Before installing, please check that you are meeting the minimum server requirements. Ion Auth 4 needs CodeIgniter 4.x, PHP 7.1 and Composer.
For using the library, you should install with Composer
For an existing composer project:
$ composer config minimum-stability dev
$ composer config repositories.ionAuth vcs [email protected]:benedmunds/CodeIgniter-Ion-Auth.git
$ composer require benedmunds/codeigniter-ion-auth:4.x-dev
For a new project:
$ composer init
$ composer config minimum-stability dev
$ composer config repositories.ionAuth vcs [email protected]:benedmunds/CodeIgniter-Ion-Auth.git
$ composer require benedmunds/codeigniter-ion-auth:4.x-dev
For developing against the library, you can use git directly
my-project$ git clone
my-project$ cd CodeIgniter-Ion-Auth
CodeIgniter-Ion-Auth$ git checkout 4
Then in your Config/Autoload.php, add this :
public $psr4 = [
'IonAuth' => ROOTPATH . 'CodeIgniter-Ion-Auth',
Once installed, maybe, you need to configure IonAuth library. In your application, perform the following setup: Create IonAuth.php in your Config directory :
<?php namespace Config;
class IonAuth extends \IonAuth\Config\IonAuth
// set your specific config
// public $siteTitle = ''; // Site Title,
// public $adminEmail = '[email protected]'; // Admin Email, [email protected]
// public $emailTemplates = 'App\\Views\\auth\\email\\';
// ...
Then use the migration file (in Database/Migrations/).
$ php spark migrate -n IonAuth
Don't forget to set Config\Migrations:enabled to true.
You can also use the seeds file to insert default datas: Windows :
$ php spark db:seed IonAuth\Database\Seeds\IonAuthSeeder
Linux :
$ php spark db:seed IonAuth\\Database\\Seeds\\IonAuthSeeder
The most convenient way is to create a new controller like this :
<?php namespace App\Controllers;
class Auth extends \IonAuth\Controllers\Auth
* If you want to customize the views,
* - copy the ion-auth/Views/auth folder to your Views folder,
* - remove comment
// protected $viewsFolder = 'auth';
You can also add routes configs in 'Config\Routes.php':
$routes->group('auth', ['namespace' => 'IonAuth\Controllers'], function ($routes) {
$routes->add('login', 'Auth::login');
$routes->get('logout', 'Auth::logout');
$routes->add('forgot_password', 'Auth::forgot_password');
// $routes->get('/', 'Auth::index');
// $routes->add('create_user', 'Auth::create_user');
// $routes->add('edit_user/(:num)', 'Auth::edit_user/$1');
// $routes->add('create_group', 'Auth::create_group');
// $routes->get('activate/(:num)', 'Auth::activate/$1');
// $routes->get('activate/(:num)/(:hash)', 'Auth::activate/$1/$2');
// $routes->add('deactivate/(:num)', 'Auth::deactivate/$1');
// $routes->get('reset_password/(:hash)', 'Auth::reset_password/$1');
// $routes->post('reset_password/(:hash)', 'Auth::reset_password/$1');
// ...