List VMs in a Protection Group

The domain name of the protected site SRM server to connect to


The id of the VM to add to the VR protection group. E.g. 'vm-108'



param (
    [string] $SrmServer = 'localhost',
    [string] $UserName = 'Administrator',
    [string] $Password = 'VMware1!'

[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true} # ignore untrusted SSL certificate
Write-Host "Connecting to SRM"
$webSvc = New-WebServiceProxy ("https://" + $SrmServer + ":8095/srm-Service?wsdl") -Namespace SRM
$srm = New-Object SRM.SrmService
$srm.Url = "https://" + $SrmServer + ":9007"
$srm.Timeout = 600000
$srm.CookieContainer = New-Object System.Net.CookieContainer

$srmSvcRef = New-Object SRM.ManagedObjectReference
$srmSvcRef.Type = "SrmServiceInstance"
$srmSvcRef.Value = $srmSvcRef.Type

$srmSvcContent = $srm.RetrieveContent($srmSvcRef)

Write-Host "Log in to SRM"
$srm.SrmLoginLocale($srmSvcRef, $UserName, $Password, $null)

$srmObject = New-Object System.Object
$srmObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -value $SrmServer -Name SRMServer
$srmObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -value $srm -Name SRMService
$srmObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -value $srmSvcContent -Name SRMContent

$protectionGroupList = @();

#Get Information about the ProtectionGroups and combine them
ForEach ($protectionGroup in $SrmObject.SRMService.ListProtectionGroups($SrmObject.SRMContent.Protection)) {
    Write-Host "Fetching ProtectionGroupInfo"
    $protectionGroupInfo = $SrmObject.SRMService.GetInfo($protectionGroup)
    Write-Host "Fetching VMs for ProtectionGroup"
    $protectedVms = $SrmObject.SRMService.listProtectedVms($protectionGroup) 
    $customProtectionGroupInfo = New-Object System.Object
    $customProtectionGroupInfo | Add-Member -Name ProtectionGroupMoRef -Value $protectionGroup -MemberType NoteProperty
    $customProtectionGroupInfo | Add-Member -Name ProtectionGroupInfo -Value $protectionGroupInfo -MemberType NoteProperty
    $customProtectionGroupInfo | Add-Member -Name ProtectedVms -Value $protectedVms -MemberType NoteProperty

    $protectionGroupList += $customProtectionGroupInfo

Write-Host "\nProtection Groups:"
ForEach ($pg in $protectionGroupList)  {
    Write-Host " | ProtectionGroup: " $pg.protectionGroupInfo.name
    Write-Host " +-- Description: " $pg.protectionGroupInfo.description
    Write-Host " +-- Replication Type: " $pg.protectionGroupInfo.type
    Write-Host " +-+ Virtual Machines:"
    ForEach ($vm in $pg.protectedVms) {
        Write-Host "   | VM MoId: " $vm.vm.value
        Write-Host "   +-- Protection State: " $vm.state
        Write-Host "   +-- Peer State: " $vm.peerState
        Write-Host "   +-- Needs Configuration: " $vm.needsConfiguration
        Write-Host "   |"

Write-Host "Log out of SRM"