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File metadata and controls

107 lines (83 loc) · 6.85 KB

Project 1: Personal Website

In project 1, you will build a personal webpage. You will include some information about yourself, such as work/education experiences and contact info. You will code only in HTML and apply some of the skills gained from the worksheet. If you already have a personal website, then keep learning more about HTML/Bootstrap or explore front-end frameworks like React.

Project Prerequisites

If you already have Ubuntu Terminal (windows users) and pip installed, skip this part and go to Instructions.

  1. Following the instructions in Worksheet 1 (use this updated version as opposed to your copy), install Ubuntu Terminal (doesn't apply to Mac users) and pip.

  2. IF for some reason, you are not able to install Ubuntu Terminal, this is how you install pip without Ubuntu:

    Windows and Mac OS Pip Installation

    1. Run the following command to download pip curl -o
    2. Run the following command python (NOTE: depending on your python versions, you may need to run this python3 if you get an error about python)

    If the above method does not work, then follow the instructions provided in Step 3 of this artice.

    1. Download the file (link is in the article)
    2. Open a terminal (command propmt, ubuntu, etc.)
    3. Navigate to the folder where was installed
    4. Run the following command python

    Adding Python to PATH

    1. Run the following command to check your python version python --version If you see a python version displayed on your terminal, then skip step 2. You're good to go!
    2. If your terminal does not recognize python
    • and if you are using windows OS, then following the instructions provided here
    • if you are on Mac OS, follow these instructions
      • Note: in Mac OS, if you install Python using Homebrew, Homebrew will take care of adding Python to PATH, so you don't need to do anything else.


  1. Visual Studio Code (VS Code) code editor is a lightweight and user-friendly tool to edit code. If you already have it installed, skip this step. Otherwise, download and install VS Code for your particular OS here.

  2. Fork this repo to your own GitHub account (Don't know what fork is or how to fork? Check this out)

  3. Clone the forked repo with HTTPS to your computer.

  4. Based on what terminal/OS you use, do the following to create a virtual environment:


    If you have Ubuntu Terminal, use that. Otherwise, use PowerShell.

    Ubuntu Terminal users on Windows:

    • Navigate to the cloned directory on your terminal
    • Run the following commands:
      • sudo apt-get update # updates your Ubuntu/Linux package manager
      • sudo apt-get install virtualenv # installs a virtual environment tool
      • virtualenv venv # creates a virtual environment (venv)
      • source ./venv/bin/activate # activates the venv

    PowerShell users on Windows:

    • Navigate to the cloned directory on your terminal
    • If you have pip installed, run the command pip install virtualenv. If not, run python -m venv venv OR python3 -m venv venv. This step creates a virtual environment
    • Run .\venv\Scripts\activate to activate the virtual environment

    Mac users: Use the Mac terminal.

    • Navigate to the cloned directory on your terminal
    • Run python -m venv venv OR python3 -m venv venv to create a virtual environment
    • Run source ./venv/bin/activate to activate the virtual environment
  5. Install project dependencies: Run pip install -r requirements.txt

  6. Run flask run. If successfull, congrats, you just started your first Flask app! You should get the following message:

     * Serving Flask app 'flask-app' (lazy loading)
     * Environment: development
     * Debug mode: on
     * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
     * Restarting with stat
     * Debugger is active!
     * Debugger PIN: 143-635-663

    Copy and paste the URL above into your browser. Your URL might be different from this one. You should see a page titled Alice's Personal Page.

  7. Next, navigate to flask-app/templates/

  8. Open index.html in Visual Studio Code

  9. For this project, ALL of the coding will be in HTML inside the index.html file (No need to create more files). We have also provided you with some starter code.

  10. How to see the result of your HTML code???

    Replace 'Alice' in the starter code with your name. Refresh your page on the browser. You should see your name instead of Alice. Keep making changes and refreshing to see the results.

  11. Before you start coding, it's a good idea to complete the HTML section of Worksheet 1 to have a basic understanding of the language.

  12. See the requirements below...


  • Your page has a title (e.g. Alice's Personal Page) (hint: use <h1> tags)
  • Your page should have the following sections: bio (about), skills, experience, projects, contact info (hint: for each section name, use <h2> or <h3> tags)
  • Add some relevant content to each of your sections (hint: you can use <p> tags for writing content)
    • For instance, in the bio section, add some information about yourself
  • Create a button named 'Resume' in the bio section (no need to actually link your resume to the button - that's an optional challenge below) (hint: use the <button> tag)
  • Add hyperlinks to your GitHub and/or LinkedIn profiles; this could be in the contact info section (hint: use <a> tags)
  • (optional challenge) Add a picture (e.g. profile picture) (this could be in the bio section)
  • (optional challenge) link the Resume button to your resume so that when the button is clicked, the user can view your resume (hint: you can get a google doc link to your resume and make the button redirect you to that link when it is clicked)
  • (optional challenge) User can navigate the site from the hyperlinks in the navigation bar
  • (optional challenge) Footer

Sample page

With basic requirements met, your page will look something like this:



Submit a screenshot of your webpage using this form by 12 PM on April 2.