TiTaffyDb is a Titanium wrapper around TaffyDb created by Ian Smith.
For examples, and full documentation please visit (taffydb.com)[http://www.taffydb.com] for details.
Below is a sample app.js demonstrating how to use TiTaffyDb in your Titanium Mobile Project. For a fully working demo project please see the example folder.
//Bring the commonJs module into our project
Ti.taffy = require('ti.taffydb').taffyDb;
//Create a new database with some records
var newsfeed = Ti.taffy ([
{"id":1,"user":"kmart77","stars":3,"text":"JavaScript is a meal best served cold"},
{"id":2,"user":"lukeisyourfather","stars":5,"text":"Anyone want to meet tonight at Fado?"},
{"id":3,"user":"bemine","stars":3,"text":"I reallylike the new prirotity inbox #gmail"},
{"id":4,"user":"keepit","stars":3,"text":"Laughing at this weeks fails video."},
{"id":5,"user":"piegirl22","stars":3,"text":"It is impossible to change your clothes in a public bathroom. Ick."},
{"id":6,"user":"kmart77","stars":3,"text":"@kmart77: Have fun in New York!"},
{"id":7,"user":"justinb","stars":5,"text":"Please set the noise level to earthquake"}
var newFeedCount = newsfeed().count(); // returns 7
Ti.API.info('Records in newfeed =' + newFeedCount);
Ti.API.info('sort records by username');
Ti.API.info('filter for posts where user is equal to kmart77');
newsfeed({user:"kmart77"}).count() // returns 1
Ti.API.info('updates the star rating, returns a query object');
Ti.API.info('inserts a new record');
newsfeed.insert({"id":8,"user":"justinb","stars":3,"text":"Have a great weekend everyone!"});
Ti.API.info('removes all records for user kmart77');
Ti.API.info('Save contents');
Ti.API.info('After reset this many rows are left ' + newsfeed().count());
Ti.API.info('Can this to see if a db is stored ')
Ti.API.info('Does db test1 exist ' + newsfeed.exists('test1'));
Ti.API.info('How about does db test2 exist ' + newsfeed.exists('test2'));
Ti.API.info('Reload our db contents');
Ti.API.info('After reloading the db how many rows do we have? ' + newsfeed().count());
Ti.API.info('Distroy the db');
Ti.API.info('After destroying the db rows do we have? ' + newsfeed().count());
Ti.API.info('Does db test1 exist ' + newsfeed.exists('test1'));
This project is licensed under the OSI approved Apache Public License (version 2). For details please see the license associated with each project.
Developed by Ben Bahrenburg available on twitter @benCoding
Please consider following the @benCoding Twitter for updates and more about Titanium.
For module updates, Titanium tutorials and more please check out my blog at benCoding.Com.