The original purpose of the package was to simplify translation of Fortran codes, say
the codes accompanying the book Numerical Solution of Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations by prof. John A. Trangenstein Please refer here and here
Clawpack (stands for Conservation Laws Package) by prof. Randall J. LeVeque
see also translation to Julia of Fortran codes from ClawPack
The directory examples of hyperbolic_PDE contains at the moment a translation of explicit upwind finite difference scheme for scalar law advection equation from the book Numerical Solution of Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations by prof. John A. Trangenstein.
- examples/scalar_law/PROGRAM0/main.jl
The original Fortran arrays
u(-2:ncells+1), x(0:ncells), flux(0:ncells)
transformed to 1-based Julia arrays by shifting index expressions
u = Array{Float64}(undef, ncells+4)
x = Array{Float64}(undef, ncells+1)
flux = Array{Float64}(undef, ncells+1)
```{+ examp}(undef,es/scalar_law/PROGRAM0/main_offset_array.jl
Exemplary _use case_ of this package
u = OffsetArray{Float64}(undef, -2:ncells+1)
x = OffsetArray{Float64}(undef, 0:ncells)
flux = OffsetArray{Float64}(undef, 0:ncells)
- Timings for baseline with
0.103402 seconds (21 allocations: 235.531 KB)
- Timing for
version with@inbounds
0.103987 seconds (16 allocations: 235.094 KB)
- examples/scalar_law/PROGRAM1/...
[~/w/m/O/e/s/PROGRAM1] $ julia linaddmain.jl --cells=10000 --runs=3 ms master|✚ 1…
0.672295 seconds (42.90 k allocations: 1.990 MB)
0.509693 seconds (18 allocations: 313.281 KB)
0.512243 seconds (18 allocations: 313.281 KB)
[~/w/m/O/e/s/PROGRAM1] $ julia linaddmain.jl --cells=100000 --runs=3 6134ms master|✚ 1…
7.270463 seconds (42.90 k allocations: 4.736 MB)
7.177485 seconds (18 allocations: 3.053 MB)
7.248687 seconds (18 allocations: 3.053 MB)
Fortran timing for `100000` number of cells
real 0m4.781s
user 0m4.760s
sys 0m0.000s
That is 7.2s for Julia script vs. 4.8s for Fortran.