check_hostname_opts/1 | |
cipher_opts/0 | |
cipher_opts/0 | |
close/1 | Close a TCP socket. |
connect/3 | |
connect/4 | |
controlling_process/2 | Assign a new controlling process Pid to Socket. |
messages/1 | Atoms used to identify messages in {active, once | true} mode. |
peername/1 | Return the address and port for the other end of a connection. |
recv/2 | |
recv/3 | Receive a packet from a socket in passive mode. |
send/2 | Send a packet on a socket. |
setopts/2 | Set one or more options for a socket. |
shutdown/2 | Immediately close a socket in one or two directions. |
sockname/1 | Get the local address and port of a socket. |
check_hostname_opts(Host0) -> any()
cipher_opts() -> any()
cipher_opts() -> any()
close(Socket::ssl:sslsocket()) -> ok
Close a TCP socket.
See also: ssl:close/1.
connect(Host, Port, Opts) -> any()
connect(Host, Port, Opts, Timeout) -> any()
controlling_process(Socket::ssl:sslsocket(), Pid::pid()) -> ok | {error, closed | not_owner | atom()}
Assign a new controlling process Pid to Socket.
See also: ssl:controlling_process/2.
messages(X1) -> any()
Atoms used to identify messages in {active, once | true} mode.
peername(Socket::ssl:sslsocket()) -> {ok, {inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()}} | {error, atom()}
Return the address and port for the other end of a connection.
See also: ssl:peername/1.
recv(Socket, Length) -> any()
recv(Socket::ssl:sslsocket(), Length::non_neg_integer(), Timeout::timeout()) -> {ok, any()} | {error, closed | atom()}
Receive a packet from a socket in passive mode.
See also: ssl:recv/3.
send(Socket::ssl:sslsocket(), Packet::iolist()) -> ok | {error, atom()}
Send a packet on a socket.
See also: ssl:send/2.
setopts(Socket::ssl:sslsocket(), Opts::list()) -> ok | {error, atom()}
Set one or more options for a socket.
See also: ssl:setopts/2.
shutdown(Socket::ssl:sslsocket(), How::read | write | read_write) -> ok | {error, any()}
Immediately close a socket in one or two directions.
See also: ssl:shutdown/2.
sockname(Socket::ssl:sslsocket()) -> {ok, {inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()}} | {error, atom()}
Get the local address and port of a socket
See also: ssl:sockname/1.