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Track your expenses and maintain personal budget using Splitwise!

Splitsheet is an expense tracker Google Docs spreadsheet template with a script that pulls data from Splitwise.

Splitsheet screenshot

Check out the template!


I was looking for a convenient way to maintain home budget for some time and soon realized that a good portion of my expenses (ones shared with my friends) is already tracked in Splitwise. I wanted to avoid duplicating these expenses into a "proper" budget app and decided to use Splitwise for personal expenses as well. While being a great expenses sharing app, Splitwise has its limitations when it comes to analyzing your spending. That's where Splitsheet comes in!

How to get started

Splitwise API key

You need Splitwise API key to use the script. Go to your Splitwise dashboard, open your account settings (Your account under your avatar) and find Your apps in Advanced features. Click Register your application and fill out the required fields:

Optional fields can remain blank.
Click Register and get API key to obtain your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret required in the next step.


Open a template spreadsheet and make a copy. Once you have your own Splitsheet, open Config sheet and fill in previously obtained Splitwise Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. Also, choose a default currency by providing its code (USD, EUR, PLN etc).

Authorize Splitsheet

Open a month sheet, choose Splitwise -> Update from the menu. Follow link from the dialog to authorize Splitsheet in Splitwise. One you get "Success! You can close this tab" response, you are all set! Use Splitwise -> Update once again and your expenses should be visible.


There are some things you need to know before using Splitsheet.

Personal expenses

The most convenient way to track personal expenses in Splitwise is to create a group with you as the only member. Any expense you create there will be assigned to you.

General category

Unfortunately, Splitwise marks Settle all balances transaction with General category which messes up expenses summary. That's why Splitsheet filteres out all General transactions. Please use specific categories.


Splitsheet supports multiple currencies but all expenses are presented in user's currency which must be specified in Config sheet. Conversion rate from the date of the transacion is used.

Date range

You can choose a date range for each month in the upper right corner of the sheet. Provide a closed range, expenses from both endpoints dates' will be included.

Trips expenses

I decided that Dining out, Car or Groceries while on a trip is something different than at home. That's why the script changes category of all expenses that belong to groups of type Trip to a new category Entertainment/Trips

If you are unhappy with any customization I made, feel free to fork this repository and modify it to suit your needs 😉