Cuckoofilter is an implementation of Cuckoo Filter using Python, which is thread-safe. Besides, the package can both be used in python2.x and python3.x.
Cuckoo filter first appeared in the paper Cuckoo Filter: Practically Better Than Bloom by Bin Fan,David G. Andersen, Michael Kaminsky and Michael D. Mitzenmacher, which is used to replace Bloom filters for approximate set membership tests. Cuckoo filters support adding and removing items dynamically while achieving even higher performance than Bloom filters. For applications that store many items and target moderately low false positive rates, cuckoo filters have lower space overhead than space-optimized Bloom filters.
To know more details of Cuckoo Filter, please read the paper.
Install cuckoofilter:
$ pip install cuckoopy
$ pip3 install cuckoopy
>>> import cuckoofilter
>>> cf = cuckoofilter.CuckooFilter(capacity=100, fingerprint_size=1)
>>> cf.insert('test')
>>> cf.contains('test')
>>> cf.delete('test')
To test the package and generate a test coverage report, you should run .. code-block:
$ pip install pytest coverage pytest-cov $ pytest -v --cov=cuckoofilter --cov-report=html
Or .. code-block:
$ pip3 install pytest coverage pytest-cov $ python3 -m pytest .