class: middle, center, title-slide count: false
Lecture 4: Transformers, power flow analysis part 2
Bertrand Cornélusse
[email protected]
- The power transformer
- The next part of power flow analysis: how to include transformers and transformers with tap changers
You will be able to do exercises 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 from Ned Mohan's book.
class: middle
A (single phase) transformer is made of two magnetically coupled coils or windings. An ideal transformer is a two-port represented as
In power systems, transformers are mainly used to transmit power over long distances by changing the voltage level, thus decreasing the current for a given power level. The voltage level of a synchronous generator is around 20kV.
Voltage is changed around five times between generation and load.
It is also used to measure currents and voltages, electrically isolate parts of a circuit (not the auto-transformer we will see), and match impedances.
class: middle, center, black-slide
<iframe width="600" height="450" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>The ideal model is complemented by elements
$X_m$ that models the magnetizing inductance -
$X_{leakage, i}$ that models the flux not captured by the core on side$i$ -
$R_{core}$ that models eddy current and hysteresis losses, i.e., losses in the iron core -
$R_{1}$ and$R_{2}$ that model (coil) copper losses
Parameters are either given in the datasheet or obtained by open-circuit and short-circuit tests.
Laminated core to decrease losses.
The excitation current, the sum of the currents in
Let's consider the rated voltages and currents on both sides of the (ideal) transformer as base values. As
Hence, in per unit, the transformer can be replaced by a single impedance
$$Z_{tr} = \frac{Z_{p}}{Z_{p, base}}+\frac{Z_{s}}{Z_{s, base}}.$$
Thus we have also that $$\begin{aligned}Z_{tr} &= \frac{Z_{p}+ Z_s/n^2}{Z_{p, base}} \\ &= \frac{n^2 Z_{p} + Z_s}{Z_{s, base}}\end{aligned}$$ i.e. the impedance is the same whether we see it from the primary or the secondary side, although the voltage bases differ.
Also, if the three-phase transformer is wye-delta connected, a 30° phase shift must be applied (more on this later).
Consider the one-line diagram
- a 200 km line with
$R = 0.029 \Omega/km$ ,$X=0.326 \Omega/km$ , neglected shunt impedances - two transformers with a leakage reactance of
$0.2 pu$ in the (500 kV, 1000 MVA) base, and losses neglected.
What is the equivalent model in a (345 kV, 100 MVA) base?
$Z_{line, pu} = 200 \times (0.029 + j 0.326) / (500^2/1000) = 0.0232 + j 0.2608 pu$ -
hence, the total impedance between buses 1 and 2 is
$$Z_{12} = 0.0232 + j 0.2608 + 2 * j 0.2pu = 0.0232 + j 0.6608 pu $$
the pu value of the impedance is the same in the (500 kV, 1000 MVA) and (345 kV, 1000 MVA) bases,
since we can transfer the impedance from one side of each transformer to the other, cf. a previous remark
if we now change the MVA base to 100 MVA,
$$Z_{12} = (0.0232 + j 0.6608) \times (100/1000) pu = 0.00232 + j 0.06608 pu$$ since the base impedance is proportional to the inverse of the MVA base.
The efficiency expressed in % is
- maximal when loaded such that copper losses = iron losses (cancel derivative of efficiency w.r.t current)
- Around 99.5 % in large power transformers at full load.
- Some transformers are equipped with a system allowing to change the
$1:n$ ratio - The ability to change the tap under load is called load tap changer (LTC) or on-load tap changer (OLTC)
- This is mainly used for voltage control
- It is usually implemented using auto-transformers
- We will see later on how to include this in the power flow analysis
class: middle, center, black-slide
<iframe width="600" height="450" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>The two windings (of the same phase) are connected in series, without galvanic insulation. They are commonly used when the ratio is limited.
- Physically smaller
- less costly (less copper)
- higher efficiency
- easy to implement tap changes
- "solid" earth grounding
- no electrical insulation
- higher short circuit current
- full voltage at secondary if it breaks (in case of a step down)
class: middle, center, black-slide
<iframe width="600" height="450" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>The star part has
Let's reason on phase
- Voltage
$\bar{V}_{a,s}$ is on the same core as$\bar{V}_{AC,p} = \sqrt{3}\bar{V}_{a,p} \angle{-30^\circ}$ where$\bar{V}_{a,p}$ is the (virtual) phase-neutral voltage on the primary side. - Since
$\bar{V}_{a,s} = n \bar{V}_{AC,p}$ ,$\bar{V}_{a,s} = n\sqrt{3} \bar{V}_{a,p} \angle{-30^\circ}$
We gain a $\sqrt{3}$ factor in the amplification, but a lagging phase shift of 30°.
The same reasoning holds for phases
We have seen in lecture 2 that active power flows are dictated by the voltage magnitudes but also the sine of the angle difference between buses:
S_r &= \bar{V}_r\bar{I}^* = V_r \left(\frac{V_s \angle -\delta - V_r}{-jX}\right) \\
&= \frac{V_s V_r \sin \delta }{X} +j \frac{V_s V_r \cos \delta - V^2_r}{X}
If we have a device that can generate an adjustable phase shift, we can control the power flows. This is the purpose of phase-shifting transformers.
In practice phase shifting is achieved by "combining the signal with a fraction of itself shifted by 90°". For the details of how it is implemented or modeled, see
- Wikipedia
- Section 5.7. of the Weedy or ELEC0014.
- ENTSO-E - Phase Shift Transformers Modelling, Version 1.0.0, May 2015
380/380 kV: in series with:
- line Zandvliet (B) - Borssele (NL) and Zandvliet (B) - Geertruidenberg (NL)
- line Meerhout (B) - Maasbracht (NL)
- line Gramme (B) - Maasbracht (NL)
- nominal power 3VN Imax = 1400 MVA
- phase shift adjustment: 35 positions, +17/-17 × 1.5° (at no load)
.footnote[From ELEC0014.]
220/150 kV :
- in series with the Chooz (F) - Monceau (B) line nominal power: 400 MVA
- in-phase adjustment: 21 positions, +10/-10 × 1.5 %
- quadrature adjustment: 21 positions, +10/-10 × 1.2°
.footnote[From ELEC0014.]
In three-phase operation,
- either there are three separate single-phase transformers (easier to fix when there is a problem on a phase, more modular)
- or a three-phase transformer, that is a single core with three auto-transformers on it, cf. the video at the beginning of this presentation (cheaper, lighter core and less copper).
Some transformers called three-winding transformers are equipped with a third winding (not to be confused with a three-phase transformer) that is used for auxiliary purposes (feeding auxiliary devices e.g., fans, providing reactive power support, ...).
class: middle
A transformer, in the per-unit representation, can thus be represented
- as a two-port if the shunt admittance is considered
- as a simple series leakage impedance if the shunt admittance is neglected
- if $ 0 < t \leq 1$, this corresponds to a simple tap-changer
- if $ 0 < |t| \leq 1$ but is complex, then this is a phase-shifter (
$\angle{t} < \pi/2$ )] .kol-1-2[.center.width-90[]]]
We have
Thus tap and phase shift can be represented by the admittance matrix
- if $ 0 < t \leq 1$, this can be represented as a
$\pi$ two-port - if $ 0 < |t| \leq 1$ but is complex, this is not the case
In the power flow analysis, you must pay attention to this when constructing the system-wide admittance matrix.
See python notebook / video recording.
- Mohan, Ned. Electric power systems: a first course. John Wiley & Sons, 2012. Chapter 6.
- Weedy, Birron Mathew, et al. Electric power systems. John Wiley & Sons, 2012. Section 3.8, Section 5.7.
- Course notes of ELEC0014 by Pr. Thierry Van Cutsem.
class: end-slide, center count: false
The end.