplifying package and defining predicates that detect whether the main operator of an expression is Dx or X.

(%i1)	load(simplifying)$

(%i2)	Dx_p(e) := not mapatom(e) and inpart(e,0) = 'Dx$

(%i3)	X_p(e) := not mapatom(e) and inpart(e,0) = 'X$

After that, we can define a simplification function for Dx that applies the rule Dx . X = Dx + X . Dx. Our code is

(%i4)	simp_Dx (e) := block([],
	    /* Dx . X = Dx + X.Dx */
	    if X_p(e) then (
	        Dx(first(e)) + X(Dx(first(e))))
	   else simpfuncall(Dx,e))$
(%i5)	simplifying('Dx, 'simp_Dx)$

Some simple examples:

(%i6)	operator_simp(Dx . X);
(%o6)	X . Dx + Dx

(%i7)	block([dotdistrib : true], operator_simp(Dx . X^^2 - X^^2 . Dx));
(%o7)	2*(X . Dx) + Dx